Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provided with the library.
// See these sources for detailed information regarding the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes product.
// Inlines for AFXEXT.H
// CCreateContext
_AFXEXT_INLINE CCreateContext::CCreateContext()
{ memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
// CMetaFileDC
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CMetaFileDC::Create(LPCTSTR lpszFilename)
{ return Attach(::CreateMetaFile(lpszFilename)); }
{ return ::CloseMetaFile(Detach()); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CMetaFileDC::CreateEnhanced(CDC* pDCRef,
LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPCRECT lpBounds, LPCTSTR lpszDescription)
{ return Attach(::CreateEnhMetaFile(pDCRef->GetSafeHdc(),
lpszFileName, lpBounds, lpszDescription)); }
{ return ::CloseEnhMetaFile(Detach()); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE CPoint CMetaFileDC::SetViewportOrg(POINT point)
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL); return SetViewportOrg(point.x, point.y); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE CSize CMetaFileDC::SetViewportExt(SIZE size)
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL); return SetViewportExt(,; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CMetaFileDC::TextOut(int x, int y, const CString& str)
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL); return TextOut(x, y, (LPCTSTR)str, str.GetLength()); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CMetaFileDC::ExtTextOut(int x, int y, UINT nOptions, LPCRECT lpRect,
const CString& str, LPINT lpDxWidths)
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL); return ::ExtTextOut(m_hDC, x, y, nOptions, lpRect,
str, str.GetLength(), lpDxWidths); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE CSize CMetaFileDC::TabbedTextOut(int x, int y, const CString& str,
int nTabPositions, LPINT lpnTabStopPositions, int nTabOrigin)
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL); return ::TabbedTextOut(m_hDC, x, y, str, str.GetLength(),
nTabPositions, lpnTabStopPositions, nTabOrigin); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE int CMetaFileDC::DrawText(const CString& str, LPRECT lpRect, UINT nFormat)
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL);
return DrawText((LPCTSTR)str, str.GetLength(), lpRect, nFormat); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CMetaFileDC::PtVisible(POINT point) const
{ ASSERT(m_hDC != NULL); return PtVisible(point.x, point.y); }
// CSplitterWnd
_AFXEXT_INLINE int CSplitterWnd::GetRowCount() const
{ return m_nRows; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE int CSplitterWnd::GetColumnCount() const
{ return m_nCols; }
// obsolete functions
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CSplitterWnd::IsChildPane(CWnd* pWnd, int& row, int& col)
{ return IsChildPane(pWnd, &row, &col); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE CWnd* CSplitterWnd::GetActivePane(int& row, int& col)
{ return GetActivePane(&row, &col); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CSplitterWnd::IsTracking()
{ return m_bTracking; }
// CControlBar
_AFXEXT_INLINE int CControlBar::GetCount() const
{ return m_nCount; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE DWORD CControlBar::GetBarStyle()
{ return m_dwStyle; }
#if _MFC_VER >= 0x0600
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CControlBar::SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect)
{ SetBorders(lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE CRect CControlBar::GetBorders() const
{ return CRect(m_cxLeftBorder, m_cyTopBorder, m_cxRightBorder, m_cyBottomBorder); }
// CToolBar
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CToolBar::LoadToolBar(UINT nIDResource)
{ return LoadToolBar(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource)); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CToolBar::LoadBitmap(UINT nIDResource)
{ return LoadBitmap(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource)); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE CToolBarCtrl& CToolBar::GetToolBarCtrl() const
{ return *(CToolBarCtrl*)this; }
// CDialogBar
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CDialogBar::Create(CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nIDTemplate,
UINT nStyle, UINT nID)
{ return Create(pParentWnd, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDTemplate), nStyle, nID); }
// CStatusBar
_AFXEXT_INLINE CStatusBarCtrl& CStatusBar::GetStatusBarCtrl() const
{ return *(CStatusBarCtrl*)this; }
#if _MFC_VER >= 0x0600
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CStatusBar::SetBorders(LPCRECT lpRect)
{ SetBorders(lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom); }
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CStatusBar::SetBorders(int cxLeft, int cyTop, int cxRight, int cyBottom)
{ ASSERT(cyTop >= 2); CControlBar::SetBorders(cxLeft, cyTop, cxRight, cyBottom); }
#ifdef _DEBUG
// status bars do not support docking
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CStatusBar::EnableDocking(DWORD)
#if _MFC_VER >= 0x0600
// CReBar
_AFXEXT_INLINE CReBarCtrl& CReBar::GetReBarCtrl() const
{ return *(CReBarCtrl*)this; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
// rebars do not support docking
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CReBar::EnableDocking(DWORD)
#endif // _MFC_VER
// CRectTracker
_AFXEXT_INLINE CRectTracker::CRectTracker()
{ Construct(); }
// CBitmapButton
_AFXEXT_INLINE CBitmapButton::CBitmapButton()
{ }
_AFXEXT_INLINE BOOL CBitmapButton::LoadBitmaps(UINT nIDBitmapResource,
UINT nIDBitmapResourceSel, UINT nIDBitmapResourceFocus,
UINT nIDBitmapResourceDisabled)
{ return LoadBitmaps(MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDBitmapResource),
MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDBitmapResourceDisabled)); }
// CPrintInfo
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CPrintInfo::SetMinPage(UINT nMinPage)
{ m_pPD->m_pd.nMinPage = (WORD)nMinPage; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE void CPrintInfo::SetMaxPage(UINT nMaxPage)
{ m_pPD->m_pd.nMaxPage = (WORD)nMaxPage; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetMinPage() const
{ return m_pPD->m_pd.nMinPage; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetMaxPage() const
{ return m_pPD->m_pd.nMaxPage; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetFromPage() const
{ return m_pPD->m_pd.nFromPage; }
_AFXEXT_INLINE UINT CPrintInfo::GetToPage() const
{ return m_pPD->m_pd.nToPage; }
// CEditView
_AFXEXT_INLINE CEdit& CEditView::GetEditCtrl() const
{ return *(CEdit*)this; }