Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1351 lines
55 KiB

// Copyright (c)2000 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "bvt.h"
// Common functional units used among tests
void LogTestBeginning(int nWhich, BOOL fSuppress)
CHString sBuffer;
if( !fSuppress )
gp_LogFile->LogError(__FILE__,__LINE__,SUCCESS, L"**************************** Running Test# %d ", nWhich );
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(L"DESCRIPTION",sBuffer, nWhich) )
gp_LogFile->LogError(__FILE__,__LINE__,SUCCESS, L"%s ", sBuffer );
void LogTestEnding(int nWhich,int nRc, BOOL fSuppress)
if( !fSuppress )
gp_LogFile->LogError(__FILE__,__LINE__,nRc, L"**************************** Ending Test# %d\n", nWhich );
int RunRequestedTests(int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompareResults)
int nRc = SUCCESS;
// Get the list of tests to run
CHString sTests;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(L"RUNTESTS", sTests, nWhichTest))
ItemList TestList;
// Get the list of the tests to be run
if( InitMasterList(sTests,TestList))
for( int i = 0; i < TestList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * p = TestList.GetAt(i);
if( _wcsicmp(L"Empty",p->Item ) == 0 )
int nTest = _wtoi(p->Item);
nRc = RunTests(nTest,fCompareResults,TRUE);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int RunRequestedTestsAndOpenNamespace(int nWhichTest, CHString & sNamespace, IWbemServices ** ppNamespace, BOOL fCompareResults)
// Run the requested tests
int nRc = RunRequestedTests(nWhichTest, fCompareResults);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Get the name of the test namespace that was created
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(L"NAMESPACE",sNamespace,nWhichTest))
// ==================================================
// Open the namespace
// ==================================================
nRc = OpenNamespaceAndKeepOpen( ppNamespace, sNamespace,TRUE,fCompareResults);
return nRc;
int OpenNamespaceAndKeepOpen( IWbemServices ** ppNamespace, const WCHAR * wcsNamespace, BOOL fCreateIfDoesntExist, BOOL fCompareResults)
// Open CIMV2 namespace
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
IWbemLocator * pLocator = NULL;
// =====================================================================
// Get the locator
// =====================================================================
nRc = CoCreateInstanceAndLogErrors(CLSID_WbemLocator,IID_IWbemLocator,(void**)&pLocator,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// =================================================================
// Connect to the desired namespace
// =================================================================
nRc = ConnectServerAndLogErrors(pLocator,ppNamespace,(WCHAR*)wcsNamespace,ERRORS_CAN_BE_EXPECTED);
if( (SUCCESS != nRc ) && ( fCreateIfDoesntExist ))
nRc = CreateNewTestNamespace(fCompareResults,TRUE);
if( nRc == S_OK )
nRc = ConnectServerAndLogErrors(pLocator,ppNamespace,(WCHAR*)wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
// =====================================================================
// Release the pointers
// =====================================================================
return nRc;
int WritePropertiesAndQualifiers( IWbemServices * pNamespace, IWbemClassObject * pClass, CPropertyList & Props,
const WCHAR * wcsClass, DWORD dwFlags,
WCHAR * wcsNamespace, BOOL fExpectedFailure, const char * csFile , const ULONG Line )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
if( Props.Size() == 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < Props.Size(); i++ )
// Get the property info
PropertyInfo *p = Props.GetAt(i);
if( !p )
if( wcslen(p->QualifierName) > 0 )
// If it is a qualifier, write the qualifier
nRc = PutQualifierOnPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, p->Property, p->QualifierName ,
p->Var, wcsClass, dwFlags, wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure,
csFile , Line );
// Write out the property
if( nTmp == p->Type)
SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
long ix[1];
rgsabound[0].cElements = 1;
rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
saStr = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, rgsabound);
ix[0] = 0;
SafeArrayPutElement( saStr,ix, p->Var.GetStr());
vVar.SetArray( saStr,VT_BSTR | VT_ARRAY);
nRc = PutPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, p->Property, p->Type, vVar, wcsClass, 0,wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure, csFile , Line );
nRc = PutPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, p->Property, p->Type, p->Var, wcsClass, 0,wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure, csFile , Line );
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int CreateClassAndLogErrors( IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsClassDefinition,
WCHAR * wcsNamespace, BOOL fExpectedFailure, const char * csFile , const ULONG Line )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL;
CHString sParentClass;
CHString sInstance;
CHString sClass;
CPropertyList Properties; // destructor will release
int nResults = 0;
// Get the class definition
nRc = CrackClass(wcsClassDefinition, sClass, sParentClass, sInstance, Properties, nResults,
fExpectedFailure, csFile, Line );
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( wcslen(sParentClass) > 0 )
// =================================================================
// Spawn a class from the parent
// =================================================================
IWbemClassObject * pParentClass = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, WPTR sParentClass, &pParentClass, wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure, csFile , Line );
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
nRc = SpawnDerivedClassAndLogErrors(pParentClass,WPTR sParentClass, &pClass,wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure, csFile , Line );
// =================================================================
// Get an empty class object to work with
// =================================================================
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, NULL, &pClass, wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure, csFile , Line );
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
// Now, set the properties of the class
// start with the name of the class
var.SetStr(WPTR sClass);
nRc = PutPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, L"__CLASS", CIM_STRING, var, sClass, 0,wcsNamespace, fExpectedFailure, csFile , Line );
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Set the rest of the properties
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
nRc = WritePropertiesAndQualifiers(pNamespace, pClass, Properties,sClass,dwFlags,wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
// Now, create the class
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
nRc = PutClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace, pClass,sClass,wcsNamespace, TRUE, csFile , Line );
return nRc;
int CreateClassesForSpecificTest( IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace, WCHAR * wcsSection, int nTest)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
CHString sItemList;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(wcsSection,sItemList,nTest))
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the classes to be created
if( InitMasterList(sItemList,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * p = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sItemInformation;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(p->Item,sItemInformation,nTest) )
// Add the keys and properties
nRc = CreateClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*) sItemInformation), wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int DeleteClasses(CHString & sDeleteClasses, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompareResults, IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the classes to be deleted
if( InitAndExpandMasterList(sDeleteClasses,nWhichTest, MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pClass = MasterList.GetAt(i);
nRc = DeleteClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace, pClass->Item, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
if( fCompareResults )
// Try to see if there are any instances
// of the deleted class
IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL;
nRc = EnumerateInstancesAndLogErrors( pNamespace,&pEnum,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)pClass->Item),
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = NextClassAndLogErrors( pEnum, &pClass, wcsNamespace, ERRORS_CAN_BE_EXPECTED );
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int CompareProperties(IWbemClassObject * pClass, CPropertyList * pProps, DWORD dwFlags, WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
// Begin enumerating the properties
nRc = EnumeratePropertiesAndLogErrors( pClass, dwFlags, wcsClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == S_OK )
// Now, see if the properties in the instance or
// class are the same as we think we have
CVARIANT vProperty;
LONG lType = 0;
LONG lFlavor = 0;
CBSTR bstrProp;
// Get the name of the class
nRc = NextPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass,(BSTR*) &bstrProp, &vProperty, &lType, &lFlavor, wcsClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( nRc == NO_MORE_DATA )
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
PropertyInfo p;
p.Property = bstrProp;
p.Type = lType;
p.Var = vProperty;
vProperty.Unbind(); // THIS SHOULD BE OK !!!!
nRc = pProps->PropertyInListAndLogErrors(&p,wcsClass,wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS != nRc )
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
// Go through the master list and see if there are
// any properties we expect to be there but we didn't
// get during the enumeration
nRc = pProps->PropertiesCompareAsExpectedAndLogErrors(wcsClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
return nRc;
int GetInstanceAndCompare( IWbemServices * pNamespace, DWORD dwFlags, CHString & sInstanceList,
int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompareResults, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
// Get the list of the classes to get instances for
ItemList InstanceList;
if( InitMasterList(sInstanceList,InstanceList))
for( int i=0; i < InstanceList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * p = InstanceList.GetAt(i);
// Get the specific instance information
CHString sItemInformation;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(p->Item,sItemInformation,nWhichTest) )
CHString sParentClass;
CHString sInstance;
CHString sClass;
CPropertyList Properties; // destructor will release
int nResults = -1;
// Get the instance information that we added
nRc = CrackClass((WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sItemInformation),sClass, sParentClass, sInstance, Properties,
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Get the instance we added
IWbemClassObject * pInst = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors( pNamespace, (WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sInstance),
&pInst, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
if( fCompareResults )
nRc = CompareProperties(pInst, &Properties, dwFlags, (WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)p->Item), wcsNamespace);
return nRc;
int EnumerateClassesAndCompare(CHString & sClassesAfterDelete, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompareResults,
IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL;
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
// Begin enumerating all of the classes in the namespace
nRc = EnumerateClassesAndLogErrors(pNamespace,&pEnum, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY|WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY , NULL, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == S_OK )
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the classes to compare with what is
// in the namespace
if( InitAndExpandMasterList(sClassesAfterDelete,nWhichTest,MasterList))
// while we get the classes in the namespace
while( TRUE )
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = NextClassAndLogErrors(pEnum, &pClass,wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == NO_MORE_DATA )
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
CVARIANT vProperty;
CIMTYPE pType = 0;
LONG lFlavor = 0;
// Get the name of the class
nRc = GetPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, L"__CLASS", &vProperty, &pType, &lFlavor, NULL,wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == S_OK )
// filter out system classes
if( wcsncmp( vProperty.GetStr(), L"__", 2 ) != 0 )
// Compare the class name with what we expect
// and make sure we haven't already compared it
// before, if it isn't in the list, then error
// out, we have a big problem
nRc = MasterList.ItemInListAndLogErrors(vProperty.GetStr(),wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( fCompareResults )
// Go through the master list and see if there are
// any classes we expect to be there but we didn't
// get during the enumeration
nRc = MasterList.ItemsCompareAsExpectedAndLogErrors(wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
return nRc;
int EnumerateInstancesAndCompare( CHString & sInstances, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompareResults,
IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the classes to compare with what is
// in the namespace
if( InitMasterList(sInstances,MasterList))
for( int i=0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * p = MasterList.GetAt(i);
// Get the specific instance information
CHString sItemInformation;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(p->Item,sItemInformation,nWhichTest) )
CHString sParentClass;
CHString sInstance;
CHString sClass;
CPropertyList Properties; // destructor will release
int nResults = -1;
// Get the instance information that we added
nRc = CrackClass( WPTR sItemInformation,sClass, sParentClass, sInstance, Properties, nResults, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Get the instance we added
IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL;
nRc = EnumerateInstancesAndLogErrors( pNamespace,&pEnum,WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
if( fCompareResults )
nRc = CompareResultsFromEnumeration(pEnum, nResults, WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace);
return nRc;
int AddClasses(CHString & sAddClasses, IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace, int nWhichTest)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
int nDefinitionSection = 0;
CHString sClassDef;
nRc = GetClassDefinitionSection(nWhichTest, sClassDef, nDefinitionSection );
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Get the list of the classes to be added
if( InitMasterList(sAddClasses,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pClass = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sClassDefinition;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pClass->Item, sClassDefinition,nDefinitionSection))
nRc = CreateClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace, (WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sClassDefinition), wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int DeleteAndAddClasses(CHString & sDeleteAddClasses, IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace, int nWhichTest)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
int nDefinitionSection = 0;
CHString sClassDef;
nRc = GetClassDefinitionSection(nWhichTest, sClassDef, nDefinitionSection );
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Get the list of the classes to be added & deleted
if( InitMasterListOfAddDeleteClasses(sDeleteAddClasses,nWhichTest, MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pClass = MasterList.GetAt(i);
if( pClass->fAction == DELETE_CLASS )
nRc = DeleteClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace, pClass->Item, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
ItemInfo * pClass = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sClassDefinition;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pClass->KeyName, sClassDefinition, nDefinitionSection))
nRc = CreateClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*) sClassDefinition), wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int GetSpecificObjects(CHString & sObjects, IWbemServices * pNamespace, int nWhichTest,WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the classes to be deleted
if( InitMasterList(sObjects,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pItemInfo = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sObjectPath;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pItemInfo->Item, sObjectPath, nWhichTest))
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace,(WCHAR*)(const WCHAR*) sObjectPath, &pClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int CreateInstance(IWbemServices * pNamespace,WCHAR * wcsInstanceInfo, WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
IWbemClassObject *pInst = NULL;
CHString sParentClass;
CHString sInstance;
CHString sClass;
CPropertyList Properties; // destructor will release
int nResults = 0;
// Get the class definition
nRc = CrackClass(wcsInstanceInfo,sClass,sParentClass,sInstance,Properties,nResults, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Get the class definition
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sClass),&pClass,wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Spawn a new instance of this class.
nRc = SpawnInstanceAndLogErrors(pClass,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sClass),&pInst,wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Set the Properties
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
nRc = WritePropertiesAndQualifiers(pNamespace, pInst, Properties,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sClass),
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Create the new instance
nRc = PutInstanceAndLogErrors(pNamespace, pInst,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sClass),wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
return nRc;
int CreateInstances(IWbemServices * pNamespace, CHString & sInstances, WCHAR * wcsNamespace, int nClassDefinitionSection )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the instances to be created
if( InitMasterList(sInstances,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
CHString sItemInformation;
ItemInfo * pItemInfo = MasterList.GetAt(i);
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(pItemInfo->Item,sItemInformation,nClassDefinitionSection) )
nRc = CreateInstance(pNamespace,(WCHAR*)((const WCHAR*)sItemInformation),wcsNamespace);
return nRc;
int CreateInstancesForSpecificTest(IWbemServices * pNamespace,WCHAR * wcsNamespace,WCHAR * wcsSection, int nTest,
BOOL fCompare)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
// =============================================================
// Get the list of classes to get instances for
// =============================================================
CHString sInstanceList;
int nWhichTest = 0;
CHString sClassDef;
nRc = GetClassDefinitionSection(nTest, sClassDef, nWhichTest );
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(wcsSection, sInstanceList, nTest ) )
// =========================================================
// Create the instances in the namespace
// =========================================================
nRc = CreateInstances(pNamespace, sInstanceList, wcsNamespace, nWhichTest);
if( SUCCESS == nRc && fCompare )
// =========================================================
// Get the enumeration flags
// =========================================================
ItemList FlagList;
nRc = GetFlags(nWhichTest, FlagList);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
for( int i = 0; i < FlagList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * p = FlagList.GetAt(i);
// =====================================================
// Make sure those instances are in the namespace
// =====================================================
nRc = GetInstanceAndCompare(pNamespace, p->dwFlags, sInstanceList,nWhichTest,fCompare, wcsNamespace);
return nRc;
int DeleteInstancesAndCompareResults(CHString & sDeleteInstances, int nWhichTest,IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the instances to be deleted
if( InitMasterList(sDeleteInstances,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pClass = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sInstance;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest(pClass->Item, sInstance, nWhichTest ) )
nRc = DeleteInstanceAndLogErrors(pNamespace,(WCHAR*)(const WCHAR*)sInstance , wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
IWbemClassObject * pInst = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors( pNamespace,pClass->Item, &pInst, wcsNamespace, ERRORS_CAN_BE_EXPECTED );
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int CreateAssociationAndLogErrors( IWbemServices * pNamespace, const WCHAR * wcsKey, WCHAR * wcsClassDefinition,
WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
IWbemClassObject *pClass = NULL;
// Get the association definition
CPropertyList Props;
CHString sClass;
int nResults = 0;
int nRc = CrackAssociation( wcsClassDefinition, sClass, Props, nResults,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
// =================================================================
// Get an empty class object to work with
// =================================================================
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, NULL, &pClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
// Write out the name of the association
v.SetStr(WPTR sClass);
nRc = PutPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, L"__CLASS",CIM_STRING, v,WPTR sClass, dwFlags, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
// Make the class an association
nRc = PutQualifierOnClassAndLogErrors( pClass, L"Association",&Var,WPTR sClass,dwFlags, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
// Now, create the association endpoints
nRc = WritePropertiesAndQualifiers(pNamespace, pClass, Props,WPTR sClass,dwFlags,wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
// Now, create the association class
nRc = PutClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace, pClass,WPTR sClass,wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
return nRc;
int CompareResultsFromEnumeration(IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum, int nExpectedResults, WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsNamespace)
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
int nNumber = 0;
ULONG ulNumber = 0;
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = NextClassAndLogErrors( pEnum, &pClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
else if( nRc == NO_MORE_DATA )
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( nExpectedResults != -1 ) // means we don't want to compare
if( nExpectedResults != nNumber )
gp_LogFile->LogError(__FILE__,__LINE__,FATAL_ERROR, L"Enumerated results not as expected for %s. Expected %ld, received %ld", wcsClass, nExpectedResults, nNumber );
return nRc;
int QueryAndCompareResults( IWbemServices * pNamespace, WCHAR * wcsQuery, int nResults, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
IEnumWbemClassObject * pEnum = NULL;
int nRc = ExecQueryAndLogErrors( pNamespace,&pEnum, wcsQuery, dwFlags, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
nRc = CompareResultsFromEnumeration(pEnum, nResults, wcsQuery, wcsNamespace);
return nRc;
int AddMethodParameters(IWbemServices * pNamespace, IWbemClassObject *& pClass, BOOL fOutputParms, CPropertyList & Props, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
WCHAR * wcsClass= L"__PARAMETERS";
int nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, wcsClass, &pClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
for( int i = 0; i < Props.Size(); i++ )
// Get the property info
PropertyInfo *p = Props.GetAt(i);
if( !p )
if( wcslen(p->QualifierName) > 0 )
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
// If it is a qualifier, write the qualifier
nRc = PutQualifierOnPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, p->Property, p->QualifierName ,
p->Var, wcsClass, dwFlags, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
// Write out the property and if it is an input or
// output
nRc = PutPropertyAndLogErrors( pClass, p->Property, p->Type, p->Var, wcsClass, 0,wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int CreateMethodsAndCompare(CHString & sMethods, IWbemServices * pNamespace, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompare, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the methods to be created
if( InitMasterList(sMethods,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pItemInfo = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sObjectPath;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pItemInfo->Item, sObjectPath, nWhichTest))
CHString sClass, sMethod, sInstance;
CPropertyList InProps, OutProps;
int nResults = 0;
nRc = CrackMethod((WCHAR*)(const WCHAR*) sObjectPath,sClass,sInstance,sMethod,InProps,OutProps,nResults,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
IWbemClassObject * pInClass = NULL;
IWbemClassObject * pOutClass = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, WPTR sClass, &pClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( InProps.Size() > 0 )
nRc = AddMethodParameters(pNamespace, pInClass, FALSE, InProps, wcsNamespace);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( OutProps.Size() > 0 )
nRc = AddMethodParameters(pNamespace, pOutClass, TRUE, OutProps, wcsNamespace);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
nRc = PutMethodAndLogErrors( pClass, pInClass, pOutClass, WPTR sMethod,
WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
nRc = PutClassAndLogErrors(pNamespace, pClass,sClass,wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int DeleteMethodsAndCompare(CHString & sMethods, IWbemServices * pNamespace, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompare, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the methods to be created
if( InitMasterList(sMethods,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pItemInfo = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sObjectPath;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pItemInfo->Item, sObjectPath, nWhichTest))
CHString sClass, sMethod, sInstance;
CPropertyList InProps, OutProps;
int nResults = 0;
nRc = CrackMethod((WCHAR*)(const WCHAR*) sObjectPath,sClass,sInstance,sMethod,InProps,OutProps,nResults,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, WPTR sClass, &pClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
nRc = DeleteMethodAndLogErrors( pClass,WPTR sMethod,WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int CompareResultsFromMethodEnumeration(IWbemClassObject * pClass, int nResults, WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
int nNumber = 0;
ULONG ulNumber = 0;
CBSTR bName;
IWbemClassObject * pIn = NULL;
IWbemClassObject * pOut = NULL;
nRc = NextMethodAndLogErrors( pClass, wcsClass,(BSTR*) &bName, &pIn, &pOut, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
else if( nRc == NO_MORE_DATA )
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( nResults != nNumber )
gp_LogFile->LogError(__FILE__,__LINE__,FATAL_ERROR, L"Enumerated methods not as expected. Expected %ld, received %ld", nResults, nNumber );
return nRc;
int EnumerateMethodsAndCompare(CHString & sMethods, IWbemServices * pNamespace, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompare, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the methods to be created
if( InitMasterList(sMethods,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pItemInfo = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sObjectPath;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pItemInfo->Item, sObjectPath, nWhichTest))
CHString sClass, sMethod,sInst;
int nResults = 0;
CPropertyList InProps, OutProps;
nRc = CrackMethod(WPTR sObjectPath,sClass,sInst,sMethod,InProps,OutProps, nResults,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, WPTR sClass, &pClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
nRc = EnumerateMethodAndLogErrors( pClass,WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
nRc = CompareResultsFromMethodEnumeration(pClass,nResults,WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace);
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;
int ExecuteMethodsAndCompare(CHString & sMethods, IWbemServices * pNamespace, int nWhichTest, BOOL fCompare, WCHAR * wcsNamespace )
int nRc = FATAL_ERROR;
ItemList MasterList;
// Get the list of the methods to be created
if( InitMasterList(sMethods,MasterList))
for( int i = 0; i < MasterList.Size(); i++ )
ItemInfo * pItemInfo = MasterList.GetAt(i);
CHString sObjectPath;
if( g_Options.GetSpecificOptionForAPITest( pItemInfo->Item, sObjectPath, nWhichTest))
CHString sClass, sMethod, sInstance;
int nResults = 0;
CPropertyList InProps, OutProps;
nRc = CrackMethod(WPTR sObjectPath,sClass,sInstance, sMethod,InProps, OutProps, nResults,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
IWbemClassObject * pClass = NULL;
nRc = GetClassObjectAndLogErrors(pNamespace, WPTR sClass, &pClass, wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
IWbemClassObject * pIn = NULL;
IWbemClassObject * pOut = NULL;
nRc = GetMethodAndLogErrors( pClass, WPTR sMethod, &pIn, &pOut, WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
IWbemClassObject * pInInst = NULL;
IWbemClassObject * pOutInst = NULL;
if( pIn )
// Spawn a new instance of this class.
nRc = SpawnInstanceAndLogErrors(pClass,L"__Parameters",&pInInst,wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( SUCCESS == nRc )
nRc = WritePropertiesAndQualifiers( pNamespace, pInInst, InProps, L"__Parameters", 0, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
else if(pOut)
nRc = SpawnInstanceAndLogErrors(pClass,L"Method Output Class",&pOutInst,wcsNamespace,NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED);
if( nRc == SUCCESS )
if( wcslen( sInstance ) > 0 )
nRc = ExecuteMethodAndLogErrors( pNamespace, WPTR sMethod, WPTR sInstance, 0, pInInst, &pOutInst,
WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
nRc = ExecuteMethodAndLogErrors( pNamespace, WPTR sClass, WPTR sInstance, 0, pInInst, &pOutInst,
WPTR sClass, wcsNamespace, NO_ERRORS_EXPECTED );
if( nRc != SUCCESS )
return nRc;