Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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115 lines
2.7 KiB

#Copyright (c) 1992-2000 Microsoft Corporation
#Module Name:
# WinDbg Extension Api
# User Mode.
#Revision History:
# Kshitix K. Sharma (kksharma)
# Parse pooltags.w file to eliminate owner info and generate public pooltag.txt
# PPPP - <One line description string>
# PPPP is a 4 character max pooltag
# Any line which doesn't fit this format is ignored
sub EmitFileHeader;
sub NextLine;
sub IsPoolTagDescription;
# main
# Usage pooltags [-o <outfile>] [-i] <infile>
$g_NumLine = 0;
$PoolTagDesc = {
TAG => 0,
while ($arg = shift) {
if ($arg eq "-o") {
$OutFileName = shift;
} elsif ($arg eq "-i") {
$PoolTagTxtFile = shift;
} else {
$PoolTagTxtFile = $arg;
die "Cannot open file $PoolTagTxtFile\n" if !open(POOLT_FILE, $PoolTagTxtFile);
die "Cannot open file $OutFileName\n" if !open(OUT_FILE, ">" . $OutFileName);
while (IsPoolTagDescription() || NextLine ) {
$LineToPrint = $g_line;
if (($PoolTag,$Description) = $g_line =~ /^ ?(....) +-\s*(.*)$/) {
($T1,$T2,$T3,$T4) = $PoolTag =~ /^(.)(.)(.)(.)$/;
if (($RestOfLine, $Owner) = $g_line =~ /(.*)- OWNER (.*)/) {
# We have owner info here
$LineToPrint = $RestOfLine . "\n";
printf OUT_FILE ($LineToPrint);
} continue {
close POOLT_FILE if eof;
# Subroutines
sub NextLine {
$g_line = <POOLT_FILE>;
return $g_line;
sub IsPoolTagDescription {
# Match PPPP - <Description>
if ($g_line =~ /^ ?.... +- .*$/) {
return 0;
if ($g_line =~ /^([A-Z][A-Z_0-9]+)\s*\((.*)\)$/) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub EmitFileHeader {
print OUT_FILE "REM -------------------------------------".
print OUT_FILE "REM\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM Public pooltag.txt\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM IMPORTANT: This file is automatically generated.\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM Do not edit by hand.\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM Generated from $PoolTagTxtFile on " . localtime() . "\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM\n";
print OUT_FILE "REM-------------------------------------".
print OUT_FILE "\n\n";