Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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#ifndef _UEMAPP_H_ // {
#define _UEMAPP_H_
//*** uemapp.h -- application (client) side of event monitor
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// {
//*** UEME_* -- events
#include "uemevt.h" // separate #include so rulc.exe can use it
#define UEME_FBROWSER 0x80000000 // 0:shell 1:browser
//*** UEMF_* -- Flags used when calling FireEvent
#define UEMF_EVENTMON 0x00000001 // Traditional Event Monitor use of FireEvent
#define UEMF_INSTRUMENT 0x00000002 // These events are being instrumented
//**** UEMF_ Meta Categories
//*** UIG_* -- UI 'groups'
// NOTE not sure if this is the right partitioning
#define UIG_NIL (-1)
#define UIG_COMMON 1 // common UI elements (e.g. back/stop/refresh)
#define UIG_INET 2 // inet (html) elements (e.g. search/favs)
#define UIG_FILE 3 // file (defview) elements (e.g. up)
#define UIG_OTHER 4 // custom (isf, isv, docobj) elements
//*** UIM_* -- modules
// used to separate namespaces. e.g. IDMs for UEME_RUNWMCMD.
#define UIM_NIL (-1) // none (global)
#define UIM_EXPLORER 1 // explorer.exe
#define UIM_BROWSEUI 2 // browseui.dll
#define UIM_SHDOCVW 3 // shdocvw.dll
#define UIM_SHELL32 4 // shell32.dll
// Instrumented Browser wparams
#define UIBW_404ERROR 2
#define UIBW_NAVIGATE 3 // navigation lP=how
#define UIBL_NAVOTHER 0 // via other
#define UIBL_NAVADDRESS 1 // via address bar
#define UIBL_NAVGO 2 // (NYI) via 'go' button on address bar
#define UIBL_NAVHIST 3 // via history pane
#define UIBL_NAVFAVS 4 // via favorites pane
#define UIBL_NAVFOLDERS 5 // (NYI) via all-folders pane
#define UIBL_NAVSEARCH 6 // (NYI) via search pane
#define UIBW_RUNASSOC 4 // run lP=assoc
#define UIBL_DOTOTHER 0 // other
#define UIBL_DOTEXE 1 // .exe
#define UIBL_DOTASSOC 2 // associated w/ some .exe
#define UIBL_DOTNOASSOC 3 // not associated w/ some .exe (OpenWith)
#define UIBL_DOTFOLDER 4 // folder
#define UIBL_DOTLNK 5 // .lnk
#define UIBW_UICONTEXT 5 // context menu lP=where
#define UIBL_CTXTOTHER 0 // (NYI) other
#define UIBL_CTXTDEFBKGND 1 // defview background
#define UIBL_CTXTDEFITEM 2 // defview item
#define UIBL_CTXTDESKBKGND 3 // desktop background
#define UIBL_CTXTDESKITEM 4 // desktop item
// #define UIBL_CTXTQCUTBKGND 5 // (n/a) qlaunch background
#define UIBL_CTXTQCUTITEM 6 // qlaunch/qlinks item
// #define UIBL_CTXTISFBKGND 7 // (n/a) arb. isf background
#define UIBL_CTXTISFITEM 8 // arb. isf item
#define UIBL_CTXTITBBKGND 9 // (n/a) itbar background
#define UIBL_CTXTITBITEM 10 // itbar item
// for input, however the menu is *1st* invoked is assumed to be representative
// of the *entire* menu action
#define UIBW_UIINPUT 6 // input method lP=source
// n.b. no desktop/browser distinction
#define UIBL_INPOTHER 0 // (NYI) other
#define UIBL_INPMOUSE 1 // mouse
#define UIBL_INPMENU 2 // menu key (alt or alt+letter)
#define UIBL_INPACCEL 3 // (NYI) accelerator
#define UIBL_INPWIN 4 // (NYI) 'windows' key
// Instrumented Browser lparams
#define UIBL_MENU 2
#define UIBL_PANE 3
//*** UEM*_* -- app 'groups'
#define UEMIID_NIL CLSID_NULL // nil (office uses 0...)
#define UEMIID_SHELL CLSID_ActiveDesktop // FEATURE need better one
#define UEMIID_BROWSER CLSID_InternetToolbar // FEATURE need better one
#define UEMIND_NIL (-1)
#define UEMIND_SHELL 0
#define UEMIND_NSTANDARD 2 // cardinality(UEMIND_*)
//*** UEM*Event -- helpers from ../lib/uassist.cpp
// FEATURE rename to UA* (from UEM*)
BOOL UEMIsLoaded();
HRESULT UEMFireEvent(const GUID *pguidGrp, int eCmd, DWORD dwFlags, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HRESULT UEMQueryEvent(const GUID *pguidGrp, int eCmd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPUEMINFO pui);
HRESULT UEMSetEvent(const GUID *pguidGrp, int eCmd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPUEMINFO pui);
typedef int (CALLBACK *UEMCallback)(void *param, const GUID *pguidGrp, int eCmd);
HRESULT UEMRegisterNotify(UEMCallback pfnUEMCB, void *param);
#if 1 // {
//*** obsolete -- old exports, nuke after all callers fixed
STDAPI_(void) UEMEvalMsg(const GUID *pguidGrp, int uemCmd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
// obsolete! use UEMEvalMsg
//STDAPI_(void) UEMTrace(int uemCmd, LPARAM lParam);
#define UEMTrace(uemCmd, lParam) UEMEvalMsg(&UEMIID_NIL, uemCmd, -1, lParam)
#define UEIA_RARE 0x01 // rare (demotion candidate)
STDAPI_(BOOL) UEMGetInfo(const GUID *pguidGrp, int eCmd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LPUEMINFO pui);
#endif // }
// }
// {
//*** UEMC_* -- commands
#define TABDAT(uemc) uemc,
enum {
#include "uemcdat.h"
#undef TABDAT
// }
// {
//*** misc helpers
//*** XMB_ICONERROR -- guys that look like an error (vs. idle chit-chat)
// error stop (question) exclamation hand (info) (aster) (warn)
// is this the right set? sounds good to me -justmann
// }
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // } _UEMAPP_H_