Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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55 lines
699 B

KEY_OPTIONAL = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\OptionalComponents"
Games_DESC = "Pelit"
Games_TIP = "Sisältää Hertta-, Miinaharava-, Pasianssi-, Spider-, Vapaakenttä- ja Pinball-pelit."
Games_GROUP = "Pelit"
Freecell_DESC = "Vapaakenttä"
Freecell_TIP = "Korttipelin muodossa oleva looginen palapeli"
Hearts_DESC = "Hertta"
Hearts_TIP = "Korttipeli"
Minesweeper_DESC = "Miinaharava"
Minesweeper_TIP = "Strategiapeli"
Solitaire_DESC = "Pasianssi"
Solitaire_TIP = "Korttipeli"
Spider_DESC = "Spider-pasianssi"
Spider_TIP = "Korttipeli"