Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

615 lines
18 KiB

Please select one of the items from the list below. Fields marked in red as required, in blue as optional.
<FORM name=launchAPI>
<SELECT name=selector onchange="flip()"><OPTION VALUE="-1">&lt;Choice one format&gt;</SELECT>
<TABLE id=idFields></TABLE>
<BUTTON onClick="button_convert();">Generate URL</BUTTON><BR><P>
<DIV style='font-size: 13pt' id=outputTxt></DIV>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function Generic_NewRow( obj, tbl )
var row;
row = tbl.insertRow();
row.PAYLOAD = obj;
return row;
function Generic_NewCell_Label( obj, row, label, fRight )
var cell;
cell = row.insertCell();
cell.align = "right";
cell.innerHTML = "<DIV NOWRAP>" + label + "</DIV>";
return cell;
function Generic_NewCell_Input( obj, row )
var cell;
cell = row.insertCell(); = "100%";
cell.innerHTML = "<INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE=80 STYLE='WIDTH: 100%'>";
return cell;
function Generic_NewDescription( obj, tbl )
var row;
var cell;
row = Generic_NewRow ( obj, tbl );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( obj, row, "" , false );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( obj, row, obj.description, false );
function Generic_NewSeparator( obj, tbl )
var row;
var cell;
row = tbl.insertRow();
row.PAYLOAD = obj;
cell = row.insertCell(); = "10px";
cell.colSpan = 2;
cell.innerHTML = "<hr>";
function Generic_SetColor( obj, elem )
{ = obj.fOptional ? "blue" : "red";
function TextButton( text, desc, opt )
this.type = "TEXT";
this.fOptional = opt;
this.tagINPUT = null;
this.label = text ? text : "";
this.description = desc ? desc : "";
this.Validate = function () { return true; };
this.GetValue = function () { return this.tagINPUT.value; };
this.Generate = TextButton_Generate;
function TextButton_Generate( tbl )
var row;
var cell;
Generic_NewSeparator( this, tbl );
row = Generic_NewRow ( this, tbl );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, this.label, true ); Generic_SetColor( this, cell );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Input( this, row ); this.tagINPUT = cell.all.tags("INPUT").item(0);
Generic_NewDescription( this, tbl );
function TaxonomyButton( text, desc, opt )
this.type = "TAXONOMY";
this.fOptional = opt;
this.tagINPUT = null;
this.label = text ? text : "";
this.description = desc ? desc : "";
this.Validate = TaxonomyButton_Validate;
this.GetValue = TaxonomyButton_GetValue;
this.Generate = TaxonomyButton_Generate;
function TaxonomyButton_Generate( tbl )
var html;
var row;
var cell;
Generic_NewSeparator( this, tbl );
row = Generic_NewRow ( this, tbl );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, this.label, true ); Generic_SetColor( this, cell );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Input( this, row ); this.tagINPUT = cell.all.tags("INPUT").item(0);
Generic_NewDescription( this, tbl );
function TaxonomyButton_Validate( fPopup )
var value = this.GetValue();
if(value == "" || value.match( / /ig ))
alert( "This is not a valid value for a taxonomy path" );
return false;
return true;
function TaxonomyButton_GetValue()
return this.tagINPUT.value;
function HyperLinkButton( text, desc, opt )
this.type = "HYPERLINK";
this.fOptional = opt;
this.tagUSECHM = null;
this.tagROW1 = null;
this.tagROW2 = null;
this.tagROW3 = null;
this.tagROW4 = null;
this.tagURL = null;
this.tagCHM = null;
this.tagPAGE = null;
this.label = text ? text : "";
this.description = desc ? desc : "";
this.Validate = HyperLinkButton_Validate;
this.GetValue = HyperLinkButton_GetValue;
this.Generate = HyperLinkButton_Generate;
function HyperLinkButton_Validate( fPopup )
if(this.tagCHM.value == "")
alert( "You must enter the CHM name" );
return false;
if(this.tagPAGE.value == "")
alert( "You must enter the page to display from the CHM" );
return false;
if(this.tagURL.value == "")
alert( "You must enter something for the URL" );
return false;
return true;
function HyperLinkButton_GetValue()
return "MS-ITS:%HELP_LOCATION%\\" + this.tagCHM.value + "::/" + this.tagPAGE.value;
return this.tagURL.value;
function HyperLinkButton_Generate( tbl )
var html;
var row;
var cell;
Generic_NewSeparator( this, tbl );
row = Generic_NewRow ( this, tbl ); this.tagROW1 = row;
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, this.label, true ); Generic_SetColor( this, cell );
cell = row.insertCell();
cell.innerHTML = "<INPUT type=checkbox id=idUSECHM onclick='HyperLinkButton_onClick();'><LABEL FOR=idUSECHM>Construct URL from CHM";
this.tagUSECHM = cell.all.tags("INPUT").item(0);
row = Generic_NewRow ( this, tbl ); this.tagROW2 = row;
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, "" , false );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Input( this, row ); this.tagURL = cell.all.tags("INPUT").item(0);
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, "&lt;&lt; Full URL", false );
row = Generic_NewRow ( this, tbl ); this.tagROW3 = row; = "none";
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, "" , false );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Input( this, row ); this.tagCHM = cell.all.tags("INPUT").item(0);
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, "&lt;&lt; CHM path", false );
row = Generic_NewRow ( this, tbl ); this.tagROW4 = row; = "none";
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, "" , false );
cell = Generic_NewCell_Input( this, row ); this.tagPAGE = cell.all.tags("INPUT").item(0);
cell = Generic_NewCell_Label( this, row, "&lt;&lt; Page inside the CHM", false );
Generic_NewDescription( this, tbl );
function HyperLinkButton_onClick()
var elem = event.srcElement;
while(elem && !elem.PAYLOAD)
elem = elem.parentElement;
var obj = elem.PAYLOAD;
{ = "none"; = ""; = "";
{ = ""; = "none"; = "none";
function UrlType( base, desc, arr )
this.base = base;
this.desc = desc;
this.arr = arr;
this.Generate = UrlType_Generate;
this.GetValue = UrlType_GetValue;
function UrlType_Generate( tbl )
var i;
Common_ClearTable( tbl );
for(i in this.arr)
var ptr = this.arr[i];
ptr[1].Generate( tbl );
g_SELECTED = this;
// When start button pressed:
function UrlType_GetValue()
var res = this.base;
var fSeen = false;
var i;
for(i in this.arr)
var ptr = this.arr[i];
var obj = ptr[1];
if(obj.fOptional == false && obj.Validate( true ) == false) return null;
for(i in this.arr)
var ptr = this.arr[i];
var txt = ptr[0];
var obj = ptr[1];
var value = obj.GetValue();
if(obj.fOptional && (obj.Validate( false ) == false || value == "")) continue;
if(txt == "")
res += obj.GetValue();
var esc = Common_EscapeURL( obj.GetValue() );
res += (fSeen ? "&" : "?"); fSeen = true;
res += txt + "=" + esc;
return res;
function Common_ClearTable( tbl )
if(tbl == null) return;
var i;
var lCount = tbl.rows.length;
for(i=0; i<lCount; i++)
function Common_UnescapeURL( url )
return unescape( url.replace( /\+/g , " " ) );
function Common_EscapeURL( url )
var esc;
esc = url;
esc = escape( esc );
esc = esc.replace( /\+/g , "%2B" );
esc = esc.replace( /\%20/g, "+" );
return esc;
function Common_DecodeQueryString( url )
var obj = new Object();
var pos;
var arr;
pos = url.indexOf( "?" );
if(pos == -1)
obj.url = url;
obj.query = {};
obj.query = {};
obj.url = url.substr( 0 , pos );
arr = url.substr( pos+1 ).split( "&" );
for(pos in arr)
var subarr = arr[pos].split( "=" );
obj.query[ Common_UnescapeURL( subarr[0] ) ] = Common_UnescapeURL( subarr[1] );
return obj;
function button_convert()
var res = g_SELECTED.GetValue();
if(res) outputTxt.innerText = res;
function flip()
var obj = event.srcElement;
var i = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex].value;
if(i != -1)
g_LIST[i].Generate( idFields );
outputTxt.innerText = "";
var g_CENTER_HOMEPAGE = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/homepage", "Center - HOMEPAGE", [ ] );
var g_CENTER_SUPPORT = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/support" , "Center - SUPPORT" , [ [ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Optional topic to display", null, true ) ] ] );
var g_CENTER_OPTIONS = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/options" , "Center - OPTIONS" , [ [ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Optional topic to display", null, true ) ] ] );
var g_CENTER_UPDATE = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/update" , "Center - UPDATE" , [ ] );
var g_CENTER_COMPAT = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/compat" , "Center - COMPAT" , [ ] );
var g_CENTER_TOOLS = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/tools" , "Center - TOOLS" , [ [ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Optional topic to display", null, true ) ] ] );
var g_CENTER_ERRMSG = new UrlType( "hcp://services/centers/errmsg" , "Center - ERRMSG" , [ ] );
var g_SEARCH = new UrlType( "hcp://services/search",
"Query" ,
[ "query", new TextButton( "Query", "i.e.: Modem", false ) ] // query=<text to look up>
] );
var g_INDEX = new UrlType( "hcp://services/index",
"Index" ,
[ "scope" , new TextButton ( "List of scope names" , "i.e.: &lt;SYSTEM&gt;" , true ) ], // scope=<optional island of help ID>
[ "select", new TextButton ( "Scope to display by default", "i.e.: Getting_Started/New_Features", true ) ], // select=<optional default scope>
[ "topic" , new HyperLinkButton( "Topic to display" , null , true ) ] // topic=<url of the topic to display>
] );
var g_SUBSITE = new UrlType( "hcp://services/subsite",
"Subsite" ,
[ "node" , new TaxonomyButton ( "Root of the subsite", "i.e.: Getting_Started" , false ) ], // node=<subsite location>
[ "topic" , new HyperLinkButton( "Topic to display" , null , true ) ], // topic=<url of the topic to display>
[ "select", new TaxonomyButton ( "Node to highlight" , "i.e.: Getting_Started/New_Features", true ) ] // select=<subnode to highlight>
] );
var g_LAYOUT_FULLWINDOW = new UrlType( "hcp://services/layout/fullwindow",
"Layout - FullWindow" ,
[ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Topic to display", null, false ) ] // topic=<url of the topic to display>
] );
var g_LAYOUT_CONTENTONLY = new UrlType( "hcp://services/layout/contentonly",
"Layout - Content Only" ,
[ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Topic to display", null, false ) ] // topic=<url of the topic to display>
] );
var g_LAYOUT_KIOSK = new UrlType( "hcp://services/layout/kiosk",
"Layout - Kiosk mode" ,
[ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Topic to display", null, false ) ] // topic=<url of the topic to display>
] );
var g_LAYOUT_XML = new UrlType( "hcp://services/layout/xml",
"Layout - XML definition",
[ "definition", new HyperLinkButton( "XML layout" , null, false ) ], // definition=<url of the layout definition>
[ "topic" , new HyperLinkButton( "Topic to display", null, true ) ] // topic=<url of the topic to display>
] );
var g_REDIRECT = new UrlType( "hcp://services/redirect",
"Offline redirection" ,
[ "online" , new HyperLinkButton( "Primary URL", "This is the URL to display when user is online", false ) ], // online=<url>
[ "offline", new HyperLinkButton( "Backup URL" , "This is the URL to display in case of failure" , false ) ] // offline=<backup url>
] );
var g_APPLICATION = new UrlType( "app:" ,
"Application Launch",
[ "" , new TextButton ( "Application to launch" , "i.e.: %WINDIR%\Notepad.exe" , false ) ], // <application to launch>
[ "arg" , new TextButton ( "Optional arguments" , null , true ) ], // arg=<optional arguments>
[ "topic", new HyperLinkButton( "Optional topic to display", "i.e.: hcp://system/blurbs/note.htm", true ) ] // topic=<url of the topic to display>
] );
g_SELECTED = null;
var g_LIST = [
for(var i in g_LIST)
var newElem = document.createElement( "OPTION" );
var obj = g_LIST[i];
newElem.text = obj.desc;
newElem.value = i;