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// TimeProv - header
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// Created by: Louis Thomas (louisth), 9-2-99
// Definitions for time providers
#ifndef TIMEPROV_H
#define TIMEPROV_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Registry keys and values
// Each time provider should create their own subkey under this key
// and store their configuration there.
#define wszW32TimeRegKeyTimeProviders L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W32Time\\TimeProviders"
// Path: ...\TimeProviders\<PrividerName>\Enabled
// Type: REG_DWORD (cast to BOOL)
// Meaning: If true, this provider will be started by the time service.
#define wszW32TimeRegValueEnabled L"Enabled"
// Path: ...\TimeProviders\<PrividerName>\DllName
// Type: REG_SZ
// Meaning: The dll that contains the provider. The time service will
// call LoadLibrary on this value.
#define wszW32TimeRegValueDllName L"DllName"
// Path: ...\TimeProviders\<PrividerName>\InputProvider
// Type: REG_DWORD (cast to BOOL)
// Meaning: If true, this provider is an input provider, and will be
// called upon to return time samples. If false, this provider
// is an output provider.
#define wszW32TimeRegValueInputProvider L"InputProvider"
// types
// Time Source Flags
#define TSF_Hardware 0x00000001
#define TSF_Authenticated 0x00000002
// commands that can be issued through TimeProvCommand
typedef enum TimeProvCmd {
TPC_TimeJumped, // (TpcTimeJumpedArgs *)pvArgs
TPC_UpdateConfig, // (void)pvArgs
TPC_PollIntervalChanged,// (void)pvArgs
TPC_GetSamples, // (TpcGetSamplesArgs *)pvArgs
TPC_NetTopoChange, // (TpcNetTopoChangeArgs *)pvArgs
TPC_Shutdown, // (void)pvArgs
} TimeProvCmd;
// info that can be requested through GetTimeSysInfo
typedef enum TimeSysInfo {
TSI_LastSyncTime, // (unsigned __int64 *)pvInfo, NtTimeEpoch, in (10^-7)s
TSI_ClockTickSize, // (unsigned __int64 *)pvInfo, NtTimePeriod, in (10^-7)s
TSI_ClockPrecision, // ( signed __int32 *)pvInfo, ClockTickSize, in log2(s)
TSI_CurrentTime, // (unsigned __int64 *)pvInfo, NtTimeEpoch, in (10^-7)s
TSI_PhaseOffset, // ( signed __int64 *)pvInfo, opaque
TSI_TickCount, // (unsigned __int64 *)pvInfo, opaque
TSI_LeapFlags, // ( BYTE *)pvInfo, a warning of an impending leap second or loss of synchronization
TSI_Stratum, // ( BYTE *)pvInfo, how far away the computer is from a reference source
TSI_ReferenceIdentifier, // ( DWORD *)pvInfo, NtpRefId
TSI_PollInterval, // ( signed __int32 *)pvInfo, poll interval, in log2(s)
TSI_RootDelay, // ( signed __int64 *)pvInfo, NtTimeOffset, in (10^-7)s
TSI_RootDispersion, // (unsigned __int64 *)pvInfo, NtTimePeriod, in (10^-7)s
TSI_TSFlags, // ( DWORD *)pvInfo, Time source flags
} TimeSysInfo;
// flags which provide information about a time jump
typedef enum TimeJumpedFlags {
// flags which provide information about a network topography change
typedef enum NetTopoChangeFlags {
typedef enum TimeProvState {
} TimeProvState;
struct SetProviderStatusInfo;
typedef void (__stdcall
(IN struct SetProviderStatusInfo *pspsi);
// parameter to SetProviderStatusFunc
typedef struct SetProviderStatusInfo {
TimeProvState tpsCurrentState; // IN the new state of the provider.
DWORD dwStratum; // IN the new stratum of the provider.
LPWSTR wszProvName; // IN the name of the provider who's status should be adjusted
HANDLE hWaitEvent; // IN the event to signal when the operation is complete, NULL if notification is not needed
SetProviderStatusInfoFreeFunc *pfnFree; // IN function used to free the struct on completion
HRESULT *pHr; // OUT on completion, set to the result of the operation
DWORD *pdwSysStratum; // OUT on completion, set to the new system stratum
} SetProviderStatusInfo;
// Time Service provided callback to get system state information
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall
IN TimeSysInfo eInfo,
OUT void * pvInfo
// Time Service provided callback to log an event on behalf of the Time Provider.
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall
IN WORD wType,
IN WCHAR * wszProvName,
IN WCHAR * wszMessage);
// Time Service provided callback to inform the system of newly available samples
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall
// Time Service provided callback to set the provider's stratum
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall SetProviderStatusFunc)
(IN SetProviderStatusInfo *pspsi);
// All the callbacsk provided by the Time Service to the Time Provider.
typedef struct TimeProvSysCallbacks {
DWORD dwSize;
GetTimeSysInfoFunc * pfnGetTimeSysInfo;
LogTimeProvEventFunc * pfnLogTimeProvEvent;
AlertSamplesAvailFunc * pfnAlertSamplesAvail;
SetProviderStatusFunc * pfnSetProviderStatus;
} TimeProvSysCallbacks;
typedef void * TimeProvArgs;
typedef struct TimeSample {
DWORD dwSize; // size of this structure
DWORD dwRefid; // NtpRefId
signed __int64 toOffset; // NtTimeOffset, in (10^-7)s - difference between local and remote clocks
signed __int64 toDelay; // NtTimeOffset, in (10^-7)s - round trip delay; time packets spent in flight, INCLUDING root delay
unsigned __int64 tpDispersion; // NtTimePeriod, in (10^-7)s - measurement error, INCLUDING root dispersion
unsigned __int64 nSysTickCount; // opaque, must be GetTimeSysInfo(TSI_TickCount)
signed __int64 nSysPhaseOffset; // opaque, must be GetTimeSysInfo(TSI_PhaseOffset)
BYTE nLeapFlags; // a warning of an impending leap second or loss of synchronization
BYTE nStratum; // how far away the computer is from a reference source
DWORD dwTSFlags; // time source flags
WCHAR wszUniqueName[256]; // Admin readable name that uniquely identifies this peer
} TimeSample;
typedef struct TpcGetSamplesArgs {
BYTE * pbSampleBuf;
DWORD cbSampleBuf;
DWORD dwSamplesReturned;
DWORD dwSamplesAvailable;
} TpcGetSamplesArgs;
typedef struct TpcTimeJumpedArgs {
TimeJumpedFlags tjfFlags;
} TpcTimeJumpedArgs;
typedef struct TpcNetTopoChangeArgs {
NetTopoChangeFlags ntcfFlags;
} TpcNetTopoChangeArgs;
// An opaque handle to a Time Provider used by the Time Service to identify an
// opened Provider in a dll. NULL is considered an invalid value.
typedef void * TimeProvHandle;
// functions that a Time Provider must implement and export
HRESULT __stdcall
IN WCHAR * wszName,
IN TimeProvSysCallbacks * pSysCallbacks, // copy this data, do not free it!
OUT TimeProvHandle * phTimeProv);
HRESULT __stdcall
IN TimeProvHandle hTimeProv,
IN TimeProvCmd eCmd,
IN TimeProvArgs pvArgs);
HRESULT __stdcall
IN TimeProvHandle hTimeProv);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // <- end extern "C"
#endif //TIMEPROV_H