Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#pragma once
Owner: MRuhlen
Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
This files contains the handshake structure with which apps will launch
DW (aka OfficeWatson, aka whatever the marketroids call it)
#ifndef MSODW_H
#define MSODW_H
#pragma pack(push, msodw_h)
#pragma pack(4)
#define DW_TIMEOUT_VALUE 20000
#define DW_NOTIFY_TIMEOUT 120000 // 2 minutes
#define DW_MAX_ASSERT_CCH 1024
#define DW_MAX_PATH 260
#define DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC 260 // must be at least max_path
#define DW_CMDLINE_RESPONSE "DwResponse="
#define DW_CMDLINE_REPORT "DwReportResponse="
#define DW_BLUEPATH "blue"
#define DW_WHISTLER_EVENTLOG_SOURCE L"Application Error"
// the following are the fields that can be specified in a manifest file to
// launch DW in a file based reporting mode
// these are required
#define DW_MANIFEST_HDRTEXT L"HeaderText="
#define DW_MANIFEST_URL2 L"Stage2URL="
// the following are optional, DW has default behavior for all of these
#define DW_MANIFEST_FLAGS L"Flags="
#define DW_MANIFEST_BRAND L"Brand="
#define DW_MANIFEST_EVENTSOURCE L"EventLogSource="
#define DW_MANIFEST_URL1 L"Stage1URL="
#define DW_MANIFEST_CAPTION L"Caption="
#define DW_MANIFEST_REPORTEE L"Reportee="
#define DW_MANIFEST_PLEA L"Plea="
#define DW_MANIFEST_REPORTBTN L"ReportButton="
#define DW_MANIFEST_NOREPORTBTN L"NoReportButton="
// Seperator for file lists (Manifest DataFiles and Exception Additional Files
#define DW_FILESEPA '|'
#define DW_FILESEP_X(X) L##X
#ifdef DEBUG
enum // AssertActionCodes
DwAssertActionFail = 0,
// Caller is the app that has experienced an exception and launches DW
enum // ECrashTimeDialogStates // msoctds
msoctdsNull = 0x00000000,
msoctdsQuit = 0x00000001,
msoctdsRestart = 0x00000002,
msoctdsRecover = 0x00000004,
msoctdsUnused = 0x00000008,
msoctdsDebug = 0x00000010,
#define MSODWRECOVERQUIT (msoctdsRecover | msoctdsQuit)
#define MSODWRESTARTQUIT (msoctdsRestart | msoctdsQuit)
#define MSODWRESPONSES (msoctdsQuit | msoctdsRestart | msoctdsRecover)
enum // EMsoCrashHandlerFlags // msochf
msochfNull = 0x00000000,
msochfUnused = msoctdsUnused, // THESE MUST BE THE SAME
msochfCanRecoverDocuments = msoctdsRecover,
msochfObsoleteCanDebug = 0x00010001, // not used anymore
msochfCannotSneakyDebug = 0x00010002, // The "hidden" debug feature won't work
msochfDefaultDontReport = 0x00010004,
msochReportingDisabled = 0x00010008, // User cannot change default reporting choice
enum // EMsoCrashHandlerResults // msochr
msochrNotHandled = msoctdsNull,
msochrUnused = msoctdsUnused,
msochrDebug = msoctdsDebug,
msochrRecoverDocuments = msoctdsRecover,
msochrRestart = msoctdsRestart,
msochrQuit = msoctdsQuit,
enum // EDwBehaviorFlags
fDwOfficeApp = 0x00000001,
fDwNoReporting = 0x00000002, // don't report
fDwCheckSig = 0x00000004, // checks the signatures of the App/Mod list
fDwGiveAppResponse = 0x00000008, // hands szResponse to app on command line
fDwWhistler = 0x00000010, // Whistler's exception handler is caller
fDwUseIE = 0x00000020, // always launch w/ IE
fDwDeleteFiles = 0x00000040, // delete the additional files after use.
fDwHeadless = 0x00000080, // DW will auto-report. policy required to enable
fDwUseHKLM = 0x00000100, // DW reg from HKLM instead of HKCU
fDwUseLitePlea = 0x00000200, // DW won't suggest product change in report plea
fDwUsePrivacyHTA = 0x00000400, // DW won't suggest product change in report plea
fDwManifestDebug = 0x00000800, // DW will provide a debug button in manifset mode
fDwReportChoice = 0x00001000, // DW will tack on the command line of the user
typedef struct _DWSharedMem10
DWORD dwSize; // should be set to size of DWSharedMem
DWORD pid; // Process Id of caller
DWORD tid; // Id of excepting thread
DWORD_PTR eip; // EIP of the excepting instruction
PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep; // Exception pointers given to the callee's
// exception handler
HANDLE hEventDone; // event DW signals when done
// caller will also signal this if it things
// DW has hung and restarts itself
HANDLE hEventNotifyDone; // App sets when it's done w/ notifcation phase
HANDLE hEventAlive; // heartbeat event DW signals per EVENT_TIMEOUT
HANDLE hMutex; // to protect the signaling of EventDone
HANDLE hProc; // handle to the calling process (! in Assert)
DWORD bfDWBehaviorFlags; // controls caller-specific behaviors
DWORD msoctdsResult; // result from crash-time dialog
BOOL fReportProblem; // did user approve reporting?
DWORD bfmsoctdsOffer; // bitfield of user choices to offer
// note that you must specify two of:
// Quit, Restart, Recover, Ignore
// The Debug choice is independent
DWORD bfmsoctdsNotify; // bitfield of user choices for which the
// app wants control back instead of simply being
// terminated by DW. The app will then be
// responsible for pinging DW (if desired) with
// hEventAlive and for notify DW it's ok to
// terminate the app w/ hEventDone
DWORD bfmsoctdsLetRun; // bitfield of user choices for which the
// app wants control back instead of being
// terminated by DW. DW can then safely ignore
// the app and exit.
int iPingCurrent; // current count for the recovery progress bar
int iPingEnd; // index for the end of the recovery progress bar
char szFormalAppName[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // the app name for display to user (ie "Microsoft Word")
char szInformalAppName[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // the app name for display to user (ie "Word")
char szModuleFileName[DW_MAX_PATH]; // The result of GetModuleFileNameA(NULL)
WCHAR wzErrorMessage[DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC]; // Error message to show user.
char szServer[DW_MAX_SERVERNAME]; // name of server to try by default
char szLCIDKeyValue[DW_MAX_PATH]; // name of key value DWORD containing the
// PlugUI LCID, if this string fails to
// be a valid key-value, DW will use the
// system LCID, and if it can't find
// an intl dll for that, will fall
// back on US English (1033)
char szPIDRegKey[DW_MAX_PATH]; // name of the key that holds the PID
// can be used by the Server for
// spoof-detection
char szRegSubPath[DW_MAX_REGSUBPATH]; // path to the key to contian the DW
// registry hive from both
// HKCU\Software and
// HKCU\Software\Policies (for policy)
WCHAR wzDotDataDlls[DW_MAX_PATH]; // contains the list of DLLs, terminated
// by '\0' characters, that DW will
// collect the .data sections into the
// full minidump version
// e.g. "mso9.dll\0outllib.dll\0"
WCHAR wzAdditionalFile[1024]; // File list, seperated by DW_FILESEP
// each of these files gets added to the
// cab at upload time
char szBrand[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // passed as a param to Privacy Policy link
#ifdef DEBUG
// for Assert communication
DWORD dwTag; // [in] AssertTag
char szFile[DW_MAX_PATH]; // [in] File name of the assert
int line; // [in] Line number of the assert
char szAssert[DW_MAX_ASSERT_CCH]; // [in] Sz from the assert
int AssertActionCode; // [out] action code to take
} DWSharedMem10;
typedef struct _DWSharedMem15
DWORD dwSize; // should be set to size of DWSharedMem
DWORD pid; // Process Id of caller
DWORD tid; // Id of excepting thread
DWORD_PTR eip; // EIP of the excepting instruction
PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep; // Exception pointers given to the callee's
// exception handler
HANDLE hEventDone; // event DW signals when done
// caller will also signal this if it things
// DW has hung and restarts itself
HANDLE hEventNotifyDone; // App sets when it's done w/ notifcation phase
HANDLE hEventAlive; // heartbeat event DW signals per EVENT_TIMEOUT
HANDLE hMutex; // to protect the signaling of EventDone
HANDLE hProc; // handle to the calling process (! in Assert)
DWORD bfDWBehaviorFlags; // controls caller-specific behaviors
DWORD msoctdsResult; // result from crash-time dialog
BOOL fReportProblem; // did user approve reporting?
DWORD bfmsoctdsOffer; // bitfield of user choices to offer
// note that you must specify two of:
// Quit, Restart, Recover, Ignore
// The Debug choice is independent
DWORD bfmsoctdsNotify; // bitfield of user choices for which the
// app wants control back instead of simply being
// terminated by DW. The app will then be
// responsible for pinging DW (if desired) with
// hEventAlive and for notify DW it's ok to
// terminate the app w/ hEventDone
DWORD bfmsoctdsLetRun; // bitfield of user choices for which the
// app wants control back instead of being
// terminated by DW. DW can then safely ignore
// the app and exit.
int iPingCurrent; // current count for the recovery progress bar
int iPingEnd; // index for the end of the recovery progress bar
WCHAR wzFormalAppName[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // the app name for display to user (ie "Microsoft Word")
WCHAR wzModuleFileName[DW_MAX_PATH]; // The result of GetModuleFileName(NULL)
WCHAR wzErrorMessage[DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC]; // (optional) Error details message to show user.
WCHAR wzErrorText[DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC]; // (optional) substitue error text (e.g. "you might have lost information")
WCHAR wzCaption[DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC]; // (optional) substitue caption
WCHAR wzHeader[DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC]; // (optional) substitue main dialog header text
WCHAR wzReportee[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // (optional) on whom's behalf we request the report
WCHAR wzPlea[DW_MAX_ERROR_CWC]; // (optional) substitue report plea text
WCHAR wzReportBtn[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // (optional) substitue "Report Problem" text
WCHAR wzNoReportBtn[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // (optional) substitue "Don't Report" text
char szServer[DW_MAX_SERVERNAME]; // name of server to try by default
char szLCIDKeyValue[DW_MAX_PATH]; // name of key value DWORD containing the
// PlugUI LCID, if this string fails to
// be a valid key-value, DW will use the
// system LCID, and if it can't find
// an intl dll for that, will fall
// back on US English (1033)
char szPIDRegKey[DW_MAX_PATH]; // name of the key that holds the PID
// can be used by the Server for
// spoof-detection
LCID lcidUI; // will try this UI langauge if non-zero
char szRegSubPath[DW_MAX_REGSUBPATH]; // path to the key to contian the DW
// registry hive from both
// HKCU\Software and
// HKCU\Software\Policies (for policy)
WCHAR wzDotDataDlls[DW_MAX_PATH]; // contains the list of DLLs, terminated
// by '\0' characters, that DW will
// collect the .data sections into the
// full minidump version
// e.g. "mso9.dll\0outllib.dll\0"
WCHAR wzAdditionalFile[1024]; // File list, seperated by DW_FILESEP
// each of these files gets added to the
// cab at upload time
char szBrand[DW_APPNAME_LENGTH]; // passed as a param to Privacy Policy link
#if 0
// for Assert communication
DWORD dwTag; // [in] AssertTag
char szFile[DW_MAX_PATH]; // [in] File name of the assert
int line; // [in] Line number of the assert
char szAssert[DW_MAX_ASSERT_CCH]; // [in] Sz from the assert
int AssertActionCode; // [out] action code to take
} DWSharedMem15, DWSharedMem;
#pragma pack(pop, msodw_h)
#endif // MSODW_H