Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// Helpful macro
#define FIELDOFFSET(type, field) ((int)(&((type *)1)->field)-1)
// The macro that should be used to check for apphack flags
#define APPCOMPATFLAG(_flag) (NtCurrentPeb()->AppCompatFlags.QuadPart & (_flag))
// Application compatibility flags and information
#define KACF_OLDGETSHORTPATHNAME 0x00000001 // Don't be like Win9x: in GetShortPathName(), NT 4
// did not care if the file existed - it would give
// the short path name anyway. This behavior was
// changed in NT 5 (Win2000) to reflect behavior of
// Win9x which will fail if the file does not exist.
// Turning on this flag will give the old behavior
// for the app.
#define KACF_VERSIONLIE 0x00000002 // Used to signify app will
// be lied to wrt what version
// of the OS its running on via
// GetVersion(), GetVersionEx()
#define KACF_GETDISKFREESPACE 0x00000008 // Make GetDiskFreeSpace 2G friendly
#define KACF_GETTEMPPATH 0x00000010 // Make GetTempPath return x:\temp
#define KACF_FTMFROMCURRENTAPT 0x00000020 // If set, a DCOM Free-Threaded-Marshaled Object has
// its' stub parked in the apartment that the object is
// marshaled from instead of the Neutral-Apartment.
// Having to set this bit indicates a busted App
// that is not following the rules for FTM objects. The
// app probably has other subtle problems that NT 4 or
// Win9x didn't show. Blindly using the ATL wizard to
// enable using the FTM is usually the source of the bug.
#define KACF_DISALLOWORBINDINGCHANGES 0x00000040 // If set, the process will not be notified of changes
// in the local machine bindings used by COM.
#define KACF_OLE32VALIDATEPTRS 0x00000080 // If set, ole32.dll will use the IsBadReadPtr family of
// functions to verify pointer arguments in the standard COM APIs.
// This was the default behavior on all platforms prior to Whistler.
#define KACF_DISABLECICERO 0x00000100 // If set, Cicero support for the current process
// is disabled.
enum {
AVT_OSVERSIONINFO = 1, // Designates that an OSVERSIONINFO type info is contained within
AVT_PATCHINFO // Designates that patching info is contained within
// This variable length struct is the main basic data type contained within
// the ApplicationGoo registry entry. Anything can be contained within here:
// ResourceVersionInfo, VersionlyingInfo, patches, etc. You need to use the
// XXX function to bounce down these correctly.
typedef struct _APP_VARIABLE_INFO {
// Type of variable length struct (defined above)
ULONG dwVariableType;
// Total size of this particular variable length struct
ULONG dwVariableInfoSize;
// The variable length data itself is to follow. It's commented out
// as the length is undefined, could even be zero.
// UCHAR VariableInfo[];
typedef struct _PRE_APP_COMPAT_INFO {
// Total size of this entry
ULONG dwEntryTotalSize;
// Amount of version resource information present in this entry
ULONG dwResourceInfoSize;
// Actual version resource information itself. It's commented out
// as some apps have no version info. For the apps that do, below
// is where it would start
// UCHAR ResourceInfo[];
// This struct is what is read directly out of the registry under
// HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\EXEname - ApplicationGoo.
// Its a "Pre" structure cuz we won't be keeping all of it, if we decide its
// a match to the app in question. You should make no assumptions of what
// is contained beyond AppCompatEntry, as everything will be variable length.
// If a match is found to the app being executed, a cleaner "Post" structure
// is made and should be used by all.
typedef struct _APP_COMPAT_GOO {
// Total size of the "Pre" structure
ULONG dwTotalGooSize;
// At least one "Pre" app compat entry will be present (possibly more)
PRE_APP_COMPAT_INFO AppCompatEntry[1];
// This is the "Post" app compat structure. Variable length data can follow
// the CompatibilityFlags field, so you should use the XXX function to find
// any variable length data you might have in here. We have a "Pre" and
// "Post" struct to try and save space in the registry and in resident RAM.
typedef struct _APP_COMPAT_INFO {
// Size of app compat entry
ULONG dwTotalSize;
// Bitmask of various app compat flags, see KACF definitions
ULARGE_INTEGER CompatibilityFlags;
// We may have zero, or many APP_VARIABLE_INFO structs to follow
typedef struct {
ULONG dwOSVersionInfoSize;
ULONG dwMajorVersion;
ULONG dwMinorVersion;
ULONG dwBuildNumber;
ULONG dwPlatformId;
USHORT wServicePackMajor;
USHORT wServicePackMinor;
USHORT wSuiteMask;
UCHAR wProductType;
UCHAR wReserved;
WCHAR szCSDVersion[ 128 ];
// New shim application compatibility flags and information
// so a particular app will not be able to alt-tab
// to the desktop
typedef struct _APP_COMPAT_SHIM_INFO {
// List of API hooked
// List of patch hooks
PVOID pHookPatchList;
// List of the APIs to be hooked
// Count of hooked APIs
ULONG dwHookAPICount;
// Exe specific inclusions/exclusion
PVOID pExeFilter;
// Global exclusions
PVOID pGlobalFilterList;
// Late bound DLL exclusions
PVOID pLBFilterList;
// Crit sec
PVOID pCritSec;
// Shim heap
PVOID pShimHeap;