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* ADC.H *
* Last change: 18 janvier 1994
* By: Patrice Gagnon
* Changes:
* Description: All definitions used for the ENCODER's test program.
/********************** DEFINES: IDENTIFICATION ************************/
#define DENC_REG 0
#define PSG_REG 1
#define DAC_REG 2
#define ADC_REG 3
#define CTRL_REG 4
#define MGA_DAC_LUT 0
#define ENC_DENC_CLUT 1
#define ENC_DAC_COL_LUT 2
#define ENC_COL_LUT 3
#define ALL_COL_LUT 4
#define ENC_DAC_CUR_LUT 5
#define ENC_ID_REV0 0x50
#define PSG_ID 0x02
#define BASE_VER 0x02
#define DELUXE_VER 0x03
#define PAL_STD 1
#define NTSC_STD 2
#define VAFC 0x10
#define BLANC 0x00ffffff
#define NOIR 0x00000000
#define ROUGE 0x00ff0000
#define VERT 0x0000ff00
#define BLEU 0x000000ff
#define RED_PATH 0
#define GREEN_PATH 1
#define BLUE_PATH 2
#define WHITE_PATH 3
#define ALPHA_PATH 4
#define DEFAULT_REG 0
#define PATH_REG 1
#define VISU_ALPHA 2
#define KEYING 3
#define ONE_CHANGE 4
#define ALL_REG 0xff
#define BOTH_SENSE 3
#define ONLY_DENC 2
#define ONLY_DAC 1
#define NONE 0
#define MGA_SENSE 1
#define MAX_LEVEL 0xfc
#define MIN_LEVEL 0x00
#define BLANCK_LEVEL 0x64
#define WHITE_LEVEL 0xff
#define RED_LEVEL 0xa4
#define GREEN_LEVEL 0xd4
#define BLUE_LEVEL 0x84
#define SECUR_FACTOR 0x0c /* 57 mV of security */
/******************** DEFINES: NUMBER OF REGISTER **********************/
#define DENC_NBRE_REG 16
#define PSG_NBRE_REG 23
#define PSG_NBRE_FULL_REG 17
#define DAC_NBRE_REG 16+1 /* COMMAND3 addition */
#define DAC_NBRE_REG_A_CHAMP 4+1 /* " " */
#define DAC_NBRE_FULL_REG 12
#define ADC_NBRE_REG 8-4 /* IOUT4-6 unused */
#define ADC_NBRE_FULL_REG 6-3 /* " " */
/******************** DEFINES: CALCUL OF ADDRESSES *********************/
#define BASE_ADDR1 0x240
#define BASE_ADDR2 0x300
#define BASE_ADDR3 0x340
#define ENC_CTRL_OFFSET 0x00
#define ENC_ID_OFFSET 0x02
#define DENC_OFFSET 0x04
#define PSG_OFFSET 0x08
#define ADC_OFFSET 0x0c
#define DAC_OFFSET 0x10
#define DENC_CLUT_DATA ( DENC_OFFSET + 0x1 )
#define DAC_LUT_CTRL_RD ( DAC_OFFSET + 0x3 )
#define DAC_LUT_CTRL_WR ( DAC_OFFSET + 0x0 )
#define DAC_LUT_DATA ( DAC_OFFSET + 0x1 )
#define DAC_CUR_CTRL_RD ( DAC_OFFSET + 0x7 )
#define DAC_CUR_CTRL_WR ( DAC_OFFSET + 0x4 )
#define DAC_CUR_DATA ( DAC_OFFSET + 0x5 )
#define DENC_ADDR_CTRL ( DENC_OFFSET + 0x2 )
#define DENC_DATA_CTRL ( DENC_OFFSET + 0x3 )
#define PSG_ADDR_CTRL ( PSG_OFFSET + 0x0 )
#define PSG_DATA_CTRL ( PSG_OFFSET + 0x2 )
/****************************** MACROS ***********************************/
#define AUTO_INC (inw (dataPort) >> 9) & 0x1
#define VERSION enc.board.id_reg.f.ver
#define NOT_ENCODER (enc.board.id_reg.all & 0xf7) != ENC_ID_REV0
#define VAFC_INPUT enc.board.ctrl_reg.f.vafc_input == IN_VAFC
#define KEYING_EN enc.denc.index08.f.keye == ENABLE
#define IN_NTSC enc.board.ctrl_reg.f.ntsc_en == NTSC_STD
#define CLEAR_LUT(lutSel) initEveryLut (lutSel,1,0x00,0xff,0,0,0)
/******************** DEFINES: FIELD *********************/
#define ENC_FILTER ( (word)0x0004 )
/************************* DENC'S STRUCTURE ******************************/
/***** CONTROL TABLE *****/
typedef struct
union /* INDEX 00 */
byte mod : 2;
byte ccir : 1;
byte scbw : 1;
byte fmt : 3;
byte vtby : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} index00;
byte trer; /* INDEX 01 */
byte treg; /* INDEX 02 */
byte treb; /* INDEX 03 */
union /* INDEX 04 */
byte oef : 1;
byte hlck : 1;
byte hpll : 1;
byte nint : 1;
byte vtrc : 1;
byte scen : 1;
byte sysel : 2;
} f;
byte all;
} index04;
union /* INDEX 05 */
byte gdc : 6;
byte unused : 2;
} f;
byte all;
} index05;
byte idel; /* INDEX 06 */
union /* INDEX 07 */
byte pso : 6;
byte unused : 2;
} f;
byte all;
} index07;
union /* INDEX 08 */
byte srsn : 1;
byte gpsw : 1;
byte im : 1;
byte coki : 1;
byte cpr : 1;
byte src : 1;
byte keye : 1;
byte dd : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} index08;
union /* INDEX 09 */
byte rtce : 1;
byte rtin : 1;
byte rtsc : 1;
byte iepi : 1;
byte mpkc : 2;
byte bame : 1;
byte unused : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} index09;
byte chps; /* INDEX 0C */
byte fsco; /* INDEX 0D */
union /* INDEX 0E */
byte std : 4;
byte clck : 1;
byte unused : 3;
} f;
byte all;
} index0E;
/************************** PSG'S STRUCTURE ******************************/
#define PSG_DPYCTL_IDX 0x0
#define PSG_POLCTL_IDX 0x1
#define PSG_EXTCTL_IDX 0x2
#define PSG_V_TOTAL_IDX 0x3
#define PSG_H_TOTAL_IDX 0x7
#define PSG_HS_BURST_IDX 0x10 /* Horiz. start */
#define PSG_HE_BURST_IDX 0x11 /* Horiz. end */
#define PSG_VS_BURST_IDX 0x12 /* Vert. start */
#define PSG_VE_BURST_IDX 0x13 /* Vert. end */
#define PSG_VCOUNT_IDX 0x14
#define PSG_HCOUNT_IDX 0x15
#define PSG_SCOUNT_IDX 0x16
typedef struct
union /* INDEX */
word index_reg : 5;
word chip_ver : 2;
word chip_id : 5;
word unused : 4;
} f;
word all;
} index;
union /* DPYCTL */
word non_interlaced : 1;
word run : 1;
word divise_select : 2;
word serrated_sync : 1;
word equalization_pulses : 1;
word video : 1;
word video_read : 1; /* read back bit */
word clamp_pulse : 1;
word autoinc : 1;
word unused : 6;
} f;
word all;
} dpyctl;
union /* POLCTL */
word hori_sync : 1;
word vert_sync : 1;
word composite_sync : 1;
word composite_blank : 1;
word burst_pulse : 1;
word clamp_pulse : 1;
word internal_pclk : 1;
word pclk : 1;
word unused : 8;
} f;
word all;
} polctl;
union /* EXTCTL */
word external_sync : 1;
word hori_reset : 1;
word scan_mode : 2;
word hori_reset_input_pol : 1;
word vert_reset_input_pol : 1;
word field_scan_mode : 1;
word unused : 9;
} f;
word all;
} extctl;
word vtotal;
word vsblnk;
word veblnk;
word vesync;
word htotal;
word hsblnk;
word heblnk;
word hesync;
word vssyncs;
word sethcnt;
word setvcnt;
word hsclmp;
word heclmp;
word hsbrst;
word hebrst;
word vsbrst;
word vebrst;
word vcount;
word hcount;
word scount;
} PSG;
/*************************** DAC'S STRUCTURE *****************************/
typedef struct
byte col_addr_wr;
byte col_data;
byte rd_msk;
byte col_addr_rd;
byte cur_addr_wr;
byte cur_data;
union /* COMMAND REGISTER 0 */
byte power_down_en : 1;
byte dac_resolution : 1;
byte red_sync_en : 1;
byte green_sync_en : 1;
byte blue_sync_en : 1;
byte setup_en : 1;
byte clk_disable : 1;
byte reserved : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} command0;
byte cur_addr_rd;
union /* COMMAND REGISTER 1 */
byte switch_ctrl : 1;
byte switch_en : 1;
byte multiplexing_rate : 1;
byte color_format : 1;
byte tc_bypass : 1;
byte bit_par_pixel_sel : 2;
byte reserved : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} command1;
union /* COMMAND REGISTER 2 */
byte cursor_mode_sel : 2;
byte palette_index_sel : 1;
byte disp_mode_sel : 1;
byte clksel_en : 1;
byte portsel_mask : 1;
byte test_path_en : 1;
byte sclk_disable : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} command2;
union /* COMMAND REGISTER 3 */
byte msb_add_cntr : 2;
byte curs_sel : 1;
byte clk_muliplier : 1;
byte reserved : 4;
} f;
byte all;
} command3;
union /* STATUS */
byte color_comp_add : 2;
byte rw_access_status : 1;
byte sense : 1;
byte rev : 2;
byte id : 2;
} f;
byte all;
} status;
byte ram_data;
byte cur_x_low;
byte cur_x_hi;
byte cur_y_low;
byte cur_y_hi;
} DAC;
/*************************** ADC'S STRUCTURE *****************************/
typedef struct
byte sync_detect_lev : 1;
byte reserved : 1;
byte color_out_sel : 2;
byte sync_detect_sel : 3;
byte digitize_sel : 1;
} f;
byte all;
} cmd_reg;
byte iout0;
byte iout1;
byte iout2;
/* byte iout3;
byte iout4;
byte iout5;
byte reserved; */
} ADC;
/*********************** ENC CONFIG'S STRUCTURE **************************/
typedef struct
union /* CTRL REGISTER */
word vafc_input : 1;
word ntsc_en : 1;
word filter_en : 1;
word genclock_en : 1;
word genclock_pol : 1;
word vidrst_pol : 1;
word vidrst_en : 1;
word hi_reg_bt254 : 1;
word denc_mode : 1;
word alpha_sync_en : 1;
word clr_sense : 1;
word reserved : 3;
word dac_sense : 1;
word denc_sense : 1;
} f;
word all;
} ctrl_reg;
union /* ID REGISTER */
word rev : 3;
word ver : 2;
word id : 3;
word dum : 8;
} f;
word all;
} id_reg;
/*************************** GENERAL STRUCTURE ***************************/
typedef struct
DENC denc;
PSG psg;
DAC dac;
ADC adc;
BOARD board;