Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

409 lines
12 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "general.h"
#define MAX_DISKS 40
// Macro for rounding up any number (x) to multiple of (n) which
// must be a power of 2. For example, ROUNDUP( 2047, 512 ) would
// yield result of 2048.
#define ROUNDUP2( x, n ) (((x) + ((n) - 1 )) & ~((n) - 1 ))
FILE* logFile;
int cdProduct;
HANDLE hActivateCopyThread, hCopyThreadIsAvailable;
CHAR chCopyThreadSource[ MAX_PATH ], chCopyThreadDestin[ MAX_PATH ];
CHAR chPreviousSource[ MAX_PATH ], chPreviousDestin[ MAX_PATH ];
void MakeDbgName( LPCSTR pszSourceName, LPSTR pszTargetName );
void DoThreadedCopy( LPSTR pszSource, LPSTR pszDestin );
DWORD CopyThread( LPVOID lpvParam );
void Header(argv)
char* argv[];
time_t t;
PRINT1("\n=========== MAKEDISK =============\n")
PRINT2("Input Layout: %s\n",argv[2])
PRINT2("Source ID: %s\n",argv[3])
PRINT2("Compressed Source Path: %s\n",argv[4])
PRINT2("Uncompressed Source Path: %s\n",argv[5])
PRINT2("Target directory: %s\n",argv[6])
PRINT2("CD Directory: %s\n",argv[7])
PRINT2("Update Only: %s\n",argv[8])
PRINT2("Show Overflows and Undeflows: %s\n",argv[9])
time(&t); PRINT2("Time: %s",ctime(&t))
void Usage()
printf("PURPOSE: Copy files into disk1, disk2, ... directories.\n");
printf("[logFile] - Path to append a log of actions and errors.\n");
printf("[InLayout] - Path of Layout which lists files to copy.\n");
printf("[SourceId] - Specifies the category of files to copy.\n");
printf("[CompressedPath] - Path of compressed files.\n");
printf("[UncompressedPath] - Path of uncompressed files.\n");
printf("[Floppy Dir] - Directory where disk1, disk2, ... dirs should be.\n");
printf("[CD Dir] - Directory where CD files are stored.\n");
printf("[Update Only] - U for update files that have changed. C otherwise.\n");
printf("[Show Overflows/Underflows] - O to show, N to not show, D for dbg-files.\n\n");
int __cdecl DiskDirCompare(const void*,const void*);
int __cdecl main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char* argv[];
Entry ee;
char sourcePath[MAX_PATH];
char destinPath[MAX_PATH];
int disks[MAX_DISKS];
Entry *e;
char *buf;
int records,i;
BOOL shouldCopy;
BOOL update;
BOOL bCompressedFile;
BOOL bShowOverflows;
BOOL bCopyDbgFiles;
HANDLE hSource,hDestin, hThread;
DWORD actualSize,bomSize, dwThreadID;
WIN32_FIND_DATA fdSource, fdDestin;
if (argc!=10) {Usage(); return (1);}
if ((logFile=fopen(argv[1],"a"))==NULL) {
printf("ERROR Couldn't open log file %s.\n",argv[1]);
return (1);
bShowOverflows = (!_stricmp(argv[9],"O"));
bCopyDbgFiles = (!_stricmp(argv[9],"D"));
hActivateCopyThread = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
hCopyThreadIsAvailable = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL );
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, CopyThread, NULL, 0, &dwThreadID );
CloseHandle( hThread );
if ((argv[7][strlen(argv[7])-1])=='\\') argv[7][strlen(argv[7])-1]='\0';
if ((argv[6][strlen(argv[6])-1])=='\\') argv[6][strlen(argv[6])-1]='\0';
// On the cd all files will be on disk 1. If any files are not
// on disk 1, this must be the floppies.
for (cdProduct=1,i=0;i<records;i++)
if (e[i].disk>1) {
for (i=0;i<MAX_DISKS;i++)
for (i=0;i<records;i++) {
if (e[i].cdpath[strlen(e[i].cdpath)-1]=='\\') e[i].cdpath[strlen(e[i].cdpath)-1]='\0';
if (e[i].path[strlen(e[i].path)-1]=='\\') e[i].path[strlen(e[i].path)-1]='\0';
update = (_stricmp(argv[8],"u")==0);
for (i=0;i<records;i++) {
if (!((records-i)%100))
printf("INFO Files remaining:%5d/%d\n",records-i,records);
if (!_stricmp(ee.source,argv[3])) { // if category matches
// It's a compressed file IFF platform is x86 AND
// the nocompress flag is NOT set (i.e. null) AND
// we're NOT copying dbg-files.
bCompressedFile = (( ! stricmp( ee.platform, "x86" )) &&
( ! ee.nocompress[ 0 ] ) &&
( ! bCopyDbgFiles ));
// It's a compressed file if the nocompress flag is NOT set
// and we're NOT copying dbg-files. That is, we now compress
// for all platforms, even RISC.
bCompressedFile = !ee.nocompress[0] && !bCopyDbgFiles;
//printf ( "%s, bCompressedFile = %d\n",, bCompressedFile );
// For floppies, force compression unless nocomp
// has the special value "xfloppy."
if (!_stricmp(ee.platform,"x86")
&& !cdProduct && !bCompressedFile
&& _strnicmp(ee.nocompress,"xfloppy",7)) {
bCompressedFile = TRUE;
if ( bCompressedFile ) {
strcpy( sourcePath, argv[ 4 ] ); // use compressed path
bomSize = ee.csize; // and compressed size
} else {
strcpy( sourcePath, argv[ 5 ] ); // uncompressed path
bomSize = ee.size; // uncompressed size
if (bCompressedFile) {
} else if (bCopyDbgFiles) {
} else {
strcat( sourcePath, );
if (cdProduct || !ee.disk) {
// File goes on the CD.
if (!bCopyDbgFiles) {
} else {
// File goes on a floppy.
if (bCopyDbgFiles) {
} else {
if (ee.medianame[0]) {
if (bCompressedFile) {
PRINT2("WARNING: renaming compressed file %s\n",destinPath);
} else {
strcat( destinPath, ee.medianame );
} else {
if (bCompressedFile) {
} else {
if (disks[ee.disk] > 1) {
// Don't attempt to copy same file twice (target file might
// not yet completely exist since threaded copy might not be
// complete, so can't rely on timestamp equivalence yet).
if ( _stricmp( sourcePath, chPreviousSource ) ||
_stricmp( destinPath, chPreviousDestin )) {
hSource=FindFirstFile( sourcePath, &fdSource );
PRINT2("ERROR Source: %s\n",sourcePath)
} else {
FindClose( hSource );
actualSize = ROUNDUP2( fdSource.nFileSizeLow,
if ( bShowOverflows ) {
if (bomSize<actualSize)
fprintf(logFile,"ERROR Overflow %d,%s Size: %d BOM: %d Diff: %d\n",ee.disk,,actualSize,bomSize,actualSize-bomSize);
else if (bomSize>actualSize)
fprintf(logFile,"INFO Underflow %d,%s Size: %d BOM: %d Diff: %d\n",ee.disk,,actualSize,bomSize,actualSize-bomSize);
if (update) {
hDestin=FindFirstFile( destinPath, &fdDestin );
PRINT2("New file %s\n", destinPath)
} else {
FindClose( hDestin );
if ( CompareFileTime( &fdSource.ftLastWriteTime,&fdDestin.ftLastWriteTime ) <= 0 ) {
} else {
PRINT2("Updating %s\n",destinPath)
if (shouldCopy) {
DoThreadedCopy( sourcePath, destinPath );
strcpy( chPreviousSource, sourcePath );
strcpy( chPreviousDestin, destinPath );
} else {
PRINT3("WARNING Skipped Disk %d, File: %s\n",ee.disk,
WaitForSingleObject( hCopyThreadIsAvailable, INFINITE );
return 0;
int __cdecl DiskDirCompare(const void *v1, const void *v2)
Entry *e1 = (Entry *)v1;
Entry *e2 = (Entry *)v2;
// If the files are not on the same disk,
// the comparison is easy.
if (e1->disk != e2->disk) {
return (e1->disk - e2->disk);
// If this is a cd-rom, sort by location on the cd.
if (cdProduct) {
return (_stricmp(e1->cdpath,e2->cdpath));
// Floppy product: we know the files are on the same disk
// and files on the floppy are all in the same directory.
return (0);
void DoThreadedCopy( LPSTR pszSource, LPSTR pszDestin ) {
WaitForSingleObject( hCopyThreadIsAvailable, INFINITE );
strcpy( chCopyThreadSource, pszSource );
strcpy( chCopyThreadDestin, pszDestin );
SetEvent( hActivateCopyThread );
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD CopyThread( LPVOID lpvParam ) {
BOOL bSuccess;
UINT i, len;
for (;;) {
WaitForSingleObject( hActivateCopyThread, INFINITE );
bSuccess = CopyFile( chCopyThreadSource, chCopyThreadDestin, FALSE );
if ( ! bSuccess ) {
SetFileAttributes( chCopyThreadDestin, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
len = strlen( chCopyThreadDestin );
for ( i = 2; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( chCopyThreadDestin[ i ] == '\\' ) {
chCopyThreadDestin[ i ] = '\0';
CreateDirectory( chCopyThreadDestin, NULL );
chCopyThreadDestin[ i ] = '\\';
bSuccess = CopyFile( chCopyThreadSource, chCopyThreadDestin, FALSE );
if ( ! bSuccess ) {
PRINT4( "ERROR Source: %s\n"
" Destin: %s\n"
" GLE=%d\n",
GetLastError() )
SetEvent( hCopyThreadIsAvailable );
return 0;
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
void MakeDbgName( LPCSTR pszSourceName, LPSTR pszTargetName ) {
// Converts "filename.ext" into "ext\filename.dbg".
const char *p = strchr( pszSourceName, '.' );
if ( p != NULL ) {
strcpy( pszTargetName, p + 1 ); // old extension
strcat( pszTargetName, "\\" ); // path separator
strcat( pszTargetName, pszSourceName ); // base name
strcpy( strchr( pszTargetName, '.' ), ".dbg" ); // new extension
} else
strcpy( pszTargetName, pszSourceName );