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// File: DXUtil.cpp
// Desc: Shortcut macros and functions for using DX objects
// Hist: 11.16.98 - mwetzel - New for DirectX 7
// 12.10.98 - mwetzel - Changes to InitLight and axed InitViewport
// 04.12.99 - mwetzelf - Changed some helper funcs
// 07.06.99 - mwetzel - Mods for UNICODE support
// 03.20.00 - mwetzel - Added timer support
// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
#define STRICT
#include <windows.h>
#include <mmsystem.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "DXUtil.h"
// Name: DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPath()
// Desc: Returns the DirectX SDK media path
const TCHAR* DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPath()
static TCHAR strNull[2] = _T("");
static TCHAR strPath[MAX_PATH];
DWORD dwType;
HKEY hKey;
// Open the appropriate registry key
0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult )
return strNull;
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, _T("DX8SDK Samples Path"), NULL,
&dwType, (BYTE*)strPath, &dwSize );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != lResult )
return strNull;
_tcscat( strPath, _T("\\Media\\") );
return strPath;
// Name: DXUtil_FindMediaFile()
// Desc: Returns a valid path to a DXSDK media file
HRESULT DXUtil_FindMediaFile( TCHAR* strPath, TCHAR* strFilename )
HANDLE file;
if( NULL==strFilename || NULL==strPath )
// Check if the file exists in the current directory
_tcscpy( strPath, strFilename );
file = CreateFile( strPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
CloseHandle( file );
return S_OK;
// Check if the file exists in the current directory
_stprintf( strPath, _T("%s%s"), DXUtil_GetDXSDKMediaPath(), strFilename );
file = CreateFile( strPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
CloseHandle( file );
return S_OK;
// On failure, just return the file as the path
_tcscpy( strPath, strFilename );
return E_FAIL;
// Name: DXUtil_ReadStringRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to read a registry key string
HRESULT DXUtil_ReadStringRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, TCHAR* strValue,
DWORD dwLength, TCHAR* strDefault )
DWORD dwType;
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, &dwType,
(BYTE*)strValue, &dwLength ) )
_tcscpy( strValue, strDefault );
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_WriteStringRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to write a registry key string
HRESULT DXUtil_WriteStringRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName,
TCHAR* strValue )
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, REG_SZ,
(_tcslen(strValue)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR) ) )
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_ReadIntRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to read a registry key int
HRESULT DXUtil_ReadIntRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, DWORD* pdwValue,
DWORD dwDefault )
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwLength = sizeof(DWORD);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, &dwType,
(BYTE*)pdwValue, &dwLength ) )
*pdwValue = dwDefault;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_WriteIntRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to write a registry key int
HRESULT DXUtil_WriteIntRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, DWORD dwValue )
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, REG_DWORD,
(BYTE*)&dwValue, sizeof(DWORD) ) )
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_ReadBoolRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to read a registry key BOOL
HRESULT DXUtil_ReadBoolRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, BOOL* pbValue,
BOOL bDefault )
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwLength = sizeof(BOOL);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, &dwType,
(BYTE*)pbValue, &dwLength ) )
*pbValue = bDefault;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_WriteBoolRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to write a registry key BOOL
HRESULT DXUtil_WriteBoolRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, BOOL bValue )
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, REG_DWORD,
(BYTE*)&bValue, sizeof(BOOL) ) )
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_ReadGuidRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to read a registry key guid
HRESULT DXUtil_ReadGuidRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, GUID* pGuidValue,
GUID& guidDefault )
DWORD dwType;
DWORD dwLength = sizeof(GUID);
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, &dwType,
(LPBYTE) pGuidValue, &dwLength ) )
*pGuidValue = guidDefault;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_WriteGuidRegKey()
// Desc: Helper function to write a registry key guid
HRESULT DXUtil_WriteGuidRegKey( HKEY hKey, TCHAR* strRegName, GUID guidValue )
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx( hKey, strRegName, 0, REG_BINARY,
(BYTE*)&guidValue, sizeof(GUID) ) )
return E_FAIL;
return S_OK;
// Name: DXUtil_Timer()
// Desc: Performs timer opertations. Use the following commands:
// TIMER_RESET - to reset the timer
// TIMER_START - to start the timer
// TIMER_STOP - to stop (or pause) the timer
// TIMER_ADVANCE - to advance the timer by 0.1 seconds
// TIMER_GETABSOLUTETIME - to get the absolute system time
// TIMER_GETAPPTIME - to get the current time
// TIMER_GETELAPSEDTIME - to get the time that elapsed between
FLOAT __stdcall DXUtil_Timer( TIMER_COMMAND command )
static BOOL m_bTimerInitialized = FALSE;
static BOOL m_bUsingQPF = FALSE;
static BOOL m_bTimerStopped = TRUE;
static LONGLONG m_llQPFTicksPerSec = 0;
// Initialize the timer
if( FALSE == m_bTimerInitialized )
m_bTimerInitialized = TRUE;
// Use QueryPerformanceFrequency() to get frequency of timer. If QPF is
// not supported, we will timeGetTime() which returns milliseconds.
m_bUsingQPF = QueryPerformanceFrequency( &qwTicksPerSec );
if( m_bUsingQPF )
m_llQPFTicksPerSec = qwTicksPerSec.QuadPart;
if( m_bUsingQPF )
static LONGLONG m_llStopTime = 0;
static LONGLONG m_llLastElapsedTime = 0;
static LONGLONG m_llBaseTime = 0;
double fTime;
double fElapsedTime;
// Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
// on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
if( m_llStopTime != 0 && command != TIMER_START && command != TIMER_GETABSOLUTETIME)
qwTime.QuadPart = m_llStopTime;
QueryPerformanceCounter( &qwTime );
// Return the elapsed time
fElapsedTime = (double) ( qwTime.QuadPart - m_llLastElapsedTime ) / (double) m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime.QuadPart;
return (FLOAT) fElapsedTime;
// Return the current time
if( command == TIMER_GETAPPTIME )
double fAppTime = (double) ( qwTime.QuadPart - m_llBaseTime ) / (double) m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
return (FLOAT) fAppTime;
// Reset the timer
if( command == TIMER_RESET )
m_llBaseTime = qwTime.QuadPart;
m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime.QuadPart;
m_llStopTime = 0;
m_bTimerStopped = FALSE;
return 0.0f;
// Start the timer
if( command == TIMER_START )
if( m_bTimerStopped )
m_llBaseTime += qwTime.QuadPart - m_llStopTime;
m_llStopTime = 0;
m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime.QuadPart;
m_bTimerStopped = FALSE;
return 0.0f;
// Stop the timer
if( command == TIMER_STOP )
m_llStopTime = qwTime.QuadPart;
m_llLastElapsedTime = qwTime.QuadPart;
m_bTimerStopped = TRUE;
return 0.0f;
// Advance the timer by 1/10th second
if( command == TIMER_ADVANCE )
m_llStopTime += m_llQPFTicksPerSec/10;
return 0.0f;
fTime = qwTime.QuadPart / (double) m_llQPFTicksPerSec;
return (FLOAT) fTime;
return -1.0f; // Invalid command specified
// Get the time using timeGetTime()
static double m_fLastElapsedTime = 0.0;
static double m_fBaseTime = 0.0;
static double m_fStopTime = 0.0;
double fTime;
double fElapsedTime;
// Get either the current time or the stop time, depending
// on whether we're stopped and what command was sent
if( m_fStopTime != 0.0 && command != TIMER_START && command != TIMER_GETABSOLUTETIME)
fTime = m_fStopTime;
fTime = timeGetTime() * 0.001;
// Return the elapsed time
fElapsedTime = (double) (fTime - m_fLastElapsedTime);
m_fLastElapsedTime = fTime;
return (FLOAT) fElapsedTime;
// Return the current time
if( command == TIMER_GETAPPTIME )
return (FLOAT) (fTime - m_fBaseTime);
// Reset the timer
if( command == TIMER_RESET )
m_fBaseTime = fTime;
m_fLastElapsedTime = fTime;
m_fStopTime = 0;
m_bTimerStopped = FALSE;
return 0.0f;
// Start the timer
if( command == TIMER_START )
if( m_bTimerStopped )
m_fBaseTime += fTime - m_fStopTime;
m_fStopTime = 0.0f;
m_fLastElapsedTime = fTime;
m_bTimerStopped = FALSE;
return 0.0f;
// Stop the timer
if( command == TIMER_STOP )
m_fStopTime = fTime;
m_bTimerStopped = TRUE;
return 0.0f;
// Advance the timer by 1/10th second
if( command == TIMER_ADVANCE )
m_fStopTime += 0.1f;
return 0.0f;
return (FLOAT) fTime;
return -1.0f; // Invalid command specified
// Name: DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToWide()
// Desc: This is a UNICODE conversion utility to convert a CHAR string into a
// WCHAR string. cchDestChar defaults -1 which means it
// assumes strDest is large enough to store strSource
VOID DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToWide( WCHAR* wstrDestination, const CHAR* strSource,
int cchDestChar )
if( wstrDestination==NULL || strSource==NULL )
if( cchDestChar == -1 )
cchDestChar = strlen(strSource)+1;
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, strSource, -1,
wstrDestination, cchDestChar-1 );
wstrDestination[cchDestChar-1] = 0;
// Name: DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToAnsi()
// Desc: This is a UNICODE conversion utility to convert a WCHAR string into a
// CHAR string. cchDestChar defaults -1 which means it
// assumes strDest is large enough to store strSource
VOID DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToAnsi( CHAR* strDestination, const WCHAR* wstrSource,
int cchDestChar )
if( strDestination==NULL || wstrSource==NULL )
if( cchDestChar == -1 )
cchDestChar = wcslen(wstrSource)+1;
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wstrSource, -1, strDestination,
cchDestChar-1, NULL, NULL );
strDestination[cchDestChar-1] = 0;
// Name: DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToAnsi()
// Desc: This is a UNICODE conversion utility to convert a TCHAR string into a
// CHAR string. cchDestChar defaults -1 which means it
// assumes strDest is large enough to store strSource
VOID DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToAnsi( CHAR* strDestination, const TCHAR* tstrSource,
int cchDestChar )
if( strDestination==NULL || tstrSource==NULL )
#ifdef _UNICODE
DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToAnsi( strDestination, tstrSource, cchDestChar );
if( cchDestChar == -1 )
strcpy( strDestination, tstrSource );
strncpy( strDestination, tstrSource, cchDestChar );
// Name: DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToWide()
// Desc: This is a UNICODE conversion utility to convert a TCHAR string into a
// WCHAR string. cchDestChar defaults -1 which means it
// assumes strDest is large enough to store strSource
VOID DXUtil_ConvertGenericStringToWide( WCHAR* wstrDestination, const TCHAR* tstrSource,
int cchDestChar )
if( wstrDestination==NULL || tstrSource==NULL )
#ifdef _UNICODE
if( cchDestChar == -1 )
wcscpy( wstrDestination, tstrSource );
wcsncpy( wstrDestination, tstrSource, cchDestChar );
DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToWide( wstrDestination, tstrSource, cchDestChar );
// Name: DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToGeneric()
// Desc: This is a UNICODE conversion utility to convert a CHAR string into a
// TCHAR string. cchDestChar defaults -1 which means it
// assumes strDest is large enough to store strSource
VOID DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToGeneric( TCHAR* tstrDestination, const CHAR* strSource,
int cchDestChar )
if( tstrDestination==NULL || strSource==NULL )
#ifdef _UNICODE
DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToWide( tstrDestination, strSource, cchDestChar );
if( cchDestChar == -1 )
strcpy( tstrDestination, strSource );
strncpy( tstrDestination, strSource, cchDestChar );
// Name: DXUtil_ConvertAnsiStringToGeneric()
// Desc: This is a UNICODE conversion utility to convert a WCHAR string into a
// TCHAR string. cchDestChar defaults -1 which means it
// assumes strDest is large enough to store strSource
VOID DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToGeneric( TCHAR* tstrDestination, const WCHAR* wstrSource,
int cchDestChar )
if( tstrDestination==NULL || wstrSource==NULL )
#ifdef _UNICODE
if( cchDestChar == -1 )
wcscpy( tstrDestination, wstrSource );
wcsncpy( tstrDestination, wstrSource, cchDestChar );
DXUtil_ConvertWideStringToAnsi( tstrDestination, wstrSource, cchDestChar );
// Name: _DbgOut()
// Desc: Outputs a message to the debug stream
HRESULT _DbgOut( TCHAR* strFile, DWORD dwLine, HRESULT hr, TCHAR* strMsg )
TCHAR buffer[256];
wsprintf( buffer, _T("%s(%ld): "), strFile, dwLine );
OutputDebugString( buffer );
OutputDebugString( strMsg );
if( hr )
wsprintf( buffer, _T("(hr=%08lx)\n"), hr );
OutputDebugString( buffer );
OutputDebugString( _T("\n") );
return hr;
// Name: DXUtil_Trace()
// Desc: Outputs to the debug stream a formatted string with a variable-
// argument list.
VOID DXUtil_Trace( TCHAR* strMsg, ... )
#if defined(DEBUG) | defined(_DEBUG)
TCHAR strBuffer[512];
va_list args;
va_start(args, strMsg);
_vsntprintf( strBuffer, 512, strMsg, args );
OutputDebugString( strBuffer );