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# comm16 makefile
# Copyright (c) 1992, Microsoft Corporation
# History:
# 27-Mar-1992 Nandurir
# Created.
# 6-Feb-1994 LeeHart
# Modified for version resources & CV Symbols
!INCLUDE ..\..\makefile.inc
.SUFFIXES: .c .asm .h .inc .obj .lst .sys .exe .com .map .sym .def .lib .rc .res
!ifdef INCLUDE
INCS = -I..\..\inc -I..\..\..\inc
CW16 = -AS -G2sw -Os -W3 -Zp $(DEFINES) $(INCS)
CW16B = $(CW16) -B1 c1l.exe -B2 c2l.exe -B3 c3l.exe
LINK = /map /align:16
AOBJ = $(AOBJ) -Zd
CW16 = $(CW16) /Od /Oi /Zd
W16LIBS = ..\..\lib\snocrtd.lib
masm $(AOBJ) $<,$(DEST)\;
masm $(AOBJ) -l $*,nul,$*.lst;
cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) $*.c
cl16 -c -nologo $(CW16) -Fonul -Fc$*.lst $*.c
implib $*.lib $*.def
mapsym $*
rc16 -r $(INCS) -fo $@ $*.rc
all:$(DEST)\comm.drv $(DEST)\comm.map $(DEST)\comm.sym $(DEST)\comm.lrf
binplace -o $(ALT_PROJECT_TARGET) $(DEST)\comm.drv $(DEST)\comm.map $(DEST)\comm.sym
clean: cleanup all
if exist $(DEST)\*.lrf del $(DEST)\*.lrf
if exist $(DEST)\*.obj del $(DEST)\*.obj
if exist $(DEST)\*.exe del $(DEST)\*.exe
if exist $(DEST)\*.map del $(DEST)\*.map
if exist $(DEST)\*.sym del $(DEST)\*.sym
if exist $(DEST)\*.drv del $(DEST)\*.drv
if exist $(DEST)\*.res del $(DEST)\*.res
if exist $(DEST)\*.def del $(DEST)\*.def
if exist $(DEST)\*.asm del $(DEST)\*.asm
$(DEST)\ccom.obj ccom.lst: ccom.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc
$(DEST)\ibmsetup.obj ibmsetup.lst: ibmsetup.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
$(DEST)\ibmcom.obj: ibmcom.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
$(DEST)\ibmint.obj: ibmint.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc ins8250.inc
$(DEST)\ibmlpt.obj: ibmlpt.asm ibmcom.inc comdev.inc
$(DEST)\commmsg.obj: commmsg.asm
$(DEST)\comm.res: comm.rc comm.rcv ..\..\inc\common.ver
rc16 -r $(INCS) -fo $@ comm.rc
$(DEST)\comm.lrf: makefile.sub
echo ccom+ibmsetup+ibmcom+ibmint+ibmlpt+commmsg >$@
echo comm.exe/align:16>>$@
echo comm $(LINK)>>$@
echo ..\..\..\..\..\lib\$(ALT_PROJECT)\libw.lib ..\..\..\..\..\lib\snocrtd.lib /map /nod>>$@
echo ..\..\..\comm;>>$@
$(DEST)\comm.drv: $(DEST)\ccom.obj $(DEST)\ibmsetup.obj $(DEST)\ibmcom.obj $(DEST)\ibmint.obj $(DEST)\ibmlpt.obj $(DEST)\commmsg.obj \
comm.def $*.res $(DEST)\comm.lrf
cd $(DEST)
link16 @comm.lrf;
rc16 -t comm.res comm.exe
if exist *.drv del *.drv
ren comm.exe *.drv
mapsym comm
cd ..\..\..