Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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687 lines
21 KiB

Resident Code Segment // Tweak: make non-resident?
Most of this code is taken from the display CPLs adjusted to
work with the Theme Switcher and cleaned up a little.
Routines for painting the preview box in the main window
Desktop (wallpaper/pattern/color)
Frosting: Master Theme Selector for Windows '95
Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// ---------------------------------------------
// Brief file history:
// Alpha:
// Beta:
// Bug fixes
// ---------
#include "windows.h"
#include "frost.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "adutil.h"
#include "bkgd.h"
#include "LoadImag.h"
#include "htmlprev.h"
#include "schedule.h" // IsPlatormNT and GetCurrentUser
// #define BMPOUT 333 // debugging aid
#ifdef BMPOUT
#define BmpOut(x,y,z); hbmDebOld=SelectObject(hdcDeb,x);BitBlt(hdcOut,0,0,y,z,hdcDeb,0,0,SRCCOPY);SelectObject(hdcDeb,hbmDebOld);
#define PrevOut(); BitBlt(hdcOut,0,0,dxPreview,dyPreview,g_hdcMem,0,0,SRCCOPY);
// globals
extern BOOL bInGrphFilter; // frost.c Currently in a graphics filter?
TCHAR szCP_DT[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Desktop");
TCHAR szWP[] = TEXT("Wallpaper");
TCHAR szTileWP[] = TEXT("TileWallpaper");
extern TCHAR szWPStyle[];
TCHAR szPat[] = TEXT("Pattern");
extern TCHAR szSS_Active[];
extern HPALETTE hpal3D; // fakewin.c
HBITMAP g_hbmPreview = NULL; // the bitmap used for previewing
HDC g_hdcMem = NULL;
HBITMAP g_hbmWall = NULL; // bitmap image of wallpaper
HDC g_hdcWall = NULL; // memory DC with g_hbmWall selected
HPALETTE g_hpalWall = NULL; // palette that goes with hbmWall bitmap
HBRUSH g_hbrBack = NULL; // brush for the desktop background
HBITMAP g_hbmDefault = NULL;
DWORD dwStyle = 0; // WP Style for new ActiveDesktop interface
// L o c a l R o u t i n e s
COLORREF GetThemeColor(LPTSTR, int);
extern TCHAR szFrostSection[];
extern TCHAR szThemeBPP[];
extern TCHAR szImageBPP[];
TCHAR szImageDither[] = TEXT("Dither");
TCHAR szImageStretch[] = TEXT("Stretch");
TCHAR szPlusKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Plus!\\Themes");
// if the theme is 8bpp only load 8bpp images (bpp=8)
// otherwise load the best for the display (bpp=-1)
// currently this is kind of bogus, we should mark the 8bit themes
// as 8bit not the other way around!
// return
// -1 load the image at the depth of the display
// 8 load the image at 8bpp
int GetImageBPP(LPCTSTR lpszThemeFile)
int bpp = -1;
if (*lpszThemeFile && bCBStates[FC_WALL]) {
bpp = GetPrivateProfileInt(szFrostSection, szImageBPP, -1, lpszThemeFile);
if (bpp != 8)
bpp = -1;
return bpp;
// When applying wallpaper (if decompressed from a .jpg), first check:
// are user profiles enabled?
// HKLM\Network\Logon, UserProfiles=<dword> will be non-zero if
// profiles are enabled.
// then
// Call WNetGetUser to get the username
// then look under:
// HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\<username>
// there should be a value ProfileImagePath which is the local path.
//then store Plus!.bmp there
void GetPlusBitmapName(LPTSTR szPlus)
HKEY hkey;
UINT cb;
TCHAR key[80];
TCHAR ach[80];
if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szPlus, MAX_PATH))
szPlus[0] = 0;
if (IsPlatformNT())
// User profiles are always enabled un NT so find the correct
// path
TCHAR szAccount[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentUser(szAccount, ARRAYSIZE(szAccount),
szDomain, ARRAYSIZE(szDomain),
szPlus, MAX_PATH);
InstantiatePath(szPlus, ARRAYSIZE(szPlus));
Assert(FALSE, TEXT("Plus!.BMP path: "));
Assert(FALSE, szPlus);
Assert(FALSE, TEXT("\n"));
else if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Network\\Logon"), &hkey) == 0)
cb = sizeof(dw); dw = 0;
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("UserProfiles"), NULL, NULL, (LPVOID)&dw, &cb);
if (dw != 0)
cb = ARRAYSIZE(ach); ach[0] = 0;
WNetGetUser(NULL, ach, &cb);
if (ach[0])
wsprintf(key, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList\\%s"), ach);
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key, &hkey) == 0)
cb = sizeof(ach); ach[0] = 0;
RegQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("ProfileImagePath"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)ach, &cb);
if (ach[0] && GetFileAttributes(ach) != -1)
lstrcpy(szPlus, ach);
Assert(FALSE, TEXT("Plus!.BMP path: "));
Assert(FALSE, szPlus);
Assert(FALSE, TEXT("\n"));
lstrcat(szPlus, TEXT("\\Plus!.bmp"));
// LoadWallpaper
HBITMAP LoadWallpaper(LPTSTR szWallpaper, LPTSTR szThemeFile, BOOL fPreview)
TCHAR plus_bmp[MAX_PATH]; //DSCHOTT switched from 128 to MAX_PATH
TCHAR ach[MAX_PATH]; //DSCHOTT switched from 128 to MAX_PATH
int dx, dy;
int bpp = GetImageBPP(szThemeFile);
int dither = DITHER_CUSTOM;
int tile = GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCP_DT, szTileWP, 0);
int stretch= GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCP_DT, szWPStyle, 0) & 2;
// If a theme is selected, and we are using a plus wall paper then
// find out if tiling is on, and what style to use from the ini file.
// Otherwise, we already got the information from the registry.
if (szThemeFile && *szThemeFile && bCBStates[FC_WALL])
tile = GetPrivateProfileInt(szCP_DT, szTileWP, tile, szThemeFile);
stretch= GetPrivateProfileInt(szCP_DT, szWPStyle, stretch, szThemeFile) & 2;
dither = GetPrivateProfileInt(szFrostSection, szImageDither, dither, szThemeFile);
stretch= GetPrivateProfileInt(szFrostSection, szImageStretch, stretch, szThemeFile);
// allow the user to override theme switches
bpp = GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szPlusKey, szImageBPP, bpp);
dither = GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szPlusKey, szImageDither, dither);
// First try getting this stretch value from IActiveDesktop if
// it's on.
if (IsActiveDesktopOn()) {
if (GetADWPOptions(&dw)) if (WPSTYLE_STRETCH == dw) stretch = 1;
// AD is off so get the Stretch value from the registry
else stretch= GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szPlusKey,
szImageStretch, stretch);
// If our wallpaper is an HTML page we need to force stretching
// on and tiling off
if (szWallpaper && ((lstrcmpi(FindExtension(szWallpaper),TEXT(".htm")) == 0) ||
(lstrcmpi(FindExtension(szWallpaper),TEXT(".html")) == 0)))
tile = 0;
stretch = 1;
// if the stretch wallpaper option is set (style & 2) then load the
// wallpaper the size of our preview window, else we need to load the
// wallpaper in the right proportion (passing a <0 size to
// LoadImageFromFile will cause it to stretch it)
if (!tile && stretch)
dx = fPreview ? dxPreview : GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
dy = fPreview ? dyPreview : GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
dx = fPreview ? -dxPreview : 0;
dy = fPreview ? -dyPreview : 0;
// Build a full path to the plus!.bmp file
ach[0] = 0;
dw = GetImageTitle(plus_bmp, ach, sizeof(ach));
// see if we can use Plus!.bmp
if (ach[0] && lstrcmpi(ach, szWallpaper) == 0 && (dx==0 || (int)dw==MAKELONG(dx,dy)))
szWallpaper = plus_bmp;
return CacheLoadImageFromFile(szWallpaper, dx, dy, bpp, dither);
// PaintPreview
// This is the routine that draws the entire preview area: the
// background image, three icons, and the sample window preview.
// The sample window is drawn with MS-supplied code.
void FAR PaintPreview(HWND hDlg, HDC hdc, PRECT prect)
// inits
hbmOld = SelectObject(g_hdcMem, g_hbmPreview);
if (g_hpalWall)
SelectPalette(hdc, g_hpalWall, FALSE);
// painting: assume clip rect set correctly already
BitBlt(hdc, rView.left,, dxPreview, dyPreview, g_hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// cleanup
if (g_hpalWall)
SelectPalette(hdc, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE), TRUE);
SelectObject(g_hdcMem, hbmOld);
** Build the preview bitmap.
Gets the settings from the current theme file and inits
a preview bitmap for later painting.
Start with the pattern or wallpaper or bkgd color.
Add the icons and then the sample windows.
Started with control panel code and did a lot of customization,
including more comments, especially where made additions.
Uses settings either from cur theme file, or if that is null
then from system settings (i.e. for Cur Win Settings).
Not as robust as I'd like, but seems to be acceptable for CPL.
Tried to speed some things up, since this gets called on each
combo box selection.
// virtual boolean: null theme name means Cur Win Settings, not from theme file
#define bThemed (*lpszThemeFile)
void FAR PASCAL BuildPreviewBitmap(LPTSTR lpszThemeFile)
UINT uret;
UINT style;
UINT tile;
HBITMAP hbmTemp;
COLORREF clrOldBk, clrOldText;
WORD patbits[CXYDESKPATTERN] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int i;
int dxWall; // size of wallpaper
int dyWall;
#ifdef BMPOUT
HDC hdcOut;
HDC hdcDeb;
HBITMAP hbmDebOld;
hdcOut = GetDC(NULL);
hdcDeb = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcOut);
Assert(FALSE, TEXT("Building Preview bitmap: "));
Assert(FALSE, szCurThemeName);
Assert(FALSE, TEXT("\n"));
hbmOld = SelectObject(g_hdcMem, g_hbmPreview);
** first, fill in the pattern all over the bitmap
// get rid of old brush if there was one
if (g_hbrBack)
g_hbrBack = NULL;
// get pattern from current theme file
if (bThemed && bCBStates[FC_WALL]) { // theme file and checkbox
uret = (UINT) GetPrivateProfileString((LPTSTR)szCP_DT, (LPTSTR)szPat,
Assert(uret, TEXT("problem getting stored pattern for preview bmp\n"));
// or, from the system
else { // cur system settings
// If ActiveDesktop is enabled we'll get the current settings
// from the IActiveDesktop interface otherwise we'll do it
// the "old" way by reading directly from the registry.
if (IsActiveDesktopOn()) {
if (!GetADWPPattern(pValue)) {
// Failed to get pattern so invalidate the pattern
// by making string look like (None).
pValue[0] = TEXT('(');
else {
// No AD so do it the old way.
GetRegString(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCP_DT, szPat,
szNULL, pValue, (MAX_VALUELEN * sizeof(TCHAR)));
// if you got a pattern, use it
if (*pValue && (pValue[0] != TEXT('('))) // INTERNATIONAL? null or (None) cases
// 5/95: "(None)" no longer written to registry by Win95
TranslatePattern(pValue, patbits);
hbmTemp = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, patbits);
if (hbmTemp)
#ifdef BMPOUT
g_hbrBack = CreatePatternBrush(hbmTemp);
else // no pattern, so make a background brush
if (bThemed && bCBStates[FC_COLORS]) // theme file and checkbox
g_hbrBack = CreateSolidBrush(GetThemeColor(lpszThemeFile, COLOR_BACKGROUND));
else // cur system settings
g_hbrBack = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND));
if (!g_hbrBack)
g_hbrBack = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
// now do the actual pattern painting
if (bThemed && bCBStates[FC_COLORS]) { // theme file and checkbox
clrOldText = SetTextColor(g_hdcMem, GetThemeColor(lpszThemeFile, COLOR_BACKGROUND));
clrOldBk = SetBkColor(g_hdcMem, GetThemeColor(lpszThemeFile, COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
else { // cur system settings
clrOldText = SetTextColor(g_hdcMem, GetSysColor(COLOR_BACKGROUND));
clrOldBk = SetBkColor(g_hdcMem, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
hbr = SelectObject(g_hdcMem, g_hbrBack);
PatBlt(g_hdcMem, 0, 0, dxPreview, dyPreview, PATCOPY);
SelectObject(g_hdcMem, hbr);
#ifdef BMPOUT
SetTextColor(g_hdcMem, clrOldText);
SetBkColor(g_hdcMem, clrOldBk);
** now, position the wallpaper appropriately
// get rid of old wallpaper if there is any
if (g_hbmWall)
SelectObject(g_hdcWall, g_hbmDefault);
g_hbmWall = NULL;
if (g_hpalWall)
if (g_hpalWall != hpal3D)
g_hpalWall = NULL;
// call this early so hpal3D get setup (we will need it
// to build the preview bitmap)
// get wallpaper bitmap from current theme file
if (bThemed && bCBStates[FC_WALL]) { // theme file and checkbox
uret = (UINT) GetPrivateProfileString((LPTSTR)szCP_DT, (LPTSTR)szWP,
// Assert(uret, TEXT("problem getting stored wallpaper file for preview bmp\n"));
InstantiatePath((LPTSTR)pValue, MAX_VALUELEN);
// search for file if necessary, see if found
if (ConfirmFile((LPTSTR)pValue, TRUE) == CF_NOTFOUND) {
GetRegString(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCP_DT, szWP, NULL, pValue, (MAX_VALUELEN * sizeof(TCHAR)));
// or, from the system
else { // cur system settings
// If ActiveDesktop is enabled we'll get the current settings
// from the IActiveDesktop interface otherwise we'll do it
// the "old" way by reading directly from the registry.
if (IsActiveDesktopOn()) {
if (!GetADWallpaper(pValue)) {
// Failed to get Wallpaper so invalidate the Wallpaper
pValue[0] = TEXT('\0');
else {
// No AD so do it the old way.
pValue, (MAX_VALUELEN * sizeof(TCHAR)));
// If ActiveDesktop is on get the Wallpaper options (Tile/Stretch/Center)
// from the AD interface. Otherwise read directly from the registry.
tile = 0;
style = 0;
if (IsActiveDesktopOn()) {
if (GetADWPOptions(&dwStyle)) {
if (WPSTYLE_TILE == dwStyle) tile = 1;
if (WPSTYLE_STRETCH == dwStyle) style = 2; // 2 means stretch
// Don't care about center apparently.
else {
// AD is not on so get this information from the registry.
tile = GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCP_DT, szTileWP, 0);
style = GetRegInt(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szCP_DT, szWPStyle, 0);
// check tile flag, get information from theme file
if (bThemed && bCBStates[FC_WALL]) { // theme file and checkbox
tile = GetPrivateProfileInt(szCP_DT, szTileWP, tile, lpszThemeFile);
style = GetPrivateProfileInt(szCP_DT, szWPStyle, style, lpszThemeFile);
if (*pValue && (pValue[0] != TEXT('(')))
// PLUS98 BUG 1093
// Don't call into the graphics filter if we're currently in the
// graphics filter. Doing so will fault.
if (!bInGrphFilter) {
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndApp, DDL_THEME), FALSE);
bInGrphFilter = TRUE;
g_hbmWall = LoadWallpaper(pValue, lpszThemeFile, TRUE);
bInGrphFilter = FALSE;
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hWndApp, DDL_THEME), TRUE);
SendMessage(hWndApp, DM_SETDEFID, IDOK, 0);
if (g_hbmWall) {
SelectObject(g_hdcWall, g_hbmWall); // bitmap stays in this DC
GetObject(g_hbmWall, sizeof(bm), &bm);
// get palette if appropriate
if (GetDeviceCaps(g_hdcMem, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) {
DWORD adw[256+20+1];
int n=0;
if (g_hbmWall) {
g_hpalWall = PaletteFromDS(g_hdcWall);
// use the Halftone palette if the bitmap does not have one.
if (g_hpalWall == NULL && bm.bmBitsPixel >= 8)
g_hpalWall = CreateHalftonePalette(g_hdcMem);
// now merge the 3D palette and the wallpaper palette.
// we want the 3D (ie button shadow colors) to be first
// and the wallpaper colors to be next.
Assert(g_hpalWall, TEXT("null palette for bmp\n"));
Assert(GetObject(hpal3D, sizeof(n), &n) && n==20, TEXT("hpal3D not valid or does not have 20 colors\n"));
GetObject(g_hpalWall, sizeof(n), &n);
GetPaletteEntries(hpal3D, 0, 20, (LPPALETTEENTRY)&adw[1]);
GetPaletteEntries(g_hpalWall, 0, n, (LPPALETTEENTRY)&adw[21]);
adw[0] = MAKELONG(0x0300, n+20);
DeleteObject(g_hpalWall); // we dont need this anymore
g_hpalWall = CreatePalette((LPLOGPALETTE)adw);
Assert(g_hpalWall, TEXT("CreatePalette failed\n"));
else {
g_hpalWall = hpal3D;
if (g_hpalWall)
//make sure to select into a windowDC first
//so a WM_PALETTECHANGE happens.
HDC hdc = GetDC(hWndApp);
SelectPalette(hdc, g_hpalWall, FALSE);
ReleaseDC(hWndApp, hdc);
SelectPalette(g_hdcMem, g_hpalWall, FALSE);
// do the painting
if (g_hbmWall)
GetObject(g_hbmWall, sizeof(bm), &bm);
// dxWall = MulDiv(bm.bmWidth, dxPreview, GetDeviceCaps(g_hdcMem, HORZRES));
// dyWall = MulDiv(bm.bmHeight, dyPreview, GetDeviceCaps(g_hdcMem, VERTRES));
dxWall = bm.bmWidth;
dyWall = bm.bmHeight;
if (dxWall < 1) dxWall = 1;
if (dyWall < 1) dyWall = 1;
IntersectClipRect(g_hdcMem, 0, 0, dxPreview, dyPreview);
SetStretchBltMode(g_hdcMem, COLORONCOLOR);
if (tile) // TRUE for tile flag set
StretchBlt(g_hdcMem, 0, 0, dxWall, dyWall,
g_hdcWall, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY);
for (i = dxWall; i < dxPreview; i+= dxWall)
BitBlt(g_hdcMem, i, 0, dxWall, dyWall, g_hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
for (i = 0; i < dyPreview; i += dyWall)
BitBlt(g_hdcMem, 0, i, dxPreview, dyWall, g_hdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
else if (style & 2)
StretchBlt(g_hdcMem, 0, 0, dxPreview, dyPreview,
g_hdcWall, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY);
StretchBlt(g_hdcMem, (dxPreview - dxWall)/2, (dyPreview - dyWall)/2,
dxWall, dyWall, g_hdcWall, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY);
#ifdef BMPOUT
// restore dc
SelectObject(g_hdcWall, g_hbmDefault);
SelectPalette(g_hdcMem, GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE), TRUE);
SelectClipRgn(g_hdcMem, NULL);
// Now you can add the windows and icons on top of the background
// icons first
IconsPreviewDraw(g_hdcMem, lpszThemeFile);
// sample windows
// FakewinSetTheme(lpszThemeFile);
// final cleanup
SelectObject(g_hdcMem, hbmOld);
// force repaint of preview area
InvalidateRect(hWndApp, (LPRECT)&rView, FALSE);
#ifdef BMPOUT
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcOut);
// GetThemeColor
// Utility routine that gets a color from the theme.
TCHAR szBkgdKey[] = TEXT("Background");
TCHAR szTextKey[] = TEXT("WindowText");
COLORREF GetThemeColor(LPTSTR lpszTheme, int iColorIndex)
UINT uret;
switch (iColorIndex) {
uret = (UINT) GetPrivateProfileString((LPTSTR)szColorApp, (LPTSTR)szBkgdKey,
Assert(uret, TEXT("problem getting stored theme bkgd color\n"));
uret = (UINT) GetPrivateProfileString((LPTSTR)szColorApp, (LPTSTR)szTextKey,
Assert(uret, TEXT("problem getting stored theme wintext color\n"));
Assert(0, TEXT("unexpected color request in GetThemeColor()\n"));
if (*pValue)
crRet = RGBStringToColor((LPTSTR)pValue);
crRet = RGB(0,0,0);
return (crRet);