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// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// CV3.h : Declaration of the CCV3
#ifndef __CV3_H_
#define __CV3_H_
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include <wuv3ctl.h>
#include <cstate.h>
#ifndef RETVAL
#define RETVAL
public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
public CComCoClass<CCV3, &CLSID_CV3>,
public IDispatchImpl<ICV3, &IID_ICV3, &LIBID_WUV3ISLib>,
public IObjectSafety,
public IObjectWithSiteImpl<CCV3>,
public IWUpdateCatalog,
public IAutoUpdate
: m_dwSafety(0),
void FinalRelease();
HRESULT FinalConstruct();
static TCHAR s_szControlVer[20];
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IWUpdateCatalog), IWUpdateCatalog)
COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID(__uuidof(IAutoUpdate), IAutoUpdate)
// ICV3
/* The get catalog method retrieves a catalog array from the server. The get catalog method only
* accesses the server if the catalog is not already resident on the clients computer system.
* This allows the VB script page call this method to quickly obtain filtered catalog record information.
* HRESULT GetCatalog
* (
* IN long puid Name of catalog to be read from the server.
* IN BSTR bstrServerUrl The http://servername/share location for the catalog to be retrieved.
* IN long platformId The platform id to be used to purne the catalog list.
* This parameter matches the server side OS directory. If this parameter
* is a blank string then the control will determine the OS directory based
* on the detected OS version.
* IN BSTR bstrBrowserLangauge A String in 0x409 format that specifies the browser locale.
* IN long lFilters Filters that are to be applied to the retrieved catalog array. This may
* be any of the following:
* WU_ALL_ITEMS This filter is a sumation of all filters. It will cause
* all items in the catalog to be retrieved, however the
* normal pruning logic will still apply.
* WU_HIDDEN_ITEMS This filter retrieves only items marked as hidden.
* WU_SELECTED_ITEMS This filter retrieves selected items.
* WU_NOT_SELECTED_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are not currently selected.
* WU_NEW_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are marked as new
* WU_POWER_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are marked as power user items
* WU_REGISTER_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are marked as needing registration before installation.
* WU_COOL_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are marked as cool
* WU_EUAL_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are marked as having a End user license agreement.
* WU_PATCH_ITEMS This filter retrieves items that are marked as a patch.
* WU_NO_DEVICE_DRIVERS This filter will cause CDM device driver records if present
* to not be included in the returned catalog array.
* IN long lFlags
* WU_NO_SPECIAL_FLAGS This flag is only valid if used by itself. It is used to
* indicate that no special record processing other than the
* default pruning is to be applied.
* WU_NO_PRUNING This flag is mainly used for corporate catalog as well as
* internal debugging and testing, it will cause the pruning
* logic to not be applied to the retrieved catalog.
* OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pCatalogArray A Multi-dimensional VB script array. This array is filled with the
* catalog information upon return. The first dimension is the
* returned index record. The second index is the specific data. See
* the comments section for the layout of this array.
* This method returns S_OK if the catalog is retrieved or an error code that indicates the reason that
* the catalog could not be obtained.
* Comments:
* The first time a catalog is requested from the server it is downloaded to the client machine and
* processed into the global catalog structure. This means that if this method is called to download
* "Catalog one", "Catalog two", "Catalog three" then the returned array will contain all of the entries
* for catalogs one, two and three.
* The VBScript syntax for accessing this method is different than accessing this method from with a C++
* application. In VB Script the catalog array is returned though the return value and the error return
* can be trapped with an ON ERROR statement. For example, to get retrieve the catalog named Catalog One
* for the Win98 OS, from the server someserver and use browser language English the following script
* syntax would be used:
* CatalogOne = GetCatalog(1, "http://someserver//V3", 1, "0x409", WU_ALL_ITEMS)
* or
* CatalogOne = GetCatalog(1, "http://someserver//V3", 1, "0x409", WU_ALL_ITEMS)
* The layout of the returned catalog array is illustrated below:
* 'Inventory Record 1
* array(0, 0) = NUMBER puid
* array(0, 1) = STRING Display Text
* array(0, 2) = STRING Description
* array(0, 3) = NUMBER Item Status one or more of GETCATALOG_STATUS_xxxx
* array(0,4) = NUMBER Download Size in Bytes
* array(0,5) = NUMBER Download Time in minutes
* array(0,6) = STRING Uninstall Key
* 'Inventory record 2
* array(1,0) = Number puid
IN long puidCatalog,
IN BSTR bstrServerUrl,
IN long platformId,
IN BSTR bstrBrowserLangauge,
IN long lFilters,
IN long lFlags,
IN long puidCatalog,
IN BSTR bstrServerUrl,
IN long platformId,
IN BSTR bstrBrowserLangauge,
IN long lFilters,
IN long lFlags,
/* The ChangeItemState method returns S_OK if the catalog item's state is successfully changed or
* an error code that indicates the reason that the catalog item's state could not be changed.
* The catalog item must have been previously read with the GetCatalog method. This method only
* changes the item state on the local client it does not change the item on the server.
* HRESULT ChangeItemState
* (
* IN long puid Catalog item identifier that uniquely identifies the catalog
* item to be changed. Note: puid's are unique across catalogs.
* IN long lNewItemState The item's new state. This parameter can be one or more
* of the following:
IN long puid,
IN long lNewItemState
* The install selected items method installs all of the inventory items that
* have been marked for installation.
* HRESULT InstallSelectedItems
* (
* IN BSTR bstrServer, Server Directory if blank then the server
* used with the catalog was retrieved is used.
* IN long lFlags May be one of the following:
* WU_NOSPECIAL_FLAGS This flag is only valid if used by itself. It is used to indicate
* that the default installer should be used.
* WU_COPYONLY_NO_INSTALL This flag is used to indicate that the selected packages should
* be copied to the client machine but not installed.
* IN BSTR bstrTempDir The name of a temporary directory where the install cabs are to
* be copied on the local machine. If this parameter is a NULL string
* then the system uses the local system temporary directory.
* This option is only valid if WU_COPYONLY_NO_INSTALL is specified.
* )
* This method returns S_OK if all of the selected items were successfully installed. A non 0 return
* indicates that one or more package was not installed successfully. The GetInstallStatus() method
* is used to find out which packages were not installed as well as the reason the install failed.
IN BSTR bstrServer,
IN long lFlags,
IN BSTR bstrTempDir,
* HRESULT GetInstallMetrics
* (
* OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pMetricsArray A Multi-dimensional VB script array. The first dimension
* is the returned index record. The second index is the specific
* data. See the comments section for this array layout.
* )
* Comments:
* 'Record 1
* array(0, 0) = NUMBER puid The identifier for this catalog item.
* array(0,1) = NUMBER DownloadSize Total download size of all selected items in bytes.
* array(0,2) = NUMBER Downloadtime Total download time for all currently selected items at 28.8 this
* will need to change in the future to take the connection speed into
* account.
* 'Record 2
* This method returns information about what would happen if the InstallSelectedItems method is called.
* The VBScript syntax for accessing this method is different than accessing this method from with a C++
* application. In VB Script the results array is returned though the return value and the error return
* can be trapped with an ON ERROR statement. For example, to retrieve the installation metric information
* for the items that will be installed if the InstallSelectedItems method is called the syntax is:
* installMetrics = GetInstallMetrics
* The GetFirstEula method returns a list of puid identifiers and Urls that the EULA page is stored at.
* The caller is responsible for retrieving and displaying the EULA.
* (
* OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pEulaArray A Multi-dimensional VB script array. The first dimension is
* the returned index record. The second index is the specific
* data. See the comments section for this array layout:
* )
* This method returns S_OK if the Eulas array is successfully retrieved. Note: The returned array
* information is the same order as the array returned from the GetInstallMetrics method.
* Comments:
* 'Record 1
* array(0,0) = NUMBER eurla number Number of eurla. This number changes when the eurla
* url changes. This makes it possible for the caller
* to construct a list of items that this eurla applies
* to simply be checking when this field changes value.
* array(0,1) = NUMBER puid The identifier for this catalog item.
* array(0,2) = STRING url Url of eurl page to display for this item. Note: If three
* items have the same url then this field is filled in for
* the first item and blank for the remaining two items.
* 'Record 2
* The VBScript syntax for accessing this method is different than accessing this method from with a
* C++ application. In VB Script the results array is returned though the return value and the error
* return can be trapped with an ON ERROR statement. For example, to retrieve the first applicable
* eurla Installation metric information for the items that will be installed if the InstallSelectedItems
* method is called the syntax is: installMetrics = GetEula
* HRESULT GetInstallHistory
* (
* OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pszHistoryArray A Multi-dimensional VB script array. This array is filled
* with the catalog information upon return. The first dimension
* is the returned index record. The second index is the specific
* data. See the comments section for the layout of this array.
* )
* This returns S_OK if the catalog is retrieved or an error code that indicates the reason that the catalog
* could not be obtained.
* Comments:
* The layout of the returned catalog item array is illustrated below:
* 'Inventory Record 1
* array(0, 0) = NUMBER puid
* array(0, 1) = STRING Display Text
* array(0, 2) = STRING Description
* array(0, 3) = NUMBER Item Status one or more of:
* array(0,4) = NUMBER Download Size in Bytes
* array(0,5) = NUMBER Download Time in seconds
* array(0,6) = STRING Uninstall Key
* 'Inventory record 2
* array(1,0) = Number puid
* The Install & Uninstall History is handled differently between NT and Win 98 & 95. In the Win 98 OS
* history logging will be to a hidden file on the disk. In the NT OS logging will be to an event log.
* The current History log can be retrieved and formatted into a DHTL template with the GetHistory method
* shown below.
* For either OS this method will return the install & uninstall history.
* HRESULT GetDependencyList
* (
* IN long puid Catalog item identifier that uniquely identifies the catalog item for which
* dependencies are to be retrieved.
* OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pDependentItemsArray A Single-dimensional VB script array. This array
* contains a list of puids that are dependent on
* this item.
* )
* This method returns a list of items that must be installed before the provided item can be installed.
* The item is identified by the puid parameter.
IN long puid,
OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pDependentItemsArray
* HRESULT GetCatalogItem
* (
* IN long puid, Catalog item identifier that uniquely identifies the catalog
* item to be retrieved.
* OUT RETVAL VARIANT *pCatalogItem A Single-dimensional VB script array. This array is filled with
* the requested catalog item's information upon return.
* )
* This method returns S_OK if the catalog item is successfully retrieved or an error code that
* indicates the reason that the catalog item could not be obtained.
* Comments:
* A Catalog must have been retrieved with the GetCatalog method before this method will work.
* The layout of the returned catalog item array is illustrated below:
* array(0) = NUMBER puid
* array(1) = STRING Display Text
* array(2) = STRING Description
* array(3) = NUMBER Item Status one or more of:
* array(4) = NUMBER Download Size in Bytes
* array(5) = NUMBER Download Time in seconds
* array(6) = STRING Uninstall Key
* array(7) = STRING catalog name containing this item.
* array(8) = NUMBER index of catalog item in array returned from GetCatalog method.
IN long puid,
//Returns S_TRUE | S_OK if catalog is available, S_FALSE if catalog is not available
//or E_FAIL if an error occurs
IN long puidCatalog, //Name of catalog to be read from the server.
IN BSTR bstrServerUrl //The http://servername/share location for the catalog to be retrieved.
STDMETHOD(FinalizeInstall) (IN long lFlags);
// SetString metods sets strings based on the type
// Following is VBScript sample to call this function
// Dim Strs
// Strs = Array( _
// "Download*progress:", _
// "Download*time*remaining:", _
// "Install*progress:", _
// "Cancel*", _
// "%d KB/%d KB*", _
// "%d sec*", _
// "%d min*", _
// "%d hr %d min*", _
// "Microsoft*Windows*Update", _
// "You*must*restart Windows so that installation can finish.", _
// "Do*you want*to restart now?")
// WUV3IS.SetStrings Strs, 0
STDMETHOD(SetStrings)(IN VARIANT* vStringsArr, IN long lType);
* HRESULT FixCompatRollbackKey(VARIANT_BOOL *pbRegModified)
* for IE4 machines, detects and removes the "compat" value from the following registry key:
* HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\Post Platform
* This key is added by IE5 when running in IE4 compatibility mode, but is not removed when
* IE5 is uninstalled.
* For IE5 machines, this function runs the UpdateToolsURL function.
* OUT PARAMS: A boolean value indicating whether the registry was changed by the function. Script will
* use this to determine whether restarting the browser is necessary to pick up the change
* and display the correct catalog.
* RETURNS: Always returns S_OK
STDMETHOD(FixCompatRollbackKey)(OUT RETVAL VARIANT_BOOL *pbRegModified);
* void UpdateToolsURL()
* Updates the "Tools\Windows Update" menu item in IE to pass a parameter which allows us to determine
* how the user linked to WU.
* The Whistler version also updates the Start Menu -->Windows Update link in the registry to pass a parameter there as well.
void UpdateToolsURL();
STDMETHOD(GetInterfaceSafetyOptions)(REFIID riid, DWORD *pdwSupportedOptions, DWORD *pdwEnabledOptions);
STDMETHOD(SetInterfaceSafetyOptions)(REFIID riid, DWORD dwOptionSetMask, DWORD dwEnabledOptions);
STDMETHOD(WUIsCatalogAvailable)(long puidCatalog,BSTR bstrServerUrl);
STDMETHOD(WUGetCatalog)(long puidCatalog, BSTR bstrServerUrl, long platformId, BSTR bstrBrowserLangauge, CCatalog** ppCatalogArray);
STDMETHOD(WUDownloadItems)(CSelections* pSelections, BSTR bstrServer, BSTR bstrTempDir);
STDMETHOD(WUInstallItems)(CSelections* pSelections, BSTR bstrServer, BSTR bstrTempDir);
STDMETHOD(WURemoveItems)(CSelections* pSelections);
STDMETHOD(WUCopyInstallHistory)(HISTORYARRAY** ppHistoryArray);
STDMETHOD(WUCopyDependencyList)(long puidItem, long** ppDepPuid);
STDMETHOD(GetReadThisPage)(IN long puid);
// IAutoUpdate interface
//Construct and return a catalog in the internal control format.
CCatalog* ProcessCatalog(
IN PUID puidCatalog,
IN BSTR bstrServerUrl,
IN long platformId,
IN BSTR bstrBrowserLangauge,
IN long lFilters,
IN long lFlags
//This method processes a change in a catalog item's state
HRESULT ProcessChangeItemState(
IN long puid,
IN long lNewItemState
//Return a two dimensional VARIANT safe array of VARIANTS which holds
//the returned VBScript catalog representation.
HRESULT MakeReturnCatalogArray(
CCatalog *pCatalog, //Pointer to catalog structure to be converted.
long lFilters, //Filters to apply, see GetCatalog for the actual descriptions.
long lFlags, //Flags that control the amount of information returned in each array record.
VARIANT *pvaVariant //pointer to returned safearray.
HRESULT MakeReturnCatalogListArray(
CCatalog *pCatalog, //Pointer to catalog structure to be converted.
long lFilters, //Filters to apply, see GetCatalog for the actual descriptions.
long lFlags, //Flags that control the amount of information returned in each array record.
VARIANT *pvaVariant //pointer to returned safearray.
//Return a CATALOG32 structure array of CATALOG32ITEM's which holds
//the returned C++ catalog representation.
PCATALOG32 MakeReturnCatalogArray(
CCatalog *pCatalog, //Pointer to catalog structure to be converted.
long lFilters, //Filters to apply, see GetCatalog for the actual descriptions.
long lFlags //Flags that control the amount of information returned in each array record.
void CheckLaunchServer();
DWORD m_dwSafety;
BOOL m_bValidInstance;
BOOL m_bLaunchServChecked;
// for IAutoUpdate support
void ReadHiddenPuids();
bool IsPuidHidden(PUID puid);
void HidePuidAndSave(PUID puid);
CCatalog* m_pCatalogAU;
safe_buffer<PUID> m_apuids;
byte_buffer m_abHiddenPuids;
HRESULT DownloadCommonRTFFiles(BOOL bPrintAll, LPTSTR pszPrintAllFN);
bool CleanupReadThis();
bool IsArabicOrHebrew();
bool DownloadToBuffer( IN LPCTSTR szPath, IN CWUDownload *pDownload, IN CDiamond *pDiamond, OUT byte_buffer& bufOut);
#endif //__CV3_H_