Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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501 lines
14 KiB

# Script:
# (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Purpose: This script copy the files between Source Tree and
# Loc Tree listed in $ENV{RazzleToolPath}\intlsrc.txt.
# Version: <1.00> 06/30/2000 : Suemiao Rossognol
###-----Set current script Name/Version.----------------//
package copylang;
$VERSION = '1.00';
$ENV{script_name} = '';
###-----Require section and extern modual.---------------//
require 5.003;
use strict;
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" };
use lib $ENV{ "RazzleToolPath" } . "\\PostBuildScripts";
no strict 'vars';
no strict 'subs';
no strict 'refs';
use GetParams;
use Logmsg;
use cklang;
use cktarg;
use HashText;
use comlib;
&HashText::Read_Text_Hash( 0, $ENV{RazzleToolPath}."\\Codes.txt", \%hashCodes );
# Delete everything that's not international
delete $hashCodes{RO};
delete $hashCodes{CA};
delete $hashCodes{CHP};
delete $hashCodes{PSU};
delete $hashCodes{MIR};
delete $hashCodes{TST};
my ( $infsSrcTree, $unfsLocTree, $isNtsetup );
#Function: main
#Parameter: (1) Language
# (2) Root of the Source Tree
# (3) Root of the Localized Tree
# (4) Incremental Flag
# (5) Powerless Flag
sub main
my ( $pLang, $pSrcRoot, $pLocRoot, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless ) = @_;
if( $pLang eq "USA" )
$theFromTree = "SourceTree";
$theFromRoot = $pSrcRoot;
$theFromFile = "SourceFilename";
$theToTree = "LocTree";
$theToRoot = $pLocRoot;
$theToFile = "LocTreeFilename";
$theFromTree = "LocTree";
$theFromRoot = $pLocRoot;
$theFromFile = "LocTreeFilename";
$theToTree = "SourceTree";
$theToRoot = $pSrcRoot;
$theToFile = "SourceFilename";
###---Set xcopy flag.--------------------------------//
my $copyOpt = "/V /F /R /Y";
if( $pIsPowerless )
$copyOpt .= " /L /D";
if( $pIsIncr ){ $copyOpt .= " /D"; }
###---Get Hash value from intlsrc.txt file.----------//
my @srcHash=();
&HashText::Read_Text_Hash( 1, "$ENV{\"RazzleToolPath\"}\\intlsrc.txt", \@srcHash );
@theHashKey = ("Target", "SourceFilename", "SourceTree", "LocTree","LocTreeFilename","Comments");
for $line( @srcHash)
for $curKey ( @theHashKey )
if( $line->{ $curKey } =~ /^(.*)(\$\(LANG\))(.*)$/ )
$line->{ $curKey } = $1 . lc($pLang) .$3;
if( $line->{ $curKey } =~ /^(.*)([c|h])(\$\(PRIMARY_LANG_ID\))(.*)$/ )
if( $pLang eq "CHT" || $pLang eq "CHS" )
$LCID = substr( $hashCodes{uc($pLang)}->{LCID}, 2, length($hashCodes{uc($pLang)}->{LCID})-2);
$line->{ $curKey } = "prf" . $2 . $LCID .$4;
$priLangID = "0". substr( $hashCodes{uc($pLang)}->{PriLangID}, 2, length($hashCodes{uc($pLang)}->{PriLangID})-2);
$line->{ $curKey } = $1 . $2. $priLangID .$4;
$to = $theToRoot."\\". $line->{ $theToTree };
if( !exists $tmp{$to} ){ $tmp{$to}=(); }
if( $pLang eq "USA" )
for( keys %tmp )
&CkCleanDir( $_, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless );
###---Perform Copy now.------------------------------//
for $line ( @srcHash )
if( $pLang ne "USA" )
next if( !&cktarg::CkTarg( $line->{'Target'}, uc($pLang) ) );
next if(&IsTargInfsNtsetup( $line, $pLang,$pSrcRoot, $pLocRoot, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless, $copyOpt));
$from = $theFromRoot ."\\". $line->{ $theFromTree }."\\".$line->{ $theFromFile};
if( $pLang ne "USA" )
if( $line->{ $theFromFile } eq ".")
$from = $theFromRoot ."\\". $line->{ $theFromTree }."\\".$line->{ $theToFile };
$to = $theToRoot."\\". $line->{ $theToTree }. "\\".$line->{ $theToFile };
&PerformCopy( $line->{Target}, $from, $to, $copyOpt);
exit( !&comlib::CheckError( $ENV{ERRFILE}, "Copy Successfully" ) );
#Function: IsTargInfsNtsetup
#Parameter: (1) Line from intlsrc.txt
# (2) Language
# (3) Root of the Source Tree
# (4) Root of the Localized Tree
# (5) Incremental Flag
# (6) Powerless Flag
# (7) xcopy optional flags
sub IsTargInfsNtsetup
my( $pLine, $pLang, $pSrcRoot, $pLocRoot, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless,$pCopyOpt )= @_;
my( $from, $to );
return 0 if( $pLine->{Target} ne "INFS_NTSETUP" && $pLine->{Target} ne "INFS_COMPDATA");
if( $pLine->{Target} eq "INFS_NTSETUP" )
$infsSrcTree = "$pSrcRoot\\MergedComponents\\SetupInfs";
$infsLocTree = "$pLocRoot\\infs\\setup";
$infsSrcTree = "$pSrcRoot\\MergedComponents\\SetupInfs\\compdata";
$infsLocTree = "$pLocRoot\\infs\\setup\\compdata";
if( $pLang eq "USA")
###(1)Copy $infsSrcTree\\*.inx => infs\setup
$from = "$infsSrcTree\\*\.inx";
$to = "$infsLocTree\\.";
&CkCleanDir( $to, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless );
&PerformCopy( $line->{Target}, $from, $to, $pCopyOpt);
###(2)Copy $infsSrcTree\\usa\* => $infsLocTree\usa_all
$from = "$infsSrcTree\\usa\\*";
$to = "$infsLocTree\\usa_all";
&CkCleanDir( $to, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless );
&PerformCopy( $line->{Target}, $from, "$to\\.", $pCopyOpt);
###(3)If -l:usa, precompile MergedComponents\SetupInfs\usa => to infs\setup\$lang
### for all $lang's in codes.txt.
### This step is necessary to make LocStudio load the unlocalized text files,
### as LS does not understand if statements.
###(1)Otherwise, copy loc\res\$lang\windows\sources\infs\setup => MergedComponents\SetupInfs\$lang
### for the localizable txt files, and
### copy MergedComponents\SetupInfs\usa => MergedComponents\SetupInfs\$lang
### for the unlocalizable txt files.
### In the end, MergedComponents\SetupInfs\$lang will have the same list of files as
### MergedComponents\SetupInfs\usa.
&ClSrc( $pLang, $pSrcRoot, $pLocRoot, $pIsIncr,$pIsPowerless, $pCopyOpt );
return 1;
#Function: ClSrc
#Parameter: (1) Language
# (2) Root of the Source Tree
# (3) Root of the Localized Tree
# (4) Incremental Flag
# (5) Powerless Flag
# (6) xcopy optional flags
sub ClSrc
my( $pLang, $pSrcRoot, $pLocRoot,$pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless, $pCopyOpt )=@_;
###---Get LCID from codes.txt.---------------------------------//
my $srcDir = "$infsSrcTree\\usa";
my @srcFiles = `dir /on /b $srcDir`;
chomp @srcFiles;
if( $pLang eq "USA")
my @myLang = sort keys %hashCodes;
for( my $i=0; $i < @myLang; $i++)
$destDir = "$infsLocTree\\$myLang[$i]";
&CkCleanDir( $destDir, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless );
&PerformCompile( $myLang[$i], \@srcFiles, $srcDir, $destDir, $pIsPowerless, $pCopyOpt);
return 1;
###(1)Copy $infsLocTree\* $infsSrcTree\<LANG>
$destDir = "$infsSrcTree\\$pLang";
&CkCleanDir( $destDir, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless );
$locDir = $infsLocTree;
@locFiles = `dir /on /b $locDir`;
chomp @locFiles;
for( my $i=0; $i < @locFiles; $i++)
&PerformCopy( "INFS_NTSETUP", "$locDir\\$locFiles[$i]", "$destDir\\.", $pCopyOpt);
###Sepcial case for chh
if( lc($pLang) eq "cht" && $isNtsetup )
$destDir =~ /(.*)cht$/ || $destDir =~ /(.*)CHT$/;
$tmpDestDir = "$1chh";
&PerformCopy( "INFS_NTSETUP", "$locDir\\chh\\hivesft\.txt", "$tmpDestDir\\.", $pCopyOpt) ;
###(2)Precompile the files in srcDir but not in locDir=>destDir
for ( @locFiles ){ $tmp{lc($_)}=1;}
@srcFiles = map( { exists $tmp{lc($_)}?():lc($_)} @srcFiles);
&PerformCompile( $pLang, \@srcFiles, $srcDir, $destDir, $pIsPowerless, $pCopyOpt);
return 1;
#Function: PerformCompile
#Parameter: (1) Language
# (2) Source File name
# (3) Source File Path
# (4) Target File Path
# (5) Powerless Flag
# (6) xcopy optional flags
sub PerformCompile
my( $pLang, $pSrcFiles, $pSrcDir, $pDestDir, $pIsPowerless, $pCopyOpt)=@_;
my $PREFLAGS ="";
for ( my $i=0; $i < @$pSrcFiles; $i++)
if( lc($pSrcFiles->[$i]) eq "intl\.txt" )
&PerformCopy( "INFS_NTSETUP", "$pSrcDir\\$pSrcFiles->[$i]", "$pDestDir\\.", $pCopyOpt);
###Special CHH case for hivesft.txt
if( lc($pSrcFiles->[$i]) eq "hivesft\.txt" && lc($pLang) eq "chh" )
$PREFLAGS = "/DLANGUAGE_ID=$hashCodes{uc($pLang)}->{LCID} /EP";
$cmdLine="cl /nologo $PREFLAGS $pSrcDir\\$pSrcFiles->[$i] 1\>$pDestDir\\$pSrcFiles->[$i]";
if ( !$pIsPowerless )
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( $cmdLine );
print "$cmdLine\n";
#Function: CkCleanDir
#Parameter: (1) Directory to be checked and cleaned
# (2) Incremental flag
# (3) Powerless flag
sub CkCleanDir
my ( $pDir, $pIsIncr, $pIsPowerless )=@_;
if( !$pIsIncr && !$pIsPowerless )
if( -e $pDir ){
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "rd /S /Q $pDir" );
if( !(-e $pDir) ){
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "md $pDir");
#Function: PerformCopy
#Parameter: (1) Any String - information purpose, it could be NULL.
# (2) Source of the xcopy
# (3) Target of the xcopy
# (4) xcopy optional flags
sub PerformCopy
my( $pTarg, $pFrom, $pTo, $pCopyOpt )=@_;
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "echo F|xcopy $pCopyOpt $pFrom $pTo", "$pTarg:");
#Function: Usage
sub Usage
print <<USAGE;
Perform files copy between the source and localization trees as
described in tools\\intlsrc.txt.
$0 -l:<lang> [-x:<SourcePath>] [-y:<LocPath>] [-i] [-p]
-l Language.
-x Root path of the SourceTree.
Defaults to $ENV{_NTBINDIR}.
-y Root path of the LocTree.
Defaults to $ENV{_NTBINDIR}\\usasrc when language is usa.
Defaults to $ENV{_NTBINDIR}\\loc\\res\\<lang>\\windows\\sources otherwise.
-i Incremental. This flag is used for incremental copy.
-p Powerless. Only lists the files that would get copied,
in case the script is run without the powerless flag.
/? Displays usage.
$0 -l:usa -x:\\\\ntbld03\\sources -y:\\\\intlnt\\2500.x86.src
Copies sources from the usa build machines for localization.
$0 -l:usa -y:\\\\intlnt\\2500.x86.src
Copies sources from local machines for localization.
$0 -l:jpn -i -p
Queries which localized sources would get copied from the
localization tree to the source tree for jpn.
#Cmd entry point for script.
if (eval("\$0 =~ /" . __PACKAGE__ . "\\.pl\$/i"))
# <run perl.exe /? to get the complete usage for>
&GetParams ('-n', 'l:','-o', 'x:y:ip', '-p', 'lang srcroot locroot isincr ispowerless', @ARGV);
#Validate or Set default
$lang = uc($lang);
if( !&ValidateParams( $lang, \$srcroot, \$locroot ) ) {exit(1); }
exit( !&copylang::main( $lang, $srcroot,$locroot, $isincr, $ispowerless ) );
#Function: ValidateParams
sub ValidateParams
my ( $pLang, $pSrcRoot, $pLocRoot ) = @_;
if ( !&cklang::CkLang( uc($pLang) ) ) {
$ENV{LOGFILE} = "copylang.log";
$ENV{ERRFILE} = "copylang.err";
errmsg("Invalid language $pLang.");
return 0;
#Create log/err file
if( !( -e "$ENV{_NTTREE}\\$lang\\build_logs") )
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "md \"$ENV{_NTTREE}\\$lang\\build_logs\"");
$ENV{LOGFILE} = "$ENV{_NTTREE}\\$lang\\build_logs\\copylang.log";
$ENV{ERRFILE} = "$ENV{_NTTREE}\\$lang\\build_logs\\copylang.err";
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del $ENV{LOGFILE}" ) if( -e $ENV{LOGFILE} );
&comlib::ExecuteSystem( "del $ENV{ERRFILE}" ) if( -e $ENV{ERRFILE} );
if( !${$pSrcRoot} )
$$pSrcRoot = "$ENV{_NTBINDIR}";
if( !${$pLocRoot} )
if( $pLang eq "USA" )
$$pLocRoot = "$ENV{_NTBINDIR}\\usasrc";
$$pLocRoot = "$ENV{_NTBINDIR}\\loc\\res\\$pLang\\windows\\sources";
return 1;
#Function: GetParams
sub GetParams
use GetParams;
#Call pm getparams with specified arguments
#Call the usage if specified by /?
if ($HELP){ &Usage();}
=head1 NAME
B<Copylang> - Perform Files copy
=head2 <myinstances>
<Description of myinstances>
=head1 METHODS
=head2 <mymathods>
<Description of mymathods>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
<Suemiao Rossignol <[email protected]>>