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// INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information
// This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement with Intel
// Corporation and many not be copied nor disclosed except in accordance
// with the terms of that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Intel Corporation.
// Module Name: h261rcv.h
// Environment: MSVC 4.0, OLE 2
#ifndef H261RCV_H
#define H261RCV_H
#include "ppmrcv.h"
#include "ppmclsid.h"
#include "h261.h"
#include "h261pld.h"
//lsc - For QCIF, if different format, need to adjust size
#define H261_BUFFER_SIZE 5000
class H261_ppmReceive : public ppmReceive
unsigned char m_lastMBAP;
unsigned char m_lastQuant;
unsigned char m_lastGOBN;
char m_lastVMV;
char m_lastHMV;
BOOL m_GlobalLastMarkerBitIn;
RTPh261SourceFormat m_rtph261SourceFormat;
BOOL m_ExtendedBitstream;
HRESULT BuildExtendedBitstream(MsgHeader* const pMsgHdr);
FreeList *m_pH261Headers;
H261_ppmReceive(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, IUnknown** ppUnkInner);
STDMETHODIMP_( const CLSID& ) GetCLSID( void ) const {return CLSID_H261PPMReceive;}
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj )
{return CUnknown::QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);}
STDMETHODIMP GetInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj )
{return ppmReceive::GetInterface( riid, ppvObj );}
{return CUnknown::AddRef();}
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG )Release( void )
{return CUnknown::Release();}
//ppmReceive Functions (Overrides)
//SetSession: Argument type is actually H26XPPMSESSPARAM_T
// IPPMReceiveSession Functions (Overrides)
STDMETHOD(GetResiliency)(THIS_ LPBOOL lpbResiliency);
STDMETHOD(SetResiliency)(THIS_ BOOL pbResiliency);
//Default to ppmReceive::SetSession() and ppmReceive::<IPPMReceiveSession> fns
virtual BOOL TimeToProcessMessages(FragDescriptor *pFragDescrip, MsgHeader *pMsgHdr);
virtual BOOL CheckMessageComplete(MsgHeader *pMsgHdr);
//PrepMessage: Sets H261 global variables, calls base PrepMessage
virtual HRESULT PrepMessage(BOOL);
//DataCopy: Copies data fragments into client's buffer
virtual HRESULT DataCopy(MsgHeader *const pMsgHdr);
//PartialMessageHandler: deals with partial messages
virtual HRESULT PartialMessageHandler(MsgHeader *pMsgHdr);
//InitProfileHeader: Given a buffer as type void, sets up a profile header.
virtual void *InitProfileHeader(void *pBuffer);
//FreeProfileHeader: Given a buffer as type void, frees up a profile header.
virtual void FreeProfileHeader(void *pBuffer);
}; // Parameters to ppmReceive -> H261 Payload type, size of payload header, outer arg, inner arg