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Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the declaration of the class exposed as the "pchealth" object.
Revision History:
Ghim-Sim Chua (gschua) 07/23/99
Davide Massarenti (dmassare) 07/25/99
#include <MPC_COM.h>
#include <MPC_HTML2.h>
#include <marscore.h>
#include <Debug.h>
#include <ServiceProxy.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <HelpSession.h>
#include <Context.h>
#include <Behaviors.h>
#include <ConnectivityLib.h>
#include <HyperLinksLib.h>
#include <OfflineCache.h>
// From RDSHost.idl
#include <RDSHost.h>
// From RDCHost.idl
#include <RDCHost.h>
// From RDSChan.idl
#include <RDSChan.h>
// From SAFRDM.idl
#include <SAFRDM.h>
class CPCHHelpCenterExternal;
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPCHSecurityManager : // Hungarian: hcsm
public MPC::Thread<CPCHSecurityManager,IUnknown>,
public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel>,
public IServiceProvider,
public IInternetSecurityManager
CPCHHelpCenterExternal* m_parent;
bool m_fActivated;
HRESULT ActivateService();
void Initialize( /*[in]*/ CPCHHelpCenterExternal* parent );
// IServiceProvider
STDMETHOD(QueryService)( REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppv );
// IInternetSecurityManager
// The only two methods implemented are: MapUrlToZone and ProcessUrlAction.
STDMETHOD(SetSecuritySite)( /*[unique][in]*/ IInternetSecurityMgrSite* pSite ) { return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
STDMETHOD(GetSecuritySite)( /*[out] */ IInternetSecurityMgrSite* *ppSite ) { return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
STDMETHOD(MapUrlToZone )( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl ,
/*[out]*/ DWORD *pdwZone ,
/*[in] */ DWORD dwFlags );
STDMETHOD(GetSecurityId)( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl ,
/*[out] */ BYTE *pbSecurityId ,
/*[in/out]*/ DWORD *pcbSecurityId,
/*[in] */ DWORD_PTR dwReserved ) { return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
STDMETHOD(ProcessUrlAction)( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl ,
/*[in] */ DWORD dwAction ,
/*[out]*/ BYTE *pPolicy ,
/*[in] */ DWORD cbPolicy ,
/*[in] */ BYTE *pContext ,
/*[in] */ DWORD cbContext ,
/*[in] */ DWORD dwFlags ,
/*[in] */ DWORD dwReserved );
STDMETHOD(QueryCustomPolicy)( /*[in] */ LPCWSTR pwszUrl ,
/*[in] */ REFGUID guidKey ,
/*[out]*/ BYTE* *ppPolicy ,
/*[out]*/ DWORD *pcbPolicy ,
/*[in] */ BYTE* pContext ,
/*[in] */ DWORD cbContext ,
/*[in] */ DWORD dwReserved ) { return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
STDMETHOD(SetZoneMapping )( /*[in]*/ DWORD dwZone ,
/*[in]*/ LPCWSTR lpszPattern ,
/*[in]*/ DWORD dwFlags ) { return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
STDMETHOD(GetZoneMappings)( /*[in] */ DWORD dwZone ,
/*[out]*/ IEnumString* *ppenumString,
/*[in] */ DWORD dwFlags ) { return INET_E_DEFAULT_ACTION; }
bool IsUrlTrusted( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pwszURL, /*[in]*/ bool *pfSystem = NULL );
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPCHHelper_IDocHostUIHandler :
public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel>,
public IServiceProvider,
public IDocHostUIHandler
CPCHHelpCenterExternal* m_parent;
void Initialize( /*[in]*/ CPCHHelpCenterExternal* parent );
// IServiceProvider
STDMETHOD(QueryService)( REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppv );
// IDocHostUIHandler
STDMETHOD(ShowContextMenu)( DWORD dwID, POINT* pptPosition, IUnknown* pCommandTarget, IDispatch* pDispatchObjectHit );
STDMETHOD(ShowUI)(DWORD dwID, IOleInPlaceActiveObject* pActiveObject, IOleCommandTarget* pCommandTarget, IOleInPlaceFrame* pFrame, IOleInPlaceUIWindow* pDoc);
STDMETHOD(EnableModeless)(BOOL fEnable);
STDMETHOD(OnDocWindowActivate)(BOOL fActivate);
STDMETHOD(OnFrameWindowActivate)(BOOL fActivate);
STDMETHOD(ResizeBorder)(LPCRECT prcBorder, IOleInPlaceUIWindow* pUIWindow, BOOL fFrameWindow);
STDMETHOD(TranslateAccelerator)(LPMSG lpMsg, const GUID* pguidCmdGroup, DWORD nCmdID);
STDMETHOD(GetOptionKeyPath)(BSTR* pbstrKey, DWORD dwReserved);
STDMETHOD(GetDropTarget)(IDropTarget* pDropTarget, IDropTarget** ppDropTarget);
STDMETHOD(GetExternal)(IDispatch** ppDispatch);
STDMETHOD(TranslateUrl)(DWORD dwTranslate, OLECHAR* pchURLIn, OLECHAR** ppchURLOut);
STDMETHOD(FilterDataObject)(IDataObject* pDO, IDataObject** ppDORet);
IPCHHelpCenterExternalPrivate : public IUnknown
STDMETHOD(RegisterForMessages)( /*[in]*/ IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless* ptr, /*[in]*/ bool fRemove );
STDMETHOD(ProcessMessage)( /*[in]*/ MSG* msg );
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPCHHelpCenterExternal :
public CComObjectRootEx<MPC::CComSafeMultiThreadModel>,
public MPC::IDispatchExImpl<IPCHHelpCenterExternal, &IID_IPCHHelpCenterExternal, &LIBID_HelpCenterTypeLib>,
public IPCHHelpCenterExternalPrivate
typedef enum
} DelayedExecutionMode;
struct DelayedExecution
DelayedExecutionMode mode;
HscContext iVal;
CComBSTR bstrInfo;
bool fAlsoContent;
typedef std::list<DelayedExecution> DelayedExecList;
typedef DelayedExecList::iterator DelayedExecIter;
typedef DelayedExecList::const_iterator DelayedExecIterConst;
typedef std::list<IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless*> MsgProcList;
typedef MsgProcList::iterator MsgProcIter;
typedef MsgProcList::const_iterator MsgProcIterConst;
class TLS
bool m_fTrusted;
bool m_fSystem;
CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> m_Doc;
CComPtr<IWebBrowser2> m_WB;
m_fTrusted = false;
m_fSystem = false;
bool m_fFromStartHelp;
bool m_fLayout;
bool m_fWindowVisible;
bool m_fControlled;
bool m_fPersistSettings;
bool m_fHidden;
CComBSTR m_bstrExtraArgument;
HelpHost::XMLConfig* m_HelpHostCfg;
CComBSTR m_bstrStartURL;
CComBSTR m_bstrCurrentPlace;
MPC::CComConstantHolder m_constHELPCTR;
MPC::CComConstantHolder m_constHELPSVC;
CPCHSecurityHandle m_SecurityHandle;
DWORD m_tlsID;
bool m_fShuttingDown;
bool m_fPassivated;
CComPtr<HelpHost::Main> m_HelpHost;
CComPtr<CPCHHelpSession> m_hs;
CComPtr<CPCHSecurityManager> m_SECMGR;
CComPtr<CPCHElementBehaviorFactory> m_BEHAV;
CComPtr<CPCHHelper_IDocHostUIHandler> m_DOCUI;
CPCHProxy_IPCHService* m_Service;
CPCHProxy_IPCHUtility* m_Utility;
CPCHProxy_IPCHUserSettings2* m_UserSettings;
CComPtr<CPCHTextHelpers> m_TextHelpers;
// Unfortunately, up to now IMarsPanel is not a registered interface, so no proxy available.
DWORD m_panel_ThreadID;
CComPtr<IMarsPanel> m_panel_NAVBAR;
CComPtr<IMarsPanel> m_panel_MININAVBAR;
CComPtr<IMarsPanel> m_panel_CONTEXT;
MPC::CComPtrThreadNeutral<IWebBrowser2> m_panel_CONTEXT_WebBrowser;
CPCHWebBrowserEvents m_panel_CONTEXT_Events;
CComPtr<IMarsPanel> m_panel_CONTENTS;
MPC::CComPtrThreadNeutral<IWebBrowser2> m_panel_CONTENTS_WebBrowser;
CPCHWebBrowserEvents m_panel_CONTENTS_Events;
CComPtr<IMarsPanel> m_panel_HHWINDOW;
CComPtr<IPCHHelpViewerWrapper> m_panel_HHWINDOW_Wrapper;
MPC::CComPtrThreadNeutral<IWebBrowser2> m_panel_HHWINDOW_WebBrowser;
CPCHWebBrowserEvents m_panel_HHWINDOW_Events;
CComPtr<IMarsWindowOM> m_shell;
CComPtr<ITimer> m_timer;
CPCHTimerHandle m_DisplayTimer;
DWORD m_dwInBeforeNavigate;
DelayedExecList m_DelayedActions;
CPCHTimerHandle m_ActionsTimer;
HWND m_hwnd;
CPCHEvents m_Events;
MsgProcList m_lstMessageCrackers;
void Passivate();
HRESULT TimerCallback_DisplayNormal ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT );
HRESULT TimerCallback_DisplayHTMLHELP( /*[in]*/ VARIANT );
HRESULT TimerCallback_DelayedActions ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT );
DelayedExecution& DelayedExecutionAlloc();
HRESULT DelayedExecutionStart();
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IDispatch, IDispatchEx)
virtual ~CPCHHelpCenterExternal();
static CPCHHelpCenterExternal* s_GLOBAL;
static HRESULT InitializeSystem();
static void FinalizeSystem ();
bool IsServiceRunning();
bool IsFromStartHelp () { return m_fFromStartHelp; }
bool HasLayoutDefinition() { return m_fLayout; }
bool CanDisplayWindow () { return m_fWindowVisible; }
bool IsControlled () { return m_fControlled; }
bool DoesPersistSettings() { return m_fPersistSettings; }
bool IsHidden () { return m_fHidden; }
HRESULT Initialize();
bool ProcessNavigation( /*[in]*/ HscPanel idPanel, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrURL, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFrame, /*[in]*/ bool fLoading, /*[in/out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL& Cancel );
TLS* GetTLS( );
void SetTLS( TLS* tls );
HRESULT SetTLSAndInvoke( /*[in] */ IDispatch* obj ,
/*[in] */ DISPID id ,
/*[in] */ LCID lcid ,
/*[in] */ WORD wFlags ,
/*[in] */ DISPPARAMS* pdp ,
/*[out]*/ VARIANT* pvarRes ,
/*[out]*/ EXCEPINFO* pei ,
/*[in] */ IServiceProvider* pspCaller );
HRESULT IsTrusted();
HRESULT IsSystem ();
HWND Window ( ) const;
ITimer* Timer ( ) const;
IMarsWindowOM* Shell ( ) const;
IMarsPanel* Panel ( /*[in]*/ HscPanel id ) const;
LPCWSTR PanelName ( /*[in]*/ HscPanel id ) const;
IWebBrowser2* Context ( );
IWebBrowser2* Contents ( );
IWebBrowser2* HHWindow ( );
HelpHost::Main* HelpHost ( ) { return m_HelpHost; }
CPCHHelpSession* HelpSession ( ) { return m_hs ; }
CPCHSecurityManager* SecurityManager ( ) { return m_SECMGR ; }
CPCHElementBehaviorFactory* BehaviorFactory ( ) { return m_BEHAV ; }
CPCHHelper_IDocHostUIHandler* DocHostUIHandler( ) { return m_DOCUI ; }
CPCHEvents& Events ( ) { return m_Events ; }
bool IsHHWindowVisible();
CPCHProxy_IPCHService* Service () { return m_Service; }
CPCHProxy_IPCHUtility* Utility () { return m_Utility; }
CPCHProxy_IPCHUserSettings2* UserSettings() { return m_UserSettings; }
HRESULT NavigateHH ( /*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szURL );
HRESULT SetPanelUrl ( /*[in]*/ HscPanel id, /*[in ]*/ LPCWSTR szURL );
HRESULT GetPanel ( /*[in]*/ HscPanel id, /*[out]*/ IMarsPanel* *pVal, /*[in]*/ bool fEnsurePresence = false );
HRESULT GetPanelWindowObject( /*[in]*/ HscPanel id, /*[out]*/ IHTMLWindow2* *pVal, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szFrame = NULL );
void GetPanelDirect( /*[in]*/ HscPanel id, /*[out]*/ CComPtr<IMarsPanel>& pVal );
HRESULT ProcessLayoutXML( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szURL );
HRESULT ProcessArgument( /*[in]*/ int& pos, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szArg, /*[in]*/ const int argc, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR* const argv );
bool DoWeNeedUI( );
HRESULT RunUI ( /*[in]*/ const MPC::wstring& szTitle, /*[in]*/ PFNMARSTHREADPROC pMarsThreadProc );
HRESULT OnHostNotify ( /*[in]*/ MARSHOSTEVENT event, /*[in]*/ IUnknown *punk, /*[in]*/ LPARAM lParam );
HRESULT PreTranslateMessage( /*[in]*/ MSG* msg );
HRESULT SetHelpViewer( /*[in]*/ IPCHHelpViewerWrapper* pWrapper );
HRESULT CreateScriptWrapper( /*[in]*/ REFCLSID rclsid, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrCode, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrURL, /*[out]*/ IUnknown* *ppObj );
HRESULT RequestShutdown();
HRESULT CallFunctionOnPanel( /*[in] */ HscPanel id ,
/*[in] */ LPCWSTR szFrame ,
/*[in] */ BSTR bstrName ,
/*[in] */ VARIANT* pvarParams ,
/*[in] */ int nParams ,
/*[out]*/ VARIANT* pvarRet = NULL );
HRESULT ReadVariableFromPanel( /*[in] */ HscPanel id ,
/*[in] */ LPCWSTR szFrame ,
/*[in] */ BSTR bstrVariable ,
/*[out]*/ CComVariant& varRet );
HRESULT ChangeContext( /*[in]*/ HscContext iVal, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInfo = NULL, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrURL = NULL, /*[in]*/ bool fAlsoContent = true );
HRESULT SetCorrectContentView ( /*[in]*/ bool fShrinked );
HRESULT SetCorrectContentPanel( /*[in]*/ bool fShowNormal, /*[in]*/ bool fShowHTMLHELP, /*[in]*/ bool fNow );
HRESULT RefreshLayout ( );
HRESULT EnsurePlace ( );
HRESULT TransitionToPlace( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szMode );
HRESULT ExtendNavigation();
// IDispatch
LPOLESTR* rgszNames ,
UINT cNames ,
LCID lcid ,
DISPID* rgdispid );
STDMETHOD(Invoke)( DISPID dispidMember ,
REFIID riid ,
LCID lcid ,
WORD wFlags ,
DISPPARAMS* pdispparams ,
VARIANT* pvarResult ,
EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo ,
UINT* puArgErr );
// IPCHHelpCenterExternal
STDMETHOD(get_HelpSession )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHHelpSession* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_Channels )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFReg* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_UserSettings )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHUserSettings2* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_Security )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHSecurity* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_Connectivity )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHConnectivity* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_Database )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHTaxonomyDatabase* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_TextHelpers )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHTextHelpers* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_ExtraArgument )( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_HelpViewer )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
HRESULT get_UI_Panel ( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal, /*[in]*/ HscPanel id ); // Internal method.
STDMETHOD(get_UI_NavBar )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_UI_MiniNavBar )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_UI_Context )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_UI_Contents )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_UI_HHWindow )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
HRESULT get_WEB_Panel ( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal, /*[in]*/ HscPanel id ); // Internal method.
STDMETHOD(get_WEB_Context )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_WEB_Contents )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(get_WEB_HHWindow )( /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *pVal );
STDMETHOD(RegisterEvents )( /*[in]*/ BSTR id, /*[in]*/ long pri, /*[in]*/ IDispatch* function, /*[out,retval]*/ long *cookie );
STDMETHOD(UnregisterEvents)( /*[in]*/ long cookie );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_SearchEngineMgr )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHSEManager* *ppSE );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_DataCollection )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFDataCollection* *ppDC );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_Cabinet )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFCabinet* *ppCB );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_Channel )( /*[in ]*/ BSTR bstrVendorID ,
/*[in ]*/ BSTR bstrProductID ,
/*[out, retval]*/ ISAFChannel* *ppCh );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_Incident )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFIncident* *ppIn );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_Encryption )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFEncrypt* *ppEn );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_RemoteDesktopSession )(
/*[in ]*/ long lTimeout ,
/*[in ]*/ BSTR bstrConnectionParms ,
/*[in ]*/ BSTR bstrUserHelpBlob ,
/*[out, retval]*/ ISAFRemoteDesktopSession* *ppRCS );
STDMETHOD(ConnectToExpert )( /* [in] */ BSTR bstrExpertConnectParm,
/* [in] */ LONG lTimeout,
/* [retval][out] */ LONG *lSafErrorCode);
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFRemoteDesktopManager* *ppRDM );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_RemoteDesktopConnection)( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFRemoteDesktopConnection* *ppRDC );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_IntercomClient )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFIntercomClient* *ppI );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_IntercomServer )( /*[out, retval]*/ ISAFIntercomServer* *ppI );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_ContextMenu )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHContextMenu* *ppCM );
STDMETHOD(CreateObject_PrintEngine )( /*[out, retval]*/ IPCHPrintEngine* *ppPE );
STDMETHOD(OpenFileAsStream )( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFilename, /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *stream );
STDMETHOD(CreateFileAsStream)( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFilename, /*[out, retval]*/ IUnknown* *stream );
STDMETHOD(CopyStreamToFile )( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFilename, /*[in] */ IUnknown* stream );
STDMETHOD(NetworkAlive )( /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
STDMETHOD(DestinationReachable)( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrURL, /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
STDMETHOD(FormatError)( /*[in]*/ VARIANT vError, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal );
HRESULT RegInit ( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrKey, /*[in]*/ bool fRead, /*[out]*/ MPC::RegKey& rk, /*[out]*/ MPC::wstring& strValue ); // Internal method.
STDMETHOD(RegRead )( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrKey, /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT *pVal );
STDMETHOD(RegWrite )( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrKey, /*[in ]*/ VARIANT newVal, /*[in,optional]*/ VARIANT vKind );
STDMETHOD(RegDelete)( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrKey );
STDMETHOD(Print)( /*[in]*/ VARIANT window, /*[in]*/ VARIANT_BOOL fEvent, /*[out, retval]*/ VARIANT_BOOL *pVal );
STDMETHOD(HighlightWords)( /*[in]*/ VARIANT window, /*[in]*/ VARIANT words );
STDMETHOD(MessageBox )( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrText , /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrKind , /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal );
STDMETHOD(SelectFolder)( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrTitle, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrDefault, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal );
// IPCHHelpCenterExternalPrivate
STDMETHOD(RegisterForMessages)( /*[in]*/ IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless* ptr, /*[in]*/ bool fRemove );
STDMETHOD(ProcessMessage)( /*[in]*/ MSG* msg );
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CPCHContextMenu :
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public IDispatchImpl<IPCHContextMenu, &IID_IPCHContextMenu, &LIBID_HelpCenterTypeLib>
struct Entry
CComBSTR bstrText;
CComBSTR bstrID;
int iID;
UINT uFlags;
typedef std::list<Entry> List;
typedef List::iterator Iter;
typedef List::const_iterator IterConst;
CPCHHelpCenterExternal* m_parent;
List m_lstItems;
int m_iLastItem;
virtual ~CPCHContextMenu();
void Initialize( /*[in]*/ CPCHHelpCenterExternal* parent );
// IPCHContextMenu
STDMETHOD(AddItem )( /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrText, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrID, /*[in, optional]*/ VARIANT vFlags );
STDMETHOD(AddSeparator)( );
STDMETHOD(Display )( /*[out,retval]*/ BSTR *pVal );
#endif // !defined(__INCLUDED___PCH___HELPCENTEREXTERNAL_H___)