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Date/Time Control Panel
Internet Time Tab
The internet time section of the Date/Time control panel is made up of several parts:
The CPL will allow users to change settings which are stored in the registry. The W32Time service is then sent notifications that settings changed.
The settings are per-machine so only admins can modify this UI. d
W32Time.dll: (NT Service)
The service will then sync at the appropriate time to the appropriate place (DC Time Server vs. internet NTP server).
time.windows.com: (WindowsUpdate service)
Our team
General: http://neptune/arch/gen/AutoSetTimeDate.htm
Server Deployment: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1769.html
NTP: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1769.html
// This key determins how often we sync from the internet NTP server. Not applicable to DC time servers.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer, "SpecialPollInterval", REG_DWORD = 604800 (1 once per day)
// This key determins if we try DC time server, internet time servers, or both. AllSync is both.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters, "Type", REG_SZ = "AllSync"
// This key is used by the service to determine the server(s) to get the internet time from:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer, "NtpServer", REG_SZ = "time.windows.com,0x3"
Q: Why is the "Internet Time" hidden sometimes?
A: This tab will not modify the behavior when time comes from the admin controled DC time server. I hide the tab if:
1. The machine is joined to a domain, AND
2. We search the domain and find a domain control that will act as a time server
Q: Why is the UI grayed out?
A: You need admin privilages to modify these values.
Q: Will this work with Personal FireWall or other NAT based Firewalls?
A: Yes.
Q: Will this work with other popular firewalls (CERN/web proxies, routers that block addresses).
A: No, most firewalls will block NTP's UDP packets on port 123. Admins can open these ports if they want, but almost never do.
Q: Why is there a small pause before the "Internet Time" tab appears.
A: We need to search the domain for a DC that will provide the time. This takes a few seconds on a large corp net, like Microsoft.
We need to do this because we may need to keep the tab hidden. Some laptops will be joined to a domain and plug and un-plug from
the corp net. We need the CPL to display the tab in the right cases, so we need to do a search each time. This won't block
the UI thread.
Q: Will this work with other popular firewalls (CERN/web proxies, routers that block addresses).
A: No, most firewalls will block NTP's UDP packets on port 123. Admins can open these ports if they want, but almost never do.
Q: How can I force the time to sync now?
A: In a cmd.exe window, do the following commands:
1. net stop W32time
2. net start W32time
Time/Date CPL: GPease (Dev), JoelGros (PM)
Internet Time: BryanSt (Dev), JoelGros (PM), SKean (Test)
W32Time Service: DuncanB (Dev), AdamBarg (Test), MattT (Dev Lead)
Personal Firewall: Denmor (PM Dennis Morgan), EJohnson (Test), JonBurs (DEV)