Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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3016 lines
91 KiB

// 06.05.95 Joe Holman Created to copy the system files for
// the new shell and cairo releases.
// Currently, it only copies uncompressed system files.
// 06.16.95 Joe Holman Allow debugging tools to be copied. Uses _media.inx
// 06.19.95 Joe Holman Copy compressed version of file if specified in _layout.inx.
// 06.22.95 Joe Holman Added bCairoSuckNameHack to pick up files from
// the inf\cairo\_layout.cai file.
// 06.22.95 Joe Holman Added the SRV_INF fix so that we will pick up the compressed
// Server Infs in a different location than the Workstation compressed
// 06.22.95 Joe Holman For now, we won't use compressed Cairo files. Will change in July.
// INFs (due to the collision of names and difference with cdrom.w|s).
// 06.28.95 Joe Holman Won't make CHECKED Server.
// 07.07.95 Joe Holman For Cairo, we need to also look at the _layout.cai and
// _media.cai files
// for additional files (superset) that goes into Cairo.
// 08.03.95 Joe Holman Allow Cairo to have compressed files -> note, build team needs to
// private 2 locations, one for Shell release and one for Cairo release,
// ie, \\x86fre\cdcomp$.
// 08.14.95 Joe Holman Figure out if we copy the .dbg file for a particular file.
// 08.14.95 Joe Holman Allow DBG files for Cairo.
// 08.23.95 Joe Holman Add code to make tallying work with compressed/noncomp files and
// winn32 local source space needed.
// 10.13.95 Joe Holman Get MAPISVC.INF and MDM*.INF from Workstation location.
// 10.25.95 Joe Holman Put code in to use SetupDecompressOrCopyFile.
// 10.30.95 Joe Holman Don't give errors for vmmreg32.dbg - this is a file given
// by Win95 guys.
// 11.02.95 Joe Holman Allow multi-threaded support when SetupDecompressOrCopyFile
// is fixed.
// Pickup all for PPC on Cairo.
// 11.17.95 Joe Holman Check for upgrade size.
// 11.30.95 Joe Holman compare current dosnet.inf and txtsetup.sif values and error
// if we go over. Search for //code here.
// 12.04.95 Joe Holman Use Layout.inx instead of _layout.inx.
// 03.11.96 Joe Holman Don't give errors on MFC*.dbg if missing, since no .dbgs
// provided.
// 04.05.96 Joe Holman Add values for INETSRV and DRVLIB.NIC directories. Both of
// these get copied as local source. Inetsrv is NEVER installed
// automatically (unless via an unattend file) and one card is
// small. Thus, we will only add INETSRV and DRVLIB.NIC sizes
// to local source code below.
// and one or two of drvlib.nic MAY get installed.
// 04.19.96 Joe Holman Add code to NOT count *.ppd files in order to reduce
// minimum disk space required.
// 09.10.96 Joe Holman Add code that supports setup's new disk space calculation.
// Basically, we just need to provide values for each cluster
// size stored in dosnet.inf.
// 10.17.96 Joe Holman Comment out MIPS code, but leave in for P7.
// 12.06.96 Joe Holman Backported MSKK's DBCS changes.
// 01.20.97 Joe Holman Take out PPC.
// 05.15.97 Joe Holman Grovels layout.inf on release shares rather than file chked-in.
// xx.xx.xx Joe Holman Allow files not to worry about .dbgs for to be in a file.
// xx.xx.xx Joe Holman Add code to check for 0 file size in layout.inf files.
// xx.xx.xx Joe Holman Provide switch that flush bits to disk after copy, then does a DIFF.
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MFL 256
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_IN_PRODUCT 3500 // # greater than # of files in product.
#define EIGHT_DOT_THREE 8+1+3+1
struct _tag {
WORD wNumFiles;
char wcSubPath [MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_IN_PRODUCT][EIGHT_DOT_THREE]; // used for debugging files
BOOL bChecked = FALSE;
BOOL bVerifyBits = FALSE;
BOOL bGetSizeLater = TRUE;
struct _tag i386Workstation;
struct _tag AlphaWorkstation;
struct _tag i386Server;
struct _tag AlphaServer;
struct _tag X86Dbg;
struct _tag AlphaDbg;
BOOL fX86Wrk, fX86Srv;
BOOL fAlphaWrk, fAlphaSrv;
#define SERVER 1
// Following are masks that correspond to the particular data in a DOS date
#define DOS_DATE_MASK_DAY (WORD) 0x001f // low 5 bits (1-31)
#define DOS_DATE_MASK_MONTH (WORD) 0x01e0 // mid 4 bits (1-12)
#define DOS_DATE_MASK_YEAR (WORD) 0xfe00 // high 7 bits (0-119)
// Following are masks that correspond to the particular data in a DOS time
#define DOS_TIME_MASK_SECONDS (WORD) 0x001f // low 5 bits (0-29)
#define DOS_TIME_MASK_MINUTES (WORD) 0x07e0 // mid 6 bits (0-59)
#define DOS_TIME_MASK_HOURS (WORD) 0xf800 // high 5 bits (0-23)
// Shift constants used for building/getting DOS dates and times
// Macros to extract the data out of DOS dates and times.
// Note: Dos years are offsets from 1980. Dos seconds have 2 second
// granularity
#define GET_DOS_DATE_YEAR(wDate) ( ( (wDate & DOS_DATE_MASK_YEAR) >> \
(WORD) 1980 )
#define GET_DOS_DATE_MONTH(wDate) ( (wDate & DOS_DATE_MASK_MONTH) >> \
#define GET_DOS_DATE_DAY(wDate) ( wDate & DOS_DATE_MASK_DAY )
#define GET_DOS_TIME_HOURS(wTime) ( (wTime & DOS_TIME_MASK_HOURS) >> \
#define GET_DOS_TIME_MINUTES(wTime) ( (wTime & DOS_TIME_MASK_MINUTES) >> \
#define GET_DOS_TIME_SECONDS(wTime) ( (wTime & DOS_TIME_MASK_SECONDS) << 1 )
// Paths loaded in from the command line.
char szLogFile[MFL];
char szWrkX86Src[MFL];
char szWrkAlphaSrc[MFL];
char szSrvX86Src[MFL];
char szSrvAlphaSrc[MFL];
char szCompX86Src[MFL];
char szCompAlphaSrc[MFL];
char szEnlistDrv[MFL];
char szWorkDstDrv[MFL];
char szServDstDrv[MFL];
char szX86Dbg[MFL];
char szAlphaDbg[MFL];
char szX86DbgSource[MFL];
char szAlphaDbgSource[MFL];
#define I386_DIR "\\i386\\SYSTEM32"
#define I386_DBG "\\support\\debug\\i386\\symbols"
#define ALPHA_DBG "\\support\\debug\\alpha\\symbols"
#define NETMON "\\netmon"
#define I386_DIR_RAW "\\i386"
#define I386_SRV_WINNT "\\clients\\srvtools\\winnt\\i386"
#define ALPHA_SRV_WINNT "\\clients\\srvtools\\winnt\\alpha"
#define NUM_EXTS 8
char * cExtra[] = { "acm", "com", "cpl", "dll", "drv", "exe", "scr", "sys" };
#define idBase 0
#define idX86 1
#define idALPHA 3
#define idBaseDbg 5
#define idX86Dbg 6
// Tally up the # of bytes required for the system from the files included.
struct _ClusterSizes {
struct _ClusterSizes lX86Work;
struct _ClusterSizes lX86Serv;
struct _ClusterSizes lAlphaWork;
struct _ClusterSizes lAlphaServ;
DWORD bytesX86Work, bytesX86Serv;
DWORD bytesAlphaWork, bytesAlphaServ;
// Macro for rounding up any number (x) to multiple of (n) which
// must be a power of 2. For example, ROUNDUP( 2047, 512 ) would
// yield result of 2048.
#define ROUNDUP2( x, n ) (((x) + ((n) - 1 )) & ~((n) - 1 ))
#define LAYOUT_INX "\\nt\\private\\windows\\setup\\inf\\win4\\inf\\layout.inx"
#define MEDIA_INX "\\nt\\private\\windows\\setup\\inf\\win4\\inf\\_media.inx"
FILE* logFile;
void GiveThreadId ( const CHAR * szFormat, ... ) {
va_list vaArgs;
va_start ( vaArgs, szFormat );
vprintf ( szFormat, vaArgs );
vfprintf ( logFile, szFormat, vaArgs );
va_end ( vaArgs );
void Msg ( const CHAR * szFormat, ... ) {
va_list vaArgs;
EnterCriticalSection ( &CriticalSection );
GiveThreadId ( "%ld: ", GetCurrentThreadId () );
va_start ( vaArgs, szFormat );
vprintf ( szFormat, vaArgs );
vfprintf ( logFile, szFormat, vaArgs );
va_end ( vaArgs );
LeaveCriticalSection ( &CriticalSection );
void Header(argv,argc)
char * argv[];
int argc;
time_t t;
char tmpTime[100];
CHAR wtmpTime[200];
Msg ( "\n=========== FILES ====================\n" );
Msg ( "Log file : %s\n", szLogFile );
Msg ( "x86 work Uncompressed files : %s\n", szWrkX86Src);
Msg ( "alpha work Uncompressed files : %s\n", szWrkAlphaSrc);
Msg ( "x86 Serv Uncompressed files : %s\n", szSrvX86Src);
Msg ( "alpha Serv Uncompressed files : %s\n", szSrvAlphaSrc);
Msg ( "x86 Compressed files : %s\n", szCompX86Src);
Msg ( "alpha Compressed files : %s\n", szCompAlphaSrc);
Msg ( "x86 dbg files : %s\n", szX86Dbg);
Msg ( "alpha dbg files : %s\n", szAlphaDbg);
Msg ( "x86 dbg source : %s\n", szX86DbgSource);
Msg ( "alpha dbg source : %s\n", szAlphaDbgSource);
Msg ( "enlisted drive : %s\n", szEnlistDrv );
Msg ( "drive to put workstation files: %s\n", szWorkDstDrv );
Msg ( "drive to put server files : %s\n", szServDstDrv );
Msg ( "Time: %s", ctime(&t) );
Msg ( "========================================\n\n");
void Usage()
printf( "PURPOSE: Copies the system files that compose the product.\n");
printf( "\n");
printf( "PARAMETERS:\n");
printf( "\n");
printf( "[LogFile] - Path to append a log of actions and errors.\n");
printf( "[files share] - location of work x86 uncompressed files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of work alpha uncompressed files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of serv x86 uncompressed files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of serv alpha uncompressed files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of x86 Compressed files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of alpha Compressed files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of x86 dbg files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of alpha dbg files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of x86 dbg source files.\n" );
printf( "[files share] - location of alpha dbg source files.\n" );
printf( "[enlisted drive]- drive that is enlisted\n" );
printf( "[dest path workstation] - drive to put files\n" );
printf( "[dest path server] - drive to put files\n" );
printf( "\n" );
char dbgStr1[30];
char dbgStr2[30];
BOOL IsFileInSpecialWinnt32Directory ( char * szFileName ) {
char szUpCasedName[MFL];
int i;
char * foo[] = {
(char *) 0
strcpy ( szUpCasedName, szFileName );
_strupr ( szUpCasedName );
for ( i=0; foo[i] != 0; i++ ) {
Msg ( "Comparing: %s vs. %s\n", szUpCasedName, foo[i] );
if ( strstr ( szUpCasedName, foo[i] ) ) {
return TRUE; // file should be in this directory
return FALSE; // no, file doesn't go in the winnt32 directory
BOOL IsDebugFileToNotWorryAbout ( char * szFileName ) {
char szUpCasedName[MFL];
int i;
char * foo[] = {
(char *) 0
strcpy ( szUpCasedName, szFileName );
_strupr ( szUpCasedName );
for ( i=0; foo[i] != 0; i++ ) {
Msg ( "IsDebug Comparing: %s vs. %s\n", szUpCasedName, foo[i] );
if ( strstr ( szUpCasedName, foo[i] ) ) {
return TRUE; // don't worry if this file is missing
return FALSE; // worry about this one, we need it!
void ShowMeDosDateTime ( CHAR * srcPath, WORD wDateSrc, WORD wTimeSrc,
CHAR * dstPath, WORD wDateDst, WORD wTimeDst ) {
Msg ( "%s %02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d.%02d\n",
Msg ( "%s %02d.%02d.%02d %02d:%02d.%02d\n",
void Replay ( char * srcBuf, char * dstBuf, DWORD srcBytesRead, DWORD startIndex ) {
for ( i = startIndex; (i < startIndex+5) && (i <= srcBytesRead); ++i ) {
Msg ( "srcBuf[%ld] = %x, dstBuf[%ld] = %x\n", i, srcBuf[i], i, dstBuf[i] );
BOOL IsDstCompressed ( char * szPath ) {
// Msg ( ">>> char %s: %c\n", szPath, szPath[strlen(szPath)-1] );
if ( szPath[strlen(szPath)-1] == '_' ) {
return (FALSE);
#define V_WRK_I386 "C:\\wrk\\i386"
#define V_WRK_ALPHA "C:\\wrk\\alpha"
#define V_SRV_I386 "C:\\srv\\i386"
#define V_SRV_ALPHA "C:\\srv\\alpha"
BOOL MyCopyFile ( char * fileSrcPath, char * fileDstPath ) {
HANDLE hSrc, hDst;
WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdSrc, wfdDst;
#define NUM_BYTES_TO_READ 2048
unsigned char srcBuf[NUM_BYTES_TO_READ];
unsigned char dstBuf[NUM_BYTES_TO_READ];
WORD srcDate, srcTime, dstDate, dstTime;
char szTmpFile[MFL] = { '\0' };
UINT uiRetSize = 299;
char szJustFileName[MFL];
char szJustDirectoryName[MFL];
// Find the source file.
hSrc = FindFirstFile ( fileSrcPath, &wfdSrc );
// HACK: Since the release shares put WINNT32.EXE in the WINNT32 directory
// instead of leaving it in the flat root, verify that if the fileSrcPath
// contains WINNT32.EXE we look in the WINNT32 dir also before error'ing out.
if ( IsFileInSpecialWinnt32Directory ( fileSrcPath ) ) {
char tmpSrcPath[MFL];
strcpy ( tmpSrcPath, fileSrcPath );
if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, ".HLP" ) ||
strstr ( fileSrcPath, ".hlp" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.HLP" );
else if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, "a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( fileSrcPath, "A.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32a.dll" );
else if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, "u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( fileSrcPath, "U.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32u.dll" );
else {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.EXE" );
hSrc = FindFirstFile ( tmpSrcPath, &wfdSrc );
Msg ( "ERROR on fileSrcPath(tmpSrcPath) = %s, gle = %ld\n", tmpSrcPath, GetLastError() );
return (FALSE);
else {
strcpy ( fileSrcPath, tmpSrcPath );
else if ( IsDebugFileToNotWorryAbout ( fileSrcPath ) ) {
// The following files do NOT have dbg files
// available for them because they are provided by 3rd parties or other group.
// So, don't report an error when we can't find them.
Msg ( "Warning: %s not copied over.\n", fileSrcPath );
return (FALSE);
else {
Msg ( "ERROR on fileSrcPath = %s, gle = %ld\n", fileSrcPath, GetLastError() );
return (FALSE);
// Find the destination file.
hDst = FindFirstFile ( fileDstPath, &wfdDst );
DWORD gle;
gle = GetLastError();
if ( gle == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
// The file doesn't exist on the destination. Do the copy.
bDoCopy = TRUE;
else {
// Got another kind of error, report this problem.
Msg ( "ERROR FindFirstFile fileDstPath = %s, gle = %ld\n", fileDstPath, gle );
FindClose ( hSrc );
return ( FALSE );
else {
// Both the src and dst exist.
// Let's see if the src is NEWER than the dst, if so, copy.
b = FileTimeToDosDateTime ( &wfdSrc.ftLastWriteTime, &srcDate, &srcTime );
b = FileTimeToDosDateTime ( &wfdDst.ftLastWriteTime, &dstDate, &dstTime );
if ( (srcDate != dstDate) || (srcTime != dstTime) ) {
ShowMeDosDateTime ( fileSrcPath, srcDate, srcTime, fileDstPath, dstDate, dstTime );
bDoCopy = TRUE;
// Additional check, verify the file sizes are the same.
if ( wfdSrc.nFileSizeLow != wfdSrc.nFileSizeLow ) {
bDoCopy = TRUE;
if ( wfdSrc.nFileSizeHigh != wfdDst.nFileSizeHigh ) {
bDoCopy = TRUE;
if ( bDoCopy ) {
DWORD gle;
DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes ( fileDstPath );
// Check the attributes of the file.
if ( dwAttributes == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
// Ignore file not found on non-existant destination, but error on
// anything else.
gle = GetLastError();
if ( gle != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: GetFileAttributes: gle = %ld, %s\n", gle, fileDstPath);
else {
// No error for GetFileAttributes.
// Check the attribute for R-only, and change if set.
if ( dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ||
dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) {
b = SetFileAttributes ( fileDstPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: SetFileAttributes: gle = %ld, %s\n", GetLastError(), fileDstPath);
b = CopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath, FALSE );
if ( b ) {
Msg ( "Copy: %s >>> %s [OK]\n", fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
else {
Msg ( "ERROR Copy: %s >>> %s, gle = %ld\n", fileSrcPath, fileDstPath, GetLastError() );
else {
Msg ( "%s %d %d %ld %ld +++ %s %d %d %ld %ld [SAME]\n", fileSrcPath, srcDate, srcTime, wfdSrc.nFileSizeLow, wfdSrc.nFileSizeHigh, fileDstPath , dstDate, dstTime, wfdDst.nFileSizeLow, wfdDst.nFileSizeHigh );
FindClose ( hSrc );
FindClose ( hDst );
// Do bit verification here on all files coming into MyCopyFile.
if ( bVerifyBits ) {
BOOL bNoError = TRUE;
HANDLE SrcFileHandle, DstFileHandle;
DWORD srcBytesRead;
DWORD dstBytesRead;
DWORD totalBytesRead = 0;
#define OFFSET_FILENAME 0x3C // address of file name in diamond header.
// >>> use struct later instead of this hack.
#define OFFSET_PAST_FILENAME 8 + 1 + 3 + 2 // we only use 8.3 filenames.
char unCompressedFileName[OFFSET_PAST_FILENAME];
BOOL bIsDstCompressed = FALSE;
char szExpandToDir[MFL];
char target[MFL];
int iRc;
unsigned short unicodeFileLocation[MFL];
unsigned short unicodeTargetLocation[MFL];
bIsDstCompressed = IsDstCompressed ( fileDstPath );
if ( bIsDstCompressed ) {
FILE * fHandle;
char szEndingFileName[MFL];
// Figure out where source should be from.
// Ie., we need to figure out the uncompressed path from the compressed path.
if ( fileDstPath[0] == szWorkDstDrv[0] ) {
// We are working with Workstation binaries.
if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, szCompX86Src ) ) {
strcpy ( fileSrcPath, szWrkX86Src );
strcpy ( szExpandToDir, V_WRK_I386 );
else if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, szCompAlphaSrc ) ) {
strcpy ( fileSrcPath, szWrkAlphaSrc );
strcpy ( szExpandToDir, V_WRK_ALPHA );
else {
Msg ( "ERROR: couldn't determined location for: %s\n", fileSrcPath );
bNoError = FALSE;
else if ( fileDstPath[0] == szServDstDrv[0] ) {
// We are working with Workstation binaries.
if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, szCompX86Src ) ) {
strcpy ( fileSrcPath, szSrvX86Src );
strcpy ( szExpandToDir, V_SRV_I386 );
else if ( strstr ( fileSrcPath, szCompAlphaSrc ) ) {
strcpy ( fileSrcPath, szSrvAlphaSrc );
strcpy ( szExpandToDir, V_SRV_ALPHA );
else {
Msg ( "ERROR: couldn't determined Server location for: %s\n", fileSrcPath );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup0;
else {
Msg ( "ERROR: couldn't determined wks/srv drive for: %s\n", fileDstPath );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup0;
// NOTE: At this point, fileSrcPath ONLY has a path, it now has NO filename !
// Find the expanded file name from the compressed file.
fHandle = fopen ( fileDstPath, "rb" );
if ( fHandle == NULL) {
Msg ( "ERROR Couldn't open file with fopen to find expanded name: %s\n", fileDstPath );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup0;
else {
size_t bytesRead;
int location;
location = fseek ( fHandle, OFFSET_FILENAME, SEEK_SET );
if ( location != 0 ) {
Msg ( "fseek ERROR\n" );
bNoError = FALSE;
fclose ( fHandle );
goto cleanup0;
bytesRead = fread ( unCompressedFileName, 1, OFFSET_PAST_FILENAME, fHandle );
for ( i = 0; i < bytesRead; ++i ) {
printf ( "%X(%c) ", buffer[i], buffer[i] );
printf ( "\n" );
if ( bytesRead != OFFSET_PAST_FILENAME ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: bytesRead = %x not %x\n", bytesRead, OFFSET_PAST_FILENAME );
bNoError = FALSE;
fclose ( fHandle );
goto cleanup0;
fclose ( fHandle );
// Expand the file.
sprintf ( target, "%s\\%s", szExpandToDir, unCompressedFileName );
iRc = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP,
strlen ( fileDstPath )+1,
MFL/2 );
if ( !iRc ) {
Msg ( "MultiByteToWideChar: ERROR, gle = %ld, %s\n", GetLastError(), fileDstPath );
iRc = MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP,
strlen ( target )+1,
MFL/2 );
if ( !iRc ) {
Msg ( "MultiByteToWideChar: ERROR, gle = %ld, %s\n", GetLastError(), target );
dw = SetupDecompressOrCopyFileW (
if ( dw ) {
Msg ( "ERROR SetupDecompressOrCopyFile, dw = %d, fileDstPath=%s, target=%s\n",
dw, fileDstPath, target );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup0;
else {
Msg ( "SetupDecompressOrCopyFile: %s >> %s [OK]\n", fileDstPath, target );
// Put the Source and Destination paths and filenames back together
// now so we can do the file compare.
strcat ( fileSrcPath, "\\" );
strcat ( fileSrcPath, unCompressedFileName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\%s", szExpandToDir, unCompressedFileName );
SrcFileHandle = CreateFile ( fileSrcPath,
if ( SrcFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Msg ( "ERROR verify: Couldn't open source: %s, gle = %ld\n", fileSrcPath, GetLastError() );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup0;
DstFileHandle = CreateFile ( fileDstPath,
if ( DstFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
Msg ( "ERROR verify: Couldn't open destination: %s, gle = %ld\n", fileDstPath, GetLastError() );
bNoError = FALSE;
CloseHandle ( SrcFileHandle );
goto cleanup0;
//GetDiskFreeSpace(); // get sector size. // need to use this sector size in reads due to above NO_BUFFERING flag.
b = GetFileInformationByHandle ( SrcFileHandle, &srcFileInformation );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: GetFileInformationByHandle on src, gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
bNoError = FALSE;
srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow = 0;
goto cleanup1;
b = GetFileInformationByHandle ( DstFileHandle, &dstFileInformation );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: GetFileInformationByHandle on dst, gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
bNoError = FALSE;
dstFileInformation.nFileSizeLow = 0;
goto cleanup1;
// Make sure the files are the same size.
if ( srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow != dstFileInformation.nFileSizeLow ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: file size different: %s %ld %s %ld\n", fileSrcPath, srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow, fileDstPath, dstFileInformation.nFileSizeLow );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup1;
// Compare the bits.
totalBytesRead = 0;
while ( 1 ) {
b = ReadFile ( SrcFileHandle, &srcBuf, NUM_BYTES_TO_READ, &srcBytesRead, NULL );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: ReadFile src, gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup1;
b = ReadFile ( DstFileHandle, &dstBuf, NUM_BYTES_TO_READ, &dstBytesRead, NULL );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: ReadFile dst, gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup1;
// Read # of bytes need to be the same.
if ( srcBytesRead != dstBytesRead ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: file read sizes different: %ld vs. %ld\n", srcBytesRead, dstBytesRead );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup1;
// Successfully read to end of file, we can break out now.
if ( srcBytesRead == 0 || dstBytesRead == 0 ) {
if ( totalBytesRead != srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: totalBytesRead = %ld notequal srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow = %ld\n",
totalBytesRead, srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow );
bNoError = FALSE;
goto cleanup1;
totalBytesRead += srcBytesRead;
for ( i = 0; i < srcBytesRead; ++i ) {
if ( srcBuf[i] != dstBuf[i] ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: srcBuf %d != dstBuf %d, i = %ld srcBytesRead = %ld totalBytesRead = %ld %s %s \n", srcBuf[i], dstBuf[i], i, srcBytesRead, totalBytesRead, fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
bNoError = FALSE;
Replay ( srcBuf, dstBuf, srcBytesRead, i );
goto cleanup1;
//Msg ( "%s %ld of %ld examined...\n", fileSrcPath, totalBytesRead, srcFileInformation.nFileSizeLow );
// Close the file handles.
CloseHandle ( SrcFileHandle );
CloseHandle ( DstFileHandle );
Msg ( "Verify: %s >>> %s [OK]\n", fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
// If the file is compressed, ie. expanded, and the there wasn't an error
// comparing, get rid of the expanded file so it doesn't take up any space.
// But, if there was an error, leave it around for examination purposes.
if ( bIsDstCompressed && bNoError ) {
char szDeleteFile[MFL];
sprintf ( szDeleteFile, "%s\\%s", szExpandToDir, unCompressedFileName );
b = DeleteFile ( szDeleteFile );
if ( !b ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: DeleteFile FAILED %s, gle = %ld\n", szDeleteFile, GetLastError() );
return (TRUE);
#define FILE_SECTION_BASE "[SourceDisksFiles]"
#define FILE_SECTION_X86 "[SourceDisksFiles.x86]"
#define FILE_SECTION_ALPHA "[SourceDisksFiles.alpha]"
#define FILE_SECTION_DBG_BASE "[DbgFiles]"
#define FILE_SECTION_DBG_X86 "[DbgFiles.x86]"
BOOL CreateDir ( char * wcPath, BOOL bMakeDbgDirs ) {
char cPath[MFL];
char cPath2[MFL];
int iIndex = 0;
char * ptr=wcPath;
// Msg ( "CreateDir: wcPath = %s, bMakeDbgDirs = %d\n", wcPath, bMakeDbgDirs );
do {
cPath[iIndex] = *wcPath;
cPath[iIndex+1] = '\0';
//Msg ( "cPath = %s\n", cPath );
if ( cPath[iIndex] == '\\' || cPath[iIndex] == '\0' ) {
if ( iIndex <= 2 ) {
//Msg ( "skpdrv: iIndex = %d\n", iIndex );
goto skipdrv;
strcpy ( cPath2, cPath );
cPath2[iIndex] = '\0';
//Msg ( "Create with: >>>%s<<<\n", cPath2 );
b = CreateDirectory ( cPath, NULL );
if ( !b ) {
DWORD dwGle;
dwGle = GetLastError();
if ( dwGle != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) {
Msg ( "ERROR CreateDirectory gle = %ld, wcPath = %s\n", dwGle, ptr );
else {
Msg ( "Made dir: %s\n", cPath );
if ( cPath[iIndex] == '\0' ) {
} while ( 1 );
if ( bMakeDbgDirs ) {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_EXTS; ++i ) {
sprintf ( cPath2, "%s\\%s", cPath, cExtra[i] );
// Msg ( "bMakeDbgDirs to: %s\n", cPath2 );
b = CreateDirectory ( cPath2, NULL );
if ( !b ) {
DWORD dwGle;
dwGle = GetLastError();
if ( dwGle != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ) {
Msg ( "ERROR CreateDirectory gle = %ld, cPath = %s\n", dwGle, cPath );
else {
Msg ( "Made dir: %s\n", cPath );
BOOL CreateDestinationDirs ( void ) {
CHAR dstDirectory[MFL];
// Create the directories to compare the bits, used later in MyCopyFile().
CreateDir ( V_WRK_I386, FALSE );
CreateDir ( V_WRK_ALPHA, FALSE );
CreateDir ( V_SRV_I386, FALSE );
CreateDir ( V_SRV_ALPHA, FALSE );
// Create the Workstation %platform%\system32 directories.
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szWorkDstDrv, I386_DIR ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szWorkDstDrv, ALPHA_DIR ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
// Create the Workstation \support\debug\%platform%\symbols\%ext% directories.
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szWorkDstDrv, I386_DBG ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,TRUE );
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szWorkDstDrv, ALPHA_DBG ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,TRUE );
// Create the Server %platform% directories.
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szServDstDrv, I386_DIR ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szServDstDrv, ALPHA_DIR ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
// Create the Server \support\debug\%platform%\symbols\%ext% directories.
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szServDstDrv, I386_DBG ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,TRUE );
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szServDstDrv, ALPHA_DBG ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,TRUE );
// Create the Server %platform%\netmon directories - this is ONLY required on Server.
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s%s", szServDstDrv, I386_DIR_RAW, NETMON ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s%s", szServDstDrv, ALPHA_DIR_RAW, NETMON ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
// Create the Server \clients\srvtools\winnt\%platform% directories.
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szServDstDrv, I386_SRV_WINNT ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
sprintf ( dstDirectory, "%s%s", szServDstDrv, ALPHA_SRV_WINNT ); CreateDir ( dstDirectory,FALSE );
DWORD CopyDbgFiles ( void ) {
char fileSrcPath[MFL];
char fileDstPath[MFL];
for ( i = 0; i < X86Dbg.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s\\%s", szX86Dbg,
X86Dbg.wcFilesArray[i] );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\i386\\%s", szWorkDstDrv,
X86Dbg.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
if ( bChecked ) {
// Don't make a Serv checked build.
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\i386\\%s", szServDstDrv,
X86Dbg.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
for ( i = 0; i < AlphaDbg.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s\\%s", szAlphaDbg,
AlphaDbg.wcFilesArray[i] );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\Alpha\\%s", szWorkDstDrv,
AlphaDbg.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
if ( bChecked ) {
// Don't make a Serv checked build.
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\Alpha\\%s", szServDstDrv,
AlphaDbg.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
VOID MakeCompName ( const char * inFile, char * outFile ) {
unsigned i;
unsigned period;
strcpy( outFile, inFile );
for ( period=(unsigned)(-1), i = 0 ; i < strlen(inFile); i++ ) {
if ( inFile[i] == '.' ) {
period = i;
if ( period == (strlen(inFile)-4) ) {
outFile[strlen(outFile)-1] = '_';
else if ( period == (unsigned)(-1)) {
strcat ( outFile, "._");
else {
strcat ( outFile, "_");
VOID MakeDbgName( LPCSTR pszSourceName, LPSTR pszTargetName ) {
// Converts "filename.ext" into "ext\filename.dbg".
const char *p = strchr( pszSourceName, '.' );
if ( p != NULL ) {
strcpy( pszTargetName, p + 1 ); // old extension
strcat( pszTargetName, "\\" ); // path separator
strcat( pszTargetName, pszSourceName ); // base name
strcpy( strchr( pszTargetName, '.' ), ".dbg" ); // new extension
else {
strcpy( pszTargetName, pszSourceName );
DWORD CopyX86Workstation ( void ) {
char fileSrcPath[256];
char fileDstPath[256];
fX86Wrk = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < i386Workstation.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
// Copy the system file.
if ( i386Workstation.bCopyComp[i] ) {
char szCompressedName[256];
MakeCompName ( i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i], szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szCompX86Src, szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\i386\\%s", szWorkDstDrv, szCompressedName );
Msg ( "compressed source Path = %s\n", fileSrcPath );
else {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szWrkX86Src, i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i] );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\i386\\%s", szWorkDstDrv, i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
// Copy the dbg file, if needed.
if ( i386Workstation.bCopyDbg[i] ) {
char szDbgName[256];
MakeDbgName ( i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i], szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szX86DbgSource, szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\i386\\symbols\\%s", szWorkDstDrv, szDbgName );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
fX86Wrk = TRUE;
return (TRUE);
DWORD CopyAlphaWorkstation ( void ) {
CHAR fileSrcPath[256];
CHAR fileDstPath[256];
fAlphaWrk = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
// Copy the system file.
if ( AlphaWorkstation.bCopyComp[i] ) {
char szCompressedName[256];
MakeCompName ( AlphaWorkstation.wcFilesArray[i], szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szCompAlphaSrc, szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\alpha\\%s", szWorkDstDrv, szCompressedName );
else {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szWrkAlphaSrc, AlphaWorkstation.wcFilesArray[i] );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\alpha\\%s", szWorkDstDrv, AlphaWorkstation.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
// Copy the dbg file, if needed.
if ( AlphaWorkstation.bCopyDbg[i] ) {
char szDbgName[256];
MakeDbgName ( AlphaWorkstation.wcFilesArray[i], szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szAlphaDbgSource, szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\alpha\\symbols\\%s", szWorkDstDrv, szDbgName );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
fAlphaWrk = TRUE;
return (TRUE);
#define INF_SUFFIX ".inf"
#define SRV_INF "srv_inf"
BOOL SrvInfTest ( char * file ) {
if ( strstr ( file, INF_SUFFIX ) != NULL &&
_stricmp ( file, "MODEM.INF" ) != 0 && // these N Inf files are not built in
_stricmp ( file, "PAD.INF" ) != 0 && // setup\inf\...
_stricmp ( file, "SETUP16.INF" ) != 0 && // and won't be found in the Server INF location
_stricmp ( file, "XPORTS.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "SWITCH.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MAPISVC.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "IE.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "INETFIND.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MONITOR1.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MONITOR2.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MONITOR3.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MONITOR4.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MONITOR6.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "MSTASK.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "SBPNP.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "AMOVIE.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "ICWNT5.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "HMMNT5.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "NT5JAVA.INF" ) != 0 &&
_stricmp ( file, "ROUTING.INF" ) != 0 &&
_strnicmp ( file, "MDM", 3 ) != 0 // for all those MDM*.INF modem inf files
) {
return (TRUE); // use SERVER INF dump location path.
else {
return (FALSE); // use WORKSTATION INF dump location path,
// such as for INFs that don't have a distinction
// between Workstation and Server.
DWORD CopyX86Server ( void ) {
CHAR fileSrcPath[256];
CHAR fileDstPath[256];
fX86Srv = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < i386Server.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
// Copy the system file.
if ( i386Server.bCopyComp[i] ) {
char szCompressedName[256];
MakeCompName ( i386Server.wcFilesArray[i], szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szCompX86Src, szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\i386\\%s", szServDstDrv, szCompressedName );
if ( SrvInfTest ( i386Server.wcFilesArray[i] ) ) {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s\\%s", szCompX86Src, SRV_INF, szCompressedName );
Msg ( "Server INF special src path: %s\n", fileSrcPath );
else {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szSrvX86Src, i386Server.wcFilesArray[i] );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\i386\\%s", szServDstDrv, i386Server.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
// Copy the dbg file, if needed.
if ( i386Server.bCopyDbg[i] ) {
char szDbgName[256];
MakeDbgName ( i386Server.wcFilesArray[i], szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szX86DbgSource, szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\i386\\symbols\\%s", szServDstDrv, szDbgName );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
fX86Srv = TRUE;
return (TRUE);
DWORD CopyAlphaServer ( void ) {
CHAR fileSrcPath[256];
CHAR fileDstPath[256];
fAlphaSrv = FALSE;
for ( i = 0; i < AlphaServer.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
// Copy the system file.
if ( AlphaServer.bCopyComp[i] ) {
char szCompressedName[256];
MakeCompName ( AlphaServer.wcFilesArray[i], szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szCompAlphaSrc, szCompressedName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\alpha\\%s", szServDstDrv, szCompressedName );
if ( SrvInfTest ( AlphaServer.wcFilesArray[i] ) ) {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s\\%s", szCompAlphaSrc, SRV_INF, szCompressedName );
Msg ( "Server INF special src path: %s\n", fileSrcPath );
else {
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szSrvAlphaSrc, AlphaServer.wcFilesArray[i] );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\alpha\\%s", szServDstDrv, AlphaServer.wcFilesArray[i] );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
// Copy the dbg file, if needed.
if ( AlphaServer.bCopyDbg[i] ) {
char szDbgName[256];
MakeDbgName ( AlphaServer.wcFilesArray[i], szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileSrcPath, "%s\\%s", szAlphaDbgSource, szDbgName );
sprintf ( fileDstPath, "%s\\support\\debug\\alpha\\symbols\\%s", szServDstDrv, szDbgName );
MyCopyFile ( fileSrcPath, fileDstPath );
fAlphaSrv = TRUE;
return (TRUE);
BOOL CopyTheFiles ( void ) {
HANDLE hThread;
if ( bVerifyBits ) {
// Don't multithread.
CopyX86Workstation ();
CopyX86Server ();
CopyAlphaWorkstation ();
CopyAlphaServer ();
return (TRUE);
hThread = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) CopyX86Workstation, NULL, 0, &tId );
if ( hThread == NULL ) {
Msg ( "x86w CreateThread ERROR gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
hThread = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) CopyX86Server, NULL, 0, &tId );
if ( hThread == NULL ) {
Msg ( "x86s CreateThread ERROR gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
hThread = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) CopyAlphaWorkstation, NULL, 0, &tId );
if ( hThread == NULL ) {
Msg ( "alphaw CreateThread ERROR gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
hThread = CreateThread ( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) CopyAlphaServer, NULL, 0, &tId );
if ( hThread == NULL ) {
Msg ( "alphas CreateThread ERROR gle = %ld\n", GetLastError() );
// Copy the debugger files in the current thread.
CopyDbgFiles ();
while ( fX86Wrk == FALSE ||
fX86Srv == FALSE ||
fAlphaWrk == FALSE ||
fAlphaSrv == FALSE ) {
Sleep ( 1000 );
DWORD FigureSection ( char * Line ) {
Msg ( "FigureSection on: %s\n", Line );
if ( strstr ( Line, FILE_SECTION_BASE ) ) {
dwInsideSection = idBase;
if ( strstr ( Line, FILE_SECTION_X86 ) ) {
dwInsideSection = idX86;
if ( strstr ( Line, FILE_SECTION_ALPHA ) ) {
dwInsideSection = idALPHA;
if ( strstr ( Line, FILE_SECTION_DBG_BASE ) ) {
dwInsideSection = idBaseDbg;
if ( strstr ( Line, FILE_SECTION_DBG_X86 ) ) {
dwInsideSection = idX86Dbg;
else {
dwInsideSection = FILE_SECTION_NOT_USED;
Msg ( "dwInsideSection = %x\n", dwInsideSection );
char * SuckName ( const char * Line ) {
static char szSuckedName[MFL];
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
// Copy the file name until a space is encountered.
while ( *Line != ' ' ) {
szSuckedName[dwIndex] = *Line;
szSuckedName[dwIndex+1] = '\0';
return szSuckedName;
char * SuckSubName ( const char * Line ) {
static char szSub[150];
DWORD i = 0;
char * sPtr;
char * ePtr;
Msg ( "SuckSubName Line = %s\n", Line );
// Find the = sign in the line.
sPtr = strchr ( Line, '=' );
if ( sPtr == NULL ) {
Msg ( "SuckSubName ERROR, couldn't find '=' character in string: %s\n", Line );
strcpy ( szSub, "" );
return (szSub);
// Go past the '=' and 'space' character.
//Msg ( "sPtr = >>>%s<<<\n", sPtr );
// Find the , character, this is the end of the string.
ePtr = strchr ( Line, ',' );
if ( ePtr == NULL ) {
Msg ( "SuckSubName ERROR, couldn't find ',' character in string: %s\n", Line );
strcpy ( szSub, "" );
return (szSub);
// Copy the string.
do {
szSub[i] = *sPtr;
} while ( sPtr < ePtr );
szSub[i] = '\0';
//Msg ( "szSub = >>>%s<<<\n\n", szSub );
return szSub;
void ShowX86Work ( void ) {
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < i386Workstation.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
Msg ( "%d %s Comp=%d Dbg=%d\n",
i386Workstation.bCopyDbg[i] );
void AddFileToX86Work ( const char * Line, BOOL bCopyComp, BOOL bCopyDbg ) {
i386Workstation.bCopyComp[i386Workstation.wNumFiles] = bCopyComp;
i386Workstation.bCopyDbg[i386Workstation.wNumFiles] = bCopyDbg;
i386Workstation.bCountBytes[i386Workstation.wNumFiles] = bGetSizeLater;
strcpy ( i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i386Workstation.wNumFiles], SuckName (Line) );
void AddFileToX86Serv ( const char * Line, BOOL bCopyComp, BOOL bCopyDbg ) {
if ( bChecked ) {
// Don't make a Serv checked build.
i386Server.bCopyComp[i386Server.wNumFiles] = bCopyComp;
i386Server.bCopyDbg[i386Server.wNumFiles] = bCopyDbg;
i386Server.bCountBytes[i386Server.wNumFiles] = bGetSizeLater;
strcpy ( i386Server.wcFilesArray[i386Server.wNumFiles], SuckName (Line) );
void AddFileToAlphaWork ( const char * Line, BOOL bCopyComp, BOOL bCopyDbg ) {
AlphaWorkstation.bCopyComp[AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles] = bCopyComp;
AlphaWorkstation.bCopyDbg[AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles] = bCopyDbg;
AlphaWorkstation.bCountBytes[AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles] = bGetSizeLater;
strcpy ( AlphaWorkstation.wcFilesArray[AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles], SuckName (Line) );
void AddFileToAlphaServ ( const char * Line, BOOL bCopyComp, BOOL bCopyDbg ) {
if ( bChecked ) {
// Don't make a Serv checked build.
AlphaServer.bCopyComp[AlphaServer.wNumFiles] = bCopyComp;
AlphaServer.bCopyDbg[AlphaServer.wNumFiles] = bCopyDbg;
AlphaServer.bCountBytes[AlphaServer.wNumFiles] = bGetSizeLater;
strcpy ( AlphaServer.wcFilesArray[AlphaServer.wNumFiles], SuckName (Line) );
void AddFileToX86Dbg ( const char * Line ) {
strcpy ( X86Dbg.wcFilesArray [X86Dbg.wNumFiles], SuckName (Line) );
strcpy ( X86Dbg.wcSubPath [X86Dbg.wNumFiles], SuckSubName (Line) );
void AddFileToAlphaDbg ( const char * Line ) {
strcpy ( AlphaDbg.wcFilesArray [AlphaDbg.wNumFiles], SuckName (Line) );
strcpy ( AlphaDbg.wcSubPath [AlphaDbg.wNumFiles], SuckSubName (Line) );
BOOL CopyCompressedFile ( const char * Line ) {
const char * Ptr = Line;
DWORD i = 0;
#define COMP_FIELD 6
while ( *Line != '\0' ) {
// If we are at the correct field,
// then stop counting fields.
if ( i == COMP_FIELD ) {
// Found another field, increment our counter.
if ( *Line == ',' ) {
// Look at next char.
// If we are at the correct # of fields and the
// next char isn't a ',', we should keep this file
// uncompressed.
if ( i == COMP_FIELD && *Line != ',' ) {
Msg ( "don't compress this file =%c, %s", *Line, Ptr );
return ( FALSE );
//Msg ( "CopyCompressedFile TRUE=%s\n", Ptr );
return ( TRUE );
CHAR * ImageName )
//NTSTATUS Status;
ULONG NumberOfPtes;
ULONG SectionVirtualSize;
ULONG SectorOffset;
ULONG NumberOfSubsections;
PCHAR ExtendedHeader = NULL;
ULONG PreferredImageBase;
ULONG ImageFileSize;
ULONG OffsetToSectionTable;
ULONG ImageAlignment;
ULONG PtesInSubsection;
ULONG StartingSector;
ULONG EndingSector;
//LPSTR ImageName;
BOOL ImageOk;
Msg ( "ImageName = %s\n", ImageName );
DosHeader = NULL;
ImageOk = TRUE;
File = CreateFile (ImageName,
// HACK: Since the release shares put WINNT32.EXE and WINNT32.HLP in the
// WINNT32 directory
// instead of leaving it in the flat root, verify that if the ImageName
// contains WINNT32, so we look in the WINNT32 dir also before error'ing out.
if ( strstr ( ImageName, "WINNT32.EXE" ) ||
strstr ( ImageName, "winnt32a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( ImageName, "winnt32u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( ImageName, "WINNT32A.DLL" ) ||
strstr ( ImageName, "WINNT32U.DLL" ) ||
strstr ( ImageName, "winnt32.exe" ) ) {
char tmpSrcPath[MFL];
strcpy ( tmpSrcPath, ImageName );
//Msg ( "ImageName = %s, tmpSrcPath = %s\n", ImageName, tmpSrcPath );
if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "A.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32a.dll" );
else if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "U.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32u.dll" );
else {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.EXE" );
File = CreateFile (tmpSrcPath,
Msg ( "ERROR on ImageName(tmpSrcPath) = %s, gle = %ld\n", tmpSrcPath, GetLastError() );
return (FALSE);
else {
Msg ( "ERROR, CreateFile(%s) gle = %ld\n", ImageName, GetLastError());
return (FALSE);
MemMap = CreateFileMapping (File,
NULL, // default security.
PAGE_READONLY, // file protection.
0, // high-order file size.
if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(File, &FileInfo)) {
Msg ("ERROR, GetFileInfo() %d, %s\n", GetLastError(), ImageName );
return (FALSE);
DosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER) MapViewOfFile(MemMap,
0, // high
0, // low
0 // whole file
if (!DosHeader) {
Msg ("ERROR, MapViewOfFile() %d\n", GetLastError());
ImageOk = FALSE;
goto NextImage;
try {
// Check to determine if this is an NT image (PE format) or
// a DOS image, Win-16 image, or OS/2 image. If the image is
// not NT format, return an error indicating which image it
// appears to be.
if (DosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) {
Msg ( "Warning: MZ header not found, %s\n", ImageName );
ImageOk = FALSE;
goto NeImage;
NtHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((ULONG)DosHeader + (ULONG)DosHeader->e_lfanew);
if (NtHeader->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) { //if not PE image
Msg ("Warning: Non 32-bit image, %s\n", ImageName);
ImageOk = FALSE;
goto NeImage;
// Check to see if this is an NT image or a DOS or OS/2 image.
Status = MiVerifyImageHeader (NtHeader, DosHeader, 50000);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
ImageOk = FALSE; //continue checking the image but don't print "OK"
// Verify machine type.
if (!((NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386) ||
(NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R3000) ||
(NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000) ||
(NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R10000) ||
(NtHeader->FileHeader.Machine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ALPHA))) {
Msg ( "ERROR Unrecognized machine type x%lx\n",
ImageOk = FALSE;
Msg ( "Warning, try/except handler, %s\n", ImageName );
ImageOk = FALSE;
if ( DosHeader ) {
return (ImageOk);
BOOL CopyDbgFile ( const char * Line, DWORD dwInsideSection ) {
char szPath[MFL];
char szFile[20];
LONG lType;
// Verify that this file name contains one of the extensions
// that we need files for debugging.
sprintf ( szFile, "%s", SuckName ( Line ) );
if ( strstr ( szFile, ".acm" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".com" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".cpl" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".dll" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".drv" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".exe" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".scr" ) == NULL &&
strstr ( szFile, ".sys" ) == NULL ) {
return (FALSE);
// Determine which release share to look at.
switch ( dwInsideSection ) {
case idBase :
case idX86 :
sprintf ( szPath, "%s\\%s", szWrkX86Src, szFile );
case idALPHA :
sprintf ( szPath, "%s\\%s", szWrkAlphaSrc, szFile );
case idBaseDbg :
case idX86Dbg :
return (FALSE);
default :
Msg ( "ERROR: CopyDbgFile, unknown switch value = %ld\n", dwInsideSection );
return (FALSE);
// Since we are loading in each INF now, let's optimize this code, ie. if we have
// deemed the file to get it's debug file, don't do another ImageChk since it is
// unneccessary.
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < i386Workstation.wNumFiles; ++i ) {
if ( _stricmp ( i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i], szFile ) == 0 ) {
//Msg ( ">>> files have same name for .dbg : %s %s\n",
// i386Workstation.wcFilesArray[i], szFile );
return TRUE;
// Look at the binary type. If it is a Win32 binary, pick it up.
b = ImageChk ( szPath );
return ( b );
#define X86_WRK 0
#define X86_SRV 1
#define ALPHA_WRK 2
#define ALPHA_SRV 3
BOOL GetTheFiles ( char * LayoutInfPath, char * layoutFile, int AddToList ) {
CHAR infFilePath[MFL];
DWORD dwErrorLine;
char dstDirectory[MFL];
FILE * fHandle;
char Line[MFL];
// Open the inx file for processing.
sprintf ( infFilePath, "%s\\%s", LayoutInfPath, layoutFile );
Msg ( "infFilePath = %s\n", infFilePath );
fHandle = fopen ( infFilePath, "rt" );
if ( fHandle ) {
Msg ( "dwInsideSection = %x\n", dwInsideSection );
while ( fgets ( Line, sizeof(Line), fHandle ) ) {
int i;
BOOL bCopyComp = FALSE; // flag to tell if file shall be copied in its compressed format.
BOOL bCopyDbg = FALSE; // flag to tell if copying the file's .dbg file.
// Msg ( "Line: %s\n", Line );
if ( Line[0] == '[' ) {
// We may have a new section.
dwInsideSection = FigureSection ( Line );
// Reasons to ignore this line from further processing.
// File section not one we process.
if ( dwInsideSection == FILE_SECTION_NOT_USED ) {
// Line just contains a non-usefull short string.
i = strlen ( Line );
if ( i < 4 ) {
// Line contains just a comment.
if ( Line[0] == ';' ) {
// Determine if we should copy the compressed
// version of the file and if we should copy the .dbg file.
bCopyComp = CopyCompressedFile ( Line );
bCopyDbg = CopyDbgFile ( Line, dwInsideSection );
//Msg ( "file == %s\n", SuckName ( Line ) );
switch ( AddToList ) {
case X86_WRK :
if ( dwInsideSection == idBase || dwInsideSection == idX86 ) {
AddFileToX86Work ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
case X86_SRV :
if ( dwInsideSection == idBase || dwInsideSection == idX86 ) {
AddFileToX86Serv ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
case ALPHA_WRK :
if ( dwInsideSection == idBase || dwInsideSection == idALPHA ) {
AddFileToAlphaWork ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
case ALPHA_SRV :
if ( dwInsideSection == idBase || dwInsideSection == idALPHA ) {
AddFileToAlphaServ ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
if ( dwInsideSection == idBase ) {
AddFileToX86Work ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
AddFileToX86Serv ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
AddFileToAlphaWork ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
AddFileToAlphaServ ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
if ( dwInsideSection == idX86 ) {
AddFileToX86Work ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
AddFileToX86Serv ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
if ( dwInsideSection == idALPHA ) {
AddFileToAlphaWork ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
AddFileToAlphaServ ( Line, bCopyComp, bCopyDbg );
if ( dwInsideSection == idBaseDbg ) {
AddFileToX86Dbg ( Line );
AddFileToAlphaDbg ( Line );
if ( dwInsideSection == idX86Dbg ) {
AddFileToX86Dbg ( Line );
default :
Msg ( "ERROR: AddToList = %d\n", AddToList );
if ( ferror(fHandle) ) {
Msg ( "ERROR fgets reading from file...\n" );
else {
Msg ( "fopen ERROR %s\n", infFilePath );
return (FALSE);
fclose ( fHandle );
return (TRUE);
void TallyInstalled ( char * szUncompPath, char * szCompPath,
struct _tag * tagStruct,
DWORD * numBytes,
struct _ClusterSizes * localSrcBytes ) {
int i;
char szCompressedName[MFL];
char szPath[MFL];
*numBytes = 0;
localSrcBytes->Kh1 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K1 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K2 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K4 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K8 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K16 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K32 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K64 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K128 = 0;
localSrcBytes->K256 = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < tagStruct->wNumFiles; ++i ) {
// Don't add in space requirements for files in media.inx, since
// these files are NEVER installed.
if ( !tagStruct->bCountBytes[i] ) {
Msg ( "Warning: not going to count bytes for: %s\n", tagStruct->wcFilesArray[i] );
// Calculate the minimum installed system space required.
sprintf ( szPath, "%s\\%s", szUncompPath, tagStruct->wcFilesArray[i] );
hFind = FindFirstFile ( szPath, &wfd );
if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( strstr ( szPath, "desktop.ini" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "DESKTOP.INI" ) ) {
// Build lab sometimes doesn't put the uncompressed
// file on the release shares, say the file is 512 bytes.
#define MAX_SETUP_CLUSTER_SIZE 16*1024
*numBytes += ROUNDUP2 ( 512, MAX_SETUP_CLUSTER_SIZE );
if ( strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32.EXE" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32.exe" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32A.DLL" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32U.DLL" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32.HLP" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32.hlp" ) ) {
char tmpSrcPath[MFL];
strcpy ( tmpSrcPath, szPath );
if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, ".HLP" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, ".hlp" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.HLP" );
else if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "A.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32a.dll" );
else if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "U.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32u.dll" );
else {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.EXE" );
hFind = FindFirstFile ( tmpSrcPath, &wfd );
if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Msg ( "ERROR Tally: FindFirstFile %s(%s), gle = %ld\n", szPath, tmpSrcPath, GetLastError() );
else {
Msg ( "ERROR Tally: FindFirstFile %s, gle = %ld\n", szPath, GetLastError() );
else {
*numBytes += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, MAX_SETUP_CLUSTER_SIZE );
FindClose ( hFind );
//Msg ( "%s = %ld\n", szPath, *numBytes );
// Calculate the local space required.
if ( tagStruct->bCopyComp[i] ) {
char szCompressedName[MFL];
MakeCompName ( tagStruct->wcFilesArray[i], szCompressedName );
sprintf ( szPath, "%s\\%s", szCompPath, szCompressedName );
else {
sprintf ( szPath, "%s\\%s", szUncompPath, tagStruct->wcFilesArray[i] );
hFind = FindFirstFile ( szPath, &wfd );
if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
if ( strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32.EXE" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32.exe" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32A.DLL" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32U.DLL" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "WINNT32.HLP" ) ||
strstr ( szPath, "winnt32.hlp" ) ) {
char tmpSrcPath[MFL];
strcpy ( tmpSrcPath, szPath );
if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, ".HLP" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, ".hlp" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.HLP" );
else if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "a.dll" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "A.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32a.dll" );
else if ( strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "u.dll" ) ||
strstr ( tmpSrcPath, "U.DLL" ) ) {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 5 ], "\\WINNT32u.dll" );
else {
strcpy ( &tmpSrcPath[ strlen(tmpSrcPath) - 4 ], "\\WINNT32.EXE" );
hFind = FindFirstFile ( tmpSrcPath, &wfd );
if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
Msg ( "ERROR Tally: FindFirstFile %s(%s), gle = %ld\n", szPath, tmpSrcPath, GetLastError() );
else {
Msg ( "ERROR Tally: FindFirstFile %s, gle = %ld\n", szPath, GetLastError() );
else {
#define _h1K 512
#define _1K 1*1024
#define _2K 2*1024
#define _4K 4*1024
#define _8K 8*1024
#define _16K 16*1024
#define _32K 32*1024
#define _64K 64*1024
#define _128K 128*1024
#define _256K 256*1024
localSrcBytes->Kh1 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _h1K );
localSrcBytes->K1 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _1K );
localSrcBytes->K2 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _2K );
localSrcBytes->K4 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _4K );
localSrcBytes->K8 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _8K );
localSrcBytes->K16 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _16K );
localSrcBytes->K32 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _32K );
localSrcBytes->K64 += ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _64K );
localSrcBytes->K128+= ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _128K );
localSrcBytes->K256+= ROUNDUP2 ( wfd.nFileSizeLow, _256K );
FindClose ( hFind );
//Msg ( "%s = %ld\n", szPath, *localSrcBytes );
DWORD GetTheSize ( const char * szPath, const char * szKey ) {
FILE * fHandle;
char Line[MFL];
Msg ( "GetTheSize: szPath = %s\n", szPath );
fHandle = fopen ( szPath, "rt" );
if ( fHandle ) {
while ( fgets ( Line, sizeof(Line), fHandle ) ) {
if ( strncmp ( Line, szKey, strlen(szKey)-1 ) == 0 ) {
char * LinePtr = Line;
Msg ( "key Line = %s\n", Line );
// Find the first character that is a number.
while ( isdigit(*LinePtr) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "# = %s\n", LinePtr );
fclose ( fHandle );
return ( atoi ( LinePtr ) );
Msg ( "GetTheSize: Couldn't find key: %s\n", szKey );
fclose ( fHandle );
else {
Msg ( "GetTheSize: Couldn't fopen (%s)\n", szPath );
return 0;
DWORD ThreeMegFudge ( void ) {
// The following value incorporates:
// - boot files on hard drive, ie. the files that would go on the floppies
// - dir ents for all files on hard drive
// the first is about 4.8M, the latter about 1M.
// - plus, just a few 100K for fudge.
return ( 6*1024*1024 );
void ShowCheckLocalSpace ( struct _ClusterSizes * Section, char * String, char * netServer ) {
DWORD dwSize = 0;
#define OHPROBLEM "problem"
char returnedString[MFL];
#define SP "SpaceRequirements"
char dosnetFile[MFL];
if ( bFourPtO ) {
// For 4.0 just do the following section.
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "NtDrive", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: NtDrive section not found\n" );
Msg ( "returnedString = >>%s<<\n", returnedString );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K16+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's NtDrive value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K16 + ThreeMegFudge ( ) );
// End of 4.0 section.
else {
// Begin of 5.0 stuff.
sprintf ( dosnetFile, "%s\\dosnet.inf", netServer );
Msg ( "Dosnet.Inf location: %s\n", dosnetFile );
Msg ( "%s 512 size = %ld\n", String, Section->Kh1 );
Msg ( "%s 1K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K1 );
Msg ( "%s 2K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K2 );
Msg ( "%s 4K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K4 );
Msg ( "%s 8K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K8 );
Msg ( "%s 16K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K16 );
Msg ( "%s 32K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K32 );
Msg ( "%s 64K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K64 ) ;
Msg ( "%s 128K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K128 );
Msg ( "%s 256K size = %ld\n", String, Section->K256 );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "512", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 512 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->Kh1+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 512 value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->Kh1 + ThreeMegFudge ( ) );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "1K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 1024 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K1+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 1K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K1 + ThreeMegFudge ( ));
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "2K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 2048 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K2+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 2K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K2 + ThreeMegFudge ( ));
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "4K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 4096 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K4+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 4K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K4 + ThreeMegFudge () );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "8K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 8192 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K8+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 8K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K8 + ThreeMegFudge() );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "16K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 16384 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K16+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 16K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K16 + ThreeMegFudge () );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "32K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 32768 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K32+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 32K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K32 + ThreeMegFudge () );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "64K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 65536 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K64+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 64K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K64 + ThreeMegFudge () );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "128K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 131072 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K128+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 128K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K128 + ThreeMegFudge () );
GetPrivateProfileString ( SP, "256K", OHPROBLEM, returnedString, MFL, dosnetFile );
if ( strncmp ( returnedString, OHPROBLEM, sizeof ( OHPROBLEM ) ) == 0 ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: 262144 section not found\n" );
dwSize = atoi ( returnedString );
if ( Section->K256+ThreeMegFudge() > dwSize ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: %s dosnet.inf's 256K value is %ld Use: %ld\n", String, dwSize, Section->K256 + ThreeMegFudge () );
// End of 5.0 stuff.
int __cdecl main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char * argv[];
int records, i;
time_t t;
DWORD dwSize;
char szFileName[MFL];
DWORD upgX86Work ;
DWORD upgX86Serv ;
DWORD upgAlphaWork ;
DWORD upgAlphaServ ;
if ( argc != 15 ) {
printf ( "You specified %d arguments - you need 15.\n\n", argc );
for ( i = 0; i < argc; ++i ) {
printf ( "Argument #%d >>>%s<<<\n", i, argv[i] );
printf ( "\n\n" );
// Initialize the critical section object.
InitializeCriticalSection ( &CriticalSection );
// Retail %platform% files.
i386Workstation.wNumFiles = 0;
AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles = 0;
i386Server.wNumFiles = 0;
AlphaServer.wNumFiles = 0;
// Debugger files.
X86Dbg.wNumFiles = 0;
AlphaDbg.wNumFiles = 0;
strcpy ( szLogFile, argv[1] );
strcpy ( szWrkX86Src, argv[2] );
strcpy ( szWrkAlphaSrc, argv[3] );
strcpy ( szSrvX86Src, argv[4] );
strcpy ( szSrvAlphaSrc, argv[5] );
strcpy ( szCompX86Src, argv[6] );
strcpy ( szCompAlphaSrc, argv[7] );
strcpy ( szX86Dbg, argv[8] );
strcpy ( szAlphaDbg, argv[9] );
strcpy ( szX86DbgSource, argv[10] );
strcpy ( szAlphaDbgSource,argv[11] );
strcpy ( szEnlistDrv, argv[12] );
strcpy ( szWorkDstDrv, argv[13] );
strcpy ( szServDstDrv, argv[14] );
logFile = fopen ( argv[1], "a" );
if ( logFile == NULL ) {
printf("ERROR Couldn't open log file: %s\n",argv[1]);
// Determine if we are doing a build of NT 4.0 to do special NtDrive calculation.
if ( getenv ( FOUR_POINT_O_MEDIA ) != NULL ) {
bFourPtO = TRUE;
Msg ( "Performing a NT 4.0 build...\n" );
// Determine if we are doing the CHECKED binaries.
if ( getenv ( CHECKED_MEDIA ) != NULL ) {
bChecked = TRUE;
Msg ( "Performing a CHECKED build...\n" );
// Do bit comparison to release shares on all copies ?
if ( getenv ( VERIFY_COPIES ) != NULL ) {
bVerifyBits = TRUE;
Msg ( "Will verify copies...\n" );
CreateDestinationDirs ();
// Get files that product installs.
bGetSizeLater = TRUE;
GetTheFiles ( szWrkX86Src, "layout.inf", X86_WRK );
GetTheFiles ( szSrvX86Src, "layout.inf", X86_SRV );
GetTheFiles ( szWrkAlphaSrc,"layout.inf", ALPHA_WRK );
GetTheFiles ( szSrvAlphaSrc,"layout.inf", ALPHA_SRV );
bGetSizeLater = FALSE;
GetTheFiles ( "C:\\nt\\private\\windows\\setup\\bom"/*szWrkX86Src*/, "_media.inx", DBGS_AND_NON_INSTALLED );
// Make some threads and copy all the files.
Msg ( "# files i386 Workstation = %ld\n", i386Workstation.wNumFiles );
Msg ( "# files i386 Server = %ld\n", i386Server.wNumFiles );
Msg ( "# files Alpha Workstation = %ld\n", AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles );
Msg ( "# files Alpha Server = %ld\n", AlphaServer.wNumFiles );
if ( i386Workstation.wNumFiles > MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_IN_PRODUCT ||
i386Server.wNumFiles > MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_IN_PRODUCT ||
AlphaWorkstation.wNumFiles> MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_IN_PRODUCT ||
AlphaServer.wNumFiles > MAX_NUMBER_OF_FILES_IN_PRODUCT ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: Increase MAX_NUM in Files.C\n" );
Msg ( "========= Minimum setup install bytes required (all files uncompressed): ==========\n" );
TallyInstalled ( szWrkX86Src, szCompX86Src, &i386Workstation, &bytesX86Work, &lX86Work );
TallyInstalled ( szSrvX86Src, szCompX86Src, &i386Server, &bytesX86Serv, &lX86Serv );
TallyInstalled ( szWrkAlphaSrc, szCompAlphaSrc, &AlphaWorkstation,&bytesAlphaWork, &lAlphaWork );
TallyInstalled ( szSrvAlphaSrc, szCompAlphaSrc, &AlphaServer, &bytesAlphaServ, &lAlphaServ );
// Give tally counts.
Msg ( "bytesX86Work = %ld\n", bytesX86Work );
Msg ( "bytesX86Serv = %ld\n", bytesX86Serv );
Msg ( "bytesAlphaWork= %ld\n", bytesAlphaWork );
Msg ( "bytesAlphaServ= %ld\n", bytesAlphaServ );
#define FUDGE_PLUS 4*1024*1024 // ie, grow by 4 M for future growth.
// Print out an error if the above sizes are greater than the hardcode sizes in:
// txtsetup.sif's FreeDiskSpace = <value>
Msg ( "ERROR: do new thing for 5.0 FreeDiskSpace...\n" );
#define FREEDISKSPACE "FreeDiskSpace"
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szWrkX86Src );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, FREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < bytesX86Work ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: x86 Work txtsetup.sif's FreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, bytesX86Work, (FUDGE_PLUS+bytesX86Work)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size -- X86 Workstation: %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1024 );
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szSrvX86Src );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, FREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < bytesX86Serv ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: x86 Serv txtsetup.sif's FreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, bytesX86Serv, (FUDGE_PLUS+bytesX86Serv)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size -- X86 Server: %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1024 );
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szWrkAlphaSrc );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, FREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < bytesAlphaWork ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: Alpha Work txtsetup.sif's FreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, bytesAlphaWork, (FUDGE_PLUS+bytesAlphaWork)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size -- Alpha Workstation: %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1024 );
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szSrvAlphaSrc );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, FREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < bytesAlphaServ ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: Alpha Serv txtsetup.sif's FreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, bytesAlphaServ, (FUDGE_PLUS+bytesAlphaServ)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size -- Alpha Server: %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1024 );
Msg ( "========= Maximum setup local-source bytes required (some files compressed) : =====\n" );
Msg ( "Note: setup automagically adds in the inetsrv and drvlib.nic sizes, not in below...\n" );
ShowCheckLocalSpace ( &lX86Work, "lX86Work", szWrkX86Src );
ShowCheckLocalSpace ( &lX86Serv, "lX86Serv", szSrvX86Src );
ShowCheckLocalSpace ( &lAlphaWork, "lAlphaWork",szWrkAlphaSrc );
ShowCheckLocalSpace ( &lAlphaServ, "lAlphaServ",szSrvAlphaSrc );
Msg ( "========= Specify at least this much for Upgrade using the NT build with the least amount of footprint: =====\n" );
// We'll start off with 1057 as our smallest footprint build.
// This data will have to be checked each time we ship for the next to be release build.
// 1057 3.51 All files in product expanded at 16K cluster size.
#define X86WKS 87572480
#define X86SRV 92798976
#define ALPWKS 107757568
#define ALPSRV 114900992
upgX86Work = bytesX86Work - X86WKS;
upgX86Serv = bytesX86Serv - X86SRV;
upgAlphaWork = bytesAlphaWork - ALPWKS;
upgAlphaServ = bytesAlphaServ - ALPSRV;
Msg ( "X86Work = %ld\n", upgX86Work );
Msg ( "X86Serv = %ld\n", upgX86Serv );
Msg ( "AlphaWork= %ld\n", upgAlphaWork );
Msg ( "AlphaServ= %ld\n", upgAlphaServ );
////// Hopefully for NT 5.0, setup won't require UpgradeFreeDiskSpace.
////// Ask TedM/JaimeS.
Msg ( "ERROR: do new thing for 5.0 UpgradeFreeDiskSpace...\n" );
// Print out an error if the above sizes are greater than the hardcode sizes in:
// txtsetup.sif's UpgradeFreeDiskSpace = <value>
#define UPGRADEFREEDISKSPACE "UpgradeFreeDiskSpace"
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szWrkX86Src );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, UPGRADEFREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < upgX86Work ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: x86 Work txtsetup.sif's UpgradeFreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, upgX86Work, (FUDGE_PLUS+upgX86Work)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size upgrade Wrk x86 = %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1024 );
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szSrvX86Src );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, UPGRADEFREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < upgX86Serv ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: x86 Serv txtsetup.sif's UpgradeFreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, upgX86Serv, (FUDGE_PLUS+upgX86Serv)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size upgrade Srv x86 = %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1204 );
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szWrkAlphaSrc );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, UPGRADEFREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < upgAlphaWork ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: Alpha Work txtsetup.sif's UpgradeFreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, upgAlphaWork, (FUDGE_PLUS+upgAlphaWork)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size upgrade Wrk Alpha = %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1204 );
sprintf ( szFileName, "%s\\TXTSETUP.SIF", szSrvAlphaSrc );
dwSize = 1024 * GetTheSize ( szFileName, UPGRADEFREEDISKSPACE );
if ( dwSize < upgAlphaServ ) {
Msg ( "ERROR: Alpha Serv txtsetup.sif's UpgradeFreeDiskSpace %ld < %ld Fix with value: %ld\n", dwSize, upgAlphaServ, (FUDGE_PLUS+upgAlphaServ)/1024 );
else {
Msg ( "Box size upgrade Srv Alpha = %ld M\n", dwSize/1024/1204 );
Msg ( "==============================\n");
Msg ( "Time: %s", ctime(&t) );
Msg ( "==============================\n\n");