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;// Microsoft Windows
;// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000 - 2000
;// File:
;// Author: micretz
Description: This tool's commands suite allow you to query the directory according to specified criteria. Each of the following dsquery commands finds objects of a specific object type, with the exception of dsquery *, which can query for any type of object:
dsquery computer - finds computers in the directory.
dsquery contact - finds contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet - finds subnets in the directory.
dsquery group - finds groups in the directory.
dsquery ou - finds organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site - finds sites in the directory.
dsquery server - finds domain controllers in the directory.
dsquery user - finds users in the directory.
dsquery * - finds any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
For help on a specific command, type "dsquery <ObjectType> /?" where <ObjectType> is
one of the supported object types shown above. For example, dsquery ou /?.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criterion
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
The results from a dsquery command can be piped as input to one of the other directory service command-line tools, such as dsmod, dsget, dsrm or dsmove.
To find all computers that have been inactive for the last four weeks and remove them from the directory:
dsquery computer -inactive 4 | dsrm
To find all users in the organizational unit "ou=Marketing,dc=microsoft,dc=com" and add them to the Marketing Staff group:
dsquery user startnode ou=Marketing,dc=microsoft,dc=com |
dsmod group "cn=Marketing Staff,ou=Marketing,dc=microsoft,dc=com" -addmbr
To find all users with names starting with "John" and display his office number:
dsquery user -name John* | dsget user -office
To display an arbitrary set of attributes of any given object in the directory use the dsquery * command. For example, to display the sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName and department attributes of the object whose DN is ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com:
Dsquery * -startnode ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -scope base -attr sAMAccountName userPrincipalName department
To read all attributes of the object whose DN is ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com:
Dsquery * -startnode ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -scope base -attr *
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds any objects in the directory according to criteria.
Syntax: dsquery *
[-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}]
[-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}]
[-filter <LDAPFilter>]
[-attr {<AttrList> | *}]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
Value Description
-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}
Specifies the node where search should start:
forest root, domain root, or a node whose
distinguished name (DN) is <StartDN>.
Default: domainroot.
-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}
Specifies the scope of the search:
subtree rooted at start node (subtree);
immediate children of start node only (onelevel);
the base object represented by start node (base).
Note that subtree and domain scope
are essentially the same for any start node
unless the start node represents a domain root.
Default: subtree.
-filter <LDAPFilter> Specifies that the search use the explicit
LDAP search filter <LDAPFilter> specified in the
LDAP search filter format for searching.
-attr {<AttrList> | *} If <AttrList>, specifies a space-separated list
of LDAP display names to be returned for
each entry in the result set.
If *, specifies all attributes present on
the objects in the result set.
Default: distinguishedName.
-attrsonly Shows only the attribute types present on
the entries in the result set but not
their values.
Default: shows both attribute type and value.
-L Shows the entries in the search result set
in a list format. Default: table format.
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
The syntax for this command is fixed.
A user-entered value containing spaces or semicolons must be enclosed in quotes ("").
Multiple user-entered values must be separated using commas
(for example, a list of attribute types).
To find all users in the current domain only whose SAM account name begins with
the string "jon" and display their SAM account name,
User Principal Name (UPN) and department in table format:
dsquery * -startnode domainroot
-filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(sAMAccountName=jon*))"
-attr sAMAccountName userPrincipalName department
To read the sAMAccountName, userPrincipalName and department attributes of the object whose DN is ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com:
Dsquery * -startnode ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -scope base -attr sAMAccountName userPrincipalName department
To read all attributes of the object whose DN is ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com:
Dsquery * -startnode ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -scope base -attr *
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds users in the directory per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery user
[-o {dn | rdn | upn | samid}]
[-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}]
[-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[-upn <Filter>]
[-samid <Filter>]
[-inactive <NumWeeks>]
[-stalepwd <NumDays>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn | upn | samid}
Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}
Specifies the node where search should start:
forest root, domain root, or a node whose
DN is <StartDN>. Default: domainroot.
-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}
Sets the scope of the search:
subtree rooted at start node (subtree);
immediate children of start node only (onelevel);
the base object represented by start node (base).
Note that subtree and domain scope are essentially the
same for any start node unless the start node
represents a domain root. Default:subtree.
-name <Filter> Finds users whose name matches the filter
given by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"
or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Finds users whose description matches the
filter given by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"
or "j*th".
-upn <Filter> Finds users whose UPN matches the filter given
by <Filter>.
-samid <Filter> Finds users whose SAM account name matches the
filter given by <Filter>.
-inactive <NumWeeks> Finds users that have been inactive (not
logged on) for at least <NumWeeks> number of weeks.
-stalepwd <NumDays> Finds users that have not changed their password
for at least <NumDays> number of days.
-disabled Finds users whose account is disabled.
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all users in a given organizational unit (OU)
whose name starts with "jon" and whose account has been disabled
for logon and display their user princial names (UPNs):
dsquery user -o upn -startnode ou=Test,dc=microsoft,dc=com -name jon* -disabled
To find all users in only the current domain, whose names end with "smith" and who
have been inactive for 3 weeks or more, and display their DNs:
dsquery user -startnode domainroot -name *smith -inactive 3
To find all users in the OU given by ou=sales,dc=microsoft,dc=com and display their UPNs:
dsquery user -o upn -startnode ou=sales,dc=microsoft,dc=com
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds computers in the directory per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery computer
[-o {dn | rdn | samid}]
[-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}]
[-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[-samid <Filter>]
[-inactive <NumWeeks>]
[-stalepwd <NumDays>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn | samid} Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}
Specifies the node where search should start:
forest root, domain root, or a node
whose DN is <StartDN>. Default: domainroot.
-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}
Scope of the search: subtree rooted at start
node (subtree); immediate children of start
node only (onelevel); the base object
represented by start node (base). Note that
subtree and domain scope are essentially the
same for any start node unless the start node
represents a domain root. Default: subtree.
-name <Filter> Finds computers whose name matches the value given
by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith" or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Finds computers whose description matches the value
given by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"
or "j*th".
-samid <Filter> Finds computers whose SAM account name matches the
filter given by <Filter>.
-inactive <NumWeeks> Finds computers that have been inactive (stale)
for at least <NumWeeks> number of weeks.
-stalepwd <NumDays> Finds computers that have not changed their password
for at least <NumDays> number of days.
-disabled Finds computers whose account is disabled.
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all computers in the current domain whose name starts with "ms"
and whose description starts with "desktop", and display their DNs:
dsquery computer -startnode domainroot -name ms* -desc desktop*
To find all computers in the organizational unit (OU) given
by ou=sales,dc=micrsoft,dc=com and display their DNs:
dsquery computer -startnode ou=sales,dc=microsoft,dc=com
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds groups in the directory per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery group
[-o {dn | rdn | samid}]
[-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}]
[-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[-samid <Filter>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn | samid} Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}
Specifies the node where search should start:
forest root, domain root, or a node
with a DN matching <StartDN>. Default: domainroot.
-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}
Specifies the scope of the search:
subtree rooted at start node (subtree);
immediate children of start node only (onelevel);
the base object represented by start node (base).
Note that subtree and domain scope are essentially
the same for any start node unless
the start node represents a domain root.
Default: subtree.
-name <Filter> Find groups whose name matches the value given
by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"
or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Find groups whose description matches the value
given by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"
or "j*th".
-samid <Filter> Find groups whose SAM account name matches the
value given by <Filter>.
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all groups in the current domain whose name starts
with "ms" and whose description starts with "admin",
and display their DNs:
dsquery group -startnode domainroot -name ms* -desc admin*
Find all groups in the domain given by dc=microsoft,dc=com
and display their DNs:
dsquery group -startnode dc=microsoft,dc=com
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds organizational units (OUs) in the directory per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery ou
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}]
[-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}
Specifies the node where search should start:
forest root, domain root, or a node
with a DN matching <StartDN>. Default: domainroot.
-scope (subtree | onelevel | base)
Specifies the scope of the search:
subtree rooted at start node (subtree);
immediate children of start node only (onelevel);
the base object represented by start node (base).
Note that subtree and domain scope are essentially
the same for any start node unless
the start node represents a domain root.
Default: subtree.
-name <Filter> Find organizational units (OUs) whose name
matches the value given by <Filter>,
e.g., "jon*" or "*ith" or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Find OUs whose description matches the value
given by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"
or "j*th".
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all OUs in the current domain whose name starts with "ms"
and whose description starts with "sales", and display their DNs:
dsquery ou -startnode domainroot -name ms* -desc sales*
To find all OUs in the domain given by dc=microsoft,dc=com and display their DNs:
dsquery ou -startnode dc=microsoft,dc=com
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds subnets in the directory per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery subnet
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[-loc <Filter>]
[-site <SiteName>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-name <Filter> Find subnets whose name matches the value given
by <Filter>, e.g., "10.23.*" or "12.2.*".
-desc <Filter> Find subnets whose description matches the value
given by <Filter>, e.g., "corp*" or "*nch"
or "j*th".
-loc <Filter> Find subnets whose location matches the value
given by <Filter>.
-site <SiteName> Find subnets that are part of site <SiteName>.
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all subnets with the network IP address starting with 123.12:
dsquery subnet -name 123.12.*
To find all subnets in the site whose name is "Latin-America",
and display their names as Relative distinguished names (RDNs):
dsquery subnet -o rdn -site Latin-America
To list the names (RDNs) of all subnets defined in the directory:
dsquery subnet -o rdn
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds sites in the directory per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery site
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-name <Filter> Finds subnets whose name matches the value given
by <Filter>, e.g., "NA*" or "Europe*".
-desc <Filter> Finds subnets whose description matches the filter
given by <Filter>, e.g., "corp*" or "*nch" or "j*th".
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects>
Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all sites in North America with name starting with "north"
and display their DNs:
dsquery site -name north*
TO list the distinguished names (RDNs) of all sites defined in the directory:
dsquery site -o rdn
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds site links per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery slink
[-transport {ip | smtp}]
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-transport {ip | smtp} Specifies site link transport type: IP or SMTP.
Default: IP.
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies output formats supported.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-name <Filter> Finds sitelinks with names matching the value given
by <Filter>, e.g., "def*" or "alt*" or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Finds sitelinks with descriptions matching the value
given by <Filter>, e.g., "def*" or "alt*" or "j*th".
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all IP-based site links whose description starts with "TransAtlantic"
and display their DNs:
dsquery slink -desc TransAtlantic*
To list the Relative distinguished names (RDNs) of all SMTP-based site links
defined in the directory:
dsquery slink -transport smtp -o rdn
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds site link bridges per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery slinkbr
[-transport {ip | smtp}]
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-transport {ip | smtp} Specifies the site link bridge transport type:
IP or SMTP. Default:IP.
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies the output format. Default: DN.
-name <Filter> Finds sitelink bridges with names matching the
value given by <Filter>, e.g., "def*" or
"alt*" or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Finds sitelink bridges with descriptions matching
the value given by <Filter>, e.g., "def*" or
"alt*" or "j*th".
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all IP-based site link bridges whose description starts with
"TransAtlantic" and display their DNs:
dsquery slinkbr -desc TransAtlantic*
To list the Relative distinguished names (RDNs) of all SMTP-based
site link bridges defined in the directory:
dsquery slinkbr -transport smtp -o rdn
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds replication connections per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery conn
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-to <SrvName> [-from <SrvName>]]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-to <SrvName> Finds connections whose destination is given
by server <SrvName>.
-from <SrvName> Finds connections whose source end is given
by server <SrvName> (used along with -to parameter).
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all connections to the domain controller whose name is "CORPDC1"
and display their DNs:
dsquery conn -to CORPDC1
List the Relative distinguished names (RDNs) of all replication connections
defined in the directory:
dsquery conn -o rdn
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds domain controllers per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery server
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-domain <DomainName>]
[-site <SiteName>]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[-hasfsmo {schema | name | infr | pdc | rid}]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-forest Finds all domain controllers (DCs) in the current forest.
-domain <DomainName> Finds all DCs in the domain with a DNS name
matching <DomainName>.
-site <SiteName> Finds all DCs that are part of site <SiteName>.
-name <Filter> Finds DCs with names matching the value given
by <Filter>, e.g., "NA*" or "Europe*" or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Finds DCs with descriptions matching the value
given by <Filter>, e.g., "corp*" or "j*th".
-hasfsmo {schema | name | infr | pdc | rid}
Finds the DC that holds the specified
Flexible Single-master Operation (FSMO) role.
(For the "pdc" and "rid" FSMO roles, if no domain
is specified with the -domain parameter, the current
domain is used.)
-isgc Find all DCs that are also global catalog servers (GCs)
in the scope specified (if the -forest, -domain
or -site parameters are not specified, then find all
GCs in the current domain are used).
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects> Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
To find all DCs in the current domain:
dsquery server
To find all DCs in the forest and display their Relative distinguished names (RDNs):
dsquery server -o rdn -forest
To find all DCs in the site whose name is "Latin-America", and display their
names (RDNs):
dsquery server -o rdn -site Latin-America
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.
Description: Finds contacts per given criteria.
Syntax: dsquery contact
[-o {dn | rdn}]
[-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}]
[-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}]
[-name <Filter>]
[-desc <Filter>]
[{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}]
[-u <UserName>]
[-p {<Password> | *}]
[-limit <NumObjects>]
Value Description
-o {dn | rdn} Specifies the output format.
Default: distinguished name (DN).
-startnode {forestroot | domainroot | <StartDN>}
Specifies the node where search should start:
forest root, domain root, or a node with
a DN matching <StartDN>. Default: domainroot.
-scope {subtree | onelevel | base}
Specifies the scope of the search:
subtree rooted at start node (subtree);
immediate children of start node only (onelevel);
the base object represented by start node (base).
Note that subtree and domain scope are essentially the
same for any start node unless the start node
represents a domain root. Default: subtree.
-name <Filter> Finds all contacts whose name matches the filter
given by <Filter>, e.g., "jon*" or *ith" or "j*th".
-desc <Filter> Finds contacts with descriptions matching the
value given by <Filter>, e.g., "corp*" or *branch"
or "j*th".
{-s <Server> | -d <Domain>}
-s <Server> connects to the domain controller (DC)
with name <Server>. Default: local system.
-d <Domain> connects to a DC in domain <Domain>.
Default: a DC in the logon domain.
-u <UserName> Connect as <UserName>. Default: the logged in user.
-p <Password> Password for the user <UserName>. If * then prompt for
-q Quiet mode: suppress all output to standard output.
-R Recurse or follow referrals during search. Default: do
not chase referrals during search.
-gc Search in the Active Directory global catalog.
-limit <NumObjects>
Specifies the number of objects matching the given criteria
to be returned, where <NumObjects> is the number of objects
to be returned. If the value of <NumObjects> is 0, all
matching objects are returned. If this parameter is not
specified, by default the first 100 results are displayed.
The dsquery commands help you find objects in the directory that match
a specified search criterion: the input to dsquery is a search criteria
and the output is a list of objects matching the search. To get the
properties of a specific object, use the dsget commands (dsget /?).
If a value that you supply contains spaces, use quotation marks
around the text (for example, "CN=John Smith,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com").
If you enter multiple values, the values must be separated by spaces
(for example, a list of distinguished names).
See also:
dsquery computer /? - help for finding computers in the directory.
dsquery contact /? - help for finding contacts in the directory.
dsquery subnet /? - help for finding subnets in the directory.
dsquery group /? - help for finding groups in the directory.
dsquery ou /? - help for finding organizational units in the directory.
dsquery site /? - help for finding sites in the directory.
dsquery server /? - help for finding servers in the directory.
dsquery user /? - help for finding users in the directory.
dsquery * /? - help for finding any object in the directory by using a generic LDAP query.
Directory Service command-line tools help:
dsadd /? - help for adding objects.
dsget /? - help for displaying objects.
dsmod /? - help for modifying objects.
dsmove /? - help for moving objects.
dsquery /? - help for finding objects matching search criteria.
dsrm /? - help for deleting objects.