Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
4.4 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// variables for localization
var L_Updating_Text = "Updating...";
var L_Updated_Text = "Updated: %DATE%";
var L_MoreNews_Text = "View more headlines";
//Center-specific loc strings for Connection.js.
var L_TopicIntroWU_Text = "Get the latest updates for your computer's operating system, software, and hardware. Windows Update scans your computer and provides you with a selection of updates tailored just for you.";
var L_TopicTitleWU_Text = "Windows Update";
var L_TopicIntroCompat_Text = "Compatible Hardware and Software is an informational service on the Microsoft Web site that helps you decide which programs and hardware will work best with your computer. New software and hardware compatibility status information is added to the site regularly, so you can always get the most recent information to protect your computer and keep it running smoothly.";
var L_TopicTitleCompat_Text = "Compatible Hardware and Software";
var L_TopicTitleErrMsg_Text = "Error and Event Log Messages";
function PopulateNews()
// check if the Headlines are enabled
{ = "";
idNews_Status.innerText = L_Updating_Text;
// get News
var stream = pchealth.UserSettings.News;
var dispstr = ""; // output buffer
var xmlNews = new ActiveXObject( "MSXML.DOMDocument" );
// load the headlines as XML
xmlNews.load( stream );
// Get the date
var Datestr = xmlNews.documentElement.getAttribute( "DATE" );
var Dt = new Date( new Number( Datestr ) );
var text = L_Updated_Text;
text = text.replace( /%DATE%/g, Dt.toLocaleDateString() );
idNews_Status.innerText = text;
// Get the first newsblock to display
var lstBlocks = xmlNews.getElementsByTagName("NEWSBLOCK");
var lstHeadlines = lstBlocks(0).getElementsByTagName("HEADLINE");
// display all the Headlines
dispstr += "<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0>";
while (Headline = lstHeadlines.nextNode)
var strTitle = pchealth.TextHelpers.HTMLEscape( Headline.getAttribute("TITLE") );
var strLink = Headline.getAttribute("LINK");
dispstr += "<TR style='padding-top : .5em' class='sys-font-body'><TD VALIGN=top><LI></TD><TD><A class='sys-link-homepage sys-font-body' HREF='" + strLink + "'>" + strTitle + "</A></TD></TR>";
dispstr += "</TABLE>";
// last bullet with link to headlines.htm
if(lstBlocks.length > 1)
dispstr += "<DIV id=idViewMore style='margin-top: 15px'><A class='sys-link-homepage sys-font-body' HREF='hcp://system/Headlines.htm'>" + L_MoreNews_Text + "</A></DIV>";
//display the headlines
idNews_Body.innerHTML = dispstr;
idNews_Status.innerText = ""; = "";
catch (e)
if(e.number == -2147024726)
window.setTimeout("PopulateNews()", 500);
catch (e)
if(e.number == -2147024726)
window.setTimeout( "PopulateNews()", 500 );
function OpenConnWizard()
var oShell = new ActiveXObject( "WScript.Shell" );
var sShellCmd_NCW = "rundll32 netshell.dll,StartNCW 0";
oShell.Run( sShellCmd_NCW );
catch( e ){ }
function SafeCenterConnect( linkid, center, title, intro )
var sURL = "" + linkid + "&mode=" + center + "&lcid=" + pchealth.UserSettings.CurrentSKU.Language;
pchealth.Connectivity.NavigateOnline( sURL, title, intro );