mirror of https://github.com/tongzx/nt5src
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
3255 lines
109 KiB
3255 lines
109 KiB
//* Author: Aaron Lee
//* Purpose: Create .DDF and .INF files for specified files
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Format for this file
; position 1 = nts_x86 flag
; position 2 = ntw_x86 flag
; position 3 = win95 flag
; position 4 = win98 flag
; position 5 = nts_alpha flag
; position 6 = ntw_alpha flag
; position 7 = other_os flag
; position 8 = cabfilename
; position 9 = inf section
; position 10 = filename (wildcards okay)
; position 11= .INF rename to
; position 12= .DDF exclude from cab flag
; position 13= Do Not Produce Error if Empty
; position 14= Do Not include this file if the cab is empty!
; position 15= Slipstream file -- don't reference the 0 cab, reference the # specified in global Variable - g_iSlipStreamDiskID
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cab filename,
inf section,
filename (wildcards okay),
.INF rename to,
.DDF exclude from cab,
1=don't show error if file not exist,
1=Do Not include this file if the cab is empty!,
#include <direct.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include "filefind.h"
#include <iis64.h>
// Defines
#define delimiters ",\t\n"
#define MAX_STRING 512
#define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 10000
#define MAX_ARRAY_SMALL 1000
#define ALL_FILES 0xff
#define NTS_X86 "nts_x86"
#define NTW_X86 "ntw_x86"
#define WIN95 "win95"
#define WIN98 "win98"
#define NTS_ALPHA "nts_alpha"
#define NTW_ALPHA "ntw_alpha"
#define OTHER_OS "other_os"
// Globals
int g_iSlipStreamDiskID = 99; // default if none specified as input parameter
int g_iGlobalReturnCode = TRUE;
int g_bOutputFileDate = FALSE;
int g_bOutputFileTime = FALSE;
int g_bOutputFileDateTime = FALSE;
int g_bDoFileCompare = FALSE;
char g_szDoFileCompareData[_MAX_PATH];
int g_bVersionCheck = FALSE;
int g_bShowFileFormat = FALSE;
int g_bOutputDetails = TRUE;
int g_bChangeListOnly = FALSE;
int g_bChangeListOnly2 = FALSE;
int g_bCabbing_Flag = TRUE;
int g_bDisplayToScreen = FALSE;
char g_szModuleFilename[_MAX_FNAME];
char g_szDDFOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szINFOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szLSTOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szCATOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szCNGOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szLOCOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szNOTExistOutput[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szinput_filename_full[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szinput_platform[10];
char g_szCurrentDir[_MAX_PATH];
char g_szFilenameTag[_MAX_FNAME] = "CAB";
#define USENEW
struct FileReadLine
int NTS_x86_flag;
int NTW_x86_flag;
int Win95_flag;
int Win98_flag;
int NTS_alpha_flag;
int NTW_alpha_flag;
int Other_os_flag;
char CabFileName[50];
char INF_Sections[100];
char Filename_Full[_MAX_PATH];
char Filename_Name[_MAX_FNAME];
char Filename_Path[_MAX_PATH];
char DDF_Renamed[_MAX_PATH];
char INF_Rename_To[_MAX_FNAME];
int DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag;
int Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag;
int Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag;
// invisible stuff
long FileName_Size;
int FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist;
int GetFromSlipStreamDisk;
} Flat_GlobalArray_Main[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE];
struct CabSizeInfoStruct
char CabFileName[50];
int TotalFiles;
long TotalFileSize;
} Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[30];
char Flat_GlobalArray_Err[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE][255];
struct arrayrow
long total;
long nextuse;
} Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main, Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err, Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_CabSizes;
char Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[300][_MAX_PATH];
int Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_nextuse;
int Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_total;
// used for files which should not be included in the cab.
FileReadLine g_non_cablist_temp[MAX_ARRAY_SMALL];
int g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse;
int g_non_cablist_temp_total;
// prototypes
int __cdecl main(int ,char *argv[]);
void ShowHelp(void);
void ShowFormat(void);
void MakeDirIfNeedTo(char []);
int strltrim(LPSTR & thestring);
int RemoveAllSpaces(LPSTR & thetempstring);
int IsThisStringInHere(LPTSTR, char[]);
void GetPath(char *input_filespec, char *path, char *fs);
int DoesFileExist(char *input_filespec);
void GetThisModuleName(void);
char* __cdecl strtok2(char *,const char *);
void Flat_ProcessFile(void);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Fill(char[]);
void Flat_GlobalArray_ChkDups(void);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Prepend_UniqueString(void);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Sort_Cols1(void);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Sort_Cols1a(BOOL bDescendFlag);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Sort_Cols2(BOOL bDescendFlag);
int Flat_GlobalArray_Add(FileReadLine);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Add_Err(char[]);
int Flat_GlobalArray_EntryExists(FileReadLine);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Print(void);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Print_Err(void);
int Flat_IsFileNameDup(int);
void Flat_Create_Output_DDF(void);
void Flat_Create_Output_INF(void);
int Flat_Create_Output_ERR(void);
int Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(int processeduptill);
void Global_TotalCabFileSize_Compute(void);
void Global_TotalCabFileSize_Print(void);
int ReturnDirLevelCount(char *DirectoryTree);
void FillGlobalUniqueDirList();
int GlobalUniqueDirChkIfAlreadyThere(char *TheStringToCheck);
int GlobalUniqueDirReturnMyIndexMatch(char *TheStringToCheck);
void PrintFileDateTime(char *Full_Filename);
LPSTR StripWhitespaceA(LPSTR pszString);
int iCompareTime(SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime1,SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime2);
int CompareFiles(LPSTR lpFileName1,LPSTR lpFileName2);
BOOL GetFileDate(LPTSTR lpFileName1,SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime1);
// purpose: main
int __cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[])
int argno = 0;
int nflags=0;
char ini_filename_dir[_MAX_PATH];
char ini_filename_only[_MAX_FNAME];
char ini_filename_ext[_MAX_EXT];
// Get current directory
GetCurrentDirectory( _MAX_PATH, g_szCurrentDir);
// process command line arguments
for(argno=1; argno<argc; argno++)
if ( argv[argno][0] == '-' || argv[argno][0] == '/' )
switch (argv[argno][1])
case '1':
g_bOutputFileDate = TRUE;
case '2':
g_bOutputFileTime = TRUE;
case '3':
g_bOutputFileDateTime = TRUE;
case '4':
g_bDoFileCompare = TRUE;
// Get the string for this flag
pArg = CharNextA(argv[argno]);
pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
if (*pArg == ':')
char szTempString[MAX_PATH];
LPSTR pCmdStart = NULL;
pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
// Check if it's quoted
if (*pArg == '\"')
pArg = CharNextA(pArg);
pCmdStart = pArg;
while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '\"')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);}
pCmdStart = pArg;
// while ((*pArg) && (*pArg != '/') && (*pArg != '-')){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);}
while (*pArg){pArg = CharNextA(pArg);}
*pArg = '\0';
lstrcpyA(g_szDoFileCompareData, StripWhitespaceA(pCmdStart));
case 'a':
case 'A':
g_bChangeListOnly = TRUE;
case 'b':
case 'B':
g_bChangeListOnly2 = TRUE;
case 'd':
case 'D':
g_bOutputDetails = FALSE;
case 'f':
case 'F':
g_bShowFileFormat = TRUE;
case 'n':
case 'N':
g_bCabbing_Flag = FALSE;
case 'x':
case 'X':
g_bDisplayToScreen = TRUE;
case 's':
g_iSlipStreamDiskID = atoi(&argv[argno][2]);
case 't':
case 'T':
strncpy (g_szFilenameTag, &argv[argno][2], sizeof(g_szFilenameTag));
case 'v':
case 'V':
g_bVersionCheck = TRUE;
case '?':
goto exit_with_help;
} // if switch character found
if ( *ini_filename_only == '\0' )
// if no arguments, then
// get the ini_filename_dir and put it into
strcpy(g_szinput_filename_full, argv[argno]);
ini_filename_dir[0] = '\0';
// split up this path
_splitpath( g_szinput_filename_full, NULL, ini_filename_dir, ini_filename_only, ini_filename_ext);
strcat(ini_filename_only, ini_filename_ext);
// if we're missing dir, then get it.
if (*ini_filename_dir == '\0')
// stick current dir into our variable
strcpy(ini_filename_dir, g_szCurrentDir);
strcpy(g_szinput_filename_full, g_szCurrentDir);
strcat(g_szinput_filename_full, "\\");
strcat(g_szinput_filename_full, ini_filename_only);
// Additional filenames (or arguments without a "-" or "/" preceding)
//goto exit_with_help;
// should be the section to execute.
strcpy(g_szinput_platform, argv[argno]);
} // non-switch char found
} // for all arguments
if (g_bShowFileFormat)
goto exit_no_printf;
if (g_bVersionCheck)
return TRUE;
// check if filename was specified
// check if section name was specified
if ( *ini_filename_only == '\0')
printf("Too few arguments, argc=%d\n\n",argc);
goto exit_with_help;
// Check if the file exists!
if (FALSE == DoesFileExist(g_szinput_filename_full))
printf("INI file %s, does not exist!.\n", g_szinput_filename_full);
goto exit_gracefully;
// check if all they want is to compare a file with another list of files
// and check if the 2nd list of files has a date/time stamp which is more recent than file#1
if (g_bDoFileCompare)
// check if filename was specified
if (strcmp(g_szDoFileCompareData,"") == 0)
printf("-4 option missing file parameter!\n\n");
goto exit_with_help;
// compare file#s date with the list of files in #2
if (TRUE == CompareFiles(g_szinput_filename_full,g_szDoFileCompareData))
goto exit_no_printf_1;
goto exit_no_printf;
// check if all they want is the date,time or date and time!!!
if (g_bOutputFileDate || g_bOutputFileTime || g_bOutputFileDateTime)
// get the file's julian date and echo it out!
goto exit_no_printf;
// check if filename was specified
// check if section name was specified
if ( *ini_filename_only == '\0' || *g_szinput_platform == '\0')
printf("Too few arguments, argc=%d\n\n",argc);
goto exit_with_help;
// Check if g_szinput_platform is one of the available options
strcpy(g_szinput_platform, g_szinput_platform);
if ( (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, NTS_X86) != 0) &&
(_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, NTW_X86) != 0) &&
(_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, WIN95) != 0) &&
(_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, WIN98) != 0) &&
(_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, NTS_ALPHA) != 0) &&
(_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, NTW_ALPHA) != 0) &&
(_stricmp(g_szinput_platform, OTHER_OS) != 0))
printf("2nd parameter must be one of %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s or %s.\n", NTS_X86, NTW_X86, WIN95, WIN98, NTS_ALPHA, NTW_ALPHA, OTHER_OS);
goto exit_gracefully;
// Fine, process the ini file.
char stempstring[100];
sprintf(stempstring, "Start %s.\n", g_szModuleFilename);
// We have at least g_szinput_platform and g_szinput_filename_full defined
// run the function to do everything
if (g_iGlobalReturnCode == TRUE)
return g_iGlobalReturnCode;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
int CompareFiles(LPSTR lpFileName1,LPSTR lpFileName2)
int iReturn = FALSE;
int attr = 0;
intptr_t hFile = 0;
finddata datareturn;
char filename_dir[_MAX_PATH];
char filename_only[_MAX_FNAME];
char TempString[_MAX_PATH];
char *pDest = NULL;
// file#1 should be a regular file
// file#2 could be 1 file or a list of files.
// regardless, take file#1's date and compare it with the dates of the files in list#2
// if anyone of the files in list#2 is newer than file#1, return true!
// Get the date\time for file #1
if (FALSE == GetFileDate(lpFileName1, &SystemTime1))
printf("CompareFiles: Failure to GetFileDate on %s\n",lpFileName1);
goto CompareFiles_Exit;
pDest = lpFileName2;
// Find end of the string
while (*pDest){pDest = _tcsinc(pDest);}
// If no trailing backslash then kool, copy on the *.*
if (*(_tcsdec(lpFileName2, pDest)) == _T('\\'))
strcat(lpFileName2, "*.*");
// get the path
_splitpath(lpFileName2, NULL, filename_dir, filename_only, NULL);
attr= 0;
if (_stricmp(filename_only, "*") == 0)
if (_stricmp(filename_only, "*.*") == 0)
if (FindFirst(lpFileName2, attr, &hFile, &datareturn))
// check if it's a sub dir
if (!(datareturn.attrib & _A_SUBDIR))
// Get the filename portion
strcpy(TempString, filename_dir);
strcat(TempString, datareturn.name);
// compare the date with file#1's date
if (FALSE == GetFileDate(TempString, &SystemTime2))
printf("CompareFiles: Failure to GetFileDate on %s\n",TempString);
// check if the filedate is bigger than file#1's date
if (TRUE == iCompareTime(&SystemTime1,&SystemTime2))
iReturn = TRUE;
goto CompareFiles_Exit;
while(FindNext(attr, hFile, &datareturn))
// check if it's a sub dir
if (!(datareturn.attrib & _A_SUBDIR))
// Get the filename portion
strcpy(TempString, filename_dir);
strcat(TempString, datareturn.name);
// compare the date with file#1's date
if (FALSE == GetFileDate(TempString, &SystemTime2))
printf("CompareFiles: Failure to GetFileDate on %s\n",TempString);
// check if the filedate is bigger than file#1's date
if (TRUE == iCompareTime(&SystemTime1,&SystemTime2))
iReturn = TRUE;
goto CompareFiles_Exit;
return iReturn;
// if systemtime2 is larger than systemtime1 then return true!
int iCompareTime(SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime1,SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime2)
int iReturn = FALSE;
if (SystemTime2->wYear > SystemTime1->wYear){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wYear < SystemTime1->wYear){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
if (SystemTime2->wMonth > SystemTime1->wMonth){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wMonth < SystemTime1->wMonth){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
if (SystemTime2->wDay > SystemTime1->wDay){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wDay < SystemTime1->wDay){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
if (SystemTime2->wHour > SystemTime1->wHour){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wHour < SystemTime1->wHour){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
if (SystemTime2->wMinute > SystemTime1->wMinute){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wMinute < SystemTime1->wMinute){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
if (SystemTime2->wSecond > SystemTime1->wSecond){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wSecond < SystemTime1->wSecond){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
if (SystemTime2->wMilliseconds > SystemTime1->wMilliseconds){goto iCompareTime_Larger;}
if (SystemTime2->wMilliseconds < SystemTime1->wMilliseconds){goto iCompareTime_Smaller;}
// they are exactly the same
iReturn = FALSE;
return iReturn;
iReturn = TRUE;
return iReturn;
iReturn = FALSE;
return iReturn;
BOOL GetFileDate(LPTSTR lpFileName1,SYSTEMTIME *SystemTime1)
FILETIME fCreate,fAccess,fWrite;
FILETIME LocalFileTime;
if (!(hFile1=CreateFile(lpFileName1,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0)))
return FALSE;
if (!GetFileTime(hFile1,&fCreate,&fAccess,&fWrite))
return FALSE;
if (!FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&fWrite,&LocalFileTime))
return FALSE;
if (!FileTimeToSystemTime(&LocalFileTime,SystemTime1))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void PrintFileDateTime(char *Full_Filename)
char szDateandtime[50];
// get the file's time stamp 17:31.
// make it look like: 1731
// get the file's date 12/30/1999
// make it look like 19991230
// make it all look like 199912301731
if (TRUE == GetFileDate(Full_Filename, &SystemTime))
//sprintf(szDateandtime,"[%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d]\n",SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay, SystemTime.wYear,SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond);
if (g_bOutputFileDate)
sprintf(szDateandtime,"%02d%02d%02d\n",SystemTime.wYear, SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay);
if (g_bOutputFileTime)
sprintf(szDateandtime,"%02d%02d%02d\n",SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond);
if (g_bOutputFileDateTime)
SystemTime.wYear, SystemTime.wMonth, SystemTime.wDay,
SystemTime.wHour, SystemTime.wMinute, SystemTime.wSecond);
// purpose:
void Flat_ProcessFile()
ifstream inputfile;
char fileinputbuffer[1000];
char stempstring[100];
char * ptemp = NULL;
Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total=0; Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.nextuse=0;
Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err.total=0; Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err.nextuse=0;
// Get output file names
strcpy(g_szDDFOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szDDFOutput, ".DDF");
strcpy(g_szINFOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szINFOutput, ".INF");
strcpy(g_szLSTOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szLSTOutput, ".LST");
strcpy(g_szCATOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szCATOutput, ".CAT");
strcpy(g_szCNGOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szCNGOutput, ".CNG");
strcpy(g_szNOTExistOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szNOTExistOutput, ".NOT");
strcpy(g_szLOCOutput, g_szModuleFilename);
strcat(g_szLOCOutput, ".LOC");
// don't delete these files if we're only doing the changelist file
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// always delete this file
// Read flat file and put into huge array
inputfile.open(g_szinput_filename_full, ios::in);
inputfile.getline(fileinputbuffer, sizeof(fileinputbuffer));
// check for any comments, don't add these to the array.
if (strchr(fileinputbuffer, ';') != NULL)
ptemp = strrchr(fileinputbuffer, ';');
if (ptemp){*ptemp = '\0';}
if (*fileinputbuffer)
// Remove spaces
char *p;
p = fileinputbuffer;
// Take line, parse it and put it into our global file structure.
// Do only for our platform!!!!
} while (inputfile.getline(fileinputbuffer, sizeof(fileinputbuffer)));
// OK, all entries should be in the global_main array
// and all the "extra" entries should be in there too..
// add a "IIS" to the font of any filename
// 1. loop thru the global array and mark any filenames for duplicates..
// 2. sort on #1 cab file, then on #2 section
if (g_bOutputDetails == TRUE) {Flat_GlobalArray_Print();}
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
//printf("\n\n sorted by cab and section...\n");
// 3. loop thru the list and create .DDF file
sprintf(stempstring, "Creating DDF file...%s\n",g_szDDFOutput);
if (g_bCabbing_Flag) {Flat_Create_Output_DDF();}
// Sort on sections
//printf("\n\n sorted by section...\n");
if (g_bDisplayToScreen) Flat_GlobalArray_Print();
// 4. loop thru the list and create .INF file
if (g_bChangeListOnly)
sprintf(stempstring, "Creating CNG file only...%s\n",g_szINFOutput);
sprintf(stempstring, "Creating INF file...%s\n",g_szINFOutput);
// purpose:
void Flat_GlobalArray_Fill(char fileinputbuffer[])
char *token;
int token_count;
char thetempstring[MAX_STRING];
char tempstring[255];
char temperrorwords[255] = "";
FileReadLine tempentry = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"","","","","","","",0,0,0,0,0,0};
FileReadLine theentry = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"","","","","","","",0,0,0,0,0,0};
strcpy(thetempstring, fileinputbuffer);
// get the first token
token = strtok2( thetempstring, delimiters );
token_count = 0;
// Add entry to Global Array, convert to all lowercase
// parse out platforms
if (token == NULL) {goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "x86_NTS_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.NTS_x86_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError1;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "x86_NTW_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.NTW_x86_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError1;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Win95_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.Win95_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError2;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Win98_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.Win98_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError2;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "NTS_alpha_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.NTS_alpha_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError1;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "NTW_alpha_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.NTW_alpha_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError1;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Other_os_flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.Other_os_flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError1;}
// do only for our specified platform!
if ( (tempentry.NTS_x86_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,NTS_X86) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
if ( (tempentry.NTW_x86_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,NTW_X86) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
if ( (tempentry.Win95_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,WIN95) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
if ( (tempentry.Win98_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,WIN98) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
if ( (tempentry.NTS_alpha_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,NTS_ALPHA) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
if ( (tempentry.NTW_alpha_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,NTW_ALPHA) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
if ( (tempentry.Other_os_flag==0) && (_stricmp(g_szinput_platform,OTHER_OS) == 0))
{goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Cabfilename");
strcpy(tempentry.CabFileName, token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError2;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "INF_Sections");
strcpy(tempentry.INF_Sections, token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto InputParseError2;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Filename_Full");
strcpy(tempentry.Filename_Full, token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto MoveToGlobals;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "INF_Rename_To");
strcpy(tempentry.INF_Rename_To, token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto MoveToGlobals;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto MoveToGlobals;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto MoveToGlobals;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto MoveToGlobals;}
strcpy(temperrorwords, "GetFromSlipStreamDisk");
if ( (_stricmp("1",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("0",(char *) token) != 0) && (_stricmp("", (char*) token)!=0) ) goto InputParseError;
tempentry.GetFromSlipStreamDisk = atoi(token); token = strtok2( NULL, delimiters ); token_count++;if (token == NULL) {goto MoveToGlobals;}
if (!(tempentry.Filename_Full)) {goto Exit_Flat_FillGlobalArray_Main;}
// Check for wildcards in position array in filename position #2
int attr;
char filename_dir[_MAX_PATH];
char filename_only[_MAX_FNAME];
// Get the filename portion
_splitpath( tempentry.Filename_Full, NULL, filename_dir, filename_only, NULL);
attr= 0;
if (_stricmp(filename_only, "*.*") == 0)
// list thru the files
intptr_t hFile;
finddata datareturn;
if ( FindFirst(tempentry.Filename_Full, attr, &hFile, &datareturn) )
// check if it's a sub dir
if (!( datareturn.attrib & _A_SUBDIR))
// ok we found one.
// let's add it to our list of stuff to add
theentry = tempentry;
char tempstring1[255];
strcpy(tempstring1, filename_dir);
strcat(tempstring1, datareturn.name);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Full, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, datareturn.name);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Name, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, filename_dir);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Path, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, datareturn.name);
strcpy(theentry.DDF_Renamed, tempstring1);
theentry.FileName_Size = datareturn.size;
// now take this entry and try to add it to the global array!!!
while(FindNext(attr, hFile, &datareturn))
// check if it's a sub dir
if (!(datareturn.attrib & _A_SUBDIR))
// ok we found one.
// let's add it to our list of stuff to add
theentry = tempentry;
char tempstring1[255];
strcpy(tempstring1, filename_dir);
strcat(tempstring1, datareturn.name);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Full, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, datareturn.name);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Name, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, filename_dir);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Path, tempstring1);
strcpy(tempstring1, datareturn.name);
strcpy(theentry.DDF_Renamed, tempstring1);
theentry.FileName_Size = datareturn.size;
// now take this entry and try to add it to the global array!!!
// we didn't find the specified file.
// If this is a file which doesn't get into a cab, then
// let's add it to the .inf file section [SourceDisksFiles] later.
if (tempentry.DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag)
fstream f4;
f4.open(g_szNOTExistOutput, ios::out | ios::app);
char fullpath[_MAX_PATH];
char * pmyfilename;
char myPath[_MAX_PATH];
pmyfilename = fullpath;
// Resolve relative path to real path
if (0 != GetFullPathName(tempentry.Filename_Full, _MAX_PATH, myPath, &pmyfilename))
// Take only the filename...
// achg.htr=1,,1902
f4.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
if (tempentry.GetFromSlipStreamDisk == 0)
f4.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f4.write("\n", 1);
// let's add it to our list of stuff to add
theentry = tempentry;
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Full, tempentry.Filename_Full);
strcpy(theentry.Filename_Name, pmyfilename);
_splitpath( tempentry.Filename_Full, NULL, theentry.Filename_Path, NULL, NULL);
//strcpy(theentry.Filename_Path, myPath);
strcpy(theentry.DDF_Renamed, pmyfilename);
theentry.FileName_Size = 50000;
printf(". FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist1.\n");
theentry.FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist = TRUE;
// now take this entry and try to add it to the global array!!!
// check if we're not supposed to show errors!
if (tempentry.Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag == 0)
// add it to the error list.
sprintf(tempstring, "ERROR: file not found--> %s --> %s", tempentry.Filename_Full, fileinputbuffer);
sprintf(tempstring, "INFUTIL ERROR: %s should be numeric and is not--> %s", temperrorwords, fileinputbuffer);
sprintf(tempstring, "INFUTIL ERROR: missing platform info--> %s", fileinputbuffer);
sprintf(tempstring, "INFUTIL ERROR: missing %s--> %s", temperrorwords, fileinputbuffer);
// purpose:
int Flat_GlobalArray_Add(FileReadLine entrytoadd)
FileReadLine Temp = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,"","","","","","","",0,0,0,0,0,0};
// check if this value already exists in the globalarary
if (Flat_GlobalArray_EntryExists(entrytoadd)) return FALSE;
// blankout the array values if any.
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.nextuse] = Temp;
// move info into global array
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.nextuse] = entrytoadd;
// increment counter to array
// increment next use space
return TRUE;
// purpose:
int Flat_GlobalArray_EntryExists(FileReadLine theentry)
int matchcount;
// loop thru the whole list
for( int i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
// check if entries are the same.
if (_strnicmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName, theentry.CabFileName, lstrlen(theentry.CabFileName) + 1) == 0 )
if (_strnicmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Sections, theentry.INF_Sections, lstrlen(theentry.INF_Sections) + 1) == 0 )
if (_strnicmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, theentry.Filename_Full, lstrlen(theentry.Filename_Full) + 1) == 0 )
if (_strnicmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, theentry.Filename_Name, lstrlen(theentry.Filename_Name) + 1) == 0 )
if (matchcount == 4)
// we found a match!!! "WARNING: file already included"
return TRUE;
//. no matches... return FALSE.
return FALSE;
// purpose:
int IsThisStringInHere(LPTSTR lpTemp, char szStringToCheck[])
int bFlag = FALSE;
// Lookup sections to see if they exists in ini file.
if (*lpTemp != '\0')
// loop thru and process results
bFlag = FALSE;
while (*lpTemp)
// check if our section name is in there.
if (_strnicmp(szStringToCheck, lpTemp, lstrlen(lpTemp) + 1) == 0 )
{bFlag = TRUE;}
lpTemp += (lstrlen(lpTemp) + 1);
// Check if our section was in there
if (bFlag != TRUE)
{return FALSE;}
return TRUE;
// purpose:
int Flat_DDFDoesThisFileCabAlreadyExists(int processeduptill)
int i0;
char CompareTo_cab[100];
char CompareTo_fullfilename[100];
strcpy(CompareTo_cab, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[processeduptill].CabFileName);
strcpy(CompareTo_fullfilename, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[processeduptill].Filename_Full);
// check if global value has already been processed.
// check if the cab is the same
// check if the dir is the same
// check if the filename is the same
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName, CompareTo_cab) == 0)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full,CompareTo_fullfilename) == 0)
// if they both match, then shoot that means that we already printed this out.
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// purpose:
void ShowHelp()
printf("InfUtil2 - prints out file date/time,\n");
printf(" or print out watch list from <input file> list,\n");
printf(" or creates .ddf and .inf files from <input file> list\n");
printf(" Usage:\n");
printf(" infutil2 /? /F [/1 /2 /3] [/4:<filename>] [/A /B] /D /N /S? /T??? /X <input file> <section name>\n\n");
printf(" Params:\n");
printf(" /? show this stuff\n");
printf(" /F show <input file> format help\n");
printf(" Flags for Date/Time use:\n");
printf(" /1 print out <input file>'s date as number\n");
printf(" /2 print out <input file>'s time as number\n");
printf(" /3 print out <input file>'s date and time as big number\n");
printf(" Flags for compare file list timestamp use:\n");
printf(" /4: compare dir in <filename> with <input file>'s timestamp. if dir has newer files, then set ERRORLEVEL=1\n");
printf(" Flags for change list use:\n");
printf(" /A produce a list of files to watch for changes (if files in list change then re-build cabs) from <input file> list\n");
printf(" /B produce a list of files to watch for changes (includes files which aren't in cabs) from <input file> list\n");
printf(" Flags for .ddf .inf use:\n");
printf(" /D don't show details\n");
printf(" /SslipstreamSourceDisksNames file id -- used for SP1 slipstream to point loose files to file specified in /S\n");
printf(" used in sync with <input file> change. look in .ddf file.\n");
printf(" /Ttag Appends tag_ to the beginning of all filenames\n");
printf(" /N Produce INF File which will not require .ddf file (meaning no cabs).(untested) \n");
printf(" /X Display output for debug\n");
printf(" <input file> is a file name.\n");
printf(" <section name> is either %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s.\n", NTS_X86, NTW_X86, WIN95, WIN98, NTS_ALPHA, NTW_ALPHA, OTHER_OS);
printf(" infutil2.exe /3 myfile.txt\n");
printf(" Will print out myfile.txt's date/time as yymmddhhmmss.\n");
printf(" infutil2.exe /Tcore inifile.ini %s\n", NTS_X86);
printf(" Will produce a infutil2.ddf,inf,cng files. the .ddf and .inf files will create cabs with files beginning with 'core_'\n");
printf(" infutil2.exe /C inifile.ini %s\n", NTS_X86);
printf(" Will only produce a infutil2.cng file with a list of files to watch for changes in.\n");
void ShowFormat(void)
printf("Format for <input file>:\n");
printf(" position 1 = nts_x86 flag\n");
printf(" 2 = ntw_x86 flag\n");
printf(" 3 = win95 flag\n");
printf(" 4 = win98 flag\n");
printf(" 5 = nts_alpha flag\n");
printf(" 6 = ntw_alpha flag\n");
printf(" 7 = other_os flag\n");
printf(" 8 = cabfilename\n");
printf(" 9 = inf section\n");
printf(" 10 = filename (wildcards okay)\n");
printf(" 11 = .INF rename to\n");
printf(" 12 = .DDF exclude from cab flag\n");
printf(" 13 = Do Not Produce Error if Empty\n");
printf(" 14 = Do Not include this file if the cab is empty!\n");
printf("Example of format for <input file>:\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,core.cab,core_files_sys,x86\\SysFile1.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,core.cab,core_files_sys,x86\\SysFile2.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,core.cab,core_files_sys,Alpha\\SysFile1.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,core.cab,core_files_sys,Alpha\\SysFile2.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,core.cab,product_files,x86\\ProdSrv.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,core.cab,product_files,x86\\ProdWks.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,1,1,0,0,0,core.cab,product_files,x86\\Prod95.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,0,0,1,0,0,core.cab,product_files,Alpha\\ProdSrvA.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,core.cab,product_files,Alpha\\ProdWksA.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,core.cab,product_files,x86\\Prodx86.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,core.cab,product_files,Alpha\\ProdAlph.dll,,1,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,core.cab,product_files2,x86\\Ext\\*.*,,,,\n");
printf(" 0,0,0,0,1,1,0,core.cab,product_files2,Alpha\\Ext\\*.*,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,core.cab,product_files2,16bit\\*.*,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir1,content\\index.htm,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir1,content\\readme.txt,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir1,content\\default.htm,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir2,content\\content1.htm,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir2,content\\content2.htm,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir2,content\\content3.htm,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,content.cab,content_files_dir2,content\\content4.htm,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,docs.cab,help_files_dir1,help\\*.*,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,docs.cab,help_files_dir2,help\\other\\*.*,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,docs.cab,help_files_dir3,help\\support\\*.txt,,,,\n");
printf(" 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,docs.cab,help_files_dir4,help\\other\\*.xls,,,,\n");
printf("Example of use:\n");
printf(" infutil2.exe -Tcore -D abovefile.csv %s\n", NTS_X86);
printf(" Will produce .ddf,inf,err,cat,not and infutil2.cng files. Figure it out.\n");
// purpose:
int DoesFileExist(char *input_filespec)
if (GetFileAttributes(input_filespec) == -1)
return (TRUE);
// purpose:
void GetPath(char * input_filespec, char * path, char * fs)
char filespec[100];
char * p;
struct _stat s;
strcpy(filespec, input_filespec);
/* if filespec is a directory, interpret it to mean dir\*.* */
if (_stat(filespec, &s) == 0 && s.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
/* root is special case */
if ( (*filespec == '\\' && *(filespec+1) == '\0') ||
(*(filespec+1) == ':' && *(filespec+2) == '\\' && *(filespec+3)=='\0'))
strcat(filespec, "*.*");
strcat(filespec, "\\*.*");
/* search string from end to beginning for back slash */
for(; p>filespec && *p != '\\' && *p != ':'; p--);
/* is it a drive or path */
if ( *p=='\\' || *p==':')
strncpy(path, filespec, DIFF(p-filespec)+1);
strcpy(fs, p+1);
else /* no drive, path */
/* yep, no path */
strcpy(fs, filespec);
} /* GetPath */
// purpose:
int strltrim(LPSTR & thestring)
char * p = NULL;
p = thestring;
// check for spaces to the right
if (*p ==' ')
while (*p == ' ')
{p += (lstrlen((char*) *p) + 1);}
thestring = p;
printf("%s testing..", p);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// purpose:
void MakeDirIfNeedTo(char thestring[])
char *p = NULL;
char tempstring[255];
// Check the string to see if there are any "\"'s in the string
// if there are then let's remove the filename and make the directory
if (strchr(thestring, '\\') != NULL)
strcpy(tempstring, thestring);
// remove the filename
p = strrchr(tempstring, '\\');
if(p){*p = '\0';}
// ok now we have the path
// let's create the directory
// purpose:
void GetThisModuleName(void)
char szfilename_only[_MAX_FNAME];
char szPath[_MAX_PATH];
// Get the path
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, _MAX_PATH))
// split up this path and take filename only
_splitpath( szPath, NULL, NULL, szfilename_only, NULL);
// set global variable with it
strcpy(g_szModuleFilename, szfilename_only);
void Flat_GlobalArray_Prepend_UniqueString(void)
//char Filename_Full[_MAX_PATH];
//char Filename_Name[_MAX_FNAME];
//char Filename_Path[_MAX_PATH];
//char DDF_Renamed[_MAX_PATH];
//char INF_Rename_To[_MAX_FNAME];
char filename_only[_MAX_FNAME];
char filename_ext[_MAX_EXT];
char NewFilename[_MAX_FNAME];
int i0 =0;
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag == 0)
// Tack on the IIS Tag.
_splitpath( Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, NULL, NULL, filename_only, filename_ext);
if (filename_ext)
{sprintf(NewFilename, "%s_%s%s", g_szFilenameTag, filename_only, filename_ext);}
{sprintf(NewFilename, "%s_%s", g_szFilenameTag, filename_only);}
// re-create the full name
//sprintf(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, "%s%s", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path, NewFilename);
// re-create the filename only
//strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, NewFilename);
_splitpath( Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed, NULL, NULL, filename_only, filename_ext);
if (filename_ext)
{sprintf(NewFilename, "%s_%s%s", g_szFilenameTag, filename_only, filename_ext);}
{sprintf(NewFilename, "%s_%s", g_szFilenameTag, filename_only);}
// re-create the filename
strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed, NewFilename);
_splitpath( Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To, NULL, NULL, filename_only, filename_ext);
if (filename_only)
if (filename_ext)
{sprintf(NewFilename, "%s_%s%s", g_szFilenameTag, filename_only, filename_ext);}
{sprintf(NewFilename, "%s_%s", g_szFilenameTag, filename_only);}
// re-create the filename
strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To, NewFilename);
// purpose: check for duplicate filenames
void Flat_GlobalArray_ChkDups(void)
int i0 =0;
int i1 =0;
int i3 = 0;
char filetemp[255];
char filetempwhole[255];
int theflag = FALSE;
char checkagainst[255];
int foundtheflag2 = FALSE;
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
if (Flat_IsFileNameDup(i0))
printf (".");
i1 = 0;
// if the file exists outside a cab, then do not rename.
// only rename files which exist in the cab.
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag == 0)
theflag = FALSE;
// Give it a new name.
// then check if the name already exists.
if (g_bCabbing_Flag != TRUE)
#ifdef USENEW
if (i1 == 1)
// Count how many directory levels in There.
int iDirLevelCount = 0;
int z1 = 0;
iDirLevelCount = ReturnDirLevelCount(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full);
strcpy(filetemp, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
if (iDirLevelCount >=1)
for( z1 = 0; z1 < iDirLevelCount;z1++)
{strcat(filetemp, "..\\");}
strcpy(filetemp, "");
if (iDirLevelCount >=1)
for( z1 = 0; z1 < iDirLevelCount;z1++)
{strcat(filetemp, "..\\");}
strcat(filetemp, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
// add the filename
strcat(filetemp, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name);
sprintf(filetemp, "%s_%s%d", g_szFilenameTag, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, i1);
strcpy(filetempwhole, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
strcat(filetempwhole, filetemp);
sprintf(filetemp, "%s_%s%d", g_szFilenameTag, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, i1);
strcpy(filetempwhole, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
strcat(filetempwhole, filetemp);
sprintf(filetemp, "%s_%s%d", g_szFilenameTag, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, i1);
strcpy(filetempwhole, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
strcat(filetempwhole, filetemp);
// check if the file exists..
// check if it already exists in our list...
strcpy(checkagainst, filetempwhole);
foundtheflag2= FALSE;
for (i3=0;i3<Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i3++)
if (i3 != i0)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Filename_Name, filetemp) == 0)
{foundtheflag2= TRUE;}
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].DDF_Renamed, filetemp) == 0)
{foundtheflag2= TRUE;}
if (foundtheflag2 == FALSE)
// check if it already exists in the filesystem...
int attr = 0;
intptr_t hFile = 0;
finddata datareturn;
if ( FindFirst(filetempwhole, attr, &hFile, &datareturn) )
// shoot that blows, it already exists
// do it again.
theflag = FALSE;
theflag = TRUE;
} while (theflag == FALSE);
// Add to the ddf renamedfile place
strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed, filetemp);
printf ("\n");
// purpose: check for duplicate filenames in filename column
int Flat_IsFileNameDup(int indextocheck)
int iReturn = FALSE;
int i0;
char checkagainst[255];
char checkagainst2[255];
// check for exact duplicate.
// if it is then we can't have any of these
// Return false, because we will remove this entry later
// it should return false, because the files are identical and do not need to be renamed.
strcpy(checkagainst, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[indextocheck].Filename_Full);
strcpy(checkagainst2, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[indextocheck].Filename_Name);
for (i0=0;i0<Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
//for (i0=0;i0<indextocheck;i0++)
iReturn = FALSE;
if (i0 != indextocheck)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, checkagainst2) == 0)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, "global.asa") == 0)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, checkagainst) == 0)
// We have a duplicate which we will ignore!
//printf(". Duplicate.1.!!!!\n");
_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[indextocheck].DDF_Renamed, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed);
iReturn = FALSE;
goto Flat_IsFileNameDup_Exit;
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, checkagainst2) == 0)
// We have a duplicate, check if this one has already been renamed though.
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed, checkagainst2) == 0)
//printf(". Duplicate.2.!!!!\n");
iReturn = TRUE;
goto Flat_IsFileNameDup_Exit;
// check if what we are renaming indextocheck to, is the same as DDF_Renamed...
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[indextocheck].DDF_Renamed) == 0)
//(". Duplicate.3.!!!!\n");
iReturn = TRUE;
goto Flat_IsFileNameDup_Exit;
// go on to the next one....
// Check for filename duplicate only
strcpy(checkagainst, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[indextocheck].Filename_Name);
for (i0=0;i0<Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
if (i0 != indextocheck)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, checkagainst) == 0)
{return TRUE;}
return iReturn;
// purpose: sort on CabFileName, then on Filename_Path
void Flat_GlobalArray_Sort_Cols2(BOOL bDescendFlag)
int offset, inorder;
int i;
int j;
int n;
int result;
int swapflag;
FileReadLine tempentry;
n = Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;
offset = (8 * offset) /11;
offset = (offset == 0) ? 1 : offset;
inorder = TRUE;
for (i=0,j=offset;i < (n - offset);i++,j++)
swapflag = FALSE;
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].CabFileName, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].CabFileName);
if (bDescendFlag)
if (result < 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (result == 0)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].Filename_Path, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].Filename_Path);
if (result < 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (result ==0)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].Filename_Name);
if (result < 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
// check if larger
if (result > 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (result == 0)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].Filename_Path, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].Filename_Path);
// check if larger
if (result > 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (result ==0)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].Filename_Name);
if (result > 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (swapflag == TRUE)
inorder = FALSE;
// do the swap
// move into temp
tempentry = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i];
// move into original
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i] = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j];
// move temp into other
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j] = tempentry;
} while (!(offset == 1 && inorder == TRUE));
// purpose: sort on INF_Sections only
void Flat_GlobalArray_Sort_Cols1()
int offset, inorder;
int i;
int j;
int n;
int result;
FileReadLine tempentry;
n = Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;
offset = (8 * offset) /11;
offset = (offset == 0) ? 1 : offset;
inorder = TRUE;
for (i=0,j=offset;i < (n - offset);i++,j++)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].INF_Sections, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].INF_Sections);
if (result > 0)
inorder = FALSE;
// do the swap
// move into temp
tempentry = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i];
// move into original
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i] = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j];
// move temp into other
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j] = tempentry;
} while (!(offset == 1 && inorder == TRUE));
// purpose: sort on INF_Sections then on filename
void Flat_GlobalArray_Sort_Cols1a(BOOL bDescendFlag)
int offset, inorder;
int i;
int j;
int n;
int result;
int swapflag;
FileReadLine tempentry;
n = Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;
offset = (8 * offset) /11;
offset = (offset == 0) ? 1 : offset;
inorder = TRUE;
for (i=0,j=offset;i < (n - offset);i++,j++)
swapflag = FALSE;
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].INF_Sections, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].INF_Sections);
if (bDescendFlag)
if (result < 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (result == 0)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].Filename_Name);
if (result < 0){swapflag = TRUE;}
// check if larger
if (result > 0)
{swapflag = TRUE;}
if (result == 0)
result = _stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j].Filename_Name);
// check if larger
if (result > 0){swapflag = TRUE;}
if (swapflag == TRUE)
inorder = FALSE;
// do the swap
// move into temp
tempentry = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i];
// move into original
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i] = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j];
// move temp into other
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[j] = tempentry;
} while (!(offset == 1 && inorder == TRUE));
// purpose:
void Flat_GlobalArray_Print(void)
int i0;
int total;
char bigtemp[20];
total = Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;
for( i0 = 0; i0 < total;i0++)
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].NTS_x86_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].NTW_x86_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Win95_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Win98_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].NTS_alpha_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].NTW_alpha_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Other_os_flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].GetFromSlipStreamDisk);
printf (bigtemp); printf(",");
sprintf(bigtemp, "%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].FileName_Size);
printf (bigtemp);
printf ("\n");
// purpose:
void Flat_Create_Output_INF(void)
int i0;
fstream f;
fstream f2;
fstream f3;
fstream f4;
fstream f5;
char last_section[255];
char this_section[255];
char tempstring[255];
char fullpath[_MAX_PATH];
int Changed_f4 = FALSE;
int Changed_f5 = FALSE;
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f.open(g_szINFOutput, ios::out);
f3.open(g_szCATOutput, ios::out);
f4.open(g_szCNGOutput, ios::out);
f5.open(g_szLOCOutput, ios::out);
if (g_bCabbing_Flag == TRUE)
// Produce .inf file for use with .ddf file
// for generating cabs!!!
// ----------------------------------------
// Produce the top half -- the sections
// bottom half -- producted by diamond using.ddf file
// ------------------------------------
strcpy(last_section, " ");
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
Changed_f4 = FALSE;
Changed_f5 = FALSE;
strcpy(this_section, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Sections);
// For each new section change.
if (_stricmp(this_section, last_section) != 0)
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// print out new section stuff
f.write("\n", 1);
sprintf(tempstring, "[%s]\n", this_section);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(last_section, this_section);
if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i0) == TRUE)
// write it out to the .cat file
// strcpy(tempstring,Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name);
// // take out trailing spaces.
// f3.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
TCHAR * pmyfilename;
pmyfilename = fullpath;
// Resolve relative path to real path
if (0 != GetFullPathName(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, _MAX_PATH, myPath, &pmyfilename))
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// should look like this
// <HASH>d:\mydir\myfile=d:\mydir\myfile
f3.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f3.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f3.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f3.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
if (g_bChangeListOnly2)
// write out entry for change list.
f4.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
Changed_f4 = TRUE;
else if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag == 0)
// write out entry for change list
f4.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
Changed_f4 = TRUE;
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag == 1)
// write out entry for localization (list of files in binaries dir outside of cab)
f5.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
Changed_f5 = TRUE;
// Check if this file has the rename stuff set and additional info there,
// don't write the \n until past this part..
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To,"") == 0)
// write out the filename!
// print out the filename
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed) == 0)
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// append on overwrite all the time
// notice the two commas!
//f.write (",,4",3);
// rename to:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name);
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// rename from:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed);
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f.write (",",1);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// append on overwrite all the time
//f.write (",4",2);
// the rename flag was set and the filename is in there.
// format: rename to, rename from
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// rename to:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// rename from:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed);
f.write (",",1);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// append on overwrite all the time
//f.write (",4",2);
// ok, now it's kool to write this part.
f.write("\n", 1);
f3.write("\n", 1);
if (Changed_f4)
f4.write("\n", 1);
if (Changed_f5)
f5.write("\n", 1);
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// Produce .inf file for use without anything else!!!
// no need corresponding .ddf file for these!!!
// ----------------------------------------
// Produce the top half -- the sections
// ------------------------------------
strcpy(last_section, " ");
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
strcpy(this_section, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Sections);
// For each new section change.
if (_stricmp(this_section, last_section) != 0)
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// print out new section stuff
f.write("\n", 1);
sprintf(tempstring, "[%s]\n", this_section);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(last_section, this_section);
#ifdef USENEW
if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i0) == TRUE)
// Check if this file has the rename stuff set and additional info there,
// don't write the \n until past this part..
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To,"") == 0)
// write out the filename!
// print out the filename
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed) == 0)
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// append on overwrite all the time
// notice the two commas!
//f.write (",,4",3);
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// rename to:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// rename from:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed);
f.write (",",1);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// append on overwrite all the time
//f.write (",4",2);
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// the rename flag was set and the filename is in there.
// format: rename to, rename from
// rename to:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// rename from:
strcpy(tempstring, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed);
f.write (",",1);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// append on overwrite all the time
//f.write (",4",2);
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
// write out the filename!
// like this: filename.txt, inetsrv\test\test\filename.txt
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ",");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f.write("\n", 1);
// Produce the bottom half -- the sections
// ------------------------------------
// use f2 for some other batch processing.
if (!g_bChangeListOnly)
f2.open(g_szLSTOutput, ios::out);
//; file names and associated disks
//; diskid = description,tagfile,unused,subdir
//0="Setup Files","",0
f.write("\n\n", 2);
strcpy(tempstring, "[SourceDisksNames]\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ";Filenames and asociated disks\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ";diskid = description,tagfile,unused,subdir\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
#ifdef USENEW
//0="Setup Files","",inetsrv
//1="Setup Files","",inetsrv\help
//2="Setup Files","",inetsrv\help\testing
int i9;
for( i9 = 0; i9 < Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_total;i9++)
// REmove trailing slash character Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i9])
char tempdir[_MAX_PATH];
char *temppointer = NULL;
strcpy(tempdir, Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i9]);
temppointer = strrchr(tempdir, '\\');
if (temppointer) { (*temppointer) = '\0';}
sprintf(tempstring, "%d=\"Setup Files\",,,%s\n", i9, tempdir);
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "0 = \"Setup Files\", \"\",0, \"\"\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "\n\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
//; file names and associated disks
//; diskid = description,tagfile,unused,subdir
//0="Setup Files","",0
f.write("\n\n", 2);
strcpy(tempstring, "[SourceDisksNames.x86]\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ";Filenames and asociated disks\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ";diskid = description,tagfile,unused,subdir\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
#ifdef USENEW
//0="Setup Files","",inetsrv
//1="Setup Files","",inetsrv\help
//2="Setup Files","",inetsrv\help\testing
for(i9 = 0; i9 < Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_total;i9++)
// REmove trailing slash character Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i9])
char tempdir[_MAX_PATH];
char *temppointer = NULL;
strcpy(tempdir, Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i9]);
temppointer = strrchr(tempdir, '\\');
if (temppointer) { (*temppointer) = '\0';}
sprintf(tempstring, "%d=\"Setup Files\",,,%s\n", i9, tempdir);
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "0 = \"Setup Files\", \"\",0, \"\",\i386\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "\n\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
//; file names and associated disks
//; diskid = description,tagfile,unused,subdir
//0="Setup Files","",0
f.write("\n\n", 2);
strcpy(tempstring, "[SourceDisksNames.Alpha]\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ";Filenames and asociated disks\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ";diskid = description,tagfile,unused,subdir\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
#ifdef USENEW
//0="Setup Files","",inetsrv
//1="Setup Files","",inetsrv\help
//2="Setup Files","",inetsrv\help\testing
for(i9 = 0; i9 < Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_total;i9++)
// REmove trailing slash character Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i9])
char tempdir[_MAX_PATH];
char *temppointer = NULL;
strcpy(tempdir, Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i9]);
temppointer = strrchr(tempdir, '\\');
if (temppointer) { (*temppointer) = '\0';}
sprintf(tempstring, "%d=\"Setup Files\",,,%s\n", i9, tempdir);
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "0 = \"Setup Files\", \"\",0, \"\",\Alpha\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "\n\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
//; filename_on_source = diskid,subdir,size,checksum,spare,spare
//_default.pif = 1,,1024,,,,,1,3
strcpy(tempstring, "; filename_on_source = diskid,subdir,size,checksum,spare,spare\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, "[SourceDisksFiles]\n");
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
// filename and directory
// filename.txt = 0,subdirectory
//sprintf(tempstring, "%s = 0\n", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full);
#ifdef USENEW
if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i0) == TRUE)
// Check if this file has the rename stuff set and additional info there,
// don't write the \n until past this part..
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Rename_To,"") == 0)
// write out the filename!
// print out the filename
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed) == 0)
int indexmatch = GlobalUniqueDirReturnMyIndexMatch(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
sprintf(tempstring, "%s=%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, indexmatch);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// rename from:
int indexmatch = GlobalUniqueDirReturnMyIndexMatch(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
sprintf(tempstring, "%s=%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed,indexmatch);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// the rename flag was set and the filename is in there.
// rename from:
int indexmatch = GlobalUniqueDirReturnMyIndexMatch(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
sprintf(tempstring, "%s=%d", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed,indexmatch);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write("\n", 1);
sprintf(tempstring, "%s\n", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full);
f.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
//if (strcmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path, "") == 0)
// {sprintf(tempstring, "%s;.\n", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full);}
// {sprintf(tempstring, "%s;%s\n", Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);}
//sprintf(tempstring, "%s\\%s;%s\n", g_szCurrentDir,Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full,Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full);
sprintf(tempstring, "%s\\%s\n", g_szCurrentDir,Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full);
f2.write(tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// purpose: ok, loop thru the array and create the ddf details...
void Flat_Create_Output_DDF(void)
fstream f;
char thefilename[255];
int i0;
int i1;
int i2;
int i3;
char last_cab[50];
char last_sourcedir[255];
char this_cab[50];
char this_sourcedir[255];
char tempstring[255];
// used for list of all cab's
char tempcablist[20][255];
int tempcablist_nextuse;
int tempcablist_total;
int found;
char temp_cab[50];
// loop thru all globalarray stuff and get all the cab filenames and stick into the tempcablist.
tempcablist_nextuse = 0;
tempcablist_total = 0;
if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i1) == TRUE)
strcpy(temp_cab, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i1].CabFileName);
// loop thru array to see if it's already there.
if (_stricmp(tempcablist[i2], temp_cab) == 0)
if (found==FALSE)
// add it
// ok, create our little output file...
f.open(g_szDDFOutput, ios::out);
strcpy(last_cab, "0");
strcpy(last_sourcedir, "-");
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
strcpy(this_cab, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName);
strcpy(this_sourcedir, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].INF_Sections);
_splitpath( Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Full, NULL, this_sourcedir, NULL, NULL);
if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i0) == TRUE)
// For each Cab Type...
if (_stricmp(this_cab, last_cab) != 0)
// Check if it is the first time!
if (_stricmp(last_cab, "0") == 0)
strcpy(tempstring, "\n;***** LAYOUT SECTION (Generated) ***** \n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// print out all the cabinet names
// loop thru the list of cabinet names and print them out.
sprintf(tempstring, " .Set CabinetName%d=%s\n", i2+1, tempcablist[i2]);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write("\n", 1);
// Set Generate INF=on!!!!
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set GenerateInf=On\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write("\n", 1);
// Do files which don't get included into the cab files..
strcpy(tempstring, ";*** Files not to include in Cab.\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// Set source
// list files.
char last_filepath[255];
char this_filepath[255];
strcpy(g_non_cablist_temp[0].Filename_Name, "");
g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse = 0;
g_non_cablist_temp_total = 0;
int itexists;
// check if this entry has the ddf_excludefromcab flag set.
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag)
// add only if not already there...
itexists = FALSE;
for (int i6=0;i6<g_non_cablist_temp_total;i6++)
if (_stricmp(g_non_cablist_temp[i6].Filename_Name,Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Filename_Name)==0)
{itexists = TRUE;}
if (itexists == FALSE)
// Add to our temporary array...
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].NTS_x86_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].NTS_x86_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].NTW_x86_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].NTW_x86_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].Win95_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Win95_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].Win98_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Win98_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].NTS_alpha_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].NTS_alpha_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].NTW_alpha_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].NTW_alpha_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].Other_os_flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Other_os_flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Do_Not_Show_Error_Flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].FileName_Size = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].FileName_Size;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist;
g_non_cablist_temp[g_non_cablist_temp_nextuse].GetFromSlipStreamDisk = Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].GetFromSlipStreamDisk;
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i3].FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist)
printf(". HEY..\n");
// sort the array
int offset, inorder, isort, jsort, niterate, resultsort; //, i0sort;
//FileReadLine tempentrysort[MAX_ARRAY_SMALL];
FileReadLine tempentrysort;
niterate = g_non_cablist_temp_total;
offset = (8 * offset) /11;
offset = (offset == 0) ? 1 : offset;
inorder = TRUE;
for (isort=0,jsort=offset;isort < (niterate - offset);isort++,jsort++)
resultsort = _stricmp(g_non_cablist_temp[isort].Filename_Path, g_non_cablist_temp[jsort].Filename_Path);
if (resultsort > 0)
inorder = FALSE;
// do the swap
// move into temp
tempentrysort = g_non_cablist_temp[isort];
// move into original
g_non_cablist_temp[isort] = g_non_cablist_temp[jsort];
// move temp into other
g_non_cablist_temp[jsort] = tempentrysort;
/* weird to stuff..
// do the swap
// move into temp
for (i0sort=0;i0sort<MAX_ARRAY_SMALL;i0sort++)
tempentrysort[i0sort] = g_non_cablist_temp[isort];
// move into original
for (i0sort=0;i0sort<MAX_ARRAY_SMALL;i0sort++)
// move into original
Flat_GlobalArray_Main[isort] = g_non_cablist_temp[jsort];
//strcpy( Flat_GlobalArray_Main[isort].thecol[i0sort].thestring, g_non_cablist_temp[jsort].thecol[i0sort].thestring);
// move temp into other
for (i0sort=0;i0sort<MAX_ARRAY_SMALL;i0sort++)
g_non_cablist_temp[jsort] = tempentrysort[i0sort];
//strcpy(g_non_cablist_temp[jsort].thecol[i0sort].thestring, tempentrysort[i0sort].thestring);
} while (!(offset == 1 && inorder == TRUE));
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set Compress=OFF\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set Cabinet=OFF\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// loop thru our new array, and output stuff
for (int i5=0;i5<g_non_cablist_temp_total;i5++)
strcpy(this_filepath, g_non_cablist_temp[i5].Filename_Path);
if (_stricmp(last_filepath, this_filepath) != 0)
// take the dir and write it out
f.write("\n", 1);
sprintf(tempstring, ".Set SourceDir=%s\n", this_filepath);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(last_filepath, this_filepath);
if (g_non_cablist_temp[i5].FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist)
printf(". FileWasNotActuallyFoundToExist.skip write to ddf..\n");
g_iGlobalReturnCode = FALSE;
// print out the filename
if (_stricmp(g_non_cablist_temp[i5].Filename_Name, g_non_cablist_temp[i5].DDF_Renamed) == 0)
strcat(tempstring," ");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// files which are outside of the cab should have the unique flag set.
// of cource, because they are all in the same place!!
// check if this is one of those "special" files which
// come from a service pack.
if (g_non_cablist_temp[i5].GetFromSlipStreamDisk == 0)
strcpy(tempstring, "\t/unique=yes");
sprintf(tempstring,"\t/unique=yes /cab#=%d", g_iSlipStreamDiskID);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write("\n", 1);
f.write("\n", 1);
// Files which do get included in the Cab
strcpy(tempstring, ";*** Files to include in Cabs.\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write(";\n", 2);
sprintf(tempstring, "; Cab File = %s\n", this_cab);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write(";\n", 2);
// Set cabinet on and compress on.
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set Cabinet=on\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set Compress=on\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write("\n;\n", 3);
sprintf(tempstring, "; Cab File = %s\n", this_cab);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write(";\n", 2);
// Write new stuff for every new cabinet
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set Cabinet=off\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ".Set Cabinet=on\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(tempstring, ".New Cabinet\n");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(last_cab, this_cab);
// Copy over the filename
// don't copy over if the file should not be
// included in the the cab file.
//if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].thecol[COL_DDF_EXCLUDEFROMCAB].thestring,"true") != 0)
if (!(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag))
// don't copy over if the same file, in the same directory for the same cab file
// exists already. this could happen if they want the same file in different
// sections....
if (Flat_DDFDoesThisFileCabAlreadyExists(i0) == FALSE)
//if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i0) == TRUE) {
// For each new directory change
if (_stricmp(this_sourcedir, last_sourcedir) != 0)
// print out new section stuff
f.write("\n", 1);
sprintf(tempstring, ".Set SourceDir=%s\n", this_sourcedir);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
strcpy(last_sourcedir, this_sourcedir);
// write out the filename!
strcpy(thefilename, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name);
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed) == 0)
// Check for spaces
if (strchr(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, ' ') != NULL)
strcpy(thefilename, "\"");
strcat(thefilename, "\"");
// Check for spaces
if (strchr(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Name, ' ') != NULL)
strcpy(thefilename, "\"");
strcat(thefilename, "\"");
strcat(thefilename," ");
// check for spaces
if (strchr(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Renamed, ' ') != NULL)
strcpy(thefilename, "\"");
strcat(thefilename, "\"");
f.write (thefilename, strlen(thefilename));
// Check if this file has the unique flag set.
// don't write the \n until past this part..
/*if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].thecol[COL_DDF_UNIQUE].thestring,"true")) == 0)
strcpy(tempstring, "\t/unique=yes");
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
// ok, now it's kool to write this part.
f.write ("\n", 1);
// purpose:
int Flat_Create_Output_ERR(void)
int i0;
fstream f;
char filename_only[255];
char szPath[_MAX_PATH];
char tempstring[MAX_STRING];
// Get the path
GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, _MAX_PATH);
// split up this path
_splitpath( szPath, NULL, NULL, filename_only, NULL);
strcat(filename_only, ".ERR");
// if there are any errors to report...
if (Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err.total <= 0)
{return FALSE;}
// open the file
f.open(filename_only, ios::out);
// loop thru the errors and print out the errors
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err.total;i0++)
strcpy(tempstring, (char*)Flat_GlobalArray_Err[i0]);
f.write (tempstring, strlen(tempstring));
f.write("\n", 1);
return TRUE;
// purpose:
void Flat_GlobalArray_Add_Err(char theentry[])
g_iGlobalReturnCode = FALSE;
// lets add it
strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_Err[Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err.nextuse], theentry);
// increment counter to array
// increment next use space
// purpose:
void Flat_GlobalArray_Print_Err(void)
int i0;
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Err.total;i0++)
printf (Flat_GlobalArray_Err[i0]);
printf ("\n");
// purpose:
// the problem with regular strtok2 is that it will
// skip stuff like ",,," and ignore all the blanks in
// between to get to the next token. this strtok2 function
// was written to over come that. so that strtok2 works like
// you think it would.
char * __cdecl strtok2 (char * string,const char * control)
//unsigned char *str;
//const unsigned char *ctrl = control;
//unsigned char map[32];
char *str;
const char *ctrl = control;
char map[32];
int count;
static char *nextoken;
/* Clear control map */
for (count = 0; count < 32; count++)
map[count] = 0;
/* Set bits in delimiter table */
map[*ctrl >> 3] |= (1 << (*ctrl & 7));
} while (*ctrl++);
/* Initialize str. If string is NULL, set str to the saved
* pointer (i.e., continue breaking tokens out of the string
* from the last strtok2 call) */
if (string)
str = string;
str = nextoken;
/* Find beginning of token (skip over leading delimiters). Note that
* there is no token iff this loop sets str to point to the terminal
* null (*str == '\0') */
while (
(map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7) ) ) && *str
string = str;
/* Find the end of the token. If it is not the end of the string,
* put a null there. */
for ( ; *str ; str++ )
if ( map[*str >> 3] & (1 << (*str & 7)) ) {
*str++ = '\0';
/* Update nextoken (or the corresponding field in the per-thread data
* structure */
nextoken = str;
/* Determine if a token has been found. */
if ( string == str )
return NULL;
return string;
int RemoveAllSpaces(LPSTR & thetempstring)
int iReturn = FALSE;
int j = 0;
char thevalue[1024];
char tempstring2[1024];
strcpy(tempstring2, thetempstring);
// strset(thevalue, '\0');
strcpy(thevalue, "");
for (int i=0;i < (int) strlen(tempstring2);i++)
if (tempstring2[i] == ' ')
iReturn = TRUE;
thevalue[j] = tempstring2[i];
thevalue[j+1] = '\0';
if (iReturn == TRUE) {strcpy(thetempstring, thevalue);}
return iReturn;
int Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(int processeduptill)
//return TRUE;
int iReturn = FALSE;
int i0 = 0;
int TheCount = 0;
char CompareTo_cab[100];
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[processeduptill].Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag != 1) {return TRUE;}
// Grab the cabfilename
strcpy(CompareTo_cab, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[processeduptill].CabFileName);
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
if (i0 != processeduptill)
if (Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Do_Not_Include_file_if_cabEmpty_Flag != 1)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName, CompareTo_cab) == 0)
if (TheCount > 0){iReturn = TRUE;}
return iReturn;
void Global_TotalCabFileSize_Compute(void)
char szTheCabFileName[50] = "";
int MyFileSize = 0;
int TheNextUse = 0;
int iTheFlag = FALSE;
int iIndexToUse = 0;
// Go thru the whole list and add everything up
for( int i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
if (Flat_DoWeIncludeThisFileCheck(i0) == TRUE)
if (!(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].DDF_Exclude_From_Cab_Flag))
iIndexToUse = Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_CabSizes.nextuse;
TheNextUse = 0;
// lets add it if not already there.
while (TheNextUse < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_CabSizes.total)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[TheNextUse].CabFileName, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName) == 0)
iIndexToUse = TheNextUse;
iTheFlag = TRUE;
if (iTheFlag == TRUE)
// copy over the filename
strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[iIndexToUse].CabFileName, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName);
// Get the size
Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[iIndexToUse].TotalFileSize = Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[iIndexToUse].TotalFileSize + Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].FileName_Size;
iIndexToUse = Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_CabSizes.nextuse;
// copy over the filename
strcpy(Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[iIndexToUse].CabFileName, Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].CabFileName);
// Get the size
Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[iIndexToUse].TotalFileSize = Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[iIndexToUse].TotalFileSize + Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].FileName_Size;
void Global_TotalCabFileSize_Print(void)
int i0;
char stempstring[100];
for( i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_CabSizes.total;i0++)
sprintf(stempstring, "%s: Filecount=%d, Size=%d\n",Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[i0].CabFileName, Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[i0].TotalFiles, Flat_GlobalArray_CabSizes[i0].TotalFileSize);
// Returns the count of the "\" characters in the string
int ReturnDirLevelCount(char *DirectoryTree)
int TheCount = 0;
char szTemp[_MAX_PATH];
_tcscpy(szTemp, DirectoryTree);
char *p = szTemp;
while (*p)
if (*p == '\\')
p = _tcsinc(p);
return TheCount;
void FillGlobalUniqueDirList()
// used to keep a list of unique directory names.
// loop thru the whole structure and pull out all the unique directory names.
for( int i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalArrayIndex_Main.total;i0++)
// check if entries are the same.
if (FALSE == GlobalUniqueDirChkIfAlreadyThere(Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path))
// Not there yet. so let's add it
strcpy(Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_nextuse], Flat_GlobalArray_Main[i0].Filename_Path);
// increment counter to array
// increment next use space
int GlobalUniqueDirChkIfAlreadyThere(char *TheStringToCheck)
int iReturn = FALSE;
for( int i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_total;i0++)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i0], TheStringToCheck) == 0)
iReturn = TRUE;
goto isItAlreadyThere_Exit;
return iReturn;
int GlobalUniqueDirReturnMyIndexMatch(char *TheStringToCheck)
int iReturn = 0;
for( int i0 = 0; i0 < Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList_total;i0++)
if (_stricmp(Flat_GlobalUniqueDirList[i0], TheStringToCheck) == 0)
iReturn = i0;
goto GlobalUniqueDirReturnMyIndexMatch_Exit;
return iReturn;
//* NAME: StripWhitespace *
//* SYNOPSIS: Strips spaces and tabs from both sides of given string. *
LPSTR StripWhitespaceA( LPSTR pszString )
LPSTR pszTemp = NULL;
if ( pszString == NULL ) {
return NULL;
while ( *pszString == ' ' || *pszString == '\t' ) {
pszString += 1;
// Catch case where string consists entirely of whitespace or empty string.
if ( *pszString == '\0' ) {
return pszString;
pszTemp = pszString;
pszString += lstrlenA(pszString) - 1;
while ( *pszString == ' ' || *pszString == '\t' ) {
*pszString = '\0';
pszString -= 1;
return pszTemp;