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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994.
// File: dmnstart.cxx
// Contents: A class for providing startup data to the CiDaemon.
// History: 12-11-96 srikants Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <frmutils.hxx>
#include <sizeser.hxx>
#include <memser.hxx>
#include <memdeser.hxx>
#include <dmnstart.hxx>
#include <imprsnat.hxx>
// Member: CDaemonStartupData::CDaemonStartupData
// Synopsis: Constructor on the sending side
// Arguments: [fIndexingW3Svc] - Set to TRUE if W3Svc data is being
// indexed.
// [ipVirtualServer] - IP address of the virtual server.
// [pwszCatDir] - Catalog directory
// [pwszName] - Catalog name
// History: 12-11-96 srikants Created
WCHAR const * pwszCatDir,
WCHAR const * pwszName )
_xwszCatDir.Set( AllocHeapAndCopy( pwszCatDir ) );
_xwszName.Set( AllocHeapAndCopy( pwszName ) );
// Member: CDaemonStartupData::CDaemonStartupData
// Synopsis: Constructor to be used on the receiving side.
// Arguments: [pbData] - Pointer to the data buffer.
// [cbData] - Number of bytes in the data buffer.
// History: 12-11-96 srikants Created
CDaemonStartupData::CDaemonStartupData( BYTE const * pbData, ULONG cbData )
// Copy the buffer to guarantee alignment
XArray<BYTE> xByte(cbData);
RtlCopyMemory( xByte.GetPointer(), pbData, cbData );
CMemDeSerStream stm( xByte.GetPointer(), cbData );
_DeSerialize( stm );
// Member: CDaemonStartupData::_Serialize
// Synopsis: Serializes the data into the provided serializer
// Arguments: [stm] - The stream to serailize into.
// History: 12-11-96 srikants Created
void CDaemonStartupData::_Serialize( PSerStream & stm ) const
PutWString( stm, GetCatDir() );
PutWString( stm, GetName() );
ULARGE_INTEGER * pLi = (ULARGE_INTEGER *) &_sigDaemonStartup;
stm.PutULong( pLi->LowPart );
stm.PutULong( pLi->HighPart );
// Member: CDaemonStartupData::_DeSerialize
// Synopsis: Deserializes the data from the given de-serializer
// Arguments: [stm] - The stream to deserialize from.
// History: 12-11-96 srikants Created
void CDaemonStartupData::_DeSerialize( PDeSerStream & stm )
_xwszCatDir.Set( AllocHeapAndGetWString( stm ) );
_xwszName.Set( AllocHeapAndGetWString( stm ) );
ULARGE_INTEGER * pLi = (ULARGE_INTEGER *) &_sigDaemonStartup;
pLi->LowPart = stm.GetULong();
pLi->HighPart = stm.GetULong();
_fValid = eSigDaemonStartup == _sigDaemonStartup;
// Member: CDaemonStartupData::Serialize
// Synopsis: Serializes the data into a buffer and returns the pointer
// to the buffer. The memory is allocated using HEAP.
// Arguments: [cb] - on output, will have the number of bytes in the
// serialized buffer.
// Returns: Pointer to a memory buffer. The caller owns it.
// History: 12-11-96 srikants Created
BYTE * CDaemonStartupData::Serialize( ULONG & cb ) const
cb = 0;
Win4Assert( _fValid );
// First determine the size of the buffer needed.
CSizeSerStream sizeSer;
_Serialize( sizeSer );
cb = sizeSer.Size();
XArray<BYTE> xBuffer(cb);
CMemSerStream memSer( xBuffer.GetPointer(), cb );
_Serialize( memSer );
return xBuffer.Acquire();
// Member: CCiRegistryEvent::DoIt
// Synopsis: Refreshes the CI registry values.
// History: 12-19-96 srikants Created
void CCiRegistryEvent::DoIt(ICiAdminParams * pICiAdminParams)
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CiDaemon::Processing CI registry change\n" ));
// It's ok for the QI to fail. Don't always have a language cache.
XInterface<ICiAdmin> xICiAdmin;
SCODE sc = pICiAdminParams->QueryInterface( IID_ICiAdmin, xICiAdmin.GetQIPointer() );
Win4Assert( SUCCEEDED(sc) );
if ( SUCCEEDED(sc) )
// Re-enable the notifications.
} //DoIt()
// Member: CClientDaemonWorker::CClientDaemonWorker
// Synopsis: Constructor of the CClientDaemonWorker class.
// Arguments: [startupData] - start data for the daemon worker
// [nameGen] - name generator for inter-proc events
// [pICiAdminParams] - registry/admin parameters
// History: 12-19-96 srikants Created
CClientDaemonWorker::CClientDaemonWorker( CDaemonStartupData & startupData,
CSharedNameGen & nameGen,
ICiAdminParams * pICiAdminParams )
: _cHandles(cTotal),
_perfMon( startupData.GetName() ? startupData.GetName() : startupData.GetCatDir() ),
_regParams( startupData.GetName() ),
_tokenCache( startupData.GetName() ),
_ciRegChange( _regParams ),
_evtRescanTC( 0, nameGen.GetRescanTCEventName() ),
#pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // this used in base initialization
_controlThread( WorkerThread, this, TRUE ) // create suspended
#pragma warning( default : 4355 )
_regParams.Refresh( pICiAdminParams );
BOOL fIndexW3Roots = _regParams.IsIndexingW3Roots();
BOOL fIndexNNTPRoots = _regParams.IsIndexingNNTPRoots();
BOOL fIndexIMAPRoots = _regParams.IsIndexingIMAPRoots();
ULONG W3SvcInstance = _regParams.GetW3SvcInstance();
ULONG NNTPSvcInstance = _regParams.GetNNTPSvcInstance();
ULONG IMAPSvcInstance = _regParams.GetIMAPSvcInstance();
_tokenCache.Initialize( CI_DAEMON_NAME,
IMAPSvcInstance );
RtlZeroMemory( _aWait, sizeof(_aWait) );
_aWait[iThreadControl] = _evtControl.GetHandle();
_aWait[iCiRegistry] = _ciRegChange.GetEventHandle();
_aWait[iRescanTC] = _evtRescanTC.GetHandle();
} //CClientDaemonWorker
// Member: CClientDaemonWorker::WorkerThread
// Synopsis: WIN32 Thread starting entry point.
// Arguments: [self] -
// History: 12-19-96 srikants Created
DWORD CClientDaemonWorker::WorkerThread( void * self )
((CClientDaemonWorker *) self)->_DoWork();
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CClientDaemonWorker::Terminating thread\n" ));
return 0;
// Member: CClientDaemonWorker::_DoWork
// Synopsis: The main loop where the thread waits and tracks the registry
// History: 12-19-96 srikants Created
void CClientDaemonWorker::_DoWork()
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "CClientDaemonWorker::_DoWork \n" ));
DWORD status = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( _cHandles, // num handles
_aWait, // array of handles
FALSE, // wake up if any is set
10000, // Timeout
FALSE ); // Not Alertable
if ( WAIT_FAILED == status )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "DLDaemon - WaitFailed. Error 0x%X\n",
GetLastError() ));
_fShutdown = TRUE;
else if ( WAIT_TIMEOUT == status )
// See if a filter is out of control allocating memory. We
// may be using gobs of RAM, but we only care about page
// file usage.
NTSTATUS s = NtQueryInformationProcess( GetCurrentProcess(),
sizeof vmInfo,
0 );
SIZE_T cbUsageInK = vmInfo.PagefileUsage / 1024;
SIZE_T cbMaxInK = _regParams.GetMaxDaemonVmUse();
if ( NT_SUCCESS( s ) && ( cbUsageInK > cbMaxInK ) )
TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), E_OUTOFMEMORY );
DWORD iWake = status - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
if ( iThreadControl == iWake )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "DaemonWorkerThread - Control Event\n" ));
else if ( iCiRegistry == iWake )
ResetEvent( _aWait[iCiRegistry] );
_ciRegChange.DoIt( _xICiAdminParams.GetPointer() );
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "daemon rescanning tokenCache\n" ));
Win4Assert( iRescanTC == iWake );
ResetEvent( _aWait[iRescanTC] );
CATCH( CException,e )
ciDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Error 0x%X caught in daemon worker thread\n",
e.GetErrorCode() ));
while ( !_fShutdown );
} //_DoWork