Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#ifndef _CRC32_H_
#define _CRC32_H_
#ifndef INLINE
#define INLINE __inline
extern const ULONG CrcTable32[ 256 ]; // defined in crctable.c
VOID GenerateCrc32Table( VOID ); // stubbed in crctable.c, but not used
// (exists for compatibility)
IN ULONG InitialCrc,
IN PVOID Buffer,
IN ULONG ByteCount
#ifdef _X86_
__asm {
mov ecx, ByteCount ; number of bytes in buffer
xor ebx, ebx ; ebx (bl) will be our table index
mov esi, Buffer ; buffer pointer
test ecx, ecx ; test for zero length buffer
mov eax, InitialCrc ; CRC-32 value
jnz short loopentry ; if non-zero buffer, start loop
jmp short exitfunc ; else exit (crc already in eax)
looptop: shr eax, 8 ; (crc>>8) (U1)
mov edx, CrcTable32[ebx*4] ; fetch Table[ index ] (V1)
xor eax, edx ; crc=(crc>>8)^Table[index] (U1)
loopentry: mov bl, [esi] ; fetch next *buffer (V1)
inc esi ; buffer++ (U1)
xor bl, al ; index=(byte)crc^*buffer (V1)
dec ecx ; adjust counter (U1)
jnz short looptop ; loop while nBytes (V1)
shr eax, 8 ; remaining math on last byte
xor eax, CrcTable32[ebx*4] ; eax returns new crc value
#else // ! _X86_
ULONG Value = InitialCrc;
ULONG Count = ByteCount;
PUCHAR p = Buffer;
while ( Count-- ) {
Value = ( Value >> 8 ) ^ CrcTable32[ (UCHAR)( *p++ ^ Value ) ];
return Value;
#endif // ! _X86_
#endif // _CRC32_H_