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291 lines
6.3 KiB
291 lines
6.3 KiB
UimetoolCopyFilesSys = 24,%PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR% ; LDID_SHARED
UimetoolCopyFilesHelp = 18 ; LDID_HELP
LctoolCopyFilesHelp = 18 ; LDID_HELP
[Optional Components]
OptionDesc = %Uimetool_DESC%
Tip = %Uimetool_TIP%
IconIndex = 69
Parent = AccessTop
CopyFiles = UimetoolCopyFilesSys, UimetoolCopyFilesHelp
ProfileItems = UimetoolUninstallItems, UimetoolInstallItems
Uninstall = UimetoolUninstall
Modes = 0,1,2,3
SizeApproximation = 117160
DelFiles = UimetoolCopyFilesSys, UimetoolCopyFilesHelp
ProfileItems = UimetoolUninstallItems, UimetoolUninstallCommonItems
Name = %Uimetool_DESC%
CmdLine = 24, %PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR%, uimetool.exe
SubDir = %Access_GROUP%
WorkingDir = 24, %PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR%
InfoTip = %Uimetool_Infotip%
Name = %Uimetool_DESC%,0x00000003
Subdir = %Access_GROUP%
Name = %Uimetool_DESC%,0x00000002
Subdir = %Access_GROUP%
OptionDesc = %LcTool_DESC%
Tip = %LcTool_TIP%
IconIndex = 68 ;Windows mini-icon for dialogs
Parent = AccessTop
CopyFiles = LcToolCopyFilesSys, LcToolCopyFilesHelp
ProfileItems = LcToolUninstallItems, LcToolInstallItems
Uninstall = LcToolUninstall
Modes = 0,1,2,3
SizeApproximation = 77372
DelFiles = LcToolCopyFilesSys, LcToolCopyFilesHelp
ProfileItems = LcToolUninstallItems, LcToolUninstallCommonItems
Name = %LcTool_DESC%
CmdLine = 24, %PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR%, LcTool.exe
SubDir = %Access_GROUP%
WorkingDir = 24, %PROGRAMF%\%ACCESSOR%
InfoTip = %LcTool_Infotip%
Name = %LcTool_DESC%,0x00000003
Subdir = %Access_GROUP%
Name = %LcTool_DESC%,0x00000002
Subdir = %Access_GROUP%
Uimetool_TIP = "您可以建立屬於自己的輸入法編輯器。"
Uimetool_InfoTIP = "您可以建立屬於自己的輸入法編輯器。"
Uimetool_Desc = "通用輸入法編輯工具"
Lctool_TIP = "您可以自訂字詞清單。"
Lctool_InfoTIP = "您可以自訂字詞清單。"
Lctool_Desc = "相關字詞編輯工具"
PROGRAMF = "Program Files"
ACCESSOR = "Windows NT\Accessories"
KEY_OPTIONAL = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents"
KEY_RENAME = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles"
KEY_CURRENT = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"
Access_GROUP = "附屬應用程式"
AccessTop_DESC = "附屬應用程式"
SystemTools_GROUP = "附屬應用程式\系統工具"
AccessTop_TIP = "為您的電腦加入 Windows 應用程式及增強功能。"
AccessUtil_Desc = "Accessories and Utilities"
AccessUtil_TIP = "在您的電腦含入 Windows 附屬應用程式和公用程式。"
Calc_DESC = "小算盤"
Calc_TIP = "提供計算功能。"
Calc_Infotip = "使用螢幕上的計算機來運算數學函數。"
CharMap_DESC = "字元對應表"
CharMap_TIP = "在文件中插入符號及字元。"
CharMap_Infotip = "選取特殊字元並貼附到您的文件上。"
ClipBook_DESC = "剪貼簿檢視器"
ClipBook_TIP = "可以檢視剪貼簿或儲存資訊到剪貼簿。"
ClipBook_Infotip = "使用剪貼簿檢視器來檢視、儲存及共用您從文件上複製或剪下來的文字。"
Deskpaper_DESC = "桌面底色圖案"
Deskpaper_TIP = "為您的 Windows 桌面加入螢幕的背景影像及圖片。"
Blueday = "Blue Monday.bmp"
Blulac16 = "Blue Lace 16.bmp"
Blumon16 = "Blue Monday 16.bmp"
Bubbles = "Soap Bubbles.bmp"
Coffee16 = "Coffee Bean 16.bmp"
Coffeebn = "Coffee Bean.bmp"
Feather = "FeatherTexture.bmp"
Fidlhead = "Fiddle Head.bmp"
Furry16 = "Furry Dog 16.bmp"
Furrydog = "Furry Dog.bmp"
Geometrx = "Geometrix.bmp"
Gonefish = "Gone Fishing.bmp"
Grnstone = "Greenstone.bmp"
Hazy16 = "Hazy Autumn 16.bmp"
Hikingbt = "Hiking Boot.bmp"
Leaves16 = "Leaf Fossils 16.bmp"
Lether16 = "Leather 16.bmp"
Mpltrail = "Maple Trails.bmp"
Pglyph16 = "Petroglyph 16.bmp"
Pool = "Swimming Pool.bmp"
Prairie = "Prairie Wind.bmp"
Rhody = "Rhododendron.bmp"
Rvrsumid = "River Sumida.bmp"
Santafe = "Santa Fe Stucco.bmp"
Seaside = "Seaside.bmp"
Seside16 = "Seaside 16.bmp"
Snakeskn = "Snakeskin.bmp"
Solstice = "Solstice.bmp"
Upstrm16 = "Upstream 16.bmp"
Zapotec = "Zapotec.bmp"
Zaptec16 = "Zapotec 16.bmp"
MousePoint_DESC = "滑鼠指標"
MousePoint_TIP = "用於滑鼠各式易於使用的指標大小。"
MP_REG_SCHEMES = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes"
Cursors = "Cursors"
WindowsDefault = "Windows 預設"
WindowsAnimated = "Windows 動畫"
3DWhite = "立體白色"
Hands1 = "手勢 1"
Hands2 = "手勢 2"
Dinosaur = "恐龍"
OldFashioned = "懷舊式"
Conductor = "指揮家"
Magnified = "放大"
Variations = "變奏"
3DBronze = "立體銅色"
Paint_DESC = "小畫家"
Paint_TIP = "可以建立、修改或檢視圖片。"
Paint_Infotip = "建立並編輯圖畫,或檢視及編輯掃描的照片。"
PaintbrushPicture = "調色盤圖片"
Edit = "編輯"
BitmapImage = "點陣圖影像"
HotKey_Edit = "編輯(&E)"
HotKey_Open = "開啟(&O)"
QuickView_DESC = "快速檢視"
QuickView_TIP = "不用開啟文件就能預覽文件。"
ScreenSave_DESC= "螢幕保護裝置"
ScreenSave_TIP = "當您不用電腦時,顯示移動的影像以保護您的螢幕。"
SSOpenGL_DESC = "OpenGL 螢幕保護裝置"
SSOpenGL_TIP = "立體影像的螢幕保護裝置。"
SSStandard_DESC= "標準螢幕保護裝置"
SSStandard_TIP = "基本的螢幕保護裝置。"
Templates_DESC = "文件範本"
Templates_TIP = "讓您可以輕易地為大部分的公用程式建立新文件。"
Templates_Dir = "Templates"