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#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <atlbase.h>
extern CComModule _Module; // required by atlcom.h
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <netcfgx.h>
#include "brdgobj.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "ncbase.h"
#include "ncmem.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
// =================================================================
// string constants
const WCHAR c_szSBridgeNOParams[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\BridgeMP";
const WCHAR c_szSBridgeDeviceValueName[] = L"Device";
const WCHAR c_szSBridgeDevicePrefix[] = L"\\Device\\";
const WCHAR c_szSBrigeMPID[] = L"ms_bridgemp";
// =================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::CBridgeNO
// Purpose: constructor for class CBridgeNO
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Notes:
CBridgeNO::CBridgeNO(VOID) :
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::CBridgeNO()" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::~CBridgeNO
// Purpose: destructor for class CBridgeNO
// Arguments: None
// Returns: None
// Notes:
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::~CBridgeNO()" );
// release interfaces if acquired
// =================================================================
// INetCfgNotify
// The following functions provide the INetCfgNotify interface
// =================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::Initialize
// Purpose: Initialize the notify object
// Arguments:
// pnccItem [in] pointer to INetCfgComponent object
// pnc [in] pointer to INetCfg object
// fInstalling [in] TRUE if we are being installed
// Returns:
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::Initialize(INetCfgComponent* pnccItem,
INetCfg* pnc, BOOL fInstalling)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::Initialize()" );
// save INetCfg & INetCfgComponent and add refcount
m_pncc = pnccItem;
m_pnc = pnc;
AddRefObj( m_pncc );
AddRefObj( m_pnc );
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::ReadAnswerFile
// Purpose: Read settings from answerfile and configure the bridge
// Arguments:
// pszAnswerFile [in] name of AnswerFile
// pszAnswerSection [in] name of parameters section
// Returns:
// Notes: Dont do anything irreversible (like modifying registry) yet
// since the config. actually complete only when Apply is called!
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::ReadAnswerFile(PCWSTR pszAnswerFile,
PCWSTR pszAnswerSection)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::ReadAnswerFile()" );
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::Install
// Purpose: Do operations necessary for install.
// Arguments:
// dwSetupFlags [in] Setup flags
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes: Dont do anything irreversible (like modifying registry) yet
// since the config. actually complete only when Apply is called!
// Remember that we're installing. If the user doesn't cancel, we'll actually perform
// our work in ApplyRegistryChanges().
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::Install()" );
m_eApplyAction = eBrdgActInstall;
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::Removing
// Purpose: Do necessary cleanup when being removed
// Arguments: None
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes: Dont do anything irreversible (like modifying registry) yet
// since the removal is actually complete only when Apply is called!
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::Removing()" );
m_eApplyAction = eBrdgActRemove;
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::CancelChanges
// Purpose: Cancel any changes made to internal data
// Arguments: None
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::CancelChanges()" );
m_eApplyAction = eBrdgActUnknown;
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges
// Purpose: Apply changes.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes: We can make changes to registry etc. here.
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges(VOID)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()" );
// We only do work on install
if( m_eApplyAction == eBrdgActInstall )
INetCfgComponent *pNetCfgComp;
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "Attempting to write device name in CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()" );
hr = m_pnc->FindComponent( c_szSBrigeMPID, &pNetCfgComp );
if( SUCCEEDED ( hr) )
LPWSTR wszBindName;
hr = pNetCfgComp->GetBindName(&wszBindName);
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
UINT BindNameLen, PrefixLen;
LPWSTR wszDeviceName;
// Get enough memory to build a string with the device prefix and the bind name
// concatenated
BindNameLen = wcslen(wszBindName);
PrefixLen = wcslen(c_szSBridgeDevicePrefix);
wszDeviceName = (WCHAR*)malloc( sizeof(WCHAR) * (BindNameLen + PrefixLen + 1) );
if( wszDeviceName != NULL )
HKEY hkeyServiceParams;
// Create the concatenated string
wcscpy( wszDeviceName, c_szSBridgeDevicePrefix );
wcscat( wszDeviceName, wszBindName );
// Create the reg key where we need to stash the device name
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyServiceParams, NULL );
if( SUCCEEDED(hr) )
// Write out the device name
hr = HrRegSetSz( hkeyServiceParams, c_szSBridgeDeviceValueName, wszDeviceName );
if( FAILED(hr) )
TraceHr( ttidBrdgCfg, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrRegSetSz failed in CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()");
RegCloseKey( hkeyServiceParams );
TraceHr( ttidBrdgCfg, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrRegCreateKeyEx failed in CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()");
free( wszDeviceName );
TraceHr( ttidBrdgCfg, FAL, hr, FALSE, "malloc failed in CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()");
CoTaskMemFree( wszBindName );
TraceHr( ttidBrdgCfg, FAL, hr, FALSE, "pNetCfgComp->GetBindName failed in CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()");
TraceHr( ttidBrdgCfg, FAL, hr, FALSE, "m_pnc->FindComponent failed in CBridgeNO::ApplyRegistryChanges()");
// Paranoia
m_eApplyAction = eBrdgActUnknown;
return hr;
IN INetCfgPnpReconfigCallback* pICallback)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::ApplyPnpChanges()" );
return S_OK;
// =================================================================
// INetCfgSystemNotify
// =================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::GetSupportedNotifications
// Purpose: Tell the system which notifications we are interested in
// Arguments:
// pdwNotificationFlag [out] pointer to NotificationFlag
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::GetSupportedNotifications(
OUT DWORD* pdwNotificationFlag)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::GetSupportedNotifications()" );
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::SysQueryBindingPath
// Purpose: Allow or veto formation of a binding path
// Arguments:
// dwChangeFlag [in] type of binding change
// pncbp [in] pointer to INetCfgBindingPath object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::SysQueryBindingPath(DWORD dwChangeFlag,
INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::SysQueryBindingPath()" );
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::SysNotifyBindingPath
// Purpose: System tells us by calling this function which
// binding path has just been formed.
// Arguments:
// dwChangeFlag [in] type of binding change
// pncbpItem [in] pointer to INetCfgBindingPath object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::SysNotifyBindingPath(DWORD dwChangeFlag,
INetCfgBindingPath* pncbpItem)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::SysNotifyBindingPath()" );
return S_OK;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::SysNotifyComponent
// Purpose: System tells us by calling this function which
// component has undergone a change (installed/removed)
// Arguments:
// dwChangeFlag [in] type of system change
// pncc [in] pointer to INetCfgComponent object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::SysNotifyComponent(DWORD dwChangeFlag,
INetCfgComponent* pncc)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::SysNotifyComponent()" );
return S_OK;
// =================================================================
// INetCfgBindNotify
// =================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::QueryBindingPath
// Purpose: Allow or veto a binding path involving us
// Arguments:
// dwChangeFlag [in] type of binding change
// pncbi [in] pointer to INetCfgBindingPath object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::QueryBindingPath(DWORD dwChangeFlag,
INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::QueryBindingPath()" );
// The bridge protocol should never be enabled by default; it
// should only be enabled programatically by the implementation
// of our UI code which allows the activation of the bridge.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: CBridgeNO::NotifyBindingPath
// Purpose: System tells us by calling this function which
// binding path involving us has just been formed.
// Arguments:
// dwChangeFlag [in] type of binding change
// pncbp [in] pointer to INetCfgBindingPath object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Notes:
STDMETHODIMP CBridgeNO::NotifyBindingPath(DWORD dwChangeFlag,
INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp)
TraceTag( ttidBrdgCfg, "CBridgeNO::NotifyBindingPath()" );
return S_OK;
// ------------ END OF NOTIFY OBJECT FUNCTIONS --------------------