Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32") ,
Description ("The Win32_Battery class represents a battery connected "
"to the computer system. This class applies to both batteries in Laptop "
"Systems and other internal/external batteries."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C4B9-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_Battery:CIM_Battery
[Read: ToSubClass , Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceID property contains a string identifying "
"the battery.\nExample: Internal Battery"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceID ;
[read: ToSubClass, DEPRECATED:ToSubClass, Units ("Minutes"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The ExpectedBatteryLife property indicates the amount "
"of time it takes to completely drain the battery after it has "
"been fully charged. \n"
"The ExpectedBatteryLife property has been deprecated. There is no replacement"
"value and this property is now considered obsolete."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\"
"Services|BatteryLife"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 ExpectedBatteryLife ;
[read: ToSubClass, DEPRECATED:ToSubClass, Units ("Minutes"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The BatteryRechargeTime property indicates the time "
"required to fully charge the battery. \n"
"The BatteryRechargeTime property has been deprecated. There is no replacement"
"value and this property is now considered obsolete."): ToSubClass,
"Services|RechargeRate"}: ToSubClass]
uint32 BatteryRechargeTime ;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_AssociatedBattery represents an "
"association between a logical device and the battery it "
"is using."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{8502C50B-5FBB-11D2-AAC1-006008C78BC7}")]
class Win32_AssociatedBattery:CIM_AssociatedBattery
[Key: ToSubClass, read: ToSubClass, Override ("Antecedent"): ToSubClass ,
Description ("The Antecedent reference represents the properties of "
"a battery used with the logical device."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"CIM|CIM_Battery"}: ToSubClass]
CIM_Battery REF Antecedent;
[Key: ToSubClass, read: ToSubClass, Override ("Dependent"): ToSubClass ,
Description ("The Dependent reference represents the properties of "
"a logical device using the battery."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"CIM|CIM_LogicalDevice"}: ToSubClass]
CIM_LogicalDevice REF Dependent;
[Dynamic, Provider ("CIMWin32"),
Description ("The Win32_PortableBattery class contains the "
"the population of the DMTF|Portable Battery group, as defined "
"in the DMTF Mobile Supplement to Standard Groups, v1.0 (section "
"3.3.23 of the SMBIOS spec) and describes the attributes of the "
"portable battery(s) for the system. The class contains the "
"static attributes for the group and describes a single battery "
"pack’s attributes."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID ("{FAF76B9E-798C-11D2-AAD1-006008C78BC7}") ]
class Win32_PortableBattery:CIM_Battery
[Read: ToSubClass , Key: ToSubClass, Override("DeviceId"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The DeviceID property contains a string identifying "
"the portable battery.\nExample: Portable Battery"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"WMI"}: ToSubClass]
string DeviceID ;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The Location property indicates the physical location "
"of the battery. This property is filled by the computer manufacturer."
"\nExample: In the back, on the left-hand side"): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 22|Location"}: ToSubClass]
string Location;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The ManufactureDate property identifies the date when the "
"battery was manufactured."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 22|Manufacture Date"}: ToSubClass]
string ManufactureDate;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The Manufacturer property indicates the manufacturer of the "
"battery."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 22|Manufacturer"}: ToSubClass]
string Manufacturer;
[read: ToSubClass, Units("Percent"): ToSubClass,
Description ("The MaxBatteryError property indicates the difference "
"between the highest estimated amount of energy left in the battery and "
"the current amount reported by the battery."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 22|Maximum Error in Battery Data"}: ToSubClass]
uint16 MaxBatteryError;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The CapacityMultiplier property contains the multiplication factor "
"of the Design Capacity value to ensure that the milliwatt hour value "
"does not overflow for Smart Battery Data Specification (SBDS) "
"implementations."): ToSubClass ,
MappingStrings {"SMBIOS|Type 22|Design Capacity Multiplier"}: ToSubClass]
uint16 CapacityMultiplier;
[Description ("The Win32_PowerManagementEvent class represents power "
"management events resulting from power state changes. These state "
"changes are associated with either the Advanced Power Management(APM) "
"or the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface(ACPI) system "
"management protocols."): ToSubClass,
Locale (0x409), UUID("{86460B6B-E709-11d2-B139-00105A1F77A1}") ]
class Win32_PowerManagementEvent : __ExtrinsicEvent
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The EventType property indicates the type of change in "
"the system power state."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Power Management Events"}: ToSubClass,
Values {"Entering Suspend", "Resume from Suspend",
"Power Status Change", "OEM Event", "Resume Automatic"}: ToSubClass,
ValueMap {"4", "7", "10", "11", "18"}: ToSubClass]
uint16 EventType ;
[read: ToSubClass,
Description ("The OEMEventCode property indicates the system "
"power state defined by the original equipment manufacturer "
"(OEM) when the EventType property of this class is set to \"OEM "
"Event\", otherwise, this property is set to NULL. OEM events are "
"generated when an APM BIOS signals an APM OEM event. OEM event "
"codes are in the range 0x0200h - 0x02FFh."): ToSubClass,
MappingStrings {"Win32API|Power Management Events"}: ToSubClass]
uint16 OEMEventCode;
instance of __Win32Provider as $PowerEvent
Name = "MS_Power_Management_Event_Provider";
ClsId = "{3DD82D10-E6F1-11d2-B139-00105A1F77A1}";
HostingModel = "LocalSystemHost";
instance of __EventProviderRegistration
Provider = $PowerEvent;
EventQueryList = {"select * from Win32_PowerManagementEvent"};