Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

77 lines
2.4 KiB

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto help
::-- find the correct directory
set tmp_source=%1
if exist %tmp_source%\certcarc.asp goto copynow
set tmp_source=%1\dump
::-- copy the files
echo Copying files from %tmp_source% to %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certcarc.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certcarc.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certcert.gif
copy %tmp_source%\certcert.gif %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certckpn.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certckpn.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certdflt.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certdflt.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certfnsh.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certfnsh.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrqad.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrqad.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrqbi.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrqbi.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrqma.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrqma.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
copy %tmp_source%\ %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrqus.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrqus.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrqxt.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrqxt.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrser.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrser.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrsis.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrsis.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrsob.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrsob.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrspn.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrspn.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
copy %tmp_source%\ %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
copy %tmp_source%\ %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certrsdn.asp
copy %tmp_source%\certrsdn.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certwiz.gif
copy %tmp_source%\certwiz.gif %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
echo certwizs.gif
copy %tmp_source%\certwizs.gif %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv
::-- change the default page
if exist %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv\default.htm goto dodel
goto skipdel
echo Deleting old default.htm
del /q %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv\default.htm
echo Creating new default.asp
copy %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv\certdflt.asp %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv\default.asp
echo Done.
goto end
::------- help ------
echo Usage: cpnewweb.bat {NT release directory}
echo * Copies the web pages from {NT rel dir} (or {NT rel dir}\dump) to
echo %SystemRoot%\system32\CertSrv.
echo * Deletes default.htm
echo * Copies certdflt.asp to default.asp