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// File name: IDO.CPP
// Implementation file for the CDataObject Class
// Functions:
// See ido.h for a list of member functions.
// Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include "pre.h"
#include "obj.h"
#include "ido.h"
#include "app.h"
#include "doc.h"
// CDataObject::QueryInterface
// Purpose:
// Parameters:
// REFIID riid - Interface being queried for.
// LPVOID FAR *ppvObj - Out pointer for the interface.
// Return Value:
// S_OK - Success
// E_NOINTERFACE - Failure
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterface OBJ.CPP
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::QueryInterface\r\n");
return m_lpObj->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
// CDataObject::AddRef
// Purpose:
// Increments the reference count on CClassFactory and the application
// object.
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// The Reference count on CDataObject
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// OuputDebugString Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::AddRef OBJ.CPP
// Comments:
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::AddRef\r\n");
return m_lpObj->AddRef();
// CDataObject::Release
// Purpose:
// Decrements the reference count of CDataObject
// Parameters:
// None
// Return Value:
// The new reference count
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::Release OBJ.CPP
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDataObject::Release ()
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::Release\r\n");
return m_lpObj->Release();
// CDataObject::QueryGetData
// Purpose:
// Called to determine if our object supports a particular
// Parameters:
// LPFORMATETC pformatetc - Pointer to the FORMATETC being queried for.
// Return Value:
// DATA_E_FORMATETC - The FORMATETC is not supported
// S_OK - The FORMATETC is supported.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// ResultFromScode OLE API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::QueryGetData ( LPFORMATETC pformatetc )
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::QueryGetData\r\n");
// check the validity of the formatetc.
if ( (pformatetc->cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) &&
(pformatetc->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) &&
(pformatetc->tymed == TYMED_MFPICT) )
sc = S_OK;
return ResultFromScode(sc);
// CDataObject::DAdvise
// Purpose:
// Called by the container when it would like to be notified of
// changes in the object data.
// Parameters:
// FORMATETC FAR* pFormatetc - The format the container is interested in.
// DWORD advf - The type of advise to be set up.
// LPADVISESINK pAdvSink - Pointer to the containers IAdviseSink
// DWORD FAR* pdwConnection - Out parameter to return a unique connection id.
// Return Value:
// passed on from IDataAdviseHolder
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CreateDataAdviseHolder OLE API
// IDataAdviseHolder::Advise OLE API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::DAdvise ( FORMATETC FAR* pFormatetc, DWORD advf,
LPADVISESINK pAdvSink, DWORD FAR* pdwConnection)
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::DAdvise\r\n");
// if no DataAdviseHolder has been created, then create one.
if (!m_lpObj->m_lpDataAdviseHolder)
// pass on to the DataAdviseHolder
return m_lpObj->m_lpDataAdviseHolder->Advise( this, pFormatetc, advf,
pAdvSink, pdwConnection);
// CDataObject::GetData
// Purpose:
// Returns the data in the format specified in pformatetcIn.
// Parameters:
// LPFORMATETC pformatetcIn - The format requested by the caller
// LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium - The medium requested by the caller
// Return Value:
// DATA_E_FORMATETC - Format not supported
// S_OK - Success
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CSimpSvrObj::GetMetaFilePict() OBJ.CPP
// ResultFromScode OLE API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetData ( LPFORMATETC pformatetcIn, LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium )
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::GetData\r\n");
// Check to the FORMATETC and fill pmedium if valid.
if ( (pformatetcIn->cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) &&
(pformatetcIn->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT) &&
(pformatetcIn->tymed & TYMED_MFPICT) )
HANDLE hmfPict = m_lpObj->GetMetaFilePict();
pmedium->tymed = TYMED_MFPICT;
pmedium->hGlobal = hmfPict;
pmedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL;
sc = S_OK;
return ResultFromScode( sc );
// CDataObject::DUnadvise
// Purpose:
// Breaks down an Advise connection.
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwConnection - Advise connection ID.
// Return Value:
// Returned from the DataAdviseHolder.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// IDataAdviseHolder::Unadvise OLE
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::DUnadvise ( DWORD dwConnection)
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::DUnadvise\r\n");
if (m_lpObj != NULL && m_lpObj->m_lpDataAdviseHolder != NULL)
return m_lpObj->m_lpDataAdviseHolder->Unadvise(dwConnection);
return ResultFromScode( E_UNEXPECTED);
// CDataObject::GetDataHere
// Purpose:
// Called to get a data format in a caller supplied location
// Parameters:
// LPFORMATETC pformatetc - FORMATETC requested
// LPSTGMEDIUM pmedium - Medium to return the data
// Return Value:
// DATA_E_FORMATETC - We don't support the requested format
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// In this simple implementation, we don't really support this
// method, we just always return DATA_E_FORMATETC.
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetDataHere ( LPFORMATETC pformatetc,
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::GetDataHere\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( DATA_E_FORMATETC);
// CDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc
// Purpose:
// Returns a FORMATETC that is equivalent to the one passed in.
// Parameters:
// LPFORMATETC pformatetc - FORMATETC to be tested.
// LPFORMATETC pformatetcOut - Out ptr for returned FORMATETC.
// Return Value:
// DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC - Use the same formatetc as was passed.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// CoGetMalloc OLE API
// IMalloc::Alloc OLE
// IMalloc::Release OLE
// _fmemcpy C run-time
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc ( LPFORMATETC pformatetc,
LPFORMATETC pformatetcOut)
HRESULT hresult;
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::GetCanonicalFormatEtc\r\n");
if (!pformatetcOut)
return ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG);
/* OLE2NOTE: we must make sure to set all out parameters to NULL. */
pformatetcOut->ptd = NULL;
if (!pformatetc)
return ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG);
// OLE2NOTE: we must validate that the format requested is supported
if ((hresult = QueryGetData(pformatetc)) != NOERROR)
return hresult;
/* OLE2NOTE: an app that is insensitive to target device (as
** SimpSvr is) should fill in the lpformatOut parameter
** but NULL out the "ptd" field; it should return NOERROR if the
** input formatetc->ptd what non-NULL. this tells the caller
** that it is NOT necessary to maintain a separate screen
** rendering and printer rendering. if should return
** DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC if the input and output formatetc's are
** identical.
*pformatetcOut = *pformatetc;
if (pformatetc->ptd == NULL)
return ResultFromScode(DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC);
pformatetcOut->ptd = NULL;
return NOERROR;
// CDataObject::SetData
// Purpose:
// Called to set the data for the object.
// Parameters:
// LPFORMATETC pformatetc - the format of the data being passed
// STGMEDIUM FAR * pmedium - the location of the data.
// BOOL fRelease - Defines the ownership of the medium
// Return Value:
// DATA_E_FORMATETC - Not a valid FORMATETC for this object
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
// This simple object does not support having its data set, so an
// error value is always returned.
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::SetData ( LPFORMATETC pformatetc, STGMEDIUM FAR * pmedium,
BOOL fRelease)
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::SetData\r\n");
return ResultFromScode( DATA_E_FORMATETC );
// CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc
// Purpose:
// Enumerates the formats supported by this object.
// Parameters:
// DWORD dwDirection - Order of enumeration.
// LPENUMFORMATETC FAR* ppenumFormatEtc - Place to return a pointer
// to the enumerator.
// Return Value:
// OLE_S_USEREG - Indicates that OLE should consult the REG DB
// to enumerate the formats.
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// Comments:
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc ( DWORD dwDirection,
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc\r\n");
// need to NULL the out parameter
*ppenumFormatEtc = NULL;
return ResultFromScode( OLE_S_USEREG );
// CDataObject::EnumDAdvise
// Purpose:
// Returns an enumerator that enumerates all of the advises
// set up on this data object.
// Parameters:
// LPENUMSTATDATA FAR* ppenumAdvise - An out ptr in which to
// return the enumerator.
// Return Value:
// Passed back from IDataAdviseHolder::EnumAdvise
// Function Calls:
// Function Location
// TestDebugOut Windows API
// IDAtaAdviseHolder::EnumAdvise OLE
// Comments:
// This just delegates to the DataAdviseHolder.
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::EnumDAdvise ( LPENUMSTATDATA FAR* ppenumAdvise)
TestDebugOut("In CDataObject::EnumDAdvise\r\n");
// need to NULL the out parameter
*ppenumAdvise = NULL;
return m_lpObj->m_lpDataAdviseHolder->EnumAdvise(ppenumAdvise);