Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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79 lines
2.4 KiB

$COMPILE_CMD = "E:\\BuildTools\\CompileProject.exe";
$DELETE_CMD = "E:\\BuildTools\\DeleteTempFiles.cmd";
while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/)
last if /^--$/;
/^-d(.*)/i && ($targetroot = $1);
/^-f(.*)/i && ($projectinifile = $1);
/^-c(.*)/i && ($config = $1);
/^-p(.*)/i && ($platformfilter = $1);
($targetroot && $projectinifile) || die "Usage: -D<target root dir> -F<project ini file> [-C<configuration to build>] [-P<platform filter>]\n";
open (FILE, $projectinifile) || die "Error opening $projectinifile!\n";
while (<FILE>)
/^\[(.*)\]/ && ($projectname = $1) && (push @projectlist, $projectname);
if ( $projectname )
/^Directory=(.*)/i && ($directory{$projectname} = $1);
/^Platform=(.*)/i && ($platform{$projectname} = $1);
/^Build=(.*)/i && ($build{$projectname} = $1);
/^ProjectType=(.*)/i && ($projecttype{$projectname} = $1);
/^ProjectFile=(.*)/i && ($projectfile{$projectname} = $1);
/^DeleteDsw=(.*)/i && ($deletedsw{$projectname} = $1);
/^Configurations=(.*)/i && ($projectconfig{$projectname} = $1);
close FILE;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#projectlist; $i++)
$project = $projectlist[$i];
if ( ! $platformfilter || ($platform{$project} =~ /$platformfilter/i) )
if ( $build{$project} =~ /Yes/i )
system("echo Building $projecttype{$project} project $projectfile{$project}...");
$targetdir = "$targetroot\\$directory{$project}";
$projectfilepath = "$targetdir\\$projectfile{$project}";
$buildconfig = $projectconfig{$project};
if ( $config ) { $buildconfig = "$buildconfig $config"; }
$outdiroption = "";
if ( $projecttype{$project} =~ /vb/i )
if ( $buildconfig =~ /debug/i )
$outdir = "$targetroot\\Bin\\IntelDebug";
$outdir = "$targetroot\\Bin\\IntelRelease";
if ( ! -d $outdir )
system "md \"$outdir\"";
$outdiroption = " /OUTDIR:$outdir";
# if ( $deletedsw{$project} !~ /no/i )
# {
# system("del /f \"$targetdir\\*.dsw\"");
# }
system("$COMPILE_CMD /TYPE:$projecttype{$project} /CONFIG:$buildconfig /PROJECT:$projectfilepath$outdiroption");
# system("$DELETE_CMD \"$targetdir\"");
exit 0;