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1495 lines
41 KiB
1495 lines
41 KiB
CodeData equ <THUNK16CodeData>
include thkrp.inc
include cbcheck.inc
include thkframe.inc
include public.inc
include thkmacro.inc
include struc.inc
include cbcid.inc
include pwcbid.inc
externDef PrivateEscape:near16
externDef CALLBACK_BODY_16:far16
externDef Escape:far16
externDef AllocCallback:far16
;externDef MapLS:far16
;externDef UnmapLS:far16
externDef GlobalAlloc:far16
externDef GlobalSize:far16
externDef GlobalFree:far16
externDef GlobalFix:far16
externDef GlobalUnfix:far16
externDef GlobalLock:far16
externDef GlobalUnlock:far16
externDef GetTextExtentPoint:far16
ifdef DEBUG
externDef _wsprintf:far16
externDef OutputDebugString:far16
externDef AllocSelectorArray:far16
externDef SetSelectorBase:far16
externDef SetSelectorLimit:far16
externDef FreeSelector:far16
externDef SelectorAccessRights:far16
fLocalFlag equ fLzLog16
local L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
bp_hrc equ <[bp_top]> ; bp+40 hrc
bp_rgPnt equ <[bp_top+4]> ; bp+44 rgPnt
bp_rgOem equ <[bp_top+8]> ; bp+48 rgOem
bp_fuOem equ <[bp_top+12]> ; bp+52 fuOem
bp_lpsi equ <[bp_top+16]> ; bp+56 lpsi
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #1 rgPnt
push eax ; handle param #2 rgPnt
push eax ; ptr param #3 rgOem
push eax ; ptr param #4 lpsi
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; rgPnt
; pointer struct POINT --> struct POINT
cld ; esi, edi will increment
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_rgPnt ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L0 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov ecx,dword ptr bp_lpsi ; lpsi
push ds
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData
mov es, FlatData
mov ecx, es:[ecx+0] ;lpsi->cPnt
pop ds
or ecx,ecx
jle L0 ; skip if count negative or zero
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; LocalAlloc needs this
mov esi,eax
push ecx ; will get trashed by LocalAlloc
push byte ptr 0 ; alloc fixed
lea eax,[ecx*4]
push ax
call LocalAlloc
pop ecx
or ax,ax ; did we get a handle?
jz L0
mov [bp-8],ax ; save handle
or ax,ax ; did we get a near pointer?
jz L0
mov [bp-4],ax
mov [bp-2],ds
movzx edi,ax
mov es,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
mov ds,es:FlatData ; ds:esi == source
; x
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; y
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
loop L1
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
; rgOem
; pointer void --> void
; same pointer types
mov eax,bp_rgOem ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L2 ; skip if null
push eax
; cod3216x.c, 1003
call MapLS
mov [bp-12],eax
; lpsi
; pointer struct STROKEINFO --> struct STROKEINFO
sub sp,12 ; lpsi alloc space on stack
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpsi ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L3 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov [bp-16],sp ; save offset to buffer
mov [bp-14],ss ; save selector to buffer
mov di,ss
mov es,di
movzx edi,sp ; es:edi == destination address
mov esi,eax
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; need access to FlatData
mov ds,FlatData ; ds:esi == source address
; cPnt
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cbPnts
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; wPdk
; unsigned short --> unsigned short
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
; dwTick
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; hrc
push dword ptr bp_hrc ;
; rgPnt from: struct POINT
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct POINT
; rgOem from: void
push dword ptr [bp-12] ; to: void
; fuOem from: unsigned long
push word ptr bp_fuOem ; to unsigned short
; lpsi from: struct STROKEINFO
push dword ptr [bp-16] ; to: struct STROKEINFO
call AddPenInputHRC ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
; *** BEGIN parameter unpacking
push eax ; save return code
; rgPnt
mov ax,[bp-4] ; get pointer
or ax,ax
jz L4 ; no pointer, but might have handle
push word ptr [bp-8] ; push handle
call LocalUnlock
mov ax,[bp-8] ; get handle again
or ax,ax
jz L5
push ax
call LocalFree
pop eax ; restore return code
; *** END parameter unpacking
push eax
push dword ptr [bp - 12]
call UnmapLS
pop eax
;--- If return value == -1, SetLastError(87)
ERRCHK_EXIT -1,87,Exit_20
local L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
bp_hpndt equ <[bp_top]> ; bp+40 hpndt
bp_lppt equ <[bp_top+4]> ; bp+44 lppt
bp_lpvOemData equ <[bp_top+8]> ; bp+48 lpvOemData
bp_lpsi equ <[bp_top+12]> ; bp+52 lpsi
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #1 lppt
push eax ; handle param #2 lppt
push eax ; ptr param #3 lpvOemData
push eax ; ptr param #4 lpsi
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; lppt
; pointer struct POINT --> struct POINT
cld ; esi, edi will increment
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lppt ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L0 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov ecx,dword ptr bp_lpsi ; lpsi
push ds
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData
mov es, FlatData
mov ecx, es:[ecx+0] ;lpsi->cPnt
pop ds
or ecx,ecx
jle L0 ; skip if count negative or zero
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; LocalAlloc needs this
mov esi,eax
push ecx ; will get trashed by LocalAlloc
push byte ptr 0 ; alloc fixed
lea eax,[ecx*4]
push ax
call LocalAlloc
pop ecx
or ax,ax ; did we get a handle?
jz L0
mov [bp-8],ax ; save handle
or ax,ax ; did we get a near pointer?
jz L0
mov [bp-4],ax
mov [bp-2],ds
movzx edi,ax
mov es,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
mov ds,es:FlatData ; ds:esi == source
; x
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; y
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
loop L1
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
; lpvOemData
; pointer void --> void
; same pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpvOemData ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L2 ; skip if null
push eax
; cod3216x.c, 1003
call MapLS
mov [bp-12],eax
; lpsi
; pointer struct STROKEINFO --> struct STROKEINFO
sub sp,12 ; lpsi alloc space on stack
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpsi ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L3 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov [bp-16],sp ; save offset to buffer
mov [bp-14],ss ; save selector to buffer
mov di,ss
mov es,di
movzx edi,sp ; es:edi == destination address
mov esi,eax
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; need access to FlatData
mov ds,FlatData ; ds:esi == source address
; cPnt
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cbPnts
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; wPdk
; unsigned short --> unsigned short
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
; dwTick
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; hpndt
push word ptr bp_hpndt ; UINT conversion
; lppt from: struct POINT
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct POINT
; lpvOemData from: void
push dword ptr [bp-12] ; to: void
; lpsi from: struct STROKEINFO
push dword ptr [bp-16] ; to: struct STROKEINFO
call AddPointsPenData ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
; *** BEGIN parameter unpacking
push eax ; save return code
; lppt
mov ax,[bp-4] ; get pointer
or ax,ax
jz L4 ; no pointer, but might have handle
push word ptr [bp-8] ; push handle
call LocalUnlock
mov ax,[bp-8] ; get handle again
or ax,ax
jz L5
push ax
call LocalFree
pop eax ; restore return code
; *** END parameter unpacking
push eax
push dword ptr [bp - 12]
call UnmapLS
pop eax
;--- If return value == -1, SetLastError(87)
ERRCHK_EXIT -1,87,Exit_16
local L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
bp_hpndt equ <[bp_top]> ; bp+40 hpndt
bp_iStrk equ <[bp_top+4]> ; bp+44 iStrk
bp_lppt equ <[bp_top+8]> ; bp+48 lppt
bp_lpvOemData equ <[bp_top+12]> ; bp+52 lpvOemData
bp_lpsi equ <[bp_top+16]> ; bp+56 lpsi
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #1 lppt
push eax ; handle param #2 lppt
push eax ; ptr param #3 lpvOemData
push eax ; ptr param #4 lpsi
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; lppt
; pointer struct POINT --> struct POINT
cld ; esi, edi will increment
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lppt ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L0 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov ecx,dword ptr bp_lpsi ; lpsi
push ds
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData
mov es, FlatData
mov ecx, es:[ecx+0] ;lpsi->cPnt
pop ds
or ecx,ecx
jle L0 ; skip if count negative or zero
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; LocalAlloc needs this
mov esi,eax
push ecx ; will get trashed by LocalAlloc
push byte ptr 0 ; alloc fixed
lea eax,[ecx*4]
push ax
call LocalAlloc
pop ecx
or ax,ax ; did we get a handle?
jz L0
mov [bp-8],ax ; save handle
or ax,ax ; did we get a near pointer?
jz L0
mov [bp-4],ax
mov [bp-2],ds
movzx edi,ax
mov es,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
mov ds,es:FlatData ; ds:esi == source
; x
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; y
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
loop L1
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
; lpvOemData
; pointer void --> void
; same pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpvOemData ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L2 ; skip if null
push eax
; cod3216x.c, 1003
call MapLS
mov [bp-12],eax
; lpsi
; pointer struct STROKEINFO --> struct STROKEINFO
sub sp,12 ; lpsi alloc space on stack
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpsi ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L3 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov [bp-16],sp ; save offset to buffer
mov [bp-14],ss ; save selector to buffer
mov di,ss
mov es,di
movzx edi,sp ; es:edi == destination address
mov esi,eax
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; need access to FlatData
mov ds,FlatData ; ds:esi == source address
; cPnt
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cbPnts
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; wPdk
; unsigned short --> unsigned short
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
; dwTick
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; hpndt
push word ptr bp_hpndt ; UINT conversion
; iStrk
push word ptr bp_iStrk ; UINT conversion
; lppt from: struct POINT
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct POINT
; lpvOemData from: void
push dword ptr [bp-12] ; to: void
; lpsi from: struct STROKEINFO
push dword ptr [bp-16] ; to: struct STROKEINFO
call InsertPenDataStroke ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
; *** BEGIN parameter unpacking
push eax ; save return code
; lppt
mov ax,[bp-4] ; get pointer
or ax,ax
jz L4 ; no pointer, but might have handle
push word ptr [bp-8] ; push handle
call LocalUnlock
mov ax,[bp-8] ; get handle again
or ax,ax
jz L5
push ax
call LocalFree
pop eax ; restore return code
; *** END parameter unpacking
push eax
push dword ptr [bp - 12]
call UnmapLS
pop eax
;--- If return value == -1, SetLastError(87)
ERRCHK_EXIT -1,87,Exit_20
local exit, error_exit, L0, L3
local anpfnGPI, MAX_ACTION
local thk_PMI_BEDIT ;1
; local thk_PMI_IMECOLOR ;2
local thk_PMI_CXTABLET ;3
local thk_PMI_CYTABLET ;4
local thk_PMI_COUNTRY ;5
local thk_PMI_PENTIP ;6
local thk_PMI_LENS ;7
local thk_PMI_TIMEOUT ;8
local thk_PMI_TIMEOUTGEST ;9
local thk_PMI_TIMEOUTSEL ;10
local thk_PMI_SYSFLAGS ;11
local thk_PMI_INDEXFROMRGB ;12
local thk_PMI_RGBFROMINDEX ;13
bp_uParam equ <bp_top>
bp_lParam equ <bp_top+4>
;BP=SP upon entry
bp_pTmp equ <dword ptr [bp-4]>
mov bx,word ptr bp_uParam
ja error_exit
add bx,bx
jmp word ptr cs:anpfnGPI[bx]
anpfnGPI label word
dw offset error_exit
dw offset thk_PMI_BEDIT ;1
; dw offset thk_PMI_IMECOLOR ;2
dw offset thk_PMI_CXTABLET ;3
dw offset thk_PMI_CYTABLET ;4
dw offset thk_PMI_COUNTRY ;5
dw offset thk_PMI_PENTIP ;6
dw offset thk_PMI_LENS ;7
dw offset thk_PMI_TIMEOUT ;8
dw offset thk_PMI_TIMEOUTGEST ;9
dw offset thk_PMI_TIMEOUTSEL ;10
dw offset thk_PMI_SYSFLAGS ;11
dw offset thk_PMI_INDEXFROMRGB ;12
dw offset thk_PMI_RGBFROMINDEX ;13
MAX_ACTION equ ($ - anpfnGPI)/2
sub eax,eax
jmp exit
; uParam = UINT
; lParam = LPUINT
push byte ptr 0 ;reserve and init local var
mov ax,sp ;save addr of local var
push word ptr bp_uParam
mov esi,bp_lParam
or esi,esi
jz error_exit
push ss
push ax
call GetPenMiscInfo
pop cx ;recover local var value, clean stack
mov es,FlatData
movzx ecx,cx
mov es:[esi],ecx
jmp exit
; uParam = INT
; lParam = LPSTR
push word ptr bp_uParam
push dword ptr bp_lParam
call MapLS
mov dword ptr bp_lParam,eax
push eax
call GetPenMiscInfo
push eax
push dword ptr bp_lParam
call UnmapLS
pop eax
jmp exit
; uParam = INT
; bp+40 lpb
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #1 lpb
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; lpb
; pointer struct BOXEDITINFO --> struct BOXEDITINFO
sub sp,84 ; lpb alloc space on stack
; different pointer types
mov eax,[bp+40] ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L0 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov [bp-4],sp ; save offset to buffer
mov [bp-2],ss ; save selector to buffer
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; lpb from: struct BOXEDITINFO
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct BOXEDITINFO
call GetPenMiscInfo ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
; *** BEGIN parameter unpacking
push eax ; save return code
cld ; esi, edi will increment
; lpb
; pointer struct BOXEDITINFO --> struct BOXEDITINFO
mov eax,[bp+40] ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L3 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov es,cs:THUNK16CodeData
mov es,es:FlatData
mov edi,eax ; es:edi == destination address
mov si,ss
mov ds,si
movzx esi,word ptr [bp-4] ; ds:esi == source address
; cxBox
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; cyBox
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; cxBase
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; cyBase
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; cyMid
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; box
; struct BOXLAYOUT --> struct BOXLAYOUT
; cyCusp
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; cyEndCusp
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; style
; unsigned short --> unsigned long
xor eax,eax
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; dwReserved1
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; dwReserved2
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; dwReserved3
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; wFlags
; unsigned short --> unsigned short
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
; szFaceName
; unsigned char[32] --> unsigned char[32]
mov ecx,8
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
; wFontHeight
; unsigned short --> unsigned long
xor eax,eax
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; rgwReserved
; unsigned char[16] --> unsigned char[16]
mov ecx,4
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
pop eax ; restore return code
; *** END parameter unpacking
;--- No error checking.
jmp exit
mov sp,bp
local exit, error_exit, L0
local anpfnGPI, MAX_ACTION
local thk_PMI_BEDIT ;1
; local thk_PMI_IMECOLOR ;2
local thk_PMI_CXTABLET ;3
local thk_PMI_CYTABLET ;4
local thk_PMI_COUNTRY ;5
local thk_PMI_PENTIP ;6
local thk_PMI_LENS ;7
local thk_PMI_TIMEOUT ;8
local thk_PMI_TIMEOUTGEST ;9
local thk_PMI_TIMEOUTSEL ;10
local thk_PMI_SYSFLAGS ;11
local thk_PMI_INDEXFROMRGB ;12
local thk_PMI_RGBFROMINDEX ;13
bp_uParam equ <bp_top>
bp_lParam equ <bp_top+4>
;BP=SP upon entry
bp_pTmp equ <dword ptr [bp-4]>
mov bx,word ptr bp_uParam
ja error_exit
add bx,bx
jmp word ptr cs:anpfnGPI[bx]
anpfnGPI label word
dw offset error_exit
dw offset thk_PMI_BEDIT ;1
dw offset error_exit ;2 Deal with IME_COLOR later
; dw offset thk_PMI_IMECOLOR ;2
dw offset thk_PMI_CXTABLET ;3
dw offset thk_PMI_CYTABLET ;4
dw offset thk_PMI_COUNTRY ;5
dw offset thk_PMI_PENTIP ;6
dw offset thk_PMI_LENS ;7
dw offset thk_PMI_TIMEOUT ;8
dw offset thk_PMI_TIMEOUTGEST ;9
dw offset thk_PMI_TIMEOUTSEL ;10
dw offset thk_PMI_SYSFLAGS ;11
dw offset thk_PMI_INDEXFROMRGB ;12
dw offset thk_PMI_RGBFROMINDEX ;13
MAX_ACTION equ ($ - anpfnGPI)/2
sub eax,eax
jmp exit
; uParam = UINT
; lParam = LPUINT
mov eax, bp_lparam
or eax,eax
jz error_exit
push word ptr bp_uParam
push eax
call SetPenMiscInfo
jmp exit
; uParam = INT
; lParam = PENTIP
push word ptr bp_uParam
push dword ptr bp_lParam
call MapLS
mov dword ptr bp_lParam,eax
push eax
call SetPenMiscInfo
push eax
push dword ptr bp_lParam
call UnmapLS
pop eax
jmp exit
; uParam = INT
; bp+40 lpb
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #1 lpb
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; lpb
; pointer struct BOXEDITINFO --> struct BOXEDITINFO
cld ; esi, edi will increment
sub sp,84 ; lpb alloc space on stack
; different pointer types
mov eax,[bp+40] ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L0 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov [bp-4],sp ; save offset to buffer
mov [bp-2],ss ; save selector to buffer
mov di,ss
mov es,di
movzx edi,sp ; es:edi == destination address
mov esi,eax
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; need access to FlatData
mov ds,FlatData ; ds:esi == source address
; cxBox
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cyBox
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cxBase
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cyBase
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cyMid
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; box
; struct BOXLAYOUT --> struct BOXLAYOUT
; cyCusp
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cyEndCusp
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; style
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; dwReserved1
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; dwReserved2
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; dwReserved3
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; wFlags
; unsigned short --> unsigned short
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
; szFaceName
; unsigned char[32] --> unsigned char[32]
mov ecx,8
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
; wFontHeight
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; rgwReserved
; unsigned char[16] --> unsigned char[16]
mov ecx,4
rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi]
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; lpb from: struct BOXEDITINFO
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct BOXEDITINFO
call SetPenMiscInfo ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
;--- No error checking.
jmp exit
mov sp,bp
local L0, L01, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5
bp_lpTarg equ <[bp_top]> ; bp+40 lpTarg
bp_rgPnt equ <[bp_top+4]> ; bp+44 rgPnt
bp_rgOem equ <[bp_top+8]> ; bp+48 rgOem
bp_fuOem equ <[bp_top+12]> ; bp+52 fuOem
bp_lpsi equ <[bp_top+16]> ; bp+56 lpsi
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #2 rgPnt
push eax ; handle param #2 rgPnt
push eax ; ptr param #3 rgOem
push eax ; ptr param #4 lpsi
push eax ; ptr param #1 lpTarg
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; rgPnt
; pointer struct POINT --> struct POINT
cld ; esi, edi will increment
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_rgPnt ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L0 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov ecx,dword ptr bp_lpsi ; lpsi
push ds
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData
mov es, FlatData
mov ecx, es:[ecx+0] ;lpsi->cPnt
pop ds
or ecx,ecx
jle L0 ; skip if count negative or zero
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; LocalAlloc needs this
mov esi,eax
push ecx ; will get trashed by LocalAlloc
push byte ptr 0 ; alloc fixed
lea eax,[ecx*4]
push ax
call LocalAlloc
pop ecx
or ax,ax ; did we get a handle?
jz L0
mov [bp-8],ax ; save handle
or ax,ax ; did we get a near pointer?
jz L0
mov [bp-4],ax
mov [bp-2],ds
movzx edi,ax
mov es,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
mov ds,es:FlatData ; ds:esi == source
; x
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; y
; long --> short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
loop L1
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; es:edi == destination
; lpTarg
; pointer void --> void
; same pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpTarg ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L01 ; skip if null
push eax
; cod3216x.c, 1003
call MapLS
mov [bp-20],eax
; rgOem
; pointer void --> void
; same pointer types
mov eax,bp_rgOem ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L2 ; skip if null
push eax
; cod3216x.c, 1003
call MapLS
mov [bp-12],eax
; lpsi
; pointer struct STROKEINFO --> struct STROKEINFO
sub sp,12 ; lpsi alloc space on stack
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lpsi ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L3 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov [bp-16],sp ; save offset to buffer
mov [bp-14],ss ; save selector to buffer
mov di,ss
mov es,di
movzx edi,sp ; es:edi == destination address
mov esi,eax
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; need access to FlatData
mov ds,FlatData ; ds:esi == source address
; cPnt
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; cbPnts
; unsigned long --> unsigned short
lods dword ptr ds:[esi]
stos word ptr es:[edi]
; wPdk
; unsigned short --> unsigned short
movs word ptr es:[edi],word ptr ds:[esi]
; dwTick
; unsigned long --> unsigned long
movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr ds:[esi] ; no conversion
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; lpTarg
push dword ptr [bp-20] ;
; rgPnt from: struct POINT
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct POINT
; rgOem from: void
push dword ptr [bp-12] ; to: void
; fuOem from: unsigned long
push word ptr bp_fuOem ; to unsigned short
; lpsi from: struct STROKEINFO
push dword ptr [bp-16] ; to: struct STROKEINFO
call TargetPoints ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
; *** BEGIN parameter unpacking
push eax ; save return code
; rgPnt
mov ax,[bp-4] ; get pointer
or ax,ax
jz L4 ; no pointer, but might have handle
push word ptr [bp-8] ; push handle
call LocalUnlock
mov ax,[bp-8] ; get handle again
or ax,ax
jz L5
push ax
call LocalFree
pop eax ; restore return code
; *** END parameter unpacking
push eax
push dword ptr [bp - 12]
call UnmapLS
push dword ptr [bp - 20] ; lpTarg
call UnmapLS
pop eax
;--- If return value == -1, SetLastError(87)
ERRCHK_EXIT -2,87,Exit_20
local L8, L9, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14
bp_hresult equ <[bp_top]> ; bp+40 hresult
bp_iSyv equ <[bp_top+4]> ; bp+44 iSyv
bp_rgPnt equ <[bp_top+8]> ; bp+48 rgPnt
bp_lphrgnArea equ <[bp_top+12]> ; bp+52 lphrgnArea
; Temp storage
xor eax,eax
push eax ; ptr param #1 rgPnt
push eax ; handle param #2 rgPnt
push eax ; ptr param #3 lphrgnArea
; *** BEGIN parameter packing
; rgPnt
; pointer struct POINT --> struct POINT
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_rgPnt ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L8 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; LocalAlloc needs this
push ecx ; will get trashed by LocalAlloc
push byte ptr 0 ; alloc fixed
lea eax,[ecx*4]
push ax
call LocalAlloc
pop ecx
or ax,ax ; did we get a handle?
jz L8
mov [bp-8],ax ; save handle
or ax,ax ; did we get a pointer?
jz L8
mov [bp-4],ax
mov [bp-2],ds
; lphrgnArea
; pointer unsigned long --> unsigned short
; different pointer types
mov eax,bp_lphrgnArea ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L9 ; skip if null
push eax
call MapLS
mov [bp-12],eax
; *** END parameter packing
; create new call frame and make the call
; hresult from: unsigned long
push dword ptr bp_hresult ; to unsigned long
; iSyv from: unsigned long
push word ptr bp_iSyv ; to unsigned short
; rgPnt from: struct POINT
push dword ptr [bp-4] ; to: struct POINT
; lphrgnArea from: unsigned long
push dword ptr [bp-12] ; to: unsigned short
call GetHotspotsHRCRESULT ; call 16-bit version
; return code short --> long
; *** BEGIN parameter unpacking
mov ecx,eax ; get the return count
push eax ; save return code
cld ; esi, edi will increment
; rgPnt
; pointer struct POINT --> struct POINT
mov eax,bp_rgPnt ; base address
or eax,eax
jz L12 ; skip if null
; structures are not identical
; structures don't have pointers
or ecx,ecx
jle L12 ; skip if count negative or zero
mov edi,eax
movzx esi,word ptr [bp-4]
or si,si
jz L10
mov ds,cs:THUNK16CodeData ; ds:esi = src
mov es,FlatData ; es:edi = dst
; x
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; y
; short --> long
lods word ptr ds:[esi]
stos dword ptr es:[edi]
loop L13
; rgPnt
mov ax,[bp-4] ; get pointer
or ax,ax
jz L11 ; no pointer, but might have handle
push word ptr [bp-8] ; push handle
call LocalUnlock
mov ax,[bp-8] ; get handle again
or ax,ax
jz L14
push ax
call LocalFree
pop eax ; restore return code
; *** END parameter unpacking
push eax
push dword ptr [bp - 12]
call UnmapLS
pop eax
;--- No error checking.
jmp Exit_16