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// INTEL Corporation Proprietary Information
// This listing is supplied under the terms of a license agreement with Intel
// Corporation and many not be copied nor disclosed except in accordance
// with the terms of that agreement.
// Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Intel Corporation.
// Module Name: thrdsafe.h
// Abstract: Defines thread-safety utility classes and macros.
// Environment: MSVC 4.0, OLE 2
// $Header: R:/rtp/src/ppm/THRDSAFE.H_v 1.4 31 Jan 1997 23:32:36 CPEARSON $
#ifndef __THRDSAFE_H__
#define __THRDSAFE_H__
#include <winbase.h> // CRITICAL_SECTION
// Helper macros for using class CSerialBlockGuard. On entry to a
// serialized statement block, code:
// The macro will return only after ownership of the myCriticalSection is
// obtained. The CSerialBlockGuard destructor will exit the critical
// section when control leaves the block. Because it declares an automatic
// variable, you can only use SERIALIZEDBLOCKENTRY() once in a block.
// In cases where you wish to exit the critical section while still in
// the block, code:
// If you need to exit and re-enter the critical section in the same
// block, then these macros won't buy you anything -- just manipulate
// the critical section directly.
#define SERIALIZEDBLOCKENTRY(CS) CSerialBlockGuard serialBlockGuard(&(CS))
#define SERIALIZEDBLOCKEARLYEXIT() serialBlockGuard.EarlyExit()
// class CSerialBlockGuard: Helper class to manage critical section
// on entry/exit of serialized code blocks (typically functions).
// On construction, objects of this class block the given critical
// section, and release the c.s. on destruction, ensuring proper cleanup
// for all exit routes.
class CSerialBlockGuard
CSerialBlockGuard(CRITICAL_SECTION* pCritSect) :
{ EnterCriticalSection(m_pCritSect); }
CSerialBlockGuard(const CSerialBlockGuard& rOriginal) :
m_pCritSect(rOriginal.m_pCritSect) {;}
void EarlyExit()
{ if (m_pCritSect) LeaveCriticalSection(m_pCritSect); m_pCritSect = NULL; }
{ if (m_pCritSect) LeaveCriticalSection(m_pCritSect); }
// Helper macros for coding class CThreadSafe serialized methods. To
// ensure that entry to a method is serialized across threads, code:
// before accessing shared member variables. The macro will return
// only after ownership of this->m_critSect is obtained.
// In cases where you wish to exit the critical section while still in
// the method, code:
// If you need to exit and re-enter the critical section in the same
// method, then use the CThreadSafe::Lock() and CThreadSafe::Unlock()
// methods instead.
// class CThreadSafe: A minimal base class from which to derive
// thread-safe classes. These classes serialize entry to methods using
// the THREADSAFEENTRY() macro. Derived class should declare this a
// protected base to hide serialization methods. For derived classes
// with multiple base classes, if serialization is needed during
// construction (unusual), this should be first base class, and should
// be constructed with bInitialLock == TRUE;
class CThreadSafe
// Hide assignment operator, forcing compiler to use copy ctor.
CThreadSafe& operator=(const CThreadSafe&);
CThreadSafe(BOOL bInitialLock = FALSE)
{ InitializeCriticalSection(&m_critSect); if (bInitialLock) Lock(); }
// Copy ctor creates a new critical section, but doesn't lock, on
// assumption that new object can't yet be visible to another thread.
CThreadSafe(const CThreadSafe& rOriginal)
{ InitializeCriticalSection(&m_critSect); }
{ DeleteCriticalSection(&m_critSect); }
// Castaway const in following methods, so that const methods can
// access members in a thread-safe manner.
void Lock() const
{ EnterCriticalSection((LPCRITICAL_SECTION) &m_critSect); }
void Unlock() const
{ LeaveCriticalSection((LPCRITICAL_SECTION) &m_critSect); }
LPCRITICAL_SECTION getCritSect() const
{ return (LPCRITICAL_SECTION) &m_critSect; }
#endif // __THRDSAFE_H__