Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

761 lines
21 KiB

#include "autorun.h"
#include "resource.h"
//#include "port32.h"
#define dbMSG(msg,title) (MessageBox(NULL,msg,title,MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION))
#define NORMAL 1
#define HIGHLIGHT 2
extern char * Res2Str(int rsString);
long l=0;
BOOL fNeg = (*sz == '-');
if (fNeg)
while (*sz >= '0' && *sz <= '9')
l = l*10 + (*sz++ - '0');
if (fNeg)
l *= -1L;
return l;
HPALETTE PaletteFromDS(HDC hdc)
DWORD adw[257];
int i,n;
n = GetDIBColorTable(hdc, 0, 256, (LPRGBQUAD)&adw[1]);
for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
adw[i] = RGB(GetBValue(adw[i]),GetGValue(adw[i]),GetRValue(adw[i]));
adw[0] = MAKELONG(0x300, n);
return CreatePalette((LPLOGPALETTE)&adw[0]);
void DrawBitmap ( HDC hdc, HBITMAP hBitmap, short xStart, short yStart )
HDC hdcMem;
DWORD dwSize;
POINT ptSize, ptOrg;
hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( hdc );
SelectObject( hdcMem, hBitmap );
SetMapMode( hdcMem, GetMapMode( hdc ));
GetObject( hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm);
ptSize.x = bm.bmWidth;
ptSize.y = bm.bmHeight;
DPtoLP( hdc, &ptSize, 1 );
ptOrg.x = 0;
ptOrg.y = 0;
DPtoLP( hdcMem, &ptOrg, 1);
BitBlt( hdc, xStart, yStart, ptSize.x, ptSize.y, hdcMem,
ptOrg.x, ptOrg.y, SRCCOPY );
DeleteDC( hdcMem );
#pragma data_seg(".text")
static const char szRegStr_Setup[] = REGSTR_PATH_SETUP "\\Setup";
static const char szSharedDir[] = "SharedDir";
#pragma data_seg()
void GetRealWindowsDirectory(char *buffer, int maxlen)
static char szRealWinDir[MAX_PATH] = "";
if (!*szRealWinDir)
HKEY key = NULL;
if(RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegStr_Setup, &key) ==
LONG len = sizeof(szRealWinDir) / sizeof(szRealWinDir[0]);
if( RegQueryValueEx(key, szSharedDir, NULL, NULL,
(LPBYTE)szRealWinDir, &len) != ERROR_SUCCESS)
*szRealWinDir = '\0';
if (!*szRealWinDir)
GetWindowsDirectory(szRealWinDir, MAX_PATH);
if (maxlen > MAX_PATH)
maxlen = MAX_PATH;
lstrcpyn(buffer, szRealWinDir, maxlen);
#define DBL_BSLASH(sz) (*(WORD *)(sz) == 0x5C5C) // '\\'
#pragma data_seg(".text")
static const char c_szColonSlash[] = ":\\";
#pragma data_seg()
BOOL _ChrCmp(WORD w1, WORD wMatch)
/* Most of the time this won't match, so test it first for speed.
if (LOBYTE(w1) == LOBYTE(wMatch))
if (IsDBCSLeadByte(LOBYTE(w1)))
return(w1 != wMatch);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
LPSTR _StrChr(LPCSTR lpStart, WORD wMatch)
for ( ; *lpStart; lpStart = AnsiNext(lpStart))
if (!_ChrCmp(*(WORD FAR *)lpStart, wMatch))
return (NULL);
LPSTR _StrRChr(LPCSTR lpStart, LPCSTR lpEnd, WORD wMatch)
LPCSTR lpFound = NULL;
if (!lpEnd)
lpEnd = lpStart + lstrlen(lpStart);
for ( ; lpStart < lpEnd; lpStart = AnsiNext(lpStart))
if (!_ChrCmp(*(WORD FAR *)lpStart, wMatch))
lpFound = lpStart;
return ((LPSTR)lpFound);
BOOL _PathIsRelative(LPCSTR lpszPath)
// The NULL path is assumed relative
if (*lpszPath == 0)
return TRUE;
// Does it begin with a slash ?
if (lpszPath[0] == '\\')
return FALSE;
// Does it begin with a drive and a colon ?
else if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(lpszPath[0]) && lpszPath[1] == ':')
return FALSE;
// Probably relative.
return TRUE;
BOOL _PathRemoveFileSpec(LPSTR pFile)
LPSTR pT2 = pFile;
for (pT = pT2; *pT2; pT2 = AnsiNext(pT2)) {
if (*pT2 == '\\')
pT = pT2; // last "\" found, (we will strip here)
else if (*pT2 == ':') { // skip ":\" so we don't
if (pT2[1] =='\\') // strip the "\" from "C:\"
pT = pT2 + 1;
if (*pT == 0)
return FALSE; // didn't strip anything
// handle the \foo case
else if ((pT == pFile) && (*pT == '\\')) {
// Is it just a '\'?
if (*(pT+1) != '\0') {
// Nope.
*(pT+1) = '\0';
return TRUE; // stripped something
else {
// Yep.
return FALSE;
else {
*pT = 0;
return TRUE; // stripped something
BOOL _PathIsRoot(LPCSTR pPath)
if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(*pPath))
if (!lstrcmpi(pPath + 1, c_szColonSlash)) // "X:\" case
return TRUE;
if ((*pPath == '\\') && (*(pPath + 1) == 0)) // "\" case
return TRUE;
if (DBL_BSLASH(pPath)) // smells like UNC name
int cBackslashes = 0;
for (p = pPath + 2; *p; p = AnsiNext(p)) {
if (*p == '\\' && (++cBackslashes > 1))
return FALSE; /* not a bare UNC name, therefore not a root dir */
return TRUE; /* end of string with only 1 more backslash */
/* must be a bare UNC, which looks like a root dir */
return FALSE;
BOOL _PathStripToRoot(LPSTR szRoot)
if (!_PathRemoveFileSpec(szRoot))
// If we didn't strip anything off,
// must be current drive
return DBL_BSLASH(pszPath);
LPCSTR _GetPCEnd(LPCSTR lpszStart)
LPCSTR lpszEnd;
lpszEnd = _StrChr(lpszStart, '\\');
if (!lpszEnd)
lpszEnd = lpszStart + lstrlen(lpszStart);
return lpszEnd;
LPCSTR _PCStart(LPCSTR lpszStart, LPCSTR lpszEnd)
LPCSTR lpszBegin = _StrRChr(lpszStart, lpszEnd, '\\');
if (!lpszBegin)
lpszBegin = lpszStart;
return lpszBegin;
// Fix up a few special cases so that things roughly make sense.
void _NearRootFixups(LPSTR lpszPath, BOOL fUNC)
// Check for empty path.
if (lpszPath[0] == '\0')
// Fix up.
lpszPath[0] = '\\';
lpszPath[1] = '\0';
// Check for missing slash.
if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(lpszPath[0]) && lpszPath[1] == ':' && lpszPath[2] == '\0')
// Fix up.
lpszPath[2] = '\\';
lpszPath[3] = '\0';
// Check for UNC root.
if (fUNC && lpszPath[0] == '\\' && lpszPath[1] == '\0')
// Fix up.
lpszPath[0] = '\\';
lpszPath[1] = '\\';
lpszPath[2] = '\0';
BOOL _PathCanonicalize(LPSTR lpszDst, LPCSTR lpszSrc)
LPCSTR lpchSrc;
LPCSTR lpchPCEnd; // Pointer to end of path component.
LPSTR lpchDst;
int cbPC;
fUNC = _PathIsUNC(lpszSrc); // Check for UNCness.
// Init.
lpchSrc = lpszSrc;
lpchDst = lpszDst;
while (*lpchSrc)
// REVIEW: this should just return the count
lpchPCEnd = _GetPCEnd(lpchSrc);
cbPC = (int)(lpchPCEnd - lpchSrc) + 1;
// Check for slashes.
if (cbPC == 1 && *lpchSrc == '\\')
// Just copy them.
*lpchDst = '\\';
// Check for dots.
else if (cbPC == 2 && *lpchSrc == '.')
// Skip it...
// Are we at the end?
if (*(lpchSrc+1) == '\0')
lpchSrc += 2;
// Check for dot dot.
else if (cbPC == 3 && *lpchSrc == '.' && *(lpchSrc + 1) == '.')
// make sure we aren't already at the root
if (!_PathIsRoot(lpszDst))
// Go up... Remove the previous path component.
lpchDst = (LPSTR)_PCStart(lpszDst, lpchDst - 1);
// When we can't back up, remove the trailing backslash
// so we don't copy one again. (C:\..\FOO would otherwise
// turn into C:\\FOO).
if (*(lpchSrc + 2) == '\\')
lpchSrc += 2; // skip ".."
// Everything else
// Just copy it.
lstrcpyn(lpchDst, lpchSrc, cbPC);
lpchDst += cbPC - 1;
lpchSrc += cbPC - 1;
// Keep everything nice and tidy.
*lpchDst = '\0';
// Check for weirdo root directory stuff.
_NearRootFixups(lpszDst, fUNC);
return TRUE;
LPSTR _PathAddBackslash(LPSTR lpszPath)
LPSTR lpszEnd;
int ichPath = lstrlen(lpszPath);
if (ichPath >= (MAX_PATH - 1))
lpszEnd = lpszPath + ichPath;
// this is really an error, caller shouldn't pass
// an empty string
if (!*lpszPath)
return lpszEnd;
/* Get the end of the source directory
switch(*AnsiPrev(lpszPath, lpszEnd)) {
case '\\':
*lpszEnd++ = '\\';
*lpszEnd = '\0';
return lpszEnd;
LPSTR _PathCombine(LPSTR lpszDest, LPCSTR lpszDir, LPCSTR lpszFile)
char szTemp[MAX_PATH];
if (!lpszFile || *lpszFile=='\0') {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszDir, sizeof(szTemp)); // lpszFile is empty
} else if (lpszDir && *lpszDir && _PathIsRelative(lpszFile)) {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszDir, sizeof(szTemp));
pszT = _PathAddBackslash(szTemp);
if (pszT) {
int iLen = lstrlen(szTemp);
if ((iLen + lstrlen(lpszFile)) < sizeof(szTemp)) {
lstrcpy(pszT, lpszFile);
} else
return NULL;
} else
return NULL;
} else if (lpszDir && *lpszDir &&
*lpszFile == '\\' && !_PathIsUNC(lpszFile)) {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszDir, sizeof(szTemp));
// BUGBUG: Note that we do not check that an actual root is returned;
// it is assumed that we are given valid parameters
pszT = _PathAddBackslash(szTemp);
if (pszT)
// Skip the backslash when copying
lstrcpyn(pszT, lpszFile+1, (int)(sizeof(szTemp) - 1 - (size_t)(pszT-szTemp)));
} else
return NULL;
} else {
lstrcpyn(szTemp, lpszFile, sizeof(szTemp)); // already fully qualified file part
_PathCanonicalize(lpszDest, szTemp); // this deals with .. and . stuff
return lpszDest;
BOOL PathAppend(LPSTR pPath, LPCSTR pMore)
/* Skip any initial terminators on input. */
while (*pMore == '\\')
pMore = AnsiNext(pMore);
return (_PathCombine(pPath, pPath, pMore) != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
void CreateURLPath( LPSTR lpPath ) //create a directory from a URL name
char szTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy( szTmpPath, lpPath );
_PathRemoveFileSpec( szTmpPath );
CreateDirectory( szTmpPath, NULL );
void CreateURL( LPSTR szCurrentDir )
char szBuffer[80 * 80] = {0};
char szDestPath[MAX_PATH];
char szFavPath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
char szIniPath[MAX_PATH];
char szTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
char szFileBuffer[1024] = {0};
char *lpString;
LONG lError = 0;
DWORD dwType = 0;
DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH;
HKEY hkFav;
DWORD dwWriteLen = 0;
int i = 0;
lstrcpy( szTmpPath, szCurrentDir );
lstrcat( szTmpPath, "\\iecd.ini" );
GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szIniPath );
lstrcat( szIniPath, "fav.ini" );
CopyFile( szTmpPath, szIniPath, FALSE );
SetFileAttributes( szIniPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
GetPrivateProfileSection( "Favorites", szBuffer, sizeof( szBuffer ), szIniPath);
// pull favorites path out of the registry
RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkFav );
lError = RegQueryValueEx( hkFav, "Favorites", NULL, &dwType, szFavPath, &dwLength );
//if no favorites directory exists, create one.
if( lError != ERROR_SUCCESS )
GetPrivateProfileString( "Directory", "Dir", "Favorites", szTmpPath, sizeof( szTmpPath ), szIniPath );
GetWindowsDirectory( szFavPath, MAX_PATH );
lstrcat( szFavPath, "\\" );
lstrcat( szFavPath, szTmpPath );
if(!CreateDirectory( szFavPath, NULL ))
DeleteFile( szIniPath );
RegCloseKey( hkFav );
goto fail_gracefully;
RegSetValueEx( hkFav, "Favorites", 0, REG_SZ, szFavPath, strlen( szFavPath ) + 1);
DeleteFile( szIniPath );
for( i = 0; i < sizeof(szBuffer); i++ )
if( szBuffer[i] == '=' )
szBuffer[i] = (char)NULL;
lstrcat( szFavPath, "\\" );
lstrcpy( szDestPath, szFavPath );
RegCloseKey( hkFav );
lstrcpyn( szDestPath + lstrlen(szDestPath), szBuffer, sizeof(szDestPath) - lstrlen(szDestPath) );
CreateURLPath( szDestPath );
hFile = CreateFile( szDestPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS,
goto fail_gracefully;
lstrcpy( szDestPath, szFavPath );
for( i = 0; i < sizeof(szBuffer); i++ )
if( szBuffer[i] == (char)NULL )
if( szBuffer[i + 1] == (char)NULL ) break;
lpString = &szBuffer[i] + 1;
if( fFile )
lstrcpyn( szDestPath + lstrlen(szDestPath), lpString, sizeof(szDestPath) - lstrlen(szDestPath) );
CreateURLPath( szDestPath );
hFile = CreateFile( szDestPath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW,
lstrcpy( szDestPath, szFavPath );
lstrcpy( szFileBuffer, "[InternetShortcut]\nURL=");
lstrcpyn( szFileBuffer + lstrlen(szFileBuffer), lpString, sizeof(szFileBuffer) - lstrlen(szFileBuffer) );
WriteFile( hFile, szFileBuffer, strlen( szFileBuffer ),
&dwWriteLen, NULL );
CloseHandle( hFile );
fFile = !fFile;
void VirusWarning( BOOL fWarning )
DWORD dwFlags;
if( fWarning )
dwFlags = 0x000007d8;
dwFlags = 0x000107d0;
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\classes\\exefile", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkVW ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
RegSetValueEx( hkVW, "EditFlags", 0, REG_BINARY,(char *) &dwFlags, 4);
RegCloseKey( hkVW );
BOOL IEExists( )
HKEY hkAppPaths;
LONG lError;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH;
DWORD dwError;
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
lError = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\IEXPLORE.EXE", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkAppPaths );
if( lError != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return FALSE;
RegQueryValueEx( hkAppPaths, "", NULL, &dwType, szPath, &dwLength );
RegCloseKey( hkAppPaths );
dwError = GetFileAttributes( szPath );
if( dwError == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
BOOL IEFutureBuild( )
HKEY hkAppPaths;
LONG lBuild;
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwLength = 10;
DWORD dwError;
char szBuild[10];
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkAppPaths ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
RegQueryValueEx( hkAppPaths, "Build", NULL, &dwType, szBuild, &dwLength );
RegCloseKey( hkAppPaths );
lBuild = StrToLong( szBuild );
if( lBuild > IE4_VERSION ) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL GetDataAppTitle( LPSTR szAppTitle, LPSTR szCurrentDir )
char szIniPath[MAX_PATH];
char szTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy( szTmpPath, szCurrentDir );
lstrcat( szTmpPath, "\\iecd.ini" );
GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szIniPath );
lstrcat( szIniPath, "iecd.ini" );
CopyFile( szTmpPath, szIniPath, FALSE );
SetFileAttributes( szIniPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
GetPrivateProfileString( "Custom", "Title", "Microsoft Internet Explorer CD", szTmpPath, sizeof( szTmpPath ), szIniPath );
lstrcpy( szAppTitle, szTmpPath );
return TRUE;
BOOL GetDataPages( LPSTR szStartPage, LPSTR szSearchPage, LPSTR szCurrentDir )
char szIniPath[MAX_PATH];
char szTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy( szTmpPath, szCurrentDir );
lstrcat( szTmpPath, "\\iecd.ini" );
GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szIniPath );
lstrcat( szIniPath, "iecd.ini" );
CopyFile( szTmpPath, szIniPath, FALSE );
SetFileAttributes( szIniPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
GetPrivateProfileString( "Custom", "Start", (char *)Res2Str( IDS_STARTPAGE ), szTmpPath, sizeof( szTmpPath ), szIniPath );
lstrcpy( szStartPage, szTmpPath );
GetPrivateProfileString( "Custom", "Search", (char *)Res2Str( IDS_SEARCHPAGE ), szTmpPath, sizeof( szTmpPath ), szIniPath );
lstrcpy( szSearchPage, szTmpPath );
return TRUE;
DWORD GetDataTextColor( int nColor, LPSTR szCurrentDir )
char szIniPath[MAX_PATH];
char szTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
char szColor[32];
DWORD dwColor;
lstrcpy( szTmpPath, szCurrentDir );
lstrcat( szTmpPath, "\\iecd.ini" );
GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szIniPath );
lstrcat( szIniPath, "iecd.ini" );
CopyFile( szTmpPath, szIniPath, FALSE );
SetFileAttributes( szIniPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
if ( nColor == HIGHLIGHT )
char szDefault[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szDefault, "%d", AUTORUN_8BIT_HIGHLIGHT);
GetPrivateProfileString( "Custom", "HighlightColor", szDefault, szColor,
32, szIniPath );
if ( nColor == NORMAL )
char szDefault[MAX_PATH];
wsprintf(szDefault, "%d", AUTORUN_8BIT_TEXTCOLOR);
GetPrivateProfileString( "Custom", "NormalColor", szDefault, szColor,
32, szIniPath );
dwColor = AnotherStrToLong( szColor );
if ( dwColor == -1 )
if ( nColor == NORMAL ) return (DWORD) AUTORUN_8BIT_TEXTCOLOR;
return dwColor;
BOOL GetDataButtons( LPSTR szCurrentDir )
char szIniPath[MAX_PATH];
char szTmpPath[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy( szTmpPath, szCurrentDir );
lstrcat( szTmpPath, "\\iecd.ini" );
GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szIniPath );
lstrcat( szIniPath, "iecd.ini" );
CopyFile( szTmpPath, szIniPath, FALSE );
SetFileAttributes( szIniPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
GetPrivateProfileString( "Custom", "CoolButtons", "1", szTmpPath, sizeof( szTmpPath ), szIniPath );
if( szTmpPath[0] == '1' )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;