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#pragma autorecover
#pragma classflags(64)
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\Root\\CIMV2")
Instance of __Namespace
Name = "ms_409";
#pragma namespace("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\ms_409")
[Description(" The CIM_SoftwareFeature class defines a particular function or capability of a product or application system. This class in intended to capture the level of granularity that is meaningful to a consumer or user of a product rather than the units that reflect how the product is built or packaged. The latter detailed is captured using a CIM_SoftwareElement class. When a software feature can exist on multiple platforms or operating systems (for example, a client component of a three tiered client/server applications might run on Solaris, Windows NT, and Windows 95), a software feature is a collection of all the software elements for these different platforms. In this case, the users of the model must be aware of this situation since typically they will be interested in a sub-collection of the software elements required for a particular platform. Software Features are always defined in the context of a CIM_Product class using the CIM_ProductSoftwareFeature association since features are delivered through products. Optionally, software features from one or more products can be organized into application systems using the CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature association. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareFeature : CIM_LogicalElement
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Product identification such as a serial number on software or a die number on a hardware chip") : Amended ToSubclass]string IdentifyingNumber;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Commonly used Product name") : Amended ToSubclass]string ProductName;
[Description("The name of the Product's supplier. Corresponds to the Vendor property in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Vendor;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("Product version information. Corresponds to the Version property in the Product object in the DMTF Solution Exchange Standard.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
[key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property defines the label by which the object is known to the world outside the data processing system. This label is a human-readable name that uniquely identifies the element in the context of the element's namespace.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
[Description("CIM_ServiceAccessPoint represents the ability to utilize or invoke a Service. Access points represent that a Service is made available to other entities for use.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ServiceAccessPoint : CIM_LogicalElement
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("CreationClassName indicates the name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. When used with the other key properties of this class, this property allows all instances of this class and its subclasses to be uniquely identified.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CreationClassName;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The Name property uniquely identifies the ServiceAccessPoint and provides an indication of the functionality that is managed. This functionality is described in more detail in the object's Description property.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The scoping System's CreationClassName.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemCreationClassName;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("The scoping System's Name.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SystemName;
[Description(" A Check is a condition or characteristic that is expected to be true in an environment defined or scoped by an instance of a CIM_ComputerSystem. The checks associated with a particular software element are organized into one of two groups using the Phase property of the CIM_SoftwareElementChecks association. Conditions that are expected to be satisfied when a software element is in a particular environment are known as in-state conditions. Conditions that need to be satisfied in order to transition the current software element to its next state are known as next-state conditions A CIM_ComputerSystem object represents the environment in which CIM_SoftwareElements are already installed or in which CIM_SoftwareElements will be installed. For the case in which a software element is already installed, the CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement association is used to identify the CIM_ComputerSystem object that represents the \"environment\". When a software elements is being distributed and installed on a different computer system, the CIM_ComputerSystem object for the targeted system is the environment.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_Check
[Description("The name used to identify this software element") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
[Description("Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>.<Minor><letter><revision>") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
[Description(" The SoftwareElementState of a software element ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SoftwareElementState;
[Description(" This is an identifier for this software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SoftwareElementID;
[Description(" The Target Operating System of the this software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TargetOperatingSystem;
[key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("An identifier used in conjunction with other keys to unquely identify the check") : Amended ToSubclass]string CheckID;
[Description(" A description of the objects.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
[Description(" The CheckMode property is used to indicate whether the condition is expected to exist or not exist in the environment. When the value is True, the condition is expected to exist (e.g., a file is expected to be on a system) so invoke() is expected to return True. When the value is False, the condition is not expect to exist (e.g., a file is not to be on a system) so invoke is expected to return false ") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean CheckMode;
[Description(" The invoke method is to to evaluate a particular check. The details of how the method evaluates a particular check in a CIM context is described by the non-abstract Check sub classes. The results of the method are based on the return value. - A 0 (zero) is returned if the condition is satisfied. - A 1 (one) is returned if the method is not supported. - Any other value indicates the condition is not satisfied. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Invoke();
[Description(" The CIM_DirectorySpecification class captures the major directory structure of a software element. This class is used to organize the files of a software element into manageable units that can be relocated on a computer system. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_DirectorySpecification : CIM_Check
[Description(" The DirectoryType property characterizes the type of directory being described. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 DirectoryType;
[Description("The DirectoryPath property is used to capture the name of a directory. The value supplied by an application provider is actually a default or recommended path name. The value can be changed for a particular environment.") : Amended ToSubclass]string DirectoryPath;
[Description(" A CIM_FileSpecification identifies a file that is either to be on or off the system. The file is to be located in the directory identified by the DirectorySpecificationFile associations. When the invoke() method is used, it is expected that it will use the combination of information provided to check for the file existance. Therefore, any of the properties with a NULL value are not checked. So, if only the Name and the MD5 properties have values, they are the only ones consider by the invoke() method. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_FileSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description(" Either the name of the file or the name of the file with a directory prefix. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
[Description("The creation date and time of the file. ") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime CreateTimeStamp;
[Description(" The File Checksum property is a checksum calculated as the 16-bit sum of the first 32 bytes of the file.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CheckSum;
[Description(" The File CRC 1 property is the CRC value calculated using the middle 512K bytes.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CRC1;
[Description(" The File CRC 2 is the CRC value for the middle 512K bytes with a offset modulo 3 to the start of the file of zero.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 CRC2;
[Description(" The MD5 algorithm is a well-known algorithm for computing a 128-bit checksum for any file or object. The likelihood of two different filesproducing the same MD5 checksum is very small (about 1 in 2^64), and as such, the MD5 checksum of a file can be used to construct a reliable content identifier that is very likely to uniquely identify the file. The reverse is also true. If two files have the same MD5 checksum, it is very likely that the files are identical. For purposes of MOF specification of the MD5 property, the MD5 algorithm always generates a 32 character string. For example: The string abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz generates the string c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b. See http://www. for details on the implementation of the MD5 algorithm.") : Amended ToSubclass]string MD5Checksum;
[Description(" A CIM_Action is an operation that is part of a process to either create a SoftwareElement in its next state or to eliminate the SoftwareElement in the current state. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_Action
[Description("The name used to identify this software element") : Amended ToSubclass]string Name;
[Description("Version should be in the form <Major>.<Minor>.<Revision> or <Major>.<Minor><letter><revision>") : Amended ToSubclass]string Version;
[Description(" The SoftwareElementState of a software element ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 SoftwareElementState;
[Description(" This is an identifier for this software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]string SoftwareElementID;
[Description(" The Target Operating System of the owning software element.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 TargetOperatingSystem;
[key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description(" The ActionID property is a unique identifier assigned to a particular action for a softare element. ") : Amended ToSubclass]string ActionID;
[Description(" The Direction property is used to indicate whether a particular Actionobject is part of a sequence of actions to transition the currentsoftware element to its next state, such as Install or to remove the current software element, such as Uninstall.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Direction;
[Description("A description of the object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Description;
[Description(" The invoke method is to take a particular action. The details of how the method performs the action is implementation specific. The results of the method are based on the return value. - A 0 (zero) is returned if the condition is satisfied. - A 1 (one) is returned if the method is not supported. - Any other value indicates the condition is not satisfied. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Invoke();
[Description(" The DirectoryAction is an abstract class that is used for directories to be managed. Creation of directories is handled by the CreateDirectoriesAction and removal is handled by the RemoveDirectory action. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_DirectoryAction : CIM_Action
[Description(" The CreateDirectory action creates empty directories for SoftwareElements to be installed locally.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_CreateDirectoryAction : CIM_DirectoryAction
[Description(" The RemoveDirectoryAction removes directories for SoftwareElements. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_RemoveDirectoryAction : CIM_DirectoryAction
[Description(" The CIM_FileAction allows the author to locate files that already exist on the users machine, and move or copy those files to a new location.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_FileAction : CIM_Action
[Description(" The CIM_CopyFileAction specifies files that exist on a computer system, and to move or copy those files to a new location. The to/from information for the copy is specified using either the ToDirectorySpecification/FromDirectorySpecification or the ToDirectoryAction/FromDirectoryAction associations. The first set is used when the source and/or the target are to exist before any actions are taken. The second set is used when the source and/or target are created as a part of a previous action. In the latter case, the action to create the directory must occur prior to the CopyFileAction object. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_CopyFileAction : CIM_FileAction
[Description("The RemoveFileAction uninstalls files.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_RemoveFileAction : CIM_FileAction
[Description(" This association is used to identify the actions for a software element. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareElementActions
[Description(" The SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements associations identifies the software elements that make up a particular software feature.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements : CIM_Component
[Description(" The ProductSoftwareFeatures association identifies the software features for a particular product. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ProductSoftwareFeatures
[Description(" The InstalledSoftwareElement association allows one to to identify the Computer System a particular Software element is installed on. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement
[Description("References the software element that is installed.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SoftwareElement Ref Software;
[Description("References the computer system hosting a particular software element. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ComputerSystem Ref System;
[Description(" Since software elements in a runnable state cannot transition into another state, the value of the Phase property is restricted to In-State for SoftwareElement objects in a runable state. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareElementChecks
[Description(" The Phase property indicates whether the referenced check is an in-state check or a next-state check.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Phase;
[Description("CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP is an association that identifies the access points for a Service. For example, a printer may be accessed by Netware, MacIntosh or Windows ServiceAccessPoints, potentially hosted on different Systems.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP : CIM_Dependency
[Description("The Service. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Service Ref Antecedent;
[Description("An Access Point for a Service. Access points are dependent in this relationship since they have no function without a corresponding Service. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Dependent;
[Description("Instances of this class represent products as they are installed by MSI. A product generally correlates to a single installation package.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_Product : CIM_Product
[Description("This method Will install an associated Win32_Product using the installation package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Install([in,Description("The path to the package that is to be installed") : Amended ToSubclass]string PackageLocation,[in,Description("The command line options for the install. These should be in the form of property=setting") : Amended ToSubclass]string Options,[in,Description("Indicates whether the operation should be applied to the current user (FALSE) or all users on the machine (TRUE).") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AllUsers);
[Description("This method will preform an administrative install of an associated Win32_Product using the installation package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Admin([in,Description("The path to the package that is to be admined") : Amended ToSubclass]string PackageLocation,[in,Description("The location for the administrative image to be installed at.") : Amended ToSubclass]string TargetLocation,[in,Description("The command line options for the upgrade. These should be in the form of property=setting") : Amended ToSubclass]string Options);
[Description("This method will advertise an associated Win32_Product using the installation package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Advertise([in,Description("The path to the package that is to be advertised") : Amended ToSubclass]string PackageLocation,[in,Description("The command line options for the advetisement. These should be in the form of property=setting") : Amended ToSubclass]string Options,[in,Description("Indicates whether the operation should be applied to the current user (FALSE) or all users on the machine (TRUE).") : Amended ToSubclass]boolean AllUsers);
[Description("This method will reinstall the associated instance of Win32_Product using the specified reinstallation mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Reinstall([in,Description("Specifies the reinstall mode") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ReinstallMode);
[Description("This method will upgrade the associated Win32_Product using the upgrade package provided through PackageLocation and any command line options that are supplied.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Upgrade([in,Description("The path to the package that contains the upgrade") : Amended ToSubclass]string PackageLocation,[in,Description("The command line options for the upgrade. These should be in the form of property=setting") : Amended ToSubclass]string Options);
[Description("This method will configure the associated instance of Win32_Product to the specified install state and level.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Configure([in]uint16 InstallState,[in]uint16 InstallLevel);
[Description("This method will uninstall the associated instance of Win32_Product") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Uninstall();
[Description("SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements: A 'SoftwareFeature' is a distinct subset of a Product, consisting of one or more 'SoftwareElements'. Each SoftwareElement is defined in a Win32_SoftwareElement instance, and the association between a feature and its SoftwareFeature(s) is defined in the Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement Association. Any component can be 'shared' between two or more SoftwareFeatures. If two or more features reference the same component, that component will be selected for installation if any of these features are selected (see the 'RunFromSource Column' notes below for more information about shared components).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareFeature : CIM_SoftwareFeature
[Description("Remote execution option, one of irsEnum: ifrsFavorLocal = 0: Install components locally, if possible ifrsFavorSource = 1: Install components to run from the source CD/Server, if possible ifrsFollowParent = 2: Follow the remote execution option of the parent feature") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Attributes;
[Description("Number of times this SoftwareFeature has been used") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Accesses;
[Description("Last time this SoftwareFeature was used") : Amended ToSubclass]datetime LastUse;
[Description("This method will reinstall the associated instance of Win32_SoftwareFeature using the specified reinstallation mode.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Reinstall([in,Description("Specifies the reinstall mode") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ReinstallMode);
[Description("This method will configure the associated instance of Win32_SoftwareFeature to the specified install state.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint32 Configure([in]uint16 InstallState);
[Description("SoftwareFeatures and SoftwareElements: A 'SoftwareFeature' is a distinct subset of a Product, consisting of one or more 'SoftwareElements'. Each SoftwareElement is defined in a Win32_SoftwareElement instance, and the association between a feature and its SoftwareFeature(s) is defined in the Win32_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElement Association. Any component can be 'shared' between two or more SoftwareFeatures. If two or more features reference the same component, that component will be selected for installation if any of these features are selected (see the 'RunFromSource Column' notes below for more information about shared components).") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareElement : CIM_SoftwareElement
[Description("The Win32_ApplicationService class represents any installed or advertised components or applications available on the system. Instances of this class include all properly installed and instrumented executables.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ApplicationService : CIM_Service
[Description("The Win32_CommandLineAccess class represents the command line interface to a service or application. The name of the access point is always the full command line text.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_CommandLineAccess : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint
[Description("The value of the Commandline property provides the string used to start the service.") : Amended ToSubclass]string CommandLine;
[Description("Instances of this class represent conditional checks that must be evaluated to TRUE before their associated Win32_SoftwareElement can be installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareElementCondition : CIM_Check
[Description("The LaunchCondition class is used by the LaunchConditions action. It contains a list of conditions, all of which must be satisfied for the action to succeed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_LaunchCondition : CIM_Check
[Description("The Condition class can be used to modify the selection state of any entry in the Feature class, based on a conditional expression. If Condition evaluates to True, the corresponding Level value in the Feature class will be set to the value specified in the Condition class's Level column. Using this mechanism, any feature can be permanently disabled (by setting the Level to 0), set to be always installed (by setting the Level to 1), or set to a different install priority (by setting Level to an intermediate value). The Level may be set based upon any conditional statement, such as a test for platform, operating system, a particular property setting, etc.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_Condition : CIM_Check
[Description("Each instance of this class represents a source file with it's various attributes, ordered by a unique, non-localized identifier. For uncompressed files, the File property is ignored, and the FileName column is used for both the source and destination file name. You must set the 'Uncompressed' bit of the Attributes column for any file that is not compressed in a cabinet.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_FileSpecification : CIM_FileSpecification
[Description("List of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Language;
[Description("Integer containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses). See the remarks below for more information: Bit 0: Read Only (1) Bit 1: Hidden (2) Bit 2: System (4) Bit 8: Split (256) - the file is split between two or more compression cabinets Bit 9: Vital (512) - this file is vital for the proper operation of the component to which it belongs Bit 12: Permanent (4096) - the file will not be removed on uninstall Bit 13: Uncompressed (8192) - the file is uncompressed on the source media Bit 14: Patch (16384) (reserved for future use) Bit 15: PatchSourceIgnore (32768) - the file can be ignored during a patch upgrade if it is run-from-source") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Attributes;
[Description("Sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Sequence;
[Description("This class contains the .INI information that the application needs to set in an .INI file. The .INI file information is written out when the corresponding component has been selected to be installed, either locally or run from source.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_IniFileSpecification : CIM_FileSpecification
[Description("This class represents the directory layout for the product. Each instance of the class represents a directory in both the source image and the destination image. Directory resolution is performed during the CostFinalize action and is done as follows: Root destination directories: Root directories entries are those with a null Directory_Parent value or a Directory_Parent value identical to the Directory value. The value in the Directory property is interpreted as the name of a property defining the location of the destination directory. If the property is defined, the destination directory is resolved to the property's value. If the property is undefined, the ROOTDRIVE property is used instead to resolve the path. Root source directorires: The value of the DefaultDir column for root entries is interpreted as the name of a property defining the source location of this directory. This property must be defined or an error will occur. Non-root destination directories: The Directory value for a non-root directory is also interpreted as the name of a property defining the location of the destination. If the property is defined, the destination directory is resolved to the property's value. If the property is not defined, the destination directory is resolved to a sub-directory beneath the resolved destination directory for the Directory_Parent entry. The DefaultDir value defines the name of the sub-directory. Non-root source directories: The source directory for a non-root directory is resolved to a sub-directory of the resolved source directory for the Directory_Parent entry. Again, the DefaultDir value defines the name of the sub-directory.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_DirectorySpecification : CIM_DirectorySpecification
[Description("Instances of this class contain information about any environment variables that may need to be registered for their associated products installation.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_EnvironmentSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description("This optional class allows the author to 'reserve' a specified amount of disk space in any directory, depending on the installation state of a component. Reserving cost in this way could be useful for authors who want to ensure that a minimum amount of disk space will be available after the installation is completed. For example, this disk space might be reserved for user documents, or for application files (such as index files) that are created only after the application is launched following installation. The ReserveCost class also allows custom actions to specify an approximate cost for any files, registry entries, or other items, that the custom action might install.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ReserveCost : CIM_Check
[Description("This class represents any ODBC drivers that are to be installed as part of a particular product.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ODBCDriverSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description("Instances of this class represent any ODBC Translators that are included as part of a products installation.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ODBCTranslatorSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description("This class specifies any Data Sources (DSNs) that need to be registered as part of an installation.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ODBCDataSourceSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description("Instances of this class represent the services that are to be installed along with an associated package.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ServiceSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description("Instances of this class represent and ProgIDs that need to be registered durring a given installation.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ProgIDSpecification : CIM_Check
[Description("The WriteRegistryValues action sets up registry information that the application desires in the system Registry. The registry information is gated by the Component class. A registry value is written to the system registry if the corresponding component has been set to be installed either locally or run from source.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_RegistryAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The registry value name. If the Value column is null, then the following strings in the Name column have special significance. + The key is to be created, if absent upon the installation of the component. - The key is to be deleted, if present, with all its values and subkeys upon the uninstallation of the component. * The key is to be created, if absent upon the installation of the component AND the key is to be deleted, if present, with all its values and subkeys upon the uninstallation of the component.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Registry;
[Description("The RemoveIniValues action deletes .INI file information that the application desires to delete from .INI files. The deletion of the information is gated by the Component class. A .INI value is deleted if the corresponding component has been set to be installed either locally or run from source.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_RemoveIniAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The MoveFiles action allows the author to locate files that already exist on the user's machine, and move or copy those files to a new location.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_MoveFileAction : CIM_FileAction
[Description("The RegisterClassInfo action manages the registration of COM class information with the system. In the Advertise mode the action registers all COM classes for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action registers COM classes for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ClassInfoAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The RegisterMIMEInfo action registers the MIME related registry information with the system. In the Advertise mode the action registers all MIME info for servers for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action registers MIME info for servers for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_MIMEInfoAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The RegisterFonts action registers installed fonts with the system. It maps the Font.FontTitle to the path of the font file installed. The RegisterFonts action is triggered when the Component to which the Font.File_ belongs is selected for install. This implies that fonts can be made private, shared or system by making the Components to which they belong so.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_FontInfoAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The CreateShortcuts action manages the creation of shortcuts. In the Advertise mode, the action creates shortcuts to the key files of components of features that are enabled. Advertised shortcuts are those for which the Target property is the feature of the component and the directory of the shortcut is one of the Shell folders or below one. Advertised shortcuts are created with a Microsoft installer technology Descriptor as the target. Non-advertised shortcuts are those for which the Target column in the Shortcut class is a property or the directory of the shortcut is not one of the Shell folders or below one. Advertised shortcuts are created with a Microsoft installer technology Descriptor as the target. In the non-advertise mode (normal install) the action creates shortcuts to the key files of components of features that are selected for install as well as non-advertised shortcuts whose component is selected for install.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ShortcutAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The command-line arguments for the shortcut.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Arguments;
[Description("The hotkey for the shortcut. It has the virtual-key code for the key in the low-order byte, and the modifier flags in the high-order byte. ") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 HotKey;
[Description("The Show Command specifies the view state of the application window and is similar to the ShowWindow Windows function.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 ShowCmd;
[Description("The name of the shortcut to be created.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Shortcut;
[Description("The RegisterTypeLibraries action registers type libraries with the system. The action works on each file referenced which is triggered to be installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_TypeLibraryAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The language of the type library.") : Amended ToSubclass]uint16 Language;
[Description("The GUID that identifies the library.") : Amended ToSubclass]string LibID;
[Description("The SelfRegModules action processes all the modules in the SelfReg to register the modules, if installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SelfRegModuleAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The PublishComponents action manages the advertisement of the components that may be faulted in by other products with the system. In the Advertise mode the action publishes the all components for which the corresponding feature is enabled. Else the action publishes components for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_PublishComponentAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The BindImage action binds each executable that needs to be bound to the DLLs imported by it by computing the virtual address of each function that is imported from all DLLs. The computed virtual address is then saved in the importing image's Import Address Table (IAT). The action works on each file installed locally.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_BindImageAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The ExtensionInfoAction manages the registration of extension related information with the system. The action registers the extension servers for which the corresponding feature is currently selected to be uninstalled.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ExtensionInfoAction : CIM_Action
[Description("The DuplicateFileAction allows the author to make one or more duplicate copies of files installed by the InstallFiles executable action, either to a different directory than the original file, or to the same directory, but with a different name.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_DuplicateFileAction : CIM_CopyFileAction
[Description("The RemoveFiles action uninstalls files previously installed by the InstallFiles action. Each of these files is 'gated' by a link to an entry in the Component class; only those files whose components are resolved to the iisAbsent Action state, or the iisSource Action state IF the component is currently installed locally, will be removed. The RemoveFiles action can also remove specific author-specified files that weren't installed by the InstallFiles action. Each of these files is 'gated' by a link to an entry in the Component class; those files whose components are resolved to any 'active' Action state (i.e. not in the 'off', or NULL, state) will be removed (if the file exists in the specified directory, of course). This implies that removal of files will be attempted when the gating component is first installed, during a reinstall, and again when the gating component is removed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_RemoveFileAction : CIM_RemoveFileAction
[Description("The CreateFolder action creates empty folders for components set to be installed locally. The removal of these folders is handled by the RemoveFolders action. When a folder is created (and didn't already exist), it is registered with the appropriate component id.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_CreateFolderAction : CIM_CreateDirectoryAction
[Description("This abstract class represents any resources that are used by the MSI installer durring the course of an installation, patch or upgrade") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_MSIResource : CIM_Setting
[Description("The PatchPackage class describes all patch packages that have been applied to this product. For each patch package, the unique identifier for the patch is provided along with information about the media image the on which the patch is located.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_PatchPackage : Win32_MSIResource
[Description("This table contains the property names and values for all defined properties in the installation. Properties with Null values are not present in the table.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_Property : Win32_MSIResource
[Description("The Upgrade class contains information on how to perform an upgrade of a product and how to handle installations when related versions of the product are already installed.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_Upgrade : Win32_MSIResource
[Description("Instances of this class represent individual patches that are to be applied to a particular file and whose source reside at a specified location.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_Patch : Win32_MSIResource
[Description("Instances ofthis class represent binary information (such as bitmapps, icons, executables, etc...) that are used by an installation.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_Binary : Win32_MSIResource
[Description("This property represents the binary data that is associated with this object.") : Amended ToSubclass]string Data;
[Description("Instances of this class represent instrctions for controlling both installed and uninstalled services.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ServiceControl : Win32_MSIResource
[Description("This association relates an MSI feature with any condition or locational information that a feature may require.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareFeatureCheck
[Description("This association relates an MSI element with any condition or locational information that a feature may require.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareElementCheck : CIM_SoftwareElementChecks
[Description("This association relates an MSI action with any locational information it requires. This location is in the form of a file and/or directory specification.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ActionCheck
[Description("This association relates an MSI check with any setting information it requires.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SettingCheck
[Description("This association relates an MSI action with any locational information it requires. This location is in the form of a file and/or directory specification.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_CheckCheck
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("This Association relates MSI actions with any locational information that that action may require. This is provided in the form of file and/or directory specifcations.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Check Ref Location;
[Description("This association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register and/or publish the feature") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareFeatureAction
[Description("This association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register and/or publish the feature") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ManagedSystemElementResource
[Description("This association relates an MSI feature with an action used to register and/or publish the feature") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareElementResource : Win32_ManagedSystemElementResource
[Description("This association relates an MSI software element with an action that access the element.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_SoftwareElementAction : CIM_SoftwareElementActions
[Description(" The InstalledSoftwareElement association allows one to to identify the Computer System a particular Software element is installed on. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_InstalledSoftwareElement : CIM_InstalledSoftwareElement
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("References the software element that is installed.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_SoftwareElement Ref Software;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("References the computer system hosting a particular software element. ") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ComputerSystem Ref System;
[Description(" The ApplicationCommandLine association allows one to to identify connection between an application and it's command line access point.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class Win32_ApplicationCommandLine : CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("References the application.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_ApplicationService Ref Antecedent;
[Key : ToInstance ToSubclass DisableOverride,Description("references the commandline used to access the antecedent.") : Amended ToSubclass]Win32_CommandLineAccess Ref Dependent;
[Description(" The ExecuteProgram causes files to be executed on the system where the SoftwareElement is installed. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ExecuteProgram : CIM_Action
[Description("A string that is invocable on a system command line.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CommandLine;
[Description("This class specifies the information to be used to modify a particular setting file for a specific entry with a specific value. The value specified is created as a new entry or appends to, replaces, removes from, or deletes the specified entry. All additions are assumed to be case sensitive. Removes are assumed to be case insensitive.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ModifySettingAction : CIM_Action
[Description("Type of action to be performed on the specified setting entry. Create - Creates the specified entry. Delete - Deletes the specified entry. Append - Append to the end of the specified entry. Remove - Remove the value from the specified entry.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 ActionType;
[Description("Name of Entry to be modified.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING EntryName;
[Description("This is the value to be used to add, append, or replace to the specified setting.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING EntryValue;
[Description("File Name of setting file entry to be modified.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING FileName;
[Description("This is the key of the section of the setting entry to be modified.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING SectionKey;
[Description(" The RebootAction Causes a reboot of the system where the SoftwareElement is installed. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_RebootAction : CIM_Action
[Description(" The CIM_ActionSequence association is used to define a series of operations that either transitions the software element, referenced by the CIM_SoftwareElementActions association, to its next state or removes the software element from its current environment. The Action classes participating in this association must have the same value for the Direction property since they are either part of a sequence to transition a software element into its next state or to uninstall a software element. The next-state actions and uninstall actions associated with a particular software element must be a continuos sequence. Since the ActionSequence is an association the loops on the Action class with roles for the 'prior' action and 'next' action in a sequence, the need for a continous sequence imples: (1)Within the set of next-state or uninstall actions, there is one and only one action that does not have an instance of the ActionSequence association referencing it in the 'next' role. This is the first action in the sequence. (2) Within the set of next-state or uninstall actions, there is one and only one action that does not have an instance of the ActionSequence association referencing it in the \"prior\" role. This is the last action in the sequence. (3) All other actions within the set of next-state and uninstall actions must participate in two instances of the ActionSequence association, one in a prior role and one in the next role.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ActionSequence
[Description(" The Disk Space Check the amount of disk space the needs to be available on the system. The amount is specified in the AvailableDiskSpace property. The details of this checks are compared with the value of the AvailableSpace property of the CIM_FileSystem object associated with the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the environment. When the value of AvailableSpace property is greater than or equal to the value specified in AvailableDiskSpace, the condition is satisfied. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_DiskSpaceCheck : CIM_Check
[Description(" The MemoryCheck specifies a condition for the minimum amount of memory that needs to be available on a system. The amount is specified in the MemorySize property. The details of this checks are compared with the value of the FreePhysicalMemory property of the CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by an InstalledOS association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the environment. When the value of FreePhyscalMemory property is greater than or equal to the value specified in MemorySize, the condition is satisfied. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_MemoryCheck : CIM_Check
[Description("The amount of memory that needs to exist on a computer system for a software element to executing properly. ") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 MemorySize;
[Description(" The OS Version Check class specifies the versions of the OS that can support this software element. This check can be for a specific, minimum, maximum or a range of releases of an OS. To specify a specific version the minimum and maximum versions must be the same. To specify a minimum, the minimum version needs only be specified. To specify a maximum version, the maximum version needs only be specified. To specify a range both minimum and maximum version need to be specified. The type of operating system is specified in the TargetOperatingSystem property of the owning SoftwareElement. The details of this checks are compared with the corresponding details found in a CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by InstalledOS association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object that describes the environment. As long as there is at least one CIM_OperatingSystem that satisfies the details of the condition, the check is satisfied. In other words, all the operating systems on the relevant computer system do not need to satistfy the condition. There needs to be at least one. Also, note the the OSType property of the CIM_OperatingSystem class must match the type of the TargetOperatingSystem property. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_OSVersionCheck : CIM_Check
[Description(" Maximum version of required operating system. The value is encoded as <major>.<minor>.<revision> or <major>.<minor><letter revision>") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING MaximumVersion;
[Description(" Minimum version of required operating system. The value is encoded as <major>.<minor>.<revision> or <major>.<minor><letter revision>") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING MinimumVersion;
[Description(" This class specifies information needed to check a particular setting file for a specific entry that contains a value that is equal to, or contains, the value specified. All compares are assumed to be case insensitive.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SettingCheck : CIM_Check
[Description("This specifies the way the setting value should be compared.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 CheckType;
[Description("Name of the Entry to be checked") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING EntryName;
[Description("Value to be checked that is associated with the named entry.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING EntryValue;
[Description("File name of the setting file to be checked.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING FileName;
[Description("Key of section containing the settings to be checked.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING SectionKey;
[Description(" The Software Element Version Check class specifies a type of software element that must exist in the environment. This check can be for a specific, minimum, maximum or a range of versions. To specify a specific version the lower and upper versions must be the same. To specify a minimum the lower version needs only be specified. To specify a maximum version the upper version needs only be specified. To specify a range both upper and lower version need to be specified. The details of this checks are compared with the corresponding details found in a CIM_SoftwareElement object referenced by an InstalledSoftwareElement association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object. As long as there is at least one CIM_SoftwareElement that satisfies the details of the condition, the check is satisfied. In other words, all the software elements on the relevant computer system do not need to satistfy the condition. There needs to be at least one. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareElementVersionCheck : CIM_Check
[Description(" The minimum version of a software elements being checked.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING LowerSoftwareElementVersion;
[Description(" The name of the software element being checked. ") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING SoftwareElementName;
[Description(" The state of the software element being checked.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 SoftwareElementStateDesired;
[Description(" The target operating system of the software element being checked.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 TargetOperatingSystemDesired;
[Description(" The maximum version of a software elements being checked.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING UpperSoftwareElementVersion;
[Description(" The Swap Space Check specifies the amount of swap space that needs to be available on the system. The amount is specified in the SwapSpaceSize property. The details of this checks are compared with the corresponding details found in a CIM_OperatingSystem object referenced by InstalledOS association for the CIM_ComputerSystem object describing the environment. When the value of TotalSwapSpaceSize property is greater than or equal to the value specified in SwapSpacesize, the condition is satisfied. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SwapSpaceCheck : CIM_Check
[Description(" The SwapSpaceSize property specifies the minimum number of Kilo bytes of swap space that needs to be available on the target system.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT64 SwapSpaceSize;
[Description(" The VersionCompatibilityCheck class specifies whether it is permissible to create the next state of a software element. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_VersionCompatibilityCheck : CIM_Check
[Description(" The AllowDownVersion property indicates that this software element can transition to its next state even if a higher or latter version of the software element already exists in the environment.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN AllowDownVersion;
[Description(" The AllowMultipleVersions option controls the ability to configure multiple versions of a product on a system.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN AllowMultipleVersions;
[Description(" The Reinstall property indicates that this software element can transition to its next state even if a software element of the same version already exists in the environment.") : Amended ToSubclass]BOOLEAN Reinstall;
[Description("A link between BIOSFeature and its aggregated BIOSElements.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_BIOSFeatureBIOSElements : CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements
[Description("The BIOSFeature.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BIOSFeature Ref GroupComponent;
[Description("The BIOSElement that implements the capabilities described by BIOSFeature.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BIOSElement Ref PartComponent;
[Description("A link between VideoBIOSFeature and its aggregated VideoBIOSElements.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_VideoBIOSFeatureVideoBIOSElements : CIM_SoftwareFeatureSoftwareElements
[Description("The VideoBIOSFeature.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VideoBIOSFeature Ref GroupComponent;
[Description("The VideoBIOSElement that implements the capabilities described by VideoBIOSFeature.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_VideoBIOSElement Ref PartComponent;
[Description(" The ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature associations identifies the software features that make up a particular application system. The software features can be part of different products. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ApplicationSystemSoftwareFeature : CIM_SystemComponent
[Description("The parent system in the Association") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ApplicationSystem Ref GroupComponent;
[Description("The child element that is a component of a system") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_SoftwareFeature Ref PartComponent;
[Description("An association between a ServiceAccessPoint and how it is implemented. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A SAP may be provided by more than one LogicalDevice, operating in conjunction. And, any Device may provide more than one ServiceAccessPoint. When many LogicalDevices are associated with a single SAP, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the AccessPoint. If different implementations of a SAP exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the ServiceAccessPoint object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_DeviceSAPImplementation : CIM_Dependency
[Description("The LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_LogicalDevice Ref Antecedent;
[Description("The ServiceAccessPoint implemented using the LogicalDevice.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Dependent;
[Description("CIM_HostedAccessPoint is an association between a ServiceAccessPoint and the System on which it is provided. The cardinality of this association is 1-to-many and is weak with respect to the System. Each System may host many ServiceAccessPoints. Heuristic: If the implementation of the ServiceAccessPoint is modeled, it must be implemented by a Device or SoftwareFeature that is part of the System hosting the ServiceAccessPoint.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_HostedAccessPoint : CIM_Dependency
[Description("The hosting System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_System Ref Antecedent;
[Description("The SAP(s) that are hosted on this System.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Dependent;
[Description(" An association between a ServiceAccessPoint and how it is implementedin software. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A SAP may be provided by more than one SoftwareFeature, operating in conjunction. And, any SoftwareFeature may provide more than one ServiceAccessPoint. a When many SoftwareFeatures are associated with single SAP, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the AccessPoint. If different implementations of a SAP exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the ServiceAccessPoint object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareFeatureSAPImplementation : CIM_Dependency
[Description(" An association between a Service and how it is implemented in software. The cardinality of this association is many-to-many. A Service may be provided by more than one SoftwareFeature, operating in conjunction. And, any software Feature may provide more than one Service. When multiple SoftwareFeatures are associated with a single Service, it is assumed that these elements operate in conjunction to provide the Service. If different implementations of a Service exist, each of these implementations would result in individual instantiations of the Service object. These individual instantiations would then have associations to the unique implementations. ") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SoftwareFeatureServiceImplementation : CIM_Dependency
[Description("CIM_SAPSAPDependency is an association between a ServiceAccessPoint and another ServiceAccessPoint indicating that the latter is required in order for the former ServiceAccessPoint to utilize or connect with its Service. For example, to print at a network printer, local Print Access Points must utilize underlying network-related SAPs, or ProtocolEndpoints, in order to send the print request.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_SAPSAPDependency : CIM_Dependency
[Description("The required ServiceAccessPoint.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Antecedent;
[Description("The ServiceAccessPoint that is dependent on an underlying SAP.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Dependent;
[Description("BootServiceAccessBySAP is the relationship between a BootService and its access points.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_BootServiceAccessBySAP : CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP
[Description("The BootService.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BootService Ref Antecedent;
[Description("An access point for the BootService.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_BootSAP Ref Dependent;
[Description("ClusterServiceAccessBySAP is the relationship between a ClusteringService and its access points.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ClusterServiceAccessBySAP : CIM_ServiceAccessBySAP
[Description("The ClusteringService.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ClusteringService Ref Antecedent;
[Description("An access point for the ClusteringService.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ClusteringSAP Ref Dependent;
[Description("CIM_ServiceSAPDependency is an association between a Service and a ServiceAccessPoint indicating that the referenced SAP is utilized by the Service to provide its functionality. For example, Boot Services may invoke BIOS' Disk Services (interrupts) in order to function.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_ServiceSAPDependency : CIM_Dependency
[Description("The required ServiceAccessPoint") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_ServiceAccessPoint Ref Antecedent;
[Description("The Service that is dependent on an underlying SAP.") : Amended ToSubclass]CIM_Service Ref Dependent;
[Description("A representation of the access points of a BootService.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_BootSAP : CIM_ServiceAccessPoint
[Description("BIOSFeature represents the capabilities of the low-level software that is used to bring up and configure a ComputerSystem.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_BIOSFeature : CIM_SoftwareFeature
[Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the BIOS features indicated in the Characteristics array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Characteristics array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CharacteristicDescriptions[];
[Description("An array of integers that specify the features supported by the BIOS. For example, one can specify that PnP capabilities are provided (value=9) or that infrared devices are supported (21). The value, 3, is not valid in the CIM Schema since in DMI it represents that no BIOS Features are supported. In this case, this object should not be instantiated.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 Characteristics[];
[Description("VideoBIOSFeature represents the capabilities of the low-level software that is used to bring up, configure and use a ComputerSystem's VideoController and Display.") : Amended ToSubclass,ABSTRACT, AMENDMENT, LOCALE(0x409)]
class CIM_VideoBIOSFeature : CIM_SoftwareFeature
[Description("An array of free-form strings providing more detailed explanations for any of the VideoBIOS features indicated in the Characteristics array. Note, each entry of this array is related to the entry in the Characteristics array that is located at the same index.") : Amended ToSubclass]STRING CharacteristicDescriptions[];
[Description("An array of integers that specify the features supported by the VideoBIOS. For example, one could indicate support for VESA power management (value=6) or video BIOS shadowing (8). The value, 3, is not valid in the CIM Schema since in DMI it represents that no BIOS Features are supported. In this case, the object should not be instantiated.") : Amended ToSubclass]UINT16 Characteristics[];