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// autodoc's for stuff that's in the public header files
// @doc EXTERNAL
@struct DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE | Time signature. Used in calls to
<om IDirectMusicStyle.GetTimeSignature>, and as part of the <p pParam> parameter in calls to
<om IDirectMusicTrack.GetParam>, when <p pGuidType> is GUID_ChordTrackRhythm.
typedef struct _DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE
long lTime; // @field The time (in Music Time) at which this event
// occurs.
BYTE bBeatsPerMeasure; // @field Beats per measure (top of time signature).
BYTE bBeat; // @field what note receives the beat (bottom of time
// signature).
// Assume that 0 means 256th note.
WORD wGridsPerBeat; // @field Grids per beat, i.e., the number of parts into
// which a beat may be divided.
@enum enumDMUS_COMMANDT_TYPES | <t enumDMUS_COMMANDT_TYPES> are used inside the bCommand field of the
typedef enum enumDMUS_COMMANDT_TYPES
DMUS_COMMANDT_GROOVE = 0, // @emem The command is a Groove command.
DMUS_COMMANDT_FILL = 1, // @emem The command is a fill.
DMUS_COMMANDT_INTRO = 2, // @emem The command is an intro.
DMUS_COMMANDT_BREAK = 3, // @emem The command is a break.
DMUS_COMMANDT_END = 4 // @emem The command is an ending.
@struct DMUS_COMMAND_PARAM | Command Data structure. Used as the <p pParam> parameter in calls to
<om IDirectMusicTrack.GetParam> and <om IDirectMusicTrack.SetParam>
when the track is a command track.
typedef struct _DMUS_COMMAND_PARAM
BYTE bCommand; //@field The command type.
BYTE bGrooveLevel; //@field The command's groove level. The groove
// level is a value between 1 and 100.
BYTE bGrooveRange; //@field The command's groove range.
@struct DMUS_SUBCHORD | SubChord structure. Used in the SubChordList field of a
<t DMUS_CHORD_PARAM> structure.
typedef struct _DMUS_SUBCHORD
DWORD dwChordPattern; //@field Notes in the subchord.
DWORD dwScalePattern; //@field Notes in the scale.
DWORD dwInversionPoints; //@field Where inversions can occur.
DWORD dwLevels; //@field Which levels are supported by this subchord.
BYTE bChordRoot; //@field Root of the subchord.
BYTE bScaleRoot; //@field Root of the scale.
@struct DMUS_CHORD_PARAM | Chord structure. Used as the <p pParam> parameter in calls to
<om IDirectMusicTrack.GetParam> and <om IDirectMusicTrack.SetParam>
when the track is a chord track and <p pGuidType> is GUID_ChordTrackChord.
typedef struct _DMUS_CHORD_PARAM
WCHAR wszName[16]; //@field Name of the chord.
WORD wMeasure; //@field Measure the chord falls on.
BYTE bBeat; //@field Beat the chord falls on.
BYTE bSubChordCount; //@field Number of chords in the chord's list of
// subchords.
DMUS_SUBCHORD SubChordList[DMUS_MAXSUBCHORD]; //@field List of sub chords.
@struct DMUS_RHYTHM_PARAM | Rhythm structure. Used as the <p pParam> parameter in calls to
<om IDirectMusicTrack.GetParam>
when the track is a chord track and <p pGuidType> is GUID_ChordTrackRhythm.
typedef struct _DMUS_RHYTHM_PARAM
DMUS_TIMESIGNATURE TimeSig; //@field The rhythm parameter's time signature.
DWORD dwRhythmPattern; //@field A rhythm pattern for a sequence of chords.
// Each bit represents a beat in one or more measures,
// with a 1 signifying a chord on the beat and a 0
// signifying no chord.