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// T C P C O N S T . H
// Constants used in tcpipcfg
#pragma once
#define CH_DOT L'.'
#define BACK_SLASH L'\\'
static const WCHAR c_chListSeparator = L',';
// 0 - 9999 seconds
// Tcpip
#define RGAS_TCPIP_PARAM_INTERFACES L"Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\"
// Tcpip global Parameter
#define RGAS_NAMESERVER L"NameServer"
#define RGAS_HOSTNAME L"Hostname"
#define RGAS_NVHOSTNAME L"NV Hostname"
#define RGAS_DOMAIN L"Domain"
#define RGAS_SEARCHLIST L"SearchList"
#define RGAS_SECURITY_ENABLE L"EnableSecurityFilters"
// Tcpip adapter Parameter
#define RGAS_LLINTERFACE L"LLInterface"
#define RGAS_IPCONFIG L"IpConfig"
#define RGAS_IPINTERFACES L"IpInterfaces"
#define RGAS_NUMINTERFACES L"NumInterfaces"
// Tcpip interface Parameter
// NTEContextLists, used to preserve the value when a WAN card becomes
// support multiple interfaces
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
#define RGAS_DEFAULTGATEWAY L"DefaultGateway"
#define RGAS_DEFAULTGATEWAYMETRIC L"DefaultGatewayMetric"
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
#define RGAS_IPADDRESS L"IPAddress"
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
#define RGAS_SUBNETMASK L"SubnetMask"
#define RGAS_FILTERING_TCP L"TCPAllowedPorts"
#define RGAS_FILTERING_UDP L"UDPAllowedPorts"
#define RGAS_FILTERING_IP L"RawIPAllowedProtocols"
#define RGAS_USEZEROBROADCAST L"UseZeroBroadcast"
// Wins global parameter
#define RGAS_ENABLE_DNS L"EnableDNS"
// Wins interface parameter
#define RGAS_PRIMARY_WINS L"NameServer"
#define RGAS_SECONDARY_WINS L"NameServerBackup"
// DHCP options
#define RGAS_REG_LOCATION L"RegLocation"
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo if this changes
#define RGAS_DHCP_IPADDRESS L"DhcpIPAddress"
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo if this changes
#define RGAS_DHCP_SUBNETMASK L"DhcpSubnetMask"
#define RGAS_DHCP_OPTIONS L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\DHCP\\Parameters\\Options"
#define RGAS_DHCP_OPTION_IPADDRESS L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\?\\DhcpIPAddress"
#define RGAS_DHCP_OPTION_SUBNETMASK L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Tcpip\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\?\\DhcpSubnetMask"
#define RGAS_DHCP_OPTION_NAMESERVERBACKUP L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\NetBT\\Parameters\\Interfaces\\?\\DhcpNameServerBackup"
// LmHosts
#define RGAS_LMHOSTS_PATH L"\\drivers\\etc\\lmhosts"
#define RGAS_LMHOSTS_PATH_BACKUP L"\\drivers\\etc\\lmhosts.bak"
// Components
const WCHAR c_szTcpip[] = L"Tcpip";
const WCHAR c_szNetBt[] = L"NetBT";
const WCHAR c_szDhcp[] = L"DHCP";
// Constant strings
extern const WCHAR c_szEmpty[];
const WCHAR c_mszNull[] = L"\0";
const WCHAR c_szDisableFiltering[] = L"0";
const WCHAR c_szAdaptersRegKey[] = L"Adapters";
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
const WCHAR c_szInterfacesRegKey[] = L"Interfaces";
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
const WCHAR c_szTcpip_[] = L"Tcpip_";
// LLInterface values ( for ARP modules )
const WCHAR c_szWanArp[] = L"WANARP";
const WCHAR c_szAtmArp[] = L"ATMARPC";
const WCHAR c_sz1394Arp[] = L"ARP1394";
const WCHAR c_szAtmarpc[] = L"AtmArpC";
// Other constants
const int c_cchRemoveCharatersFromEditOrAddButton = 3;
const WCHAR c_szBASE_SUBNET_MASK_1[] = L"";
const WCHAR c_szBASE_SUBNET_MASK_2[] = L"";
const WCHAR c_szBASE_SUBNET_MASK_3[] = L"";
const BYTE SUBNET_RANGE_1_MAX = 127;
const BYTE SUBNET_RANGE_2_MAX = 191;
const BYTE SUBNET_RANGE_3_MAX = 223;
// Default range for IP address fields
const int c_iIpLow =0;
const int c_iIpHigh = 255;
const int c_iEmptyIpField = -1;
// IP address field range
const int c_iIPADDR_FIELD_1_LOW = 1;
const int c_iIPADDR_FIELD_1_HIGH = 223;
// IP loopback address
const int c_iIPADDR_FIELD_1_LOOPBACK = 127;
// Ip address length
const int IP_LIMIT = 32;
const WCHAR c_szItoa[] = L"%d";
// ATM ARP client parameters
// Configurable parameters
const WCHAR c_szREG_ARPServerList[] = L"ARPServerList";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MARServerList[] = L"MARServerList";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MTU[] = L"MTU";
const WCHAR c_szREG_PVCOnly[] = L"PVCOnly";
const WCHAR c_szDefaultAtmArpServer[] = L"4700790001020000000000000000A03E00000200";
const WCHAR c_szDefaultAtmMarServer[] = L"4700790001020000000000000000A03E00000200";
const DWORD c_dwDefaultAtmMTU = 9180;
// Static parameters
const WCHAR c_szREG_SapSelector[] = L"SapSelector";
const WCHAR c_szREG_AddressResolutionTimeout[] = L"AddressResolutionTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_ARPEntryAgingTimeout[] = L"ARPEntryAgingTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_InARPWaitTimeout[] = L"InARPWaitTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MaxRegistrationAttempts[] = L"MaxRegistrationAttempts";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MaxResolutionAttempts[] = L"MaxResolutionAttempts";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MinWaitAfterNak[] = L"MinWaitAfterNak";
const WCHAR c_szREG_ServerConnectInterval[] = L"ServerConnectInterval";
const WCHAR c_szREG_ServerRefreshTimeout[] = L"ServerRefreshTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_ServerRegistrationTimeout[] = L"ServerRegistrationTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_DefaultVcAgingTimeout[] = L"DefaultVcAgingTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MARSConnectInterval[] = L"MARSConnectInterval";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MARSRegistrationTimeout[] = L"MARSRegistrationTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_JoinTimeout[] = L"JoinTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_LeaveTimeout[] = L"LeaveTimeout";
const WCHAR c_szREG_MaxDelayBetweenMULTIs[] = L"MaxDelayBetweenMULTIs";
const DWORD c_dwSapSelector= 1;
const DWORD c_dwAddressResolutionTimeout= 3;
const DWORD c_dwARPEntryAgingTimeout= 900;
const DWORD c_dwInARPWaitTimeout= 5;
const DWORD c_dwMaxRegistrationAttempts= 5;
const DWORD c_dwMaxResolutionAttempts= 4;
const DWORD c_dwMinWaitAfterNak= 10;
const DWORD c_dwServerConnectInterval= 5;
const DWORD c_dwServerRefreshTimeout= 900;
const DWORD c_dwServerRegistrationTimeout= 3;
const DWORD c_dwDefaultVcAgingTimeout= 60;
const DWORD c_dwMARSConnectInterval= 5;
const DWORD c_dwMARSRegistrationTimeout= 3;
const DWORD c_dwJoinTimeout= 10;
const DWORD c_dwLeaveTimeout= 10;
const DWORD c_dwMaxDelayBetweenMULTIs= 10;
// Reg value
const WCHAR c_szIpEnableRouter[] = L"IPEnableRouter";
const WCHAR c_szPerformRouterDiscovery[] = L"PerformRouterDiscovery";
const WCHAR c_szInterfaceMetric[] = L"InterfaceMetric";
//(nsun) added to support unattended install for RRAS (global settings)
const WCHAR c_szEnableICMPRedirect[] = L"EnableICMPRedirect";
const WCHAR c_szPerformRouterDiscoveryDefault[] = L"PerformRouterDiscoveryDefault";
const WCHAR c_szDeadGWDetectDefault[] = L"DeadGWDetectDefault";
const WCHAR c_szDontAddDefaultGatewayDefault[] = L"DontAddDefaultGatewayDefault";
//(nsun) added to support unattended install for RRAS (per interface settings)
const WCHAR c_szDeadGWDetect[] = L"EnableDeadGWDetect";
const WCHAR c_szDontAddDefaultGateway[] = L"DontAddDefaultGateway";
const WCHAR c_szSearchList[] = L"SearchList";
const WCHAR c_szUseDomainNameDevolution[] = L"UseDomainNameDevolution";
const WCHAR c_szSvcDnsServer[] = L"DNS";
// Notify RAS team to update Load\SaveTcpipInfo
// Dhcp parameter key
const WCHAR c_szDhcpParam[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Dhcp\\Parameters";
const WCHAR c_szRegServices[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services";
const WCHAR c_szRegParamsTcpip[] = L"\\Parameters\\Tcpip";
// ServiceProvider key
static const WCHAR c_szProviderOrderVal[] = L"ProviderOrder";
static const WCHAR c_szSrvProvOrderKey[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ServiceProvider\\Order";
// IsRasFakeGuid
static const WCHAR c_szIsRasFakeAdapter[] = L"IsRasFakeAdapter";
static const DWORD c_dwIsRasFakeAdapter = 0x01;
static const WCHAR c_szRasFakeAdapterDesc[] = L"Ras connection";
const WCHAR c_szREG_UseRemoteGateway[] = L"UseRemoteGateway";
const WCHAR c_szREG_UseIPHeaderCompression[] = L"UseIPHeaderCompression";
const WCHAR c_szREG_FrameSize[] = L"UseIPHeaderCompression";
// Tcpip options
const int c_iIpFilter = 0;
const DWORD c_dwUnsetNetbios =0x0;
const DWORD c_dwEnableNetbios =0x01;
const DWORD c_dwDisableNetbios =0x02;
// Ras connection: frame size
const WCHAR c_szFrameSize1500[] = L"1500";
const WCHAR c_szFrameSize1006[] = L"1006";
const DWORD c_dwFrameSize1500 = 1500;
const DWORD c_dwFrameSize1006 = 1006;
//IPSec is removed from connection UI
// Constants for Ipsec policy
const WCHAR c_szIpsecNoPol[] = L"IPSEC_NOPOL";
const WCHAR c_szIpsecUnset[] = L"IPSEC_UNSET";
// Constants for metric
#define MAX_GATEWAY 5
#define MAX_METRIC_DIGITS 4 //maximum number of digits for metric
#define MAX_METRIC 9999
// Constants for identifiers in option list of REMOTE_IPINFO
const WCHAR c_chOptionSeparator = L';';
const WCHAR c_szIfMetric[] = L"IfMetric=";
const WCHAR c_szDefGw[] = L"DefGw=";
const WCHAR c_szGwMetric[] = L"GwMetric=";
const WCHAR c_szDNS[] = L"DNS=";
const WCHAR c_szWINS[] = L"WINS=";
const WCHAR c_szDynamicUpdate[] = L"DynamicUpdate=";
const WCHAR c_szNameRegistration[] = L"NameRegistration=";
const DWORD c_dwDefaultMetricOfGateway = 0; //default metric value for a gateway
// Multiple LAN configuration reg values
const WCHAR c_szActiveConfigurations[] = L"ActiveConfigurations";
const WCHAR c_szAlternate[] = L"Alternate_";
const WCHAR c_szConfigOptions[] = L"Options";
const WCHAR c_szDhcpConfigurations[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Dhcp\\Configurations";
const DWORD c_dwDefaultIfMetric = 0; //default interface metric (auto metric)