Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// iomanip -- instantiations of iomanip
#include <locale>
#include <iomanip>
// function resetiosflags
static void rsfun(ios_base& iostr, ios_base::fmtflags mask)
{iostr.setf(ios_base::_Fmtzero, mask); }
// function setiosflags
static void sifun(ios_base& iostr, ios_base::fmtflags mask)
{iostr.setf(ios_base::_Fmtmask, mask); }
// function setbase
static void sbfun(ios_base& iostr, int n)
{iostr.setf(n == 8 ? ios_base::oct : n == 10 ? ios_base::dec
: n == 16 ? ios_base::hex : ios_base::_Fmtzero,
ios_base::basefield); }
// function setprecision
static void spfun(ios_base& iostr, streamsize n)
{iostr.precision(n); }
// function setw
static void swfun(ios_base& iostr, streamsize n)
{iostr.width(n); }
_CRTIMP2 _Smanip<ios_base::fmtflags>
__cdecl resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask)
{return (_Smanip<ios_base::fmtflags>(&rsfun, mask)); }
_CRTIMP2 _Smanip<ios_base::fmtflags>
__cdecl setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags mask)
{return (_Smanip<ios_base::fmtflags>(&sifun, mask)); }
_CRTIMP2 _Smanip<int> __cdecl setbase(int n)
{return (_Smanip<int>(&sbfun, n)); }
_CRTIMP2 _Smanip<streamsize> __cdecl setprecision(streamsize n)
{return (_Smanip<streamsize>(&spfun, n)); }
_CRTIMP2 _Smanip<streamsize> __cdecl setw(streamsize n)
{return (_Smanip<streamsize>(&swfun, n)); }
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