Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.9 KiB

#include "lsidefs.h"
#include "plnobj.h"
#include "lskjust.h"
#include "plocchnk.h"
#include "pposichn.h"
#include "lsgrchnk.h"
#include "lstflow.h"
LSERR AdjustText(
LSKJUST, /* IN: justification type */
long, /* IN: durColumnMax (from the last
tab position) */
long, /* IN: durTotal (from the last tab
position without trailing area) */
long, /* IN: dup available */
const LSGRCHNK*, /* IN: Group of chunks */
PCPOSICHNK pposichnkBeforeTrailing,
/* Information about last
cp before trailing area */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: Text flow */
BOOL, /* IN: compression? */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of non-text objects */
BOOL, /* IN: Suppress wiggling? */
BOOL, /* IN: Exact synchronization? */
BOOL, /* IN: fForcedBreak? */
BOOL, /* IN: Suppress trailing spaces? */
long*, /* OUT: dup of text in chunk */
long*, /* OUT: dup of trailing part */
long*, /* OUT: additional dup of non-text */
DWORD*); /* OUT: pcExtNonTextObjects */
void GetTrailInfoText(
PDOBJ, /* IN: pdobj */
LSDCP, /* IN: dcp in dobj */
DWORD*, /* OUT: number of trailing spaces */
long*); /* OUT: dur of the trailing area */
BOOL FSuspectDeviceDifferent(
PLNOBJ); /* IN: Text plnobj
/* Returns True if: no dangerous Visi Characters, no non-req hyphens, opt. non-break, opt. break */
BOOL FQuickScaling(
PLNOBJ, /* IN: Text plnobj */
BOOL, /* IN: fVertical */
long); /* IN: durTotal */
/* Returns True if: no dangerous Visi Characters, no additional allocations for DOBJ's, durTotal is
less than accepatable for fast scaling
void QuickAdjustExact(
PDOBJ*, /* IN: array of PDOBJs */
DWORD, /* IN: number of elements in array */
DWORD, /* IN: number of trailing spaces */
BOOL, /* IN: fVertical */
long*, /* OUT: dup of text in chunk */
long*); /* OUT: dup of trailing part */
LSERR CanCompressText(
const LSGRCHNK*, /* IN: Group of chunks */
PCPOSICHNK pposichnkBeforeTrailing,
/* Information about last
cp before trailing area */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: Text flow */
long, /* IN: dur to compress */
BOOL*, /* OUT: can compress? */
BOOL*, /* OUT: actual compression? */
long*); /* OUT: pdurNonSufficient */
LSERR DistributeInText( /* */
const LSGRCHNK*, /* IN: group chunk of text */
LSTFLOW, /* IN: Text flow */
DWORD, /* IN: Number of non-text objects */
long, /* IN: durToDistribute */
long*); /*OUT: additional dur of non-text */
#endif /* !LSTXTJST_DEFINED */