Source code of Windows XP (NT5)

69 lines
2.5 KiB

/* */
/* MSVIDEOI.H - Internal Include file for Video APIs */
/* */
/* Note: You must include WINDOWS.H before including this file. */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1990-1992, Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. */
/* */
#undef WINAPI
#define WINAPI FAR PASCAL _loadds
Digital Video Driver Structures
extern UINT wTotalVideoDevs; // total video devices
// The module handle is used in drawdib to load strings from the resource file
extern HINSTANCE ghInst; // our module handle
extern BOOL gfIsRTL;
extern SZCODE szVideo[];
extern SZCODE szSystemIni[];
extern SZCODE szDrivers[];
// If the following structure changes, update AVICAP and AVICAP.32 also!!!
typedef struct tCapDriverInfo {
TCHAR szKeyEnumName[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szDriverName[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szDriverDescription[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szDriverVersion[80];
TCHAR szSoftwareKey[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dnDevNode; // Set if this is a PnP device
BOOL fOnlySystemIni; // If the [path]drivername is only in system.ini
BOOL fDisabled; // User has disabled driver in the control panel
BOOL fActive; // Reserved
/* internal video function prototypes */
#ifdef _WIN32
* don't lock pages in NT
#define HugePageLock(x, y) (TRUE)
#define HugePageUnlock(x, y)
BOOL FAR PASCAL HugePageLock(LPVOID lpArea, DWORD dwLength);
void FAR PASCAL HugePageUnlock(LPVOID lpArea, DWORD dwLength);
#define videoGetErrorTextW videoGetErrorText