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170 lines
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#define cbLVIntrinsicMost 1024
#define cbRECRecordMin (sizeof(RECHDR) + sizeof(WORD))
// 2 + 2 (for offset to tagged fields) = 4
#define cbRECRecordMost (cbNodeMost - cbNullKeyData - JET_cbKeyMost)
// 4047 - 8 - 255 = 3784
// For fixed columns, if null bit is 0, then column is null. If null bit is 1,
// then column is non-null (opposite is true for variable columns -- great design!).
// Note that the fid passed in should already be converted to an index (ie. should
// subtract fidFixedLeast first).
#define FixedNullBit( ifid ) ( 1 << ( (ifid) % 8 ) )
#define FFixedNullBit( pbitNullity, ifid ) \
( !( *(pbitNullity) & FixedNullBit( ifid ) ) ) // True if NULL
#define SetFixedNullBit( pbitNullity, ifid ) \
( *(pbitNullity) &= ~FixedNullBit( ifid ) ) // Set to 0 (null).
#define ResetFixedNullBit( pbitNullity, ifid ) \
( *(pbitNullity) |= FixedNullBit( ifid ) ) // Set to 1 (non-null)
// Used to get offset from 2-byte VarOffset which includes null-bit.
// For variable columns, if null bit is 0, then column is non-null. If null bit is 1,
// then column is null (opposite is true for variable columns -- great design!).
#define ibVarOffset(ibVarOffs) ( (ibVarOffs) & 0x0fff)
#define FVarNullBit(ibVarOffs) ( (ibVarOffs) & 0x8000) // True if NULL
#define SetVarNullBit(ibVarOffs) ( (ibVarOffs) |= 0x8000) // Set to 1 (null)
#define ResetVarNullBit(ibVarOffs) ( (ibVarOffs) &= 0x7fff) // Set to 0 (non-null)
// Used to flip highest bit of signed fields when transforming.
#define maskByteHighBit (1 << (sizeof(BYTE)*8-1))
#define maskWordHighBit (1 << (sizeof(WORD)*8-1))
#define maskDWordHighBit (1L << (sizeof(ULONG)*8-1))
#define bFlipHighBit(b) ((BYTE)((b) ^ maskByteHighBit))
#define wFlipHighBit(w) ((WORD)((w) ^ maskWordHighBit))
#define ulFlipHighBit(ul) ((ULONG)((ul) ^ maskDWordHighBit))
/* The following are disk structures -- so pack 'em
#pragma pack(1)
/* long column id is big-endian long
typedef LONG LID;
/* long value column in record format
typedef struct
BYTE fSeparated;
LID lid;
BYTE rgb[];
} LV;
/* long value root data format
typedef struct
ULONG ulReference;
ULONG ulSize;
#pragma pack()
#define fIntrinsic (BYTE)0
#define fSeparate (BYTE)1
#define FFieldIsSLong( pb ) ( ((LV *)(pb))->fSeparated )
#define LidOfLV( pb ) ( ((LV *)(pb))->lid )
#define FlagIntrinsic( pb ) ( ((LV *)(pb))->fSeparated = fIntrinsic )
#define FlagSeparate( pb ) ( ((LV *)(pb))->fSeparated = fSeparate )
#define fLVReference 0
#define fLVDereference 1
/* The following are disk structures -- so pack 'em
#pragma pack(1)
// Record header (beginning of every data record)
typedef struct _rechdr
BYTE fidFixedLastInRec; // highest fixed fid represented in record
BYTE fidVarLastInRec; // highest var fid represented in record
// Structure imposed upon a tagged field occurance in a record
typedef struct _tagfld
FID fid; // field id of occurance
WORD cbData; // length of data, including null bit
WORD cb:15; // length of following data (null bit stripped)
WORD fNull:1; // Null instance (only occurs if default value set)
BYTE rgb[]; // data (extends off the end of the structure)
#pragma pack()
ULONG UlChecksum( BYTE *pb, ULONG cb );
ERR ErrRECSetCurrentIndex( FUCB *pfucb, CHAR *szIndex );
BOOL FRECIIllegalNulls( FDB *pfdb, LINE *plineRec );
ERR ErrRECRetrieveColumn( FUCB *pfucb, FID *pfid, ULONG itagSequence, LINE *plineField, ULONG grbit );
ERR ErrRECSetColumn( FUCB *pfucb, FID fid, ULONG itagSequence, LINE *plineField );
VOID FLDFreeLVBuf( FUCB *pfucb );
ERR ErrRECSetLongField(
FUCB *pfucb,
FID fid,
ULONG itagSequence,
LINE *plineField,
JET_GRBIT grbit,
LONG ibOffset,
ULONG ulMax );
ERR ErrRECRetrieveSLongField(
FUCB *pfucb,
LID lid,
ULONG ibGraphic,
BYTE *pb,
ULONG cbMax,
ULONG *pcbActual );
ERR ErrRECDeleteLongFields( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *plineRecord );
ERR ErrRECAffectLongFields( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *plineRecord, INT fAll );
ERR ErrRECSeparateLV( FUCB *pfucb, LINE *plineField, LID *plid, FUCB **ppfucb );
ERR ErrRECAOSeparateLV( FUCB *pfucb, LID *plid, LINE *plineField, JET_GRBIT grbit, LONG ibLongValue, ULONG ulMax );
ERR ErrRECAffectSeparateLV( FUCB *pfucb, LID *plid, ULONG fLVAffect );
ERR ErrRECAOIntrinsicLV(
FUCB *pfucb,
FID fid,
ULONG itagSequence,
LINE *pline,
LINE *plineField,
JET_GRBIT grbit,
LONG ibLongValue );
#define fSeparateAll (INT)0
#define fReference (INT)1
#define fDereference (INT)2
#define fDereferenceRemoved (INT)3
#define fDereferenceAdded (INT)4
#define PtagfldNext( ptagfld ) ( (TAGFLD UNALIGNED *)( (BYTE *)( (ptagfld) + 1 ) + (ptagfld)->cb ) )
#define FRECLastTaggedInstance( fidCurr, ptagfld, pbRecMax ) \
( (BYTE *)PtagfldNext( (ptagfld) ) == (pbRecMax) || \
PtagfldNext( (ptagfld) )->fid > (fidCurr) )
#define PibRECVarOffsets( pbRec, pibFixOffs ) \
( (WORD UNALIGNED *)( (pbRec) + \
(pibFixOffs)[((RECHDR *)(pbRec))->fidFixedLastInRec] + \
( ((RECHDR *)(pbRec))->fidFixedLastInRec + 7 ) / 8 ) )
#define ibTaggedOffset( pbRec, pibFixOffs ) \
( PibRECVarOffsets( pbRec, pibFixOffs )[((RECHDR *)(pbRec))->fidVarLastInRec+1-fidVarLeast] )
#define ErrRECIRetrieveDefaultValue( pfdb, pfid, plineField ) \
ErrRECIRetrieveColumn( pfdb, &(pfdb)->lineDefaultRecord, pfid, NULL, 1, plineField, 0 )