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; search.asm
; 08/16/96 jforbes ASM implementation of binary_search_findmatch()
; There is a fair amount of optimisation towards instruction-scheduling.
; About 58% of the time is spent in the binary_search_findmatch()
; routine. Around 31% is spent in the optimal parser.
.model FLAT
PUBLIC _binary_search_findmatch
INCLUDE offsets.i
$match_length EQU 0
$small_len EQU 4
$small_ptr EQU 8
$big_ptr EQU 12
$end_pos EQU 16
$clen EQU 20
$left EQU 24
$right EQU 28
$mem_window EQU 32
$matchpos_table EQU 36
$context EQU 40
$best_repeat EQU 44
; binary_search_findmatch(t_encoder_context *context, long BufPos)
_binary_search_findmatch PROC NEAR
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
push ebp
mov ebp, [esp + 28] ; context
mov esi, [esp + 32] ; bufpos
; tree_to_use = *((ushort *) &enc_MemWindow[BufPos])
mov edi, [ebp + OFF_MEM_WINDOW] ; edi = _enc_MemWindow
xor eax, eax
mov ax, WORD PTR [edi + esi] ; eax = tree_to_use
sub esp, LOCAL_STACK ; allocate space for stack vars
mov [esp + $mem_window], edi
mov [esp + $context], ebp
lea ecx, [ebp + OFF_MATCHPOS_TABLE]
mov [esp + $matchpos_table], ecx
mov ecx, [ebp + OFF_TREE_ROOT]
mov ebx, [ecx + eax*4] ; ebx = tree_root[tree_to_use]
mov [ecx + eax*4], esi ; tree_root[tree_to_use] = bufpos
lea edx, [esi + 4] ; edx = BufPos+4
sub edx, [ebp + OFF_WINDOW_SIZE] ; endpos = BufPos-(ws-4)
mov [esp + $end_pos], edx
; if (ptr <= endpos)
; have a short "stub" jump so that the jump is paired
cmp ebx, edx
jle SHORT close_ptr_le_endpos
; for main loop:
; eax = scratch
; ebx = ptr
; ecx = same
; edx = scratch
; esi = BufPos
; edi = scratch
; ebp = big_len
; The following instructions have been carefully
; interleaved for simultaneous execution on a Pentium's
; U and V pipelines.
mov edi, 2 ; commonly used constant here
mov edx, [ebp + OFF_LEFT]
mov [esp + $left], edx
mov [esp + $clen], edi ; clen = 2
lea edx, [edx + esi*4] ; edx = &Left[BufPos]
lea eax, [esi + edi] ; eax = BufPos+2
mov [esp + $small_ptr], edx ; smallptr=&Left[BufPos]
mov [esp + $match_length], edi ; match_length = 2
mov edx, [ebp + OFF_RIGHT]
mov [esp + $right], edx
sub eax, ebx ; eax = BufPos-ptr+2
lea edx, [edx + esi*4] ; edx = &Right[BufPos]
mov [esp + $small_len], edi ; small_len = 2
mov [esp + $big_ptr], edx ; bigptr=&Right[BufPos]
mov ecx, edi ; same = 2 (first iter)
; enc_matchpos_table[2] = BufPos - ptr + 2
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window]
mov [ebp + OFF_MATCHPOS_TABLE + 8], eax
add edi, ecx ; u edi = &enc_MemWindow[clen]
mov ebp, 2 ; v big_len = 2
mov eax, [edi + esi] ; u *(DWORD*) enc_MemWindow[b] (bufpos+clen)
jmp SHORT main_loop ; v
jmp ptr_le_endpos
; same <= big_len
; this code is actually replicated much later in this file,
; but it's too far away for a SHORT jump, which will cause
; pipeline stalls.
mov edx, [esp + $left] ; u
mov eax, [esp + $big_ptr] ; v
lea edi, [edx + ebx*4] ; u edi=&Left[ptr]
mov [eax], ebx ; v *big_ptr=ptr
mov [esp + $big_ptr], edi ; u big_ptr=&left[ptr]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp + $clen] ; v clen (next iter.)
mov ebx, [edi] ; u ptr = *big_ptr
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window] ; v (next iter.)
; bottom of main loop
add edi, ecx ; u edi = &enc_MemWindow[clen]
cmp ebx, [esp + $end_pos] ; v
; for next iteration
mov eax, [edi + esi] ; u *(DWORD*) enc_MemWindow[b] (bufpos+clen)
ja SHORT main_loop ; v
; fall through
jmp exit_main_loop
; same <= small_len
; ditto - see above
mov edx, [esp + $right]
mov eax, [esp + $small_ptr]
lea edi, [edx + ebx*4] ; u edi = &Right[ptr]
mov [eax], ebx ; v *small_ptr = ptr
mov [esp + $small_ptr], edi ; u small_ptr = &right[ptr]
mov ecx, [esp + $clen] ; v for next iteration
mov ebx, [edi] ; u ptr = *small_ptr
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window] ; v (next iter.)
; bottom of main loop
add edi, ecx ; u (next iter.)
cmp ebx, [esp + $end_pos] ; v
mov eax, [edi + esi] ; u (next iter.)
jna SHORT close_exit_main_loop ; v
; fall through to main loop
; at the bottom of the main loop, we goto here
; If the first characters don't match, then we know for
; certain that we have not exceeded small_len or big_len,
; and therefore clen won't change either. We can therefore
; skip some of the checks.
; This is the most common case.
; These jumps must be SHORT to be paired.
cmp [edi + ebx], al ; u
ja SHORT close_same_le_smalllen ; v
jb SHORT close_same_le_biglen ; u
shr eax, 8 ; u
inc ecx ; same++ ; v
; second and further iterations
; we only check same (ecx) against MAX_MATCH
; every 4 characters
; operations paired for U and V pipeline
; simultaneous execution
; notes:
; SHR must be on the U pipeline
; 1
cmp [edi + ebx + 1], al ; u
jne SHORT not_eq ; v
shr eax, 8 ; u
inc ecx ; v
; 2
cmp [edi + ebx + 2], al
jne SHORT not_eq
shr eax, 8
inc ecx
; 3
cmp [edi + ebx + 3], al
jne SHORT not_eq
mov eax, [edi + esi + 4] ; u
inc ecx ; v
mov dl, [edi + ebx + 4] ; u
add edi, 4 ; v
; 4
cmp dl, al
jne SHORT not_eq
shr eax, 8
inc ecx
cmp ecx, MAX_MATCH
jl SHORT unrolled_loop
; clen >= MAX_MATCH
; ecx could be larger than MAX_MATCH right now,
; so correct it
mov edx, [esp + $match_length]
mov ecx, MAX_MATCH
jmp SHORT long_match
; can trash clen (ecx)
; ecx = left
mov ecx, [esp + $left]
; eax = small_ptr
mov eax, [esp + $small_ptr]
; ecx = Left[ptr]
mov ecx, [ecx + ebx*4]
; edx = Right
mov edx, [esp + $right]
; *small_ptr = left[ptr]
mov [eax], ecx
; *big_ptr = right[ptr]
mov edx, [edx + ebx*4]
; *big_ptr = right[ptr]
mov eax, [esp + $big_ptr]
mov [eax], edx
; goto end_bsearch
jmp end_bsearch
; warning, "same" (ecx) could be larger than
; MAX_MATCH, so we will have to correct it
ja val_greater_than_0
; -----------------------------------------
; VAL < 0
; -----------------------------------------
; if (same > big_len)
cmp ecx, ebp
jle SHORT same_le_biglen
; if (same > match_length)
cmp ecx, [esp + $match_length]
jle SHORT same1_le_ml
; here's where we truncate ecx to MAX_MATCH if it
; was too large
cmp ecx, MAX_MATCH
jg SHORT trunc_same1
mov edi, [esp + $matchpos_table]
lea eax, [esi + 2]
; eax = BufPos-ptr+2
mov edx, [esp + $match_length]
sub eax, ebx
; do
; {
; enc_matchpos_table[++match_length] = BufPos-ptr+2
; } while (match_length < same);
; store match_length
mov [esp + $match_length], ecx
; match_length++
inc edx
; enc_matchpos_table[match_length] = BufPos-ptr+2
mov [edi + edx*4], eax
; while (match_length < same)
cmp edx, ecx
jl SHORT loop1
; if (same >= BREAK_LENGTH)
jge SHORT same1_ge_break_length
; same <= match_length
; clen = min(small_len, big_len=same)
cmp [esp + $small_len], ecx
; big_len = same
mov ebp, ecx
; small_len >= same?
jge SHORT over1
; no, small_len < same
; therefore clen := small_len
; (otherwise clen stays at big_len which ==same)
mov ecx, [esp + $small_len]
mov [esp + $clen], ecx
; same <= big_len
mov edx, [esp + $left] ; u
mov eax, [esp + $big_ptr] ; v
lea edi, [edx + ebx*4] ; u edi=&Left[ptr]
mov [eax], ebx ; v *big_ptr=ptr
mov [esp + $big_ptr], edi ; u big_ptr=&left[ptr]
mov ecx, DWORD PTR [esp + $clen] ; v clen (next iter.)
mov ebx, [edi] ; u ptr = *big_ptr
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window] ; v (next iter.)
; bottom of main loop
add edi, ecx ; u edi = &enc_MemWindow[clen]
cmp ebx, [esp + $end_pos] ; v
; for next iteration
mov eax, [edi + esi] ; u *(DWORD*) enc_MemWindow[b] (bufpos+clen)
ja main_loop ; v
jmp exit_main_loop
mov ecx, MAX_MATCH
jmp SHORT back_from_trunc1
mov ecx, MAX_MATCH
jmp SHORT back_from_trunc2
; -----------------------------------------
; VAL > 0
; -----------------------------------------
; if (same > small_len)
cmp ecx, [esp + $small_len]
jle SHORT same_le_smalllen
; if (same > match_length)
cmp ecx, [esp + $match_length]
jle SHORT same2_le_ml
; here's where we truncate ecx to MAX_MATCH if it
; was too large
cmp ecx, MAX_MATCH
jg SHORT trunc_same2
; can trash clen
; ecx = BufPos-ptr+2
mov edi, [esp + $matchpos_table]
lea eax, [esi + 2]
mov edx, [esp + $match_length]
sub eax, ebx
mov [esp + $match_length], ecx
; do
; {
; enc_matchpos_table[++match_length] = BufPos-ptr+2
; } while (match_length < same);
inc edx ; match_length++
; enc_matchpos_table[match_length] = BufPos-ptr+2
mov [edi + edx*4], eax
cmp edx, ecx
jl SHORT loop2
; if (same >= BREAK_LENGTH)
jge same2_ge_break_length
mov edx, [esp + $small_len]
; clen = min(small_len=ecx, big_len)
cmp ebp, ecx
; small_len = same
mov [esp + $small_len], ecx
jge SHORT over2
; same = big_len
mov ecx, ebp
mov [esp + $clen], ecx
mov edx, [esp + $right]
mov eax, [esp + $small_ptr]
lea edi, [edx + ebx*4] ; u edi = &Right[ptr]
mov [eax], ebx ; v *small_ptr = ptr
mov [esp + $small_ptr], edi ; u small_ptr = &right[ptr]
mov ecx, [esp + $clen] ; v for next iteration
mov ebx, [edi] ; u ptr = *small_ptr
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window] ; v (next iter.)
; bottom of main loop
add edi, ecx ; u (next iter.)
cmp ebx, [esp + $end_pos] ; v
mov eax, [edi + esi] ; u (next iter.)
ja main_loop
mov eax, [esp + $small_ptr]
mov edx, [esp + $big_ptr]
; *small_ptr = 0
mov DWORD PTR [eax], 0
; *big_ptr = 0
mov DWORD PTR [edx], 0
; now check for repeated offsets
mov eax, [esp + $match_length]
; for (i = 0; i < match_length; i++)
; compare bufpos+i vs. bufpos+i-enc_last_matchpos_offset[0]
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window]
; ebx = bufpos
mov ebx, esi
; repeated offset zero
; ebx = bufpos - repeated_offset[0]
mov ecx, [esp + $context]
; i = 0
xor ecx, ecx
mov dl, [edi + esi]
cmp dl, [edi + ebx]
jne SHORT rp1_mismatch
; i++
inc ecx
; inc window pointer
inc edi
; i < match_length?
cmp ecx, eax
jl SHORT rp1_loop
; i == match_length
; therefore force ourselves to take rp1
; (this code is not in the C source, since it is
; messy to do)
mov ebx, [esp + $matchpos_table]
mov DWORD PTR [ebx + ecx*4], 0
dec ecx
cmp ecx, MIN_MATCH
jge SHORT force_rp1_copy
jmp boundary_check
; i < match_length
; best_repeated_offset = i
mov [esp + $best_repeat], ecx
; if (i >= MIN_MATCH)
cmp ecx, MIN_MATCH
jl SHORT try_rp2
; for (; i >= MIN_MATCH; i--)
; enc_matchpos_table[i] = 0
mov ebx, [esp + $matchpos_table]
mov DWORD PTR [ebx + ecx*4], 0
dec ecx
cmp ecx, MIN_MATCH
jge SHORT rp1_copy
; quick check
cmp DWORD PTR [esp + $best_repeat], BREAK_LENGTH
jg boundary_check
; for (i = 0; i < match_length; i++)
; compare bufpos+i vs. bufpos+i-enc_last_matchpos_offset[1]
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window]
; ebx = bufpos
mov ebx, esi
; repeated offset zero
; ebx = bufpos - repeated_offset[1]
mov ecx, [esp + $context]
sub ebx, [ecx + OFF_LAST_MATCHPOS_OFFSET + 4]
; i = 0
xor ecx, ecx
mov dl, [edi + esi]
cmp dl, [edi + ebx]
jne SHORT rp2_mismatch
; i++
inc ecx
; inc window pointer
inc edi
; i < match_length?
cmp ecx, eax
jl SHORT rp2_loop
; i == match_length
; therefore force ourselves to take rp2
; (this code is not in the C source, since it is
; messy to do)
mov ebx, [esp + $matchpos_table]
mov DWORD PTR [ebx + ecx*4], 1
dec ecx
cmp ecx, MIN_MATCH
jge SHORT force_rp2_copy
jmp SHORT boundary_check
; if (i > best_repeated_offset)
cmp ecx, [esp + $best_repeat]
jle SHORT try_rp3
; do
; enc_matchpos_table[++best_repeated_offset] = 1
; while (best_repeated_offset < i)
mov edi, [esp + $best_repeat]
mov ebx, [esp + $matchpos_table]
inc edi ; ++best_repeated_offset
mov DWORD PTR [ebx + edi*4], 1
cmp edi, ecx ; best_repeated_offset < i ?
jl SHORT rp2_copy
; best_repeat = i
mov [esp + $best_repeat], ecx
; for (i = 0; i < match_length; i++)
; compare bufpos+i vs. bufpos+i-enc_last_matchpos_offset[2]
mov edi, [esp + $mem_window]
; ebx = bufpos
mov ebx, esi
; repeated offset zero
; ebx = bufpos - repeated_offset[2]
mov ecx, [esp + $context]
sub ebx, [ecx + OFF_LAST_MATCHPOS_OFFSET + 8]
; i = 0
xor ecx, ecx
mov dl, [edi + esi]
cmp dl, [edi + ebx]
jne SHORT rp3_mismatch
; i++
inc ecx
; inc window pointer
inc edi
; i < match_length?
cmp ecx, eax
jl SHORT rp3_loop
; i == match_length
; therefore force ourselves to take rp3
; (this code is not in the C source, since it is
; messy to do)
mov ebx, [esp + $matchpos_table]
mov DWORD PTR [ebx + ecx*4], 2
dec ecx
cmp ecx, MIN_MATCH
jge SHORT force_rp3_copy
jmp SHORT boundary_check
; if (i > best_repeated_offset)
cmp ecx, [esp + $best_repeat]
jle SHORT boundary_check
; do
; enc_matchpos_table[++best_repeated_offset] = 2
; while (best_repeated_offset < i)
mov edi, [esp + $best_repeat]
mov ebx, [esp + $matchpos_table]
inc edi ; ++best_repeated_offset
mov DWORD PTR [ebx + edi*4], 2
cmp edi, ecx ; best_repeated_offset < i ?
jl SHORT rp3_copy
; Check that our match length does not cause us
; to cross a 32K boundary, and truncate if necessary.
; bytes_to_boundary = 32767 - (BufPos & 32767)
mov edx, 32767
and esi, 32767
mov eax, [esp + $match_length]
sub edx, esi ; edx = 32767 - (BufPos & 32767)
; if (matchlength <= bytes_to_boundary)
; then we're ok
cmp eax, edx
jle SHORT does_not_cross
; otherwise we have to truncate the match
mov eax, edx
; if we truncate the match, does it become
; smaller than MIN_MATCH?
cmp edx, MIN_MATCH
jge SHORT ge_min_match
; yes, so we return that no matches at all
; were found
xor eax, eax
; return our match length in eax
add esp, LOCAL_STACK
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
ret 0
; ptr <= endpos
; left[BufPos] = right[BufPos] = 0
xor eax, eax ; return match length zero
mov ecx, [ebp + OFF_LEFT]
mov edx, [ebp + OFF_RIGHT]
mov [ecx + esi*4], eax
mov [edx + esi*4], eax
; cleanup
add esp, LOCAL_STACK
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
ret 0
_binary_search_findmatch ENDP