Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#ifndef DLLITE_H
#define DLLITE_H
// if a new dll is added here or the values are changed, be sure to change the
// c_cchFilePathBuffer value below to match
const TCHAR c_szWinHttpDll[] = _T("winhttp.dll");
const TCHAR c_szWinInetDll[] = _T("wininet.dll");
// this value is comprised of the size (in TCHARS) of the largest dll above +
// the size of a backslash + the size of the null termiantor
const DWORD c_cchFilePathBuffer = (sizeof(c_szWinHttpDll) / sizeof(TCHAR)) + 1 + 1;
typedef struct tagSAUProxySettings
LPWSTR wszProxyOrig;
LPWSTR wszBypass;
DWORD dwAccessType;
LPWSTR *rgwszProxies;
DWORD cProxies;
DWORD iProxy;
} SAUProxySettings;
HRESULT DownloadFileLite(LPCTSTR pszDownloadUrl,
LPCTSTR pszLocalFile,
HANDLE hQuitEvent,
DWORD dwFlags);
HRESULT GetAUProxySettings(LPCWSTR wszUrl, SAUProxySettings *paups);
HRESULT FreeAUProxySettings(SAUProxySettings *paups);
HRESULT CleanupDownloadLib(void);
DWORD GetAllowedDownloadTransport(DWORD dwInitialFlags);
BOOL HandleEvents(HANDLE *phEvents, UINT nEventCount);