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// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// ***************************************************************************
// Original Author: Rajesh Rao
// $Author: rajeshr $
// $Date: 6/11/98 4:43p $
// $Workfile:ldapcach.h $
// $Modtime: 6/11/98 11:21a $
// $Revision: 1 $
// $Nokeywords: $
// Description: Cache for LDAP Schema objects (Properties and Classes)
#ifndef LDAP_CACHE_H
#define LDAP_CACHE_H
class CLDAPCache
static DWORD dwLDAPCacheCount;
// CLDAPCache::CLDAPCache
// Purpose : Constructor. Fills in the cache with all the properties in LDAP.
// Parameters:
// plogObject : Pointer to the ProvDebugLog object onto which logging will be done.
CLDAPCache(ProvDebugLog *plogObject);
// CLDAPCache::~CLDAPCache
// Purpose : Destructor
// CLDAPCache::IsInitialized
// Purpose : Indicates whether the cache was created and initialized succeddfully
// Parameters:
// None
// Return value:
// A boolean value indicating the status
BOOLEAN IsInitialized();
// CLDAPCache::GetProperty
// Purpose : Retreives the IDirectory interface of an LDAP property.
// Parameters:
// lpszPropertyName : The name of the LDAP Property to be retreived
// ppADSIProperty : The address of the pointer where the CADSIProperty object will be placed
// bWBEMName : True if the lpszPropertyName is the WBEM name. False, if it is the LDAP name
// Return value:
// The COM value representing the return status. The user should delete the returned object when done.
HRESULT GetProperty(LPCWSTR lpszPropertyName, CADSIProperty **ppADSIProperty, BOOLEAN bWBEMName);
// CLDAPCache::GetClass
// Purpose : Retreives the IDirectory interface of an LDAP Class
// Parameters:
// lpszClassName : The name of the Class to be retreived.
// ppADSIClass : The address of the pointer where the CADSIClass object will be placed
// Return value:
// The COM value representing the return status. The user should delete the returned object when done.
HRESULT GetClass(LPCWSTR lpszWBEMClassName, LPCWSTR lpszClassName, CADSIClass **ppADSIClass);
// CLDAPCache::EnumerateClasses
// Purpose : Retreives the IDirectory interface of an LDAP Class
// Parameters:
// lppszWBEMSuperClass : The WBEM name of the immediate superclass of the classes to be retreived. This is optional
// and is ignored if NULL
// bDeep : Indicates whether a deep enumeration is required. Otherwise a shallow enumeration is done
// pppszClassNames : The address of the array of LPWSTR pointers where the resulting objects will be
// placed. The user should deallocate this array as well as its contents when done with them.
// pdwNumRows : The number of elements in the above array returned
// Return value:
// The COM value representing the return status. The user should delete the returned object when done.
HRESULT EnumerateClasses(LPCWSTR lpszSuperclass,
LPWSTR **pppADSIClasses,
DWORD *pdwNumRows,
BOOLEAN bArtificialClass
// CLDAPCache::GetSchemaContainerSearch
// Purpose : To return the IDirectorySearch interface on the schema container
// Parameters:
// ppDirectorySearch : The address where the pointer to the required interface will
// be stored.
// Return Value: The COM result representing the status. The user should release
// the interface pointer when done with it.
HRESULT GetSchemaContainerSearch(IDirectorySearch ** ppDirectorySearch);
// CLDAPCache::GetSchemaContainerObject
// Purpose : To return the IDirectoryObject interface on the schema container
// Parameters:
// ppDirectoryObject : The address where the pointer to the required interface will
// be stored.
// Return Value: The COM result representing the status. The user should release
// the interface pointer when done with it.
HRESULT GetSchemaContainerObject(IDirectoryObject ** ppDirectorySearch);
// CLDAPCache :: CreateEmptyADSIClass
// Purpose: Creates a new ADSI class from a WBEM class
// Parameters:
// lpszWBEMName : The WBEM Name of the class
// Return Value:
HRESULT CreateEmptyADSIClass(
CADSIClass **ppADSIClass);
HRESULT FillInAProperty(CADSIProperty *pNextProperty, ADS_SEARCH_HANDLE hADSSearchOuter);
// The storage for cached properties
CObjectTree m_objectTree;
// The object on whihc all logging is done
ProvDebugLog *m_pLogObject;
// Whether the cache was created successfully
BOOLEAN m_isInitialized;
// These are the search preferences often used
// The path to the schema container
LPWSTR m_lpszSchemaContainerSuffix;
LPWSTR m_lpszSchemaContainerPath;
// The IDirectorySearch interface of the schema container
IDirectorySearch *m_pDirectorySearchSchemaContainer;
// Some other literals
// A function to fill in the object tree
// This can be called only after the m_pDirectorySearchSchemaContainer member
// is initialized
HRESULT InitializeObjectTree();
#endif /* LDAP_CACHE_H */