Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

331 lines
11 KiB

<HTML id=dlgFind STYLE="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
width: 33.5em; height: 16.2em">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="MSThemeCompatible" CONTENT="Yes">
<TITLE id=dialogTitle>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" defer src="findinc.dlg">
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" defer>
//Find Text dialog box
#define IDH_FIND_WHOLE 50022 // was 0x3063
#define IDH_FIND_CASE 50023 // was 0x3064
#define IDH_FIND_UP 50025 // was 0x3065
#define IDH_FIND_DOWN 50024 // was 0x3066
#define IDH_FIND_NEXT 50026 // was 0x3067
#define IDH_FIND_WHAT 50027 // was 0x3068
#define IDH_FIND_DIACRITIC 50401
#define IDH_FIND_KASHIDA 50402
#define IDH_FIND_ALEF_HAMZA 50403
// Synopsis: Checks the status of the appropriate checkboxes and
// sets the flags for the findText method.
// Arguments: none
// returns: a number representing the flags for the findText
// method. (See OM spec for more info.)
function findFlags()
var htmlMatchWord = 2;
var htmlMatchCase = 4;
var htmlMatchDiacritic = 536870912; // 0x20000000 FR_MATCHDIAC
var htmlMatchKashida = 1073741824; // 0x40000000 FR_MATCHKASHIDA
var htmlMatchAlefHamza = 2147483648; // 0x80000000 FR_MATCHALEFHAMZA
return (htmlMatchWord * document.all.chkWholeWord.checked)
| (htmlMatchCase * document.all.chkMatchCase.checked)
| (htmlMatchDiacritic * document.all.chkMatchDiacritic.checked)
| (htmlMatchKashida * document.all.chkMatchKashida.checked)
| (htmlMatchAlefHamza * document.all.chkMatchAlefHamza.checked)
} // findFlags
// Synopsis: Sets the focus to the find button. Also determines
// whether something is selected in the document.
// Arguments: none
// Returns: nothing
function loadBdy()
// Bind events to controls. This is done here to load the dialog
// quicker.
btnFind.onclick = new
btnFind.ondblclick = new
btnCancel.onclick = new Function("btnCancelClick2()");
document.onhelp = new Function("callHelp(window.event.srcElement)");
document.onmouseup = new Function("mouseClick()");
txtFindText.onpropertychange = new Function("setFindState(true)");
txtFindText.onfocus = new Function("");
txtFindText.onkeypress = new Function("txtDefaultESC()");
g_fFindStartPoint = true;
// enable RTL search items if document supports RTL charset - default is disabled=1
var docCharset = window.dialogArguments.document.charset;
if(docCharset == "" || // plain text/unknown
docCharset == "utf-8" || // unicode
docCharset == "unicode-1-1-utf-8" ||
docCharset == "unicode-2-0-utf-8" ||
docCharset == "windows-1255" || // hebrew
docCharset == "dos-862" ||
docCharset == "iso-8859-8" ||
docCharset == "iso-8859-8-i" ||
docCharset == "windows-1256" || // arabic
docCharset == "asmo-708" ||
docCharset == "asmo-720" ||
docCharset == "dos-720" ||
docCharset == "iso-8859-6")
chkMatchDiacritic.disabled = 0;
if(docCharset == "windows-1255" || // hebrew does not have kashida or alef hamza
docCharset == "dos-862" ||
docCharset == "iso-8859-8" ||
docCharset == "iso-8859-8-i")
chkMatchKashida.checked = 1;
chkMatchKashida.disabled = 1;
chkMatchAlefHamza.checked = 1;
chkMatchAlefHamza.disabled = 1;
if ("" != window.dialogArguments.findText)
txtFindText.value = window.dialogArguments.findText;
} // loadBdy
function findStartPoint()
if (g_fFindStartPoint)
g_fFindStartPoint = false;
var win = window.dialogArguments.unsecuredWindowOfDocument;
var doc = window.dialogArguments.document;
// Are we in a frameset?
if (!g_fError && win.frames.length)
var win2;
g_fFrameset = true;
g_arrFrames[0] = 0;
g_arrFrames[1] = -1;
// Search through the frameset for a selection
win2 = CrawlPath();
// the find dialog gets it's own error handler
// until while we're not sure if the iframe
// is hosting trident. (It could host Word,
// explorer, etc.)
window.onerror = FindHandleError;
doc2 = win2.document;
window.onerror = HandleError;
while (doc2.selection.type == "None")
if (MoveDoc(true))
win2 = CrawlPath();
doc2 = win2.document;
else // no selection. reset search
g_arrFrames[0] = 0;
g_arrFrames[1] = -1;
doc = GetFirstDoc();
g_docLastFound = doc;
// if a control is selected, select it as a text range
if (doc.selection.type == "Control")
var r = doc.selection.createRange();
r = getTextRange(r(0));;
} // findStartPoint
<BODY ID=bdy onLoad="loadBdy()" style="color: windowtext;
font-family: 'MS Shell Dlg';
font-size: 8pt; background: threedface;" topmargin=0 scroll=no>
<BUTTON id=btnFind ACCESSKEY=f DISABLED=1 tabIndex=55 helpid=IDH_FIND_NEXT
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 24.78em; top: 1.0647em; width: 7em; height: 2.2em; " type=submit>
<U>F</U>ind Next
<DIV align=absMiddle id=divFindText
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 0.98em; top: 1.2168em; width: 4.8em; height: 1.2168em; ">
<LABEL FOR=txtFindText ID=lblFindText tabIndex=-1 helpid=IDH_FIND_WHAT
Fi<U>n</U>d what:
<INPUT type=text id=txtFindText ACCESSKEY=n tabIndex=15 helpid=IDH_FIND_WHAT
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 6.16em; top: 1.0647em; width: 17.36em; height: 2.1294em; ">
<BUTTON id=btnCancel tabIndex=60 helpid="0x6F1C" helpfile="windows.hlp"
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 24.78em; top: 3.6504em; width: 7em; height: 2.2em; " type=reset>
<INPUT id=chkWholeWord ACCESSKEY=w type=checkbox tabIndex=25
helpfile="iexplore.hlp" helpid=IDH_FIND_WHOLE
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 1em; top: 4.2em; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em; ">
<INPUT ACCESSKEY=c type=checkbox tabIndex=35 helpid=IDH_FIND_CASE
id=chkMatchCase style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
position: absolute; left: 1em; top: 6em; width: 1.2em;
height: 1.2em; ">
<INPUT id=chkMatchDiacritic ACCESSKEY=i type=checkbox tabIndex=36
helpfile="iexplore.hlp" helpid=IDH_FIND_DIACRITIC
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 1em; top: 7.9em; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em">
<INPUT id=chkMatchKashida ACCESSKEY=k type=checkbox tabIndex=37
helpfile="iexplore.hlp" helpid=IDH_FIND_KASHIDA
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 1em; top: 9.7em; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em">
<INPUT id=chkMatchAlefHamza ACCESSKEY=a type=checkbox tabIndex=38
helpfile="iexplore.hlp" helpid=IDH_FIND_ALEF_HAMZA
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 1em; top: 11.5em; width: 1.2em; height: 1.2em">
<DIV id=divWholeWord
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 2.6em; top: 4.2588em; width: 12.46em; height: 1.521em; ">
<LABEL FOR=chkWholeWord ID=lblWholeWord tabIndex=-1 helpid=IDH_FIND_WHOLE
Match <U>w</U>hole word only
<DIV id=divMatchCase style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
position: absolute; left: 2.6em; top: 6.084em; width: 7.42em;
height: 1.521em; ">
<LABEL FOR=chkMatchCase ID=lblMatchCase tabIndex=-1 helpid=IDH_FIND_CASE
Match <U>c</U>ase
<DIV id=divMatchDiacritic
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 2.6em; top: 7.9092em; width: 12.46em; height: 1.521em">
<LABEL FOR=chkMatchDiacritic ID=lblMatchDiacritic tabIndex=-1
Match d<U>i</U>acritic
<DIV id=divMatchKashida
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 2.6em; top: 9.7344em; width: 12.46em; height: 1.521em">
<LABEL FOR=chkMatchKashida ID=lblMatchKashida tabIndex=-1
Match <U>k</U>ashida
<DIV id=divMatchAlefHamza
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 2.6em; top: 11.5596em; width: 12.46em; height: 1.521em">
<LABEL FOR=chkMatchAlefHamza ID=lblMatchAlefHamza tabIndex=-1
Match <U>a</U>lef hamza
<FIELDSET id=fldDirection style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt;
position: absolute; left: 13.7em; top: 3.5em; width: 9.7em;
height: 6.3em;">
<LEGEND id=lgdDirection>
<INPUT id=radDirectionUp type=radio name=radDirection ACCESSKEY=u
tabIndex=42 helpid=IDH_FIND_UP helpfile="iexplore.hlp"
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 14.6em; top: 5.4em; width: 1.1em; height: 1.1em; ">
<DIV id=divDirectionUp style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg;
font-size: 8pt; position: absolute; left: 16.2em; top: 5.3235em;
width: 3.5em; height: 1.521em; ">
<LABEL ID=lblDirectionUp style="font-family: 'MS Shell Dlg'; font-size: 8pt"
helpfile="iexplore.hlp"> <U>U</U>p </LABEL>
<INPUT id=radDirectionDown type=radio CHECKED name=radDirection
ACCESSKEY=d tabIndex=47 helpid=IDH_FIND_DOWN helpfile="iexplore.hlp"
style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg; font-size: 8pt; position: absolute;
left: 14.6em; top: 7.4em; width: 1.1em; height: 1.1em; ">
<DIV id=divDirectionDown style="font-family: MS Shell Dlg;
font-size: 8pt; position: absolute; left: 16.2em; top: 7.3em;
width: 4.9em; height: 1.521em; ">
<LABEL ID=lblDirectionDown style="font-family: 'MS Shell Dlg'; font-size: 8pt"
FOR=radDirectionDown helpid=IDH_FIND_DOWN helpfile="iexplore.hlp">
<U>D</U>own </LABEL>