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# Microsoft Windows
# Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
# File: N E T W I Z . P L
# Contents: Perl script to perform the following tasks
# - generate the networking portion of an answerfile
# - force delete a component from registry
# - check net registry for consistency
# Notes: This script will work only on NT5.
# Author: kumarp 30-August-98
# Known issues:
# - None at present
# Future enhancements:
# - add more comments
# - combine chkaf.pl functionality into this
# - generate [NetBindings] section
# - InfId==* in case of single adapter (also InfIdReal)
use Win32;
use Win32::Registry;
use Getopt::Long;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
my $NCF_VIRTUAL = 0x1;
my $NCF_PHYSICAL = 0x4;
my $NCF_HIDDEN = 0x8;
my $NCF_NO_SERVICE = 0x10;
my $NCF_HAS_UI = 0x80;
my $NCF_MODEM = 0x100;
my $NCF_FILTER = 0x400;
my $NCF_HIDE_BINDING = 0x2000;
my $NCF_FORCE_TDI_NOTIFY = 0x4000;
my $NCF_FORCE_SCM_NOTIFY = 0x10000;
my $NCF_FIXED_BINDING = 0x2000;
#my $rp_network='nn';
my $rp_network = 'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Network';
my $rk_network;
#my $rp_services = 'ss';
my $rp_services = 'SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services';
my $rk_services;
# net guids
my $guid_net = '{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}';
my $guid_net_protocols = '{4D36E975-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}';
my $guid_net_services = '{4D36E974-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}';
my $guid_net_clients = '{4D36E973-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}';
# regular expressions
my $regex_infid = '[a-zA-Z_]+';
my $regex_guid = "{[0-9a-fA-F---]+}";
my $regex_service_name = '[a-zA-Z]+';
my $regex_special_chars= '[\s=%]';
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Globals
my @installed_services;
my %adapters;
my %protocols;
my %clients;
my %services;
my $comp_map =
'NetAdapters' => [$guid_net, \%adapters],
'NetProtocols' => [$guid_net_protocols, \%protocols],
'NetClients' => [$guid_net_clients, \%clients],
'NetServices' => [$guid_net_services, \%services],
$HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Open($rp_network, $rk_network)
|| die "could not open $rp_network: $!";
$HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Open($rp_services, $rk_services)
|| die "could not open $rp_services: $!";
#my %tvalues;
#my @tkeys;
# info about which parameters to read in from the registry
# for a component or a set of components
my $regkeymap =
# ---------------------------------------------
# Misc
'NetAdapters' =>
\['PnpInstanceID', 'InfId'],
\['Connection\\Name', 'ConnectionName'],
'NetComponentCommon' =>
\['ComponentId', 'InfId'],
\['Ndi\\Service', 'Service'],
\['Ndi\\CoServices', 'CoServices'],
# ---------------------------------------------
# Protocols
'ms_tcpip' =>
\['EnableSecurityFilters'], #??
'ms_tcpip.adapter' =>
\['NameServer'], # DNSServerSearchOrder
\['NameServerList'], # WinsServerList
\['NetBiosOption'], #?? Option in spec Options in tcpaf.cpp ?
\['DhcpClassId'], #?? only in spec, not in code ?
\['Domain'], # DNSDomain
'ms_nwipx' =>
'ms_nwipx.adapter' =>
\['Parameters\\Adapters'], #?? make sure that adapter-instance-guid is used under this key. the code in nwlnkipx.cpp mentions szBindName ?
'ms_appletalk' =>
'ms_appletalk.adapter' =>
\['Parameters\\Adapters'], #?? make sure that adapter-instance-guid is used under this key. the code in atlkobj.cpp mentions AdapterId ?
'ms_pptp' =>
# ---------------------------------------------
# Clients
'ms_msclient' =>
\['RPCSupportForBanyan'], #?? complex case
'ms_nwclient' =>
\['Parameters\\DefaultLocation'], # PreferredServer
\['Parameters\\DefaultScriptOptions'], #LogonScript
# ---------------------------------------------
# Services
'ms_server' =>
# BUGBUG: ras components not done yet
'ms_ras' =>
# enumerate over components and store keys specified in regkeymap
# in the components info db
foreach $component_section (keys %{$comp_map})
my $guid = $$comp_map{$component_section}[0];
my $components = $$comp_map{$component_section}[1];
if ($rk_network->Open($guid, $rk_components))
@tkeys = ();
if ($rk_components->GetKeys(\@tkeys))
foreach $component (@tkeys)
if ($rk_components->Open($component, $rk_component))
if ($guid eq $guid_net)
if ($rk_component->Open('Connection', $rk_conn))
MapAndStoreKeys($components, $component,
$rk_component, $component_section);
elsif (($tval = kQueryValue($rk_component,
!($tval & $NCF_HIDDEN))
MapAndStoreKeys($components, $component,
$rk_component, 'NetComponentCommon');
my $infid = $$components{$component}{'InfId'};
my $service = $$components{$component}{'Service'};
if ($rk_services->Open($service, $rk_service))
MapAndStoreKeys($components, $component,
$rk_service, $infid);
MapAndStoreAdapterKeys($components, $component,
$rk_service, $infid);
# use info in regkeymap to map a value and then store it in components db
sub MapAndStoreKeys
my ($dbname, $component_instance, $rk, $component_name) = @_;
foreach $item (@{$$regkeymap{$component_name}})
# print "$$$item[0] --- $$$item[1]\n";
StoreKey($dbname, $component_instance, $rk,
$$$item[0], $$$item[1]);
# use info in regkeymap to map an adapter specific value and then
# store it in components db
sub MapAndStoreAdapterKeys
my ($dbname, $component_instance, $rk, $component_name) = @_;
my @adapter_items = @{$$regkeymap{$component_name . '.adapter'}};
my ($rk_adapter_params_base, $rk_adapter_params);
my $rp_adapter_params_base;
if (@adapter_items)
my $rp_adapter_params_base = $${shift(@adapter_items)}[0];
if ($rk->Open($rp_adapter_params_base, $rk_adapter_params_base))
foreach $adapter (keys %adapters)
if ($rk_adapter_params_base->Open($adapter, $rk_adapter_params))
foreach $item (@adapter_items)
StoreKey($dbname, $component_name . '.adapter.' . $adapter,
$rk_adapter_params, $$$item[0], $$$item[1]);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Store a given key into components db
sub StoreKey
my ($dbname, $dbkey, $rk, $value, $key_name) = @_;
my $tval;
if (defined($key_name))
$key_to_use = $key_name;
elsif (!SplitValue($value, $dummy, $key_to_use))
$key_to_use = $value;
if ($value =~ /<($regex_service_name)>([^<>\s]+)/)
if ($1 eq 'HKLM')
$tval = kQueryValue($HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, $2);
elsif ($rk_services->Open($1, $rk_tservice))
$tval = kQueryValue($rk_tservice, $2);
$tval = kQueryValue($rk, $value);
if (defined($tval))
# print "$key_to_use <= $tval\n";
$$dbname{$dbkey}{$key_to_use} = $tval;
# We need this function since Perl's QueryValue function has a bug
sub kQueryValue
my ($hkey, $key_name) = @_;
my %tvalues;
my $tindex;
my ($value, $value_type, $subkey);
if (SplitValue($key_name, $subkey, $key_name))
if ($hkey->Open($subkey, $thkey))
# print "$subkey + $key_name -> $tvalues{$key_name}[2]\n";
$value = $tvalues{$key_name}[2];
$value_type = $tvalues{$key_name}[1];
if ($value_type == 7)
my @vlist;
@vlist = split(chr(0), $value);
return \@vlist;
return $value;
# Split a path into end-item and remaining sub-path
sub SplitValue
my $tindex;
if (($tindex = rindex($_[0], '\\')) > 0)
$_[1] = substr($_[0], 0, $tindex);
$_[2] = substr($_[0], $tindex+1, 9999);
return 1;
return 0;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Cleanup
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# answerfile generation
my %af;
my $MAP_BOOL = 0x1;
my $MAP_ARRAY = 0x2;
my $MAP_TO_LIST = 0x4;
my $AF_COND_ValueMatch = 0x10000;
my $AF_COND_ShowIfEmpty = 0x20000;
my $afmap =
# ---------------------------------------------
# Misc
'NetAdapters' =>
# ---------------------------------------------
# Protocols
'ms_tcpip' =>
\['EnableDNS', 'DNS', $MAP_BOOL],
\['SearchList', 'DNSSuffixSearchOrder', $MAP_TO_LIST],
\['UseDomainNameDevolution', undef, $MAP_BOOL],
\['EnableSecurityFilters', 'EnableSecurity', $MAP_BOOL],
\['EnableLMHOSTS', undef, $MAP_BOOL]
'ms_tcpip.adapter' =>
\['NameServer', 'DNSServerSearchOrder' ],
\['WINS'], #?? dump as Yes if WinsServerList is non-empty
\['NameServerList', 'WinsServerList' ],
\['NetBiosOption' ],
\['DhcpClassId' ],
\['Domain', 'DNSDomain'],
\['EnableDHCP', 'DHCP', $MAP_BOOL],
\['IPAddress', undef, $MAP_TO_LIST | $AF_COND_ValueMatch, 'EnableDHCP', 0],
\['SubnetMask', undef, $MAP_TO_LIST | $AF_COND_ValueMatch, 'EnableDHCP', 0],
\['DefaultGateway', undef, $MAP_TO_LIST | $AF_COND_ValueMatch, 'EnableDHCP', 0],
'ms_nwipx' =>
'ms_nwipx.adapter' =>
'ms_appletalk' =>
'ms_appletalk.adapter' =>
'ms_pptp' =>
# ---------------------------------------------
# Clients
'ms_msclient' =>
\['OtherDomains', 'BrowseDomains', $MAP_TO_LIST],
\['NetworkAddress', 'NameServiceNetworkAddress'],
\['Protocol', 'NameServiceProtocol'],
'ms_nwclient' =>
\['DefaultLocation', 'PreferredServer'],
\['DefaultScriptOptions', 'LogonScript'],
# ---------------------------------------------
# Services
'ms_server' =>
\['Size', 'Optimization', $MAP_ARRAY, 1, 4, 1,
\['MinMemoryUsed', 'Balance',
'MaxThroughputForFileSharing', 'MaxThrouputForNetworkApps']],
\['Lmannounce', 'BroadcastsToLanman2Clients', $MAP_BOOL],
'ms_ras' =>
my %adapter_map;
my %adapter_sections_map;
sub GenAnswerFile
my $cAdapter = 1;
my ($adapter_name, $params_section);
my $infid;
foreach $adapter (keys %adapters)
$adapter_name = 'Adapter' . $cAdapter++;
$params_section = AfParamsSectionName($adapter_name);
AfAddKey('NetAdapters', $adapter_name, $params_section);
#AfAddKey($params_section, 'InstanceGuid', $adapter);
$adapter_map{$adapter} = $adapter_name;
AfMapAndAddKeys(\%adapters, $adapter, 'NetAdapters',
foreach $component_section (keys %{$comp_map})
my $components = $$comp_map{$component_section}[1];
foreach $component (keys %{$components})
if ($component =~ /($regex_infid)\.adapter\.($regex_guid)/)
my ($proto_infid, $afmap_index, $adapter_guid)
= ($1, $1 . '.adapter', $2);
my $adapter_name = $adapter_map{$adapter_guid};
$params_section = AfParamsSectionName($proto_infid) .
my $tadapter_sections;
$tadapter_sections = $adapter_sections_map{$proto_infid};
@$tadapter_sections = ($params_section, @$tadapter_sections);
@adapter_sections_map{$proto_infid} = $tadapter_sections;
AfAddKey($params_section, 'SpecificTo', $adapter_name);
AfMapAndAddKeys($components, $component,
$afmap_index, $params_section);
$infid = $$components{$component}{'InfId'};
$params_section = AfParamsSectionName($infid);
if ($component_section ne 'NetAdapters')
AfAddKey($component_section, $infid, $params_section);
if (defined($$afmap{$infid}))
AfMapAndAddKeys($components, $component,
$infid, $params_section);
foreach $proto_infid (keys %adapter_sections_map)
$params_section = AfParamsSectionName($proto_infid);
AfAddKey($params_section, 'AdapterSections',
join(',', @{$adapter_sections_map{$proto_infid}}));
sub AfMapAndAddKeys
my ($components_db, $component, $afmap_index,
$section) = @_;
my ($key_to_write, $key, $value);
my $map_flag;
my @afkeys = @{$$afmap{$afmap_index}};
foreach $afkey_item (@afkeys)
$key_to_write = defined($$$afkey_item[1]) ?
$$$afkey_item[1] : $$$afkey_item[0];
$key = $$$afkey_item[0];
if (defined($value = $$components_db{$component}{$key}))
$map_flag = $$$afkey_item[2];
if ($map_flag & $MAP_ARRAY)
my $lower_limit = $$$afkey_item[3];
my $upper_limit = $$$afkey_item[4];
my $base_offset = $$$afkey_item[5];
my $value_map = $$$afkey_item[6];
if (($value >= $lower_limit) &&
($value <= $upper_limit))
$value = $$$value_map[$value - $base_offset];
elsif ($map_flag & $MAP_BOOL)
$value = $value ? 'Yes' : 'No';
elsif ($map_flag & $MAP_TO_LIST)
$value = join(',', @{$value});
my $af_can_write = 1;
if ($map_flag & $AF_COND_ValueMatch)
my ($key_to_check, $value_to_match) =
($$$afkey_item[3], $$$afkey_item[4]);
my $tval;
$tval = $$components_db{$component}{$key_to_check};
if ($tval != $value_to_match)
$af_can_write = 0;
if (($value eq '') && (!($map_flag & $AF_COND_ShowIfEmpty)))
$af_can_write = 0;
if ($af_can_write)
AfAddKey($section, $key_to_write, $value);
sub AfParamsSectionName
return 'params.' . $_[0];
sub AfAddSection
$af{$_[0]}{''} = '<section>';
sub AfAddKey
$af{$_[0]}{$_[1]} = $_[2];
sub WriteAnswerFile
my $af_handle = $_[0];
foreach $section (keys %af)
print $af_handle "\n[$section]\n";
foreach $key (keys %{$af{$section}})
next if $key eq "";
$value = $af{$section}{$key};
if ($value =~ /$regex_special_chars/)
$value = '"' . $value . '"';
print $af_handle "$key = $value\n";
sub GenAndWriteAnswerFile
my $af_handle = $_[0];
sub ShowUsage
print <<'--usage-end--';
netwiz [-h|?] [-c] [-d <component-inf-id>] [-g [<file-name>]]
-h|-? Show this help message
-c Check network configuration for consistency
-d Forcefully delete the specified component from
the registry. Not recommended for the faint of heart.
("Don't try it at home" type operation)
-g Generate the networking portion of AnswerFile that describes
the current networking configuration. If a file name
is not specified, dump to stdout.
sub main
if ((grep {/[---\/][?h]/i} @ARGV) || ($ARGV[0] eq '') ||
!GetOptions('c', 'd=s', 'g:s') ||
(defined($opt_d) && ($opt_d eq '')))
if ($opt_d)
elsif (defined($opt_g))
if ($opt_g eq '')
open(AF_HANDLE, ">$opt_g") || die "Cannot open $opt_g: $!";
elsif ($opt_c)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Diagonostic stuff
sub LocateComponentById
my $infid = $_[0];
foreach $component_section (keys %{$comp_map})
my $class_guid = $$comp_map{$component_section}[0];
my $components = $$comp_map{$component_section}[1];
foreach $component (keys %{$components})
if ($$components{$component}{'InfId'} eq $infid)
return ($component, $class_guid);
return undef;
sub ForceRemoveComponent
my $infid = $_[0];
my ($comp_guid, $comp_class_guid);
if (($comp_guid, $comp_class_guid) = LocateComponentById($infid))
my $rp_class = "$rp_network\\$comp_class_guid";
my $rk_class;
if ($HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->Open($rp_class, $rk_class))
if ($ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} =~ /(kumarp[19])/i)
print "Dont do this on $1!!\n";
if (RegDeleteKeyTree($rk_class, $comp_guid))
print "Deleted: HKLM\\$rp_class\\$comp_guid\n";
print "Error deleting key: HKLM\\$rp_class\\$comp_guid: $!\n";
sub GetConfirmationAndForceRemoveComponent
my $infid = $_[0];
if (GetConfirmation("Are you sure you want to forcefully remove '$infid'"))
sub RegDeleteKeyTree
my ($rk, $subkey) = @_;
my $rk_subkey;
my $result = 1;
if ($result = $rk->Open($subkey, $rk_subkey))
my $tval;
my %tvals;
if ($result = $rk_subkey->GetValues(\%tvals))
foreach $tval (keys %tvals)
# print "deleting $subkey\\$tval...\n";
last if (!$rk_subkey->DeleteValue($tval));
my $tkey;
my @tkeys;
if ($rk_subkey->GetKeys(\@tkeys))
foreach $tkey (@tkeys)
last if (!($result = RegDeleteKeyTree($rk_subkey, $tkey)));
if ($result)
# print "deleting $subkey...\n";
$result = $rk->DeleteKey($subkey);
return $result;
sub CheckNetworkConfigConsistency
print "Checking services...\n";
print "...done\n";
# - check that services listed using CoServices key are actually installed.
sub CheckCoServices
foreach $component_class ('NetProtocols', 'NetServices', 'NetClients')
my $components = $$comp_map{$component_class}[1];
foreach $component (keys %{$components})
my @coservices;
my @coservices_not_installed;
my $infid = $$components{$component}{'InfId'};
next if $infid eq '';
# print "$infid...";
@coservices = @{$$components{$component}{'CoServices'}};
@coservices_not_installed = SubtractLists(\@coservices,
if (scalar @coservices_not_installed)
print("$infid: the following service(s) are required for successful operation of this component, but do not seem to be installed: ",
join(', ', @coservices_not_installed));
sub SubtractLists
my ($list1, $list2) = @_;
my @result;
@result = grep { !IsInList($_, $list2) } @$list1;
return @result;
sub GetCommonItems
my ($list1, $list2) = @_;
my @common_items;
@common_items = grep { IsInList($_, $list2) } @$list1;
return @common_items;
sub IsInList
my $item = lc($_[0]);
my @item_list = @{$_[1]};
return scalar grep { lc($_) eq $item } @item_list;
sub IsInList1
my $item = lc($_[0]);
my @item_list = @{$_[1]};
my $t_item;
foreach $t_item (@item_list)
if (lc($t_item) eq $item)
return 1;
return 0;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc helper stuff
sub GetConfirmation
my $question = $_[0];
my $answer;
while (!($answer =~ /[yn]/i))
print "$question ? [y/n]\n";
$answer = <STDIN>;
return $answer =~ /[y]/i;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc debug helper stuff
sub pl
print "Items: ", join(", ", @_), "\n";
sub p
print join(", ", @_), "\n";
# -----------------------------------------------------------------