Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1718 lines
46 KiB

// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// WMI.cpp
// Abstract:
// Common functionlity for dealing with WMI
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 22-Dec-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 22-Dec-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "wmi.h"
#include "resource.h"
// messages
// error constants
#define E_SERVER_NOTFOUND 0x800706ba
// private function prototype(s)
BOOL IsValidUserEx( LPCWSTR pwszUser );
HRESULT GetSecurityArguments( IUnknown* pInterface,
DWORD& dwAuthorization, DWORD& dwAuthentication );
HRESULT SetInterfaceSecurity( IUnknown* pInterface,
LPCWSTR pwszServer, LPCWSTR pwszUser,
LPCWSTR pwszPassword, COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdentity );
HRESULT WINAPI SetProxyBlanket( IUnknown* pInterface,
DWORD dwAuthnSvc, DWORD dwAuthzSvc,
LPWSTR pwszPrincipal, DWORD dwAuthLevel, DWORD dwImpLevel,
RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE pAuthInfo, DWORD dwCapabilities );
HRESULT WINAPI WbemAllocAuthIdentity( LPCWSTR pwszUser, LPCWSTR pwszPassword,
LPCWSTR pwszDomain, COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdent );
HRESULT RegQueryValueWMI( IWbemServices* pWbemServices,
LPCWSTR pwszMethod, DWORD dwHDefKey,
LPCWSTR pwszSubKeyName, LPCWSTR pwszValueName, _variant_t& varValue );
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL IsValidUserEx( LPCWSTR pwszUser )
// local variables
CHString strUser;
LONG lPos = 0;
// get user into local memory
strUser = pwszUser;
// user name should not be just '\'
if ( strUser.CompareNoCase( L"\\" ) == 0 )
return FALSE;
// user name should not contain invalid characters
if ( strUser.FindOneOf( L"/[]:|<>+=;,?*" ) != -1 )
return FALSE;
// check for multiple '\' characters in the user name
lPos = strUser.Find( L'\\' );
if ( lPos != -1 )
// '\' character exists in the user name
// strip off the user info upto first '\' character
// check for one more '\' in the remaining string
// if it exists, invalid user
strUser = strUser.Mid( lPos + 1 );
lPos = strUser.Find( L'\\' );
if ( lPos != -1 )
return FALSE;
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
return FALSE;
// user name is valid
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL IsValidServerEx( LPCWSTR pwszServer, BOOL& bLocalSystem )
// local variables
CHString strTemp;
// kick-off
bLocalSystem = FALSE;
// get a local copy
strTemp = pwszServer;
// remove the forward slashes (UNC) if exist in the begining of the server name
if ( IsUNCFormat( strTemp ) == TRUE )
strTemp = strTemp.Mid( 2 );
if ( strTemp.GetLength() == 0 )
return FALSE;
// now check if any '\' character appears in the server name. If so error
if ( strTemp.Find( L'\\' ) != -1 )
return FALSE;
// now check if server name is '.' only which represent local system in WMI
// else determine whether this is a local system or not
bLocalSystem = TRUE;
if ( strTemp.CompareNoCase( L"." ) != 0 )
// validate the server
if ( IsValidServer( strTemp ) == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// check whether this is a local system or not
bLocalSystem = IsLocalSystem( strTemp );
// inform that server name is valid
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL InitializeCom( IWbemLocator** ppLocator )
// local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// assume that connection to WMI namespace is failed
bResult = FALSE;
// initialize the COM library
// initialize the security
SAFE_EXECUTE( CoInitializeSecurity( NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
// create the locator and get the pointer to the interface of IWbemLocator
SAFE_RELEASE( *ppLocator ); // safe side
IID_IWbemLocator, ( LPVOID* ) ppLocator ) );
// initialization successful
bResult = TRUE;
catch( _com_error& e )
// save the WMI error
WMISaveError( e );
// return the result;
return bResult;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL ConnectWmi( IWbemLocator* pLocator,
IWbemServices** ppServices,
LPCWSTR pwszServer, LPCWSTR pwszUser, LPCWSTR pwszPassword,
COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdentity, BOOL bCheckWithNullPwd,
LPCWSTR pwszNamespace, HRESULT* phr, BOOL* pbLocalSystem )
// local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
BOOL bLocalSystem = FALSE;
_bstr_t bstrServer;
_bstr_t bstrNamespace;
_bstr_t bstrUser, bstrPassword;
// kick-off
if ( pbLocalSystem != NULL )
*pbLocalSystem = FALSE;
// ...
if ( phr != NULL )
*phr = NO_ERROR;
// clear the error
SetLastError( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR );
// assume that connection to WMI namespace is failed
bResult = FALSE;
// check whether locator object exists or not
// if not exists, return
if ( pLocator == NULL )
if ( phr != NULL )
// return failure
return FALSE;
// validate the server name
if ( IsValidServerEx( pwszServer, bLocalSystem ) == FALSE )
_com_issue_error( ERROR_BAD_NETPATH );
// validate the user name
if ( IsValidUserEx( pwszUser ) == FALSE )
_com_issue_error( ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER );
// prepare namespace
bstrNamespace = pwszNamespace; // name space
if ( pwszServer != NULL && bLocalSystem == FALSE )
// get the server name
bstrServer = pwszServer;
// prepare the namespace
// NOTE: check for the UNC naming format of the server and do
if ( IsUNCFormat( pwszServer ) == TRUE )
bstrNamespace = bstrServer + L"\\" + pwszNamespace;
bstrNamespace = L"\\\\" + bstrServer + L"\\" + pwszNamespace;
// user credentials
if ( pwszUser != NULL && lstrlen( pwszUser ) != 0 )
// copy the user name
bstrUser = pwszUser;
// if password is empty string and if we need to check with
// null password, then do not set the password and try
bstrPassword = pwszPassword;
if ( bCheckWithNullPwd == TRUE && bstrPassword.length() == 0 )
bstrPassword = (LPWSTR) NULL;
// release the existing services object ( to be in safer side )
SAFE_RELEASE( *ppServices );
// connect to the remote system's WMI
// there is a twist here ...
// do not trap the ConnectServer function failure into exception
// instead handle that action manually
// by default try the ConnectServer function as the information which we have
// in our hands at this point. If the ConnectServer is failed,
// check whether password variable has any contents are not ... if no contents
// check with "" (empty) password ... this might pass in this situation ..
// if this call is also failed ... nothing is there that we can do ... throw the exception
hr = pLocator->ConnectServer( bstrNamespace,
bstrUser, bstrPassword, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, ppServices );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
// special case ...
// check whether password exists or not
// NOTE: do not check for 'WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED'
// this error code says that user with the current credentials is not
// having access permisions to the 'namespace'
if ( hr == E_ACCESSDENIED )
// check if we tried to connect to the system using null password
// if so, then try connecting to the remote system with empty string
if ( bCheckWithNullPwd == TRUE &&
bstrUser.length() != 0 && bstrPassword.length() == 0 )
// now invoke with ...
hr = pLocator->ConnectServer( bstrNamespace,
bstrUser, _bstr_t( L"" ), 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, ppServices );
else if ( hr == WBEM_E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS )
// credentials were passed to the local system.
// So ignore the credentials and try to reconnect
bLocalSystem = TRUE;
bstrUser = (LPWSTR) NULL;
bstrPassword = (LPWSTR) NULL;
bstrNamespace = pwszNamespace; // name space
hr = pLocator->ConnectServer( bstrNamespace,
NULL, NULL, 0L, 0L, NULL, NULL, ppServices );
// now check the result again .. if failed .. ummmm..
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
_com_issue_error( hr );
bstrPassword = L"";
// set the security at the interface level also
SAFE_EXECUTE( SetInterfaceSecurity( *ppServices,
pwszServer, bstrUser, bstrPassword, ppAuthIdentity ) );
// connection to WMI is successful
bResult = TRUE;
// save the hr value if needed by the caller
if ( phr != NULL )
catch( _com_error& e )
// save the error
WMISaveError( e );
// save the hr value if needed by the caller
if ( phr != NULL )
*phr = e.Error();
// ...
if ( pbLocalSystem != NULL )
*pbLocalSystem = bLocalSystem;
// return the result
return bResult;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL ConnectWmiEx( IWbemLocator* pLocator,
IWbemServices** ppServices,
LPCWSTR pwszServer, CHString& strUserName, CHString& strPassword,
COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdentity,
BOOL bNeedPassword, LPCWSTR pwszNamespace, BOOL* pbLocalSystem )
// local variables
DWORD dwSize = 0;
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
LPWSTR pwszPassword = NULL;
CHString strBuffer = NULL_STRING;
// clear the error .. if any
SetLastError( WBEM_S_NO_ERROR );
// sometime users want the utility to prompt for the password
// check what user wants the utility to do
if ( bNeedPassword == TRUE && strPassword.Compare( L"*" ) == 0 )
// user wants the utility to prompt for the password
// so skip this part and let the flow directly jump the password acceptance part
// try to establish connection to the remote system with the credentials supplied
if ( strUserName.GetLength() == 0 )
// user name is empty
// so, it is obvious that password will also be empty
// even if password is specified, we have to ignore that
bResult = ConnectWmi( pLocator, ppServices,
pwszServer, NULL, NULL, ppAuthIdentity, FALSE, pwszNamespace, &hr, pbLocalSystem );
// credentials were supplied
// but password might not be specified ... so check and act accordingly
LPCWSTR pwszTemp = NULL;
BOOL bCheckWithNull = TRUE;
if ( bNeedPassword == FALSE )
pwszTemp = strPassword;
bCheckWithNull = FALSE;
// ...
bResult = ConnectWmi( pLocator, ppServices, pwszServer,
strUserName, pwszTemp, ppAuthIdentity, bCheckWithNull, pwszNamespace, &hr, pbLocalSystem );
// check the result ... if successful in establishing connection ... return
if ( bResult == TRUE )
return TRUE;
// now check the kind of error occurred
switch( hr )
// needs to do special processing
// NOTE: do not check for 'WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED'
// this error code says that user with the current credentials is not
// having access permisions to the 'namespace'
WMISaveError( hr );
return FALSE; // no use of accepting the password .. return failure
// if failed in establishing connection to the remote terminal
// even if the password is specifed, then there is nothing to do ... simply return failure
if ( bNeedPassword == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// check whether user name is specified or not
// if not, get the local system's current user name under whose credentials, the process
// is running
if ( strUserName.GetLength() == 0 )
// sub-local variables
LPWSTR pwszUserName = NULL;
// get the required buffer
pwszUserName = strUserName.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
return FALSE;
// get the user name
if ( GetUserNameEx( NameSamCompatible, pwszUserName, &dwUserLength ) == FALSE )
// error occured while trying to get the current user info
return FALSE;
// release the extra buffer allocated
// get the required buffer
pwszPassword = strPassword.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
return FALSE;
// accept the password from the user
strBuffer.Format( INPUT_PASSWORD, strUserName );
WriteConsoleW( GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE ),
strBuffer, strBuffer.GetLength(), &dwSize, NULL );
GetPassword( pwszPassword, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH );
// release the buffer allocated for password
// now again try to establish the connection using the currently
// supplied credentials
bResult = ConnectWmi( pLocator, ppServices, pwszServer,
strUserName, strPassword, ppAuthIdentity, FALSE, pwszNamespace, NULL, pbLocalSystem );
// return the failure
return bResult;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT GetSecurityArguments( IUnknown* pInterface,
DWORD& dwAuthorization, DWORD& dwAuthentication )
// local variables
DWORD dwAuthnSvc = 0, dwAuthzSvc = 0;
IClientSecurity* pClientSecurity = NULL;
// try to get the client security services values if possible
hr = pInterface->QueryInterface( IID_IClientSecurity, (void**) &pClientSecurity );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
// got the client security interface
// now try to get the security services values
hr = pClientSecurity->QueryBlanket( pInterface,
&dwAuthnSvc, &dwAuthzSvc, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
// we've got the values from the interface
dwAuthentication = dwAuthnSvc;
dwAuthorization = dwAuthzSvc;
// release the client security interface
SAFE_RELEASE( pClientSecurity );
// return always success
return S_OK;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT SetInterfaceSecurity( IUnknown* pInterface,
LPCWSTR pwszServer, LPCWSTR pwszUser,
LPCWSTR pwszPassword, COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdentity )
// local variables
CHString strUser;
CHString strDomain;
LPCWSTR pwszUserArg = NULL;
LPCWSTR pwszDomainArg = NULL;
DWORD dwAuthorization = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
DWORD dwAuthentication = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
// check the interface
if ( pInterface == NULL )
// check the authentity strcuture ... if authentity structure is already ready
// simply invoke the 2nd version of SetInterfaceSecurity
if ( *ppAuthIdentity != NULL )
return SetInterfaceSecurity( pInterface, *ppAuthIdentity );
// get the current security argument value
// GetSecurityArguments( pInterface, dwAuthorization, dwAuthentication );
// If we are doing trivial case, just pass in a null authenication structure
// for which the current logged in user's credentials will be considered
if ( pwszUser == NULL && pwszPassword == NULL )
// set the security
hr = SetProxyBlanket( pInterface, dwAuthentication, dwAuthorization,
// return the result
return hr;
// parse and find out if the user name contains the domain name
// if contains, extract the domain value from it
LONG lPos = -1;
strDomain = L"";
strUser = pwszUser;
if ( ( lPos = strUser.Find( L'\\' ) ) != -1 )
// user name contains domain name ... domain\user format
strDomain = strUser.Left( lPos );
strUser = strUser.Mid( lPos + 1 );
else if ( ( lPos = strUser.Find( L'@' ) ) != -1 )
// server itself is the domain
// strDomain = pwszServer;
// get the domain info if it exists only
if ( strDomain.GetLength() != 0 )
pwszDomainArg = strDomain;
// get the user info if it exists only
if ( strUser.GetLength() != 0 )
pwszUserArg = strUser;
// check if authenication info is available or not ...
// initialize the security authenication information ... UNICODE VERSION STRUCTURE
if ( ppAuthIdentity == NULL )
else if ( *ppAuthIdentity == NULL )
hr = WbemAllocAuthIdentity( pwszUserArg, pwszPassword, pwszDomainArg, ppAuthIdentity );
if ( hr != S_OK )
return hr;
// set the security information to the interface
hr = SetProxyBlanket( pInterface, dwAuthentication, dwAuthorization, NULL,
// return the result
return hr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT SetInterfaceSecurity( IUnknown* pInterface, COAUTHIDENTITY* pAuthIdentity )
// local variables
LPWSTR pwszDomain = NULL;
DWORD dwAuthorization = RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE;
DWORD dwAuthentication = RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT;
// check the interface
if ( pInterface == NULL )
// get the current security argument value
// GetSecurityArguments( pInterface, dwAuthorization, dwAuthentication );
// set the security information to the interface
hr = SetProxyBlanket( pInterface, dwAuthentication, dwAuthorization, NULL,
// return the result
return hr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT WINAPI SetProxyBlanket( IUnknown* pInterface,
DWORD dwAuthnSvc, DWORD dwAuthzSvc,
LPWSTR pwszPrincipal, DWORD dwAuthLevel, DWORD dwImpLevel,
RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE pAuthInfo, DWORD dwCapabilities )
// local variables
IUnknown * pUnknown = NULL;
IClientSecurity * pClientSecurity = NULL;
// get the IUnknown interface ... to check whether this is a valid interface or not
hr = pInterface->QueryInterface( IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pUnknown );
if ( hr != S_OK )
return hr;
// now get the client security interface
hr = pInterface->QueryInterface( IID_IClientSecurity, (void **) &pClientSecurity );
if ( hr != S_OK )
SAFE_RELEASE( pUnknown );
return hr;
// Can't set pAuthInfo if cloaking requested, as cloaking implies
// that the current proxy identity in the impersonated thread (rather
// than the credentials supplied explicitly by the RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE)
// is to be used.
// See MSDN info on CoSetProxyBlanket for more details.
pAuthInfo = NULL;
// now set the security
hr = pClientSecurity->SetBlanket( pInterface, dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, pwszPrincipal,
dwAuthLevel, dwImpLevel, pAuthInfo, dwCapabilities );
// release the security interface
SAFE_RELEASE( pClientSecurity );
// we should check the auth identity structure. if exists .. set for IUnknown also
if ( pAuthInfo != NULL )
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface( IID_IClientSecurity, (void **) &pClientSecurity );
if ( hr == S_OK )
// set security authentication
hr = pClientSecurity->SetBlanket(
pUnknown, dwAuthnSvc, dwAuthzSvc, pwszPrincipal,
dwAuthLevel, dwImpLevel, pAuthInfo, dwCapabilities );
// release
SAFE_RELEASE( pClientSecurity );
else if ( hr == E_NOINTERFACE )
hr = S_OK; // ignore no interface errors
// release the IUnknown
SAFE_RELEASE( pUnknown );
// return the result
return hr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT WINAPI WbemAllocAuthIdentity( LPCWSTR pwszUser, LPCWSTR pwszPassword,
LPCWSTR pwszDomain, COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdent )
// local variables
// validate the input parameter
if ( ppAuthIdent == NULL )
// allocation thru COM API
pAuthIdent = ( COAUTHIDENTITY* ) CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof( COAUTHIDENTITY ) );
if ( NULL == pAuthIdent )
// init with 0's
ZeroMemory( ( void* ) pAuthIdent, sizeof( COAUTHIDENTITY ) );
// Allocate needed memory and copy in data. Cleanup if anything goes wrong
// user
if ( pwszUser != NULL )
// allocate memory for user
LONG lLength = wcslen( pwszUser );
pAuthIdent->User = ( LPWSTR ) CoTaskMemAlloc( (lLength + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( pAuthIdent->User == NULL )
WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdent );
// set the length and do copy contents
pAuthIdent->UserLength = lLength;
wcscpy( pAuthIdent->User, pwszUser );
// domain
if ( pwszDomain != NULL )
// allocate memory for domain
LONG lLength = wcslen( pwszDomain );
pAuthIdent->Domain = ( LPWSTR ) CoTaskMemAlloc( (lLength + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( pAuthIdent->Domain == NULL )
WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdent );
// set the length and do copy contents
pAuthIdent->DomainLength = lLength;
wcscpy( pAuthIdent->Domain, pwszDomain );
// passsord
if ( pwszPassword != NULL )
// allocate memory for passsord
LONG lLength = wcslen( pwszPassword );
pAuthIdent->Password = ( LPWSTR ) CoTaskMemAlloc( (lLength + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
if ( pAuthIdent->Password == NULL )
WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &pAuthIdent );
// set the length and do copy contents
pAuthIdent->PasswordLength = lLength;
wcscpy( pAuthIdent->Password, pwszPassword );
// type of the structure
// final set the address to out parameter
*ppAuthIdent = pAuthIdent;
// return result
return S_OK;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
VOID WINAPI WbemFreeAuthIdentity( COAUTHIDENTITY** ppAuthIdentity )
// make sure we have a pointer, then walk the structure members and cleanup.
if ( *ppAuthIdentity != NULL )
// free the memory allocated for user
if ( (*ppAuthIdentity)->User != NULL )
CoTaskMemFree( (*ppAuthIdentity)->User );
// free the memory allocated for password
if ( (*ppAuthIdentity)->Password != NULL )
CoTaskMemFree( (*ppAuthIdentity)->Password );
// free the memory allocated for domain
if ( (*ppAuthIdentity)->Domain != NULL )
CoTaskMemFree( (*ppAuthIdentity)->Domain );
// final the structure
CoTaskMemFree( *ppAuthIdentity );
// set to NULL
*ppAuthIdentity = NULL;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
VOID WMISaveError( HRESULT hrError )
// local variables
CHString strBuffer = NULL_STRING;
IWbemStatusCodeText* pWbemStatus = NULL;
// if the error is win32 based, choose FormatMessage to get the message
switch( hrError )
case E_ACCESSDENIED: // Message: "Access Denied"
case ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER: // Message: "The specified user does not exist."
// change the error message to "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
if ( hrError == E_ACCESSDENIED )
// ...
SetLastError( hrError );
// get the pointer to buffer
LPWSTR pwszBuffer = NULL;
pwszBuffer = strBuffer.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// get the wbem specific status code text
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_WbemStatusCodeText,
NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWbemStatusCodeText, (LPVOID*) &pWbemStatus );
// check whether we got the interface or not
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
// get the error message
BSTR bstr = NULL;
hr = pWbemStatus->GetErrorCodeText( hrError, 0, 0, &bstr );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
// get the error message in proper format
GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( bstr, pwszBuffer, MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// supress all the new-line characters and add '.' at the end ( if not exists )
LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL;
pwszTemp = wcstok( pwszBuffer, L"\r\n" );
if ( *( pwszTemp + lstrlenW( pwszTemp ) - 1 ) != L'.' )
lstrcatW( pwszTemp, L"." );
// free the BSTR
SysFreeString( bstr );
bstr = NULL;
// now release status code interface
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemStatus );
// failed to get the error message ... get the com specific error message
_com_issue_error( hrError );
// failed to get the error message ... get the com specific error message
_com_issue_error( hrError );
// release the buffer
catch( _com_error& e )
// get the error message
if ( e.ErrorMessage() != NULL )
strBuffer = e.ErrorMessage();
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
// set the reason
strBuffer += L"\n";
SetReason( strBuffer );
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object
// Arguments:
// [ in ] pWmiObject : pointer to the WBEM class object
// [ in ] szProperty : property name
// [ out ] varValue : value of the property
// Return Value:
// HRESULT - result of the operation
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, VARIANT* pvarValue )
// local variables
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL || pvarValue == NULL )
// initialize the variant and then get the value of the specified property
hr = pWmiObject->Get( _bstr_t( pwszProperty ), 0, pvarValue, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
// clear the variant variable
VariantClear( pvarValue );
// failed to get the value for the property
return hr;
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
return e.Error();
// inform success
return S_OK;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object
// Arguments:
// [ in ] pWmiObject : pointer to the WBEM class object
// [ in ] szProperty : property name
// [ out ] varValue : value of the property
// Return Value:
// HRESULT - result of the operation
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, _variant_t& varValue )
// local variables
VARIANT vtValue;
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
// initialize the variant and then get the value of the specified property
VariantInit( &vtValue );
hr = pWmiObject->Get( _bstr_t( pwszProperty ), 0, &vtValue, NULL, NULL );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
// clear the variant variable
VariantClear( &vtValue );
// failed to get the value for the property
return hr;
// set the value
varValue = vtValue;
// clear the variant variable
VariantClear( &vtValue );
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
return e.Error();
// inform success
return S_OK;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object in string format
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE - if operation is successfull, otherwise FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject,
LPCWSTR pwszProperty, CHString& strValue, LPCWSTR pwszDefault )
// local variables
_variant_t var;
// first copy the default value
strValue = pwszDefault;
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
return FALSE;
// get the property value
hr = PropertyGet( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, var );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return FALSE;
// get the value
if ( var.vt != VT_NULL && var.vt != VT_EMPTY )
strValue = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t( var );
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
return FALSE;
// return
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object in string format
// Arguments:
// [ in ] pWmiObject : pointer to the WBEM class object
// [ in ] pwszProperty : property name
// [ out ] pdwValue : value of the property
// [ in ] dwDefault : default in case failed in getting property value
// Return Value:
// TRUE - if operation is successfull, otherwise FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject,
LPCWSTR pwszProperty, DWORD& dwValue, DWORD dwDefault )
// local variables
_variant_t var;
// first set the defaul value
dwValue = dwDefault;
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
return FALSE;
// get the value of the property
hr = PropertyGet( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, var );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return FALSE;
// get the process id from the variant
if ( var.vt != VT_NULL && var.vt != VT_EMPTY )
dwValue = (LONG) var;
// return
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object in string format
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE - if operation is successfull, otherwise FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, ULONGLONG& ullValue )
// local variables
CHString str;
// first set the default value
ullValue = 1;
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
return FALSE;
// get the value of the property
if ( PropertyGet( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, str, _T( "0" ) ) == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// get the 64-bit value
ullValue = _wtoi64( str );
// return
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object in string format
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE - if operation is successfull, otherwise FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, WBEMTime& wbemtime )
// local variables
CHString str;
// Clear method sets the time in the WBEMTime object to an invalid time.
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
return FALSE;
// get the value of the property
if ( PropertyGet( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, str, _T( "0" ) ) == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// convert into the time value
wbemtime = _bstr_t( str );
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
return FALSE;
// return
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object in string format
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE - if operation is successfull, otherwise FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, SYSTEMTIME& systime )
// local variables
CHString strTime;
// check with object and property passed to the function are valid or not
// if not, return failure
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
return FALSE;
// get the value of the property
// 16010101000000.000000+000 is the default time
if ( PropertyGet( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, strTime, _T( "16010101000000.000000+000" ) ) == FALSE )
return FALSE;
// prepare the systemtime structure
// yyyymmddHHMMSS.mmmmmmsUUU
systime.wYear = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Left( 4 ), 10 );
systime.wMonth = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Mid( 4, 2 ), 10 );
systime.wDayOfWeek = 0;
systime.wDay = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Mid( 6, 2 ), 10 );
systime.wHour = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Mid( 8, 2 ), 10 );
systime.wMinute = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Mid( 10, 2 ), 10 );
systime.wSecond = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Mid( 12, 2 ), 10 );
systime.wMilliseconds = (WORD) AsLong( strTime.Mid( 15, 6 ), 10 );
// return
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Gets the value of the property from the WMI class object in string format
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE - if operation is successfull, otherwise FALSE
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL PropertyGet( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, TARRAY arr )
// local variables
VARIANT vtValue;
LONG lIndex = 0;
LONG lLBound = 0;
LONG lUBound = 0;
VARTYPE vartype;
// check the inputs
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL || arr == NULL )
return FALSE;
// initialize the variant
VariantInit( &vtValue );
// now get the property value
hr = PropertyGet( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, &vtValue );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return FALSE;
if ( V_VT( &vtValue ) == VT_NULL )
return TRUE;
// confirm that the propety value is of array type .. if not return
if ( ( V_VT( &vtValue ) & VT_ARRAY ) == 0 )
return FALSE;
// get the safearray value
pSafeArray = V_ARRAY( &vtValue );
// get the bounds of the array
SafeArrayGetLBound( pSafeArray, 1, &lLBound );
SafeArrayGetUBound( pSafeArray, 1, &lUBound );
// get the type of the elements in the safe array
vartype = V_VT( &vtValue ) & ~VT_ARRAY;
// traverse thru the values in the safe array and update into dynamic array
for( lIndex = lLBound; lIndex <= lUBound; lIndex++ )
// sub-local variables
CHString strValue;
// get the value
V_VT( &var ) = vartype;
SafeArrayGetElement( pSafeArray, &lIndex, &V_UI1( &var ) );
// add the information to the dynamic array
switch( vartype )
case VT_BSTR:
strValue = V_BSTR( &var );
DynArrayAppendString( arr, strValue, 0 );
catch( ... )
// clear the variant
VariantClear( &vtValue );
return FALSE; // failure
// clear the variant
VariantClear( &vtValue );
// return
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Sets the value of the property to the WMI class object
// Arguments:
// [ in ] pWmiObject : pointer to the WBEM class object
// [ in ] szProperty : property name
// [ in ] varValue : value of the property
// Return Value:
// HRESULT - result of the operation
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT PropertyPut( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, _variant_t& varValue )
// local variables
// check the input value
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
// put the value
var = varValue;
hr = pWmiObject->Put( _bstr_t( pwszProperty ), 0, &var, 0 );
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
hr = e.Error();
// return the result
return hr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Sets the value of the property to the WMI class object
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT PropertyPut( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, LPCWSTR pwszValue )
// local variables
_variant_t varValue;
// check the input value
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL || pwszValue == NULL )
varValue = pwszValue;
hr = PropertyPut( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, varValue );
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
hr = e.Error();
// return
return hr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Sets the value of the property to the WMI class object
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT PropertyPut( IWbemClassObject* pWmiObject, LPCWSTR pwszProperty, DWORD dwValue )
// local variables
_variant_t varValue;
// check the input value
if ( pWmiObject == NULL || pwszProperty == NULL )
varValue = ( LONG ) dwValue;
hr = PropertyPut( pWmiObject, pwszProperty, varValue );
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
hr = e.Error();
// return
return hr;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HRESULT RegQueryValueWMI( IWbemServices* pWbemServices,
LPCWSTR pwszMethod, DWORD dwHDefKey,
LPCWSTR pwszSubKeyName, LPCWSTR pwszValueName, _variant_t& varValue )
// local variables
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
DWORD dwReturnValue = 0;
IWbemClassObject* pClass = NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pMethod = NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pInParams = NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pInParamsInstance = NULL;
IWbemClassObject* pOutParamsInstance = NULL;
// check the input value
if (pWbemServices == NULL || pwszMethod == NULL || pwszSubKeyName == NULL || pwszValueName == NULL)
// get the registry class object
SAFE_EXECUTE( pWbemServices->GetObject(
if ( pClass == NULL ) // check the object .. safety sake
_com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN );
// get the method reference required
SAFE_EXECUTE( pClass->GetMethod( pwszMethod, 0, &pInParams, NULL ) );
if ( pInParams == NULL ) // check the object .. safety sake
_com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN );
// create the instance for the in parameters
SAFE_EXECUTE( pInParams->SpawnInstance( 0, &pInParamsInstance ) );
if ( pInParamsInstance == NULL )
_com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN );
// set the input values
PropertyPut( pInParamsInstance, _bstr_t( WMI_REGISTRY_IN_HDEFKEY ), dwHDefKey );
PropertyPut( pInParamsInstance, _bstr_t( WMI_REGISTRY_IN_SUBKEY ), pwszSubKeyName );
PropertyPut( pInParamsInstance, _bstr_t( WMI_REGISTRY_IN_VALUENAME ), pwszValueName );
// now execute the method
SAFE_EXECUTE( pWbemServices->ExecMethod( _bstr_t( WMI_REGISTRY ),
_bstr_t( pwszMethod ), 0, NULL, pInParamsInstance, &pOutParamsInstance, NULL ) );
if ( pOutParamsInstance == NULL ) // check the object .. safety sake
_com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN );
// now check the return value of the method from the output params object
bResult = PropertyGet( pOutParamsInstance,
_bstr_t( WMI_REGISTRY_OUT_RETURNVALUE ), dwReturnValue );
if ( bResult == FALSE || dwReturnValue != 0 )
_com_issue_error( STG_E_UNKNOWN );
// now everything is sucess .. get the required value
PropertyGet( pOutParamsInstance, _bstr_t( WMI_REGISTRY_OUT_VALUE ), varValue );
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
return e.Error();
// release the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pMethod );
SAFE_RELEASE( pInParams );
SAFE_RELEASE( pInParamsInstance );
SAFE_RELEASE( pOutParamsInstance );
// return success
return S_OK;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL RegQueryValueWMI( IWbemServices* pWbemServices,
DWORD dwHDefKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKeyName,
LPCWSTR pwszValueName, CHString& strValue, LPCWSTR pwszDefault )
// local variables
_variant_t varValue;
// set the default value
if ( pwszDefault != NULL )
strValue = pwszDefault;
// check the input
if ( pWbemServices == NULL || pwszSubKeyName == NULL || pwszValueName == NULL )
return FALSE;
// get the value
hr = RegQueryValueWMI( pWbemServices,
WMI_REGISTRY_M_STRINGVALUE, dwHDefKey, pwszSubKeyName, pwszValueName, varValue );
if ( FAILED( hr ) )
return FALSE;
// get the value from the variant
// get the value
if ( varValue.vt != VT_NULL && varValue.vt != VT_EMPTY )
strValue = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t( varValue );
catch( ... )
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY );
return FALSE;
// return success
return TRUE;
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD GetTargetVersionEx( IWbemServices* pWbemServices, COAUTHIDENTITY* pAuthIdentity )
// local variables
LONG lPos = 0;
DWORD dwMajor = 0;
DWORD dwMinor = 0;
DWORD dwVersion = 0;
ULONG ulReturned = 0;
CHString strVersion;
IWbemClassObject* pWbemObject = NULL;
IEnumWbemClassObject* pWbemInstances = NULL;
// check the input value
if ( pWbemServices == NULL )
return 0;
// get the OS information
SAFE_EXECUTE( pWbemServices->CreateInstanceEnum(
_bstr_t( CLASS_CIMV2_Win32_OperatingSystem ), 0, NULL, &pWbemInstances ) );
// set the security on the enumerated object
SAFE_EXECUTE( SetInterfaceSecurity( pWbemInstances, pAuthIdentity ) );
// get the enumerated objects information
// NOTE: This needs to be traversed only one time.
SAFE_EXECUTE( pWbemInstances->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pWbemObject, &ulReturned ) );
// to be on safer side ... check the count of objects returned
if ( ulReturned == 0 )
// release the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemInstances );
return 0;
// now get the os version value
if ( PropertyGet( pWbemObject, L"Version", strVersion ) == FALSE )
// release the interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemInstances );
return 0;
// release the interfaces .. we dont need them furthur
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemObject );
SAFE_RELEASE( pWbemInstances );
// now determine the os version
dwMajor = dwMinor = 0;
// get the major version
lPos = strVersion.Find( L'.' );
if ( lPos == -1 )
// the version string itself is version ... THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN
dwMajor = AsLong( strVersion, 10 );
// major version
dwMajor = AsLong( strVersion.Mid( 0, lPos ), 10 );
// get the minor version
strVersion = strVersion.Mid( lPos + 1 );
lPos = strVersion.Find( L'.' );
if ( lPos == -1 )
dwMinor = AsLong( strVersion, 10 );
dwMinor = AsLong( strVersion.Mid( 0, lPos ), 10 );
// mix the version info
dwVersion = dwMajor * 1000 + dwMinor;
catch( _com_error& e )
WMISaveError( e );
return 0;
// return
return dwVersion;