Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

653 lines
16 KiB

Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains implementation of rend helper functions.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "rndcommc.h"
#include "rndils.h"
#include "rndsec.h"
#include "rndcoll.h"
#include "rnduser.h"
#include "rndldap.h"
#include "rndcnf.h"
// GetDomainControllerName (helper funcion)
// This function retrieves the name of the nearest domain controller for the
// machine's domain. It allows the caller to specify flags to indicate if a
// domain controller is desired, etc.
// Argument: receives a pointer to a new'ed string containing the name
// of the DC. This is a fully qualified domain name in
// the format "", NOT "\\".
// Returns an HRESULT:
// S_OK : it worked
// E_OUTOFMEMORY : not enough memory to allocate the string
// other : reason for failure of ::DsGetDcName()
HRESULT GetDomainControllerName(
IN ULONG ulFlags,
OUT WCHAR ** ppszName
// We are a helper function, so we only assert...
_ASSERTE( ! IsBadWritePtr( ppszName, sizeof(WCHAR *) ) );
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "GetDomainControllerName: Querying DS..."));
// Ask the system for the location of the GC (Global Catalog).
DWORD dwCode;
dwCode = DsGetDcName(
NULL, // LPCWSTR computername, (default: this one)
NULL, // LPCWSTR domainname, (default: this one)
NULL, // guid * domainguid, (default: this one)
NULL, // LPCWSTR sitename, (default: this one)
ulFlags, // ULONG Flags, (what do we want)
&pDcInfo // receives pointer to output structure
if ( (dwCode != NO_ERROR) || (pDcInfo == NULL) )
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "GetDomainControllerName: "
"DsGetDcName failed; returned %d.\n", dwCode));
// Do a quick sanity check in debug builds. If we get the wrong name we
// will fail right after this, so this is only useful for debugging.
// In case we find we need to use the address instead of the name:
// _ASSERTE( pDcInfo->DomainControllerAddressType == DS_INET_ADDRESS );
_ASSERTE( pDcInfo->Flags & DS_GC_FLAG );
// If we've got something like "\\", skip the "\\".
WCHAR * pszName = pDcInfo->DomainControllerName;
while (pszName[0] == '\\')
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "GetDomainControllerName: DC name is %S", pszName));
// Allocate and copy the output string.
*ppszName = new WCHAR[lstrlenW(pszName) + 1];
if ( (*ppszName) == NULL)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "GetDomainControllerName: "
"out of memory in string allocation"));
lstrcpyW(*ppszName, pszName);
// Release the DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO structure.
// All done.
LOG((MSP_TRACE, "GetDomainControllerName: exit S_OK"));
return S_OK;
HRESULT CreateDialableAddressEnumerator(
IN BSTR * begin,
IN BSTR * end,
OUT IEnumDialableAddrs ** ppIEnum
typedef CSafeComEnum<IEnumDialableAddrs, &IID_IEnumDialableAddrs,
BSTR, _CopyBSTR> CEnumerator;
CComObject<CEnumerator> *pEnum = NULL;
hr = CComObject<CEnumerator>::CreateInstance(&pEnum);
if (pEnum == NULL)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Could not create enumerator object, %x", hr));
return hr;
hr = pEnum->Init(begin, end, NULL, AtlFlagTakeOwnership);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "init enumerator object failed, %x", hr));
delete pEnum;
return hr;
// query for the IID_IEnumDirectory i/f
hr = pEnum->_InternalQueryInterface(
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "query enum interface failed, %x", hr));
delete pEnum;
return hr;
return hr;
HRESULT CreateBstrCollection(
IN long nSize,
IN BSTR * begin,
IN BSTR * end,
OUT VARIANT * pVariant,
CComEnumFlags flags
// create the collection object
typedef TBstrCollection CCollection;
CComObject<CCollection> * p;
HRESULT hr = CComObject<CCollection>::CreateInstance( &p );
if (NULL == p)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Could not create Collection object, %x",hr));
return hr;
hr = p->Initialize(nSize, begin, end, flags);
if (S_OK != hr)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Could not initialize Collection object, %x", hr));
delete p;
return hr;
IDispatch *pDisp;
// get the IDispatch interface
hr = p->_InternalQueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDisp);
if (S_OK != hr)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "QI for IDispatch in CreateCollection, %x", hr));
delete p;
return hr;
// put it in the variant
pVariant->vt = VT_DISPATCH;
pVariant->pdispVal = pDisp;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CreateDirectoryObjectEnumerator(
IN ITDirectoryObject ** begin,
IN ITDirectoryObject ** end,
OUT IEnumDirectoryObject ** ppIEnum
typedef _CopyInterface<ITDirectoryObject> CCopy;
typedef CSafeComEnum<IEnumDirectoryObject, &IID_IEnumDirectoryObject,
ITDirectoryObject *, CCopy> CEnumerator;
CComObject<CEnumerator> *pEnum = NULL;
hr = CComObject<CEnumerator>::CreateInstance(&pEnum);
if (pEnum == NULL)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "Could not create enumerator object, %x", hr));
return hr;
hr = pEnum->Init(begin, end, NULL, AtlFlagCopy);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "init enumerator object failed, %x", hr));
delete pEnum;
return hr;
// query for the IID_IEnumDirectory i/f
hr = pEnum->_InternalQueryInterface(
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "query enum interface failed, %x", hr));
delete pEnum;
return hr;
return hr;
HRESULT CreateEmptyUser(
IN BSTR pName,
OUT ITDirectoryObject ** ppDirectoryObject
CComObject<CUser> * pDirectoryObject;
hr = CComObject<CUser>::CreateInstance(&pDirectoryObject);
if (NULL == pDirectoryObject)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't create DirectoryObject user."));
return hr;
WCHAR *pCloseBracket = wcschr(pName, CLOSE_BRACKET_CHARACTER);
if ( pCloseBracket != NULL )
*pCloseBracket = L'\0';
hr = pDirectoryObject->Init(pName);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateUser:init failed: %x", hr));
delete pDirectoryObject;
return hr;
hr = pDirectoryObject->_InternalQueryInterface(
(void **)ppDirectoryObject
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateEmptyUser:QueryInterface failed: %x", hr));
delete pDirectoryObject;
return hr;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CreateEmptyConference(
IN BSTR pName,
OUT ITDirectoryObject ** ppDirectoryObject
CComObject<CConference> * pDirectoryObject;
hr = CComObject<CConference>::CreateInstance(&pDirectoryObject);
if (NULL == pDirectoryObject)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateEmptyConference: can't create DirectoryObject conference."));
return hr;
hr = pDirectoryObject->Init(pName);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateEmptyConference: init failed: %x", hr));
delete pDirectoryObject;
return hr;
hr = pDirectoryObject->_InternalQueryInterface(
(void **)ppDirectoryObject
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateEmptyConference: QueryInterface failed: %x", hr));
delete pDirectoryObject;
return hr;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CreateConferenceWithBlob(
IN BSTR pName,
IN BSTR pProtocol,
IN BSTR pBlob,
IN CHAR * pSecurityDescriptor,
OUT ITDirectoryObject ** ppDirectoryObject
// This is a helper function; assumes that passed-in pointers are valid.
// Create a conference object.
CComObject<CConference> * pDirectoryObject;
hr = CComObject<CConference>::CreateInstance(&pDirectoryObject);
if (NULL == pDirectoryObject)
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't create DirectoryObject conference."));
return hr;
// Get the ITDirectoryObject interface.
hr = pDirectoryObject->_InternalQueryInterface(
(void **)ppDirectoryObject
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateConference:QueryInterface failed: %x", hr));
delete pDirectoryObject;
*ppDirectoryObject = NULL;
return hr;
// Init the object.
hr = pDirectoryObject->Init(pName, pProtocol, pBlob);
if (FAILED(hr))
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "CreateConferenceWithBlob:init failed: %x", hr));
*ppDirectoryObject = NULL;
return hr;
// Set the security descriptor on the object.
if (pSecurityDescriptor != NULL)
// first query the private interface for attributes.
ITDirectoryObjectPrivate * pObjectPrivate;
hr = pDirectoryObject->QueryInterface(
(void **)&pObjectPrivate
if ( FAILED(hr) )
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "can't get the private directory object "
"interface: 0x%08x", hr));
*ppDirectoryObject = NULL;
return hr;
// Now set the security descriptor in its "converted" (server) form.
hr = pObjectPrivate->PutConvertedSecurityDescriptor(
if ( FAILED(hr) )
LOG((MSP_ERROR, "PutConvertedSecurityDescriptor failed: %x", hr));
*ppDirectoryObject = NULL;
return hr;
return S_OK;
// GetCorrectAddressFromHostent
// in parameters:
// dwInterface -- When picking the IP address from the array of addrs,
// pick the one that is reachable via this local interface.
// If this parameter equals 0, then just pick the first
// one. Network byte order.
// hostp -- pointer to hostent structure to extract from
DWORD GetCorrectAddressFromHostent(
DWORD dwInterface,
struct hostent * hostp
DWORD ** ppAddrs = (DWORD **) hostp->h_addr_list;
if ( dwInterface == 0 )
return * ppAddrs[0];
for ( int i = 0; ppAddrs[i] != NULL; i++ )
if ( dwInterface == ( * ppAddrs[i] ) )
return dwInterface;
// If we get here then none of the addresses in the hostent structure
// matched our interface address. This means that we are looking at
// some machine besides the local host. In this case it shouldn't
// matter which address we use.
LOG((MSP_WARN, "using first address for multihomed remote machine IP"));
return * ppAddrs[0];
// ResolveHostName
// in parameters:
// dwInterface -- When disconvering IP address based on host name, pick
// the one that is reachable via this local interface. If
// this parameter equals 0, then just pick the first one.
// Network byte order.
// pHost -- Must be a valid string pointer. Points to the hostname
// to resolve.
// out parameters:
// pFullName -- If non-NULL, returns the hostname as returned from DNS.
// pdwIP -- If non-NULL, returns the IP address as returned from
// DNS. Network byte order.
HRESULT ResolveHostName(
IN DWORD dwInterface,
IN TCHAR * pHost,
OUT char ** pFullName,
struct hostent *hostp = NULL;
DWORD inaddr;
if(lstrcmpW(pHost, L"") == 0)
return E_FAIL;
// Convert hostname to an ANSI string.
char *name = T2A(pHost);
// Check if the string is in dot-quad notation.
if ((inaddr = inet_addr(name)) == -1L)
// String is not in "dot quad" notation
// So try to get the IP address from DNS.
hostp = gethostbyname(name);
if (hostp)
// If we find a host entry, set up the internet address
inaddr = GetCorrectAddressFromHostent(dwInterface, hostp);
// inaddr = *(DWORD *)hostp->h_addr;
// error: the input was neither a valid dot-quad nor hostname
// String is in "dot quad" notation
// So try to get the host name from the IP address.
// If we don't care about the host name, we're done resolving.
// Otherwise make sure this IP maps to a hostname.
if ( pFullName != NULL )
hostp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&inaddr,sizeof(inaddr),AF_INET);
if (!hostp)
// error: the input was neither a valid dot-quad nor hostname
//[vlade] Changes for the multihomed
inaddr = GetCorrectAddressFromHostent(dwInterface, hostp);
// All succeeded; return what was asked for.
if ( pFullName != NULL )
*pFullName = hostp->h_name;
if ( pdwIP != NULL )
*pdwIP = inaddr;
if( inaddr == 0)
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
// This is a small helper function to print an IP address to a Unicode string.
// We can't use inet_ntoa because we need Unicode.
void ipAddressToStringW(WCHAR * wszDest, DWORD dwAddress)
// The IP address is always stored in NETWORK byte order
// So we need to take something like 0x0100007f and produce a string like
// "".
wsprintf(wszDest, L"%d.%d.%d.%d",
dwAddress & 0xff,
(dwAddress >> 8) & 0xff,
(dwAddress >> 16) & 0xff,
dwAddress >> 24 );
// eof