Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Constants
var c_szChatChannelID = "70";
var c_szControlChannelID = "71";
var c_szHomePage = "hcp://system/HomePage.htm";
var c_szRCCommand = "RCCOMMAND";
var c_szRCCommandName = "NAME";
var c_szScreenInfo = "SCREENINFO";
var c_szDisconnect = "DISCONNECT";
var c_szWidth = "WIDTH";
var c_szHeight = "HEIGHT";
var c_szColorDepth = "COLORDEPTH";
var c_szwinName = "Windows Remote Control Tool";
var c_szDisconnectRC = "DISCONNECTRC";
var L_COMPLETE = 4;
var c_szFileXfer = "FILEXFER";
var c_szFileName = "FILENAME";
var c_szFileSize = "FILESIZE";
var c_szChannelId = "CHANNELID";
var c_szRemoteCtrlStart = "REMOTECTRLSTART";
var c_szRemoteCtrlEnd = "REMOTECTRLEND";
var c_szRCMODE = "Connected in REMOTE CONTROL Mode";
var c_szCHATMODE = "Connected in CHAT Mode";
// Localizable contants
var L_cszExpertID = "\n Helper> ";
var L_cszUserID = "\n Helpee> ";
var L_ENDRC = "End Remote Control";
var L_STARTRC = "Start Remote Control";
var L_QUITSESSION = "Quit Session";
var L_CONNECT = "Connect";
var L_HIDECHAT = "Hide Chat Boxes";
var L_SHOWCHAT = "Show Chat Boxes";
var L_ConnectTo = "Connecting to remote computer";
var L_WaitingFor = "Waiting for response from ";
var L_ConnectionSuccess = "Help session established successfully";
// Messages
var L_CONNECTIONESTABLISHED_MSG = "Help session established successfully";
var L_ATTEMPTCONNECTION_MSG = "Attempting to connect...";
var L_ENABLERC_MSG = "Enabling Remote Control. \n Chat will no longer function";
var L_DISABLERC_MSG = "Disabling Remote Control.";
var L_DISCONNECTED_MSG = "Disconnected from User's machine";
var L_WAITFORHELPEE_MSG = "Waiting for response from ";
var L_RCSUCCESS_MSG = "Successfully completed Remote Control";
// Error Messages
var L_UNABLETOLOAD_MSG = "Unable to load incident";
var L_ERRLOADINGINCIDENT_MSG = "Error loading incident";
var L_ERRLOADINGUSERNAME_MSG = "Unable to load UserName from XML";
var L_ERRLOADINGRCTICKET_MSG = "Unable to load RCTicket from XML";
var L_ERRRDSCLIENT_MSG = "RDSClient object is null";
var L_ERRCONNECT_MSG = "Unable to Connect";
var L_ERRRDSCLIENTHOST_MSG = "Invalid RDSClientHost object";
var L_ERRLOADXMLFAIL_MSG = "Failed to Load XML for RCControl command sent from user";
var L_ERRPWD_MSG = "Invalid password. Renter the correct password";
var L_ERRRCTOGGLEFAILED_MSG = "Failed to Toggle between Remote Control and Chat Mode";