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// INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information
// This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement with Intel
// Corporation and many not be copied nor disclosed except in accordance
// with the terms of that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Intel Corporation.
// Module Name: PPMSnd.h
// Abstract: Header file for PPM Send COM Object
// Environment: MSVC 4.0, OLE 2
// The three functions that are members of the IUnknown interface need to be
// implemented in the most derived class. (Generally the class derived from
// this one.) This is done because if one of your super classes
// is derived from more than one interface, each of which derive from IUnknown,
// the compiler will be confused as to which implementation of the IUnknown
// interface to use. So, by requiring that only the most derived class implement
// these functions then you will never run into this problem.
// //This code goes into your class declaration, it defines three functions
// //IUnknown Functions (Overrides)
// STDMETHODIMP GetInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj );
// STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG )AddRef( void );
// STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG )Release( void );
// This code is the implementation of
// CUnknown Functions (Overrides)
// //Three Cases:
// //
// //1. If you multiply derive from ppmSend and another interface you would have to
// //write your own QueryInterface and call CUnknown::QueryInterface AND handle
// //the interface you derived from. As well as having the GetInterface function
// //as shown below.
// //2. If you derive from another object and ppmSend you would need to write your
// //own QueryInterface to call CUnknown::QueryInterface and
// //OtherObject::QueryInterface. As well as having the GetInterface function shown
// //below.
// //3. If you are only derived from ppmSend then all you need is the code below.
// STDMETHODIMP GetInterface( void REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj )
// {
// return ppmSend::GetInterface( riid, ppvObj );
// }
// STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG )AddRef( void )
// {
// return CUnknown::AddRef();
// }
// STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG )Release( void )
// {
// return CUnknown::Release();
// }
#ifndef PPMSEND_H
#define PPMSEND_H
#include "isubmit.h"
#include "ippm.h"
#include "ppm.h"
#include "freelist.h"
#include "core.h"
#include "que.h"
class ppmSend : public ppm,
public IPPMSend,
public IPPMSendExperimental,
public IPPMSendSession,
public ISubmit,
public ISubmitCallback ,
public ISubmitUser,
public CUnknown
ISubmit *m_pSubmit;
ISubmitCallback *m_pSubmitCallback;
IMalloc *m_pIMalloc;
FreeList *m_pRTPHeaders;
WORD m_SequenceNum;
const int m_Frequency;
int m_MaxPacketSize; //Max size the packet should be
int m_MaxDataSize; //Max amount of bytes of data in a packet
//i.e. MaxPacketSize-Headers
int m_reg_NumMsgDescriptors; //Number of BufDescriptors.
int m_reg_NumFragDescriptors; //Number of FragDescriptors.
//Things only accessed in internal functions.
BOOL m_inFlushMode;
BOOL m_DropBufferFlag;
MsgDescriptor *m_pCurrentBuffer;
DWORD m_CurrentOffset;
DWORD m_CurrentFragSize;
BOOL m_lastBufSilence;
BOOL m_markTalkSpurt;
DWORD m_dwStartTime;
DWORD m_dwBase;
DWORD m_dwLastTime;
DWORD m_dwFreq;
//External PPMSend Functions
// PPMSend Functions
ppmSend(int PayloadTypeArg, int ProfileHdrSizeArg, int FreqArg, IUnknown* pUnkOuter, IUnknown** ppUnkInner);
// IPPMSend Functions (Overrides)
STDMETHOD(InitPPMSend)(THIS_ int MaxBufferSize,
int iBuffers,
int iPackets,
DWORD dwCookie);
STDMETHOD(InitPPMSend)(THIS_ int MaxBufferSize, DWORD dwCookie)
m_LimitBuffers = FALSE;
return InitPPMSend(MaxBufferSize,
STDMETHOD(SetAlloc)(THIS_ IMalloc *pIMalloc);
//see documentation (PHEPS.DOC)
// IPPMSendSession Functions (Overrides)
//see documentation (PHEPS.DOC)
STDMETHOD(GetPayloadType)(THIS_ LPBYTE lpcPayloadType);
STDMETHOD(SetPayloadType)(THIS_ BYTE cPayloadType);
// ISubmit Functions (Overrides)
//see documentation (PHEPS.DOC)
STDMETHOD(InitSubmit)(ISubmitCallback *pSubmitCallback);
//see documentation (PHEPS.DOC)
STDMETHOD(Submit)(WSABUF *pWSABuffer, DWORD BufferCount,
void *pUserToken, HRESULT Error);
//see documentation (PHEPS.DOC)
//Stubs for now; overriding both ISubmit calls and ISubmitCallback
//calls for ReportError
STDMETHOD_(void,ReportError)(THIS_ HRESULT Error){}
// ISubmitCallback Functions (Overrides)
//see documentation (PHEPS.DOC)
STDMETHOD_(void,SubmitComplete)(void *pUserToken, HRESULT Error);
STDMETHOD_(void,ReportError)(THIS_ HRESULT Error, int=0){}
// ISubmitUser Functions (Overrides)
STDMETHOD(SetOutput)(THIS_ IUnknown *pSubmit);
//Internal PPMSend Functions
// CUnknown Functions (Overrides)
// Call this method to get interface pointers supported by derived objects
// called by CInnerUnknown::QueryInterface; should return S_FALSE
// if interface is AddRef'd, S_OK if caller needs to AddRef the interface.
STDMETHOD(GetInterface)( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj );
// ppm Functions (Overrides)
//Need to override this so we can delete memory when a frag descriptor is deleted.
//It has already been declared as virtual in ppm.h
HRESULT FreeFragDescriptor(FragDescriptor* frag);
// ppmSend Functions
//MakeFragments: Intelligently calls the rest of the internal functions.
HRESULT MakeFragments(void);
//InitFragStatus: Initializes values needed for fragmenting.
virtual HRESULT InitFragStatus(MsgDescriptor *pMsgDescrip);
//AllocFrag: Allcates memory for FragDescriptor and all things it points to.
virtual FragDescriptor * AllocFrag();
//DeleteFrag: Virtual This function does the opposite of AllocFrag, it deletes any memory allocated
// by AllocFrag.
virtual void DeleteFrag(FragDescriptor *pFragDescrip, HRESULT Error);
//FragStatus: This funtion returns TRUE if still fragmenting, FALSE if fragmenting is done.
virtual BOOL FragStatus();
//MakeFrag: This function should get the next fragment from the buffer and fill in the
// RTP header and payload header.
virtual HRESULT MakeFrag(FragDescriptor *pFragDescrip); //fills in fields, including data of fragment class.
//SetMarkerBit: Determines whether to set the marker bit or not. lastPacket is TRUE if
// this is the last packet of the frame; FALSE if not.
virtual BOOL SetMarkerBit(BOOL lastPacket);
//SendFrag: Puts the pieces of the packet into a WSABUF and sends the packet to the client
// with the callback supplied by the client.
virtual HRESULT SendFrag(FragDescriptor *pFragDescrip);
//MakeTimeStamp: Generate a time stamp
virtual DWORD MakeTimeStamp(MsgDescriptor* pMsgDescrip, BOOL bStartStream, BOOL bUseInputTime);
//FreeProfileHeader: Given a buffer as type void, frees up a profile header.
virtual void FreeProfileHeader(void *pBuffer);
//ReadProfileHeader: Given a buffer as type void, returns the data for a profile header.
// Does nothing for the Generic case. Intended for overrides for various
// payloads.
virtual void *ReadProfileHeader(void *pProfileHeader);
}; //end of ppmSend class